Around Town


Focus on Fabric: Create with Colour and Draw with Threads \chton l.llll\. National (iallcr) ol Scotland. lhc \lound. (C4 (Still,

lll Wain l2 Wpin,{241Llorl'our-ucck U‘lll'SL‘ in which arti\t l.ind\a_\ Hamilton llclp\ _\ou to cxplorc a rangc ol tc\ttlc lL'kllllltlllL'S. Book at thc \chton l.llll\ into dcxk or call bctuccn U, illpin 4. illpin \lon l‘l'l.

Tuesday 3


G8 Summit Question Time St John\ ('htnch. l’l'lllct'S Strcct. 5.30 7pm. |.c\lc} Riddoch chairs a tllSL‘ll\\lUli \\ llll political part} \ptikc\[k‘l'\oll\. Mar} ('ullcn lroin thc \lakc l’o\ct‘t} lhxtor} coalition. and Donald lil'llL'L‘ ll'ttlli illL' Socicl}. RL‘llg‘loll and 'lcclltiolog} l’roicct. illllttll poxxiblc tillt‘SllHHS to donaldrcidlrl btctinncctcoin.


Scottish Open Tennis Championships ('raiglockhart 'l'cnim & Sports ( ‘cntrc. I77 ('olinton Road. 444 l‘lS-l. Scc Still I.


Curator’s Talk \chlon l.llll\. National (iallct‘) ol Scotland. 'l'hc .\lound. (C4 (lino. l3.45pin. l'rcc. llluxtratcd talk on .lohn Ka} \ lixcl} portrth ol lidinburgh \ocict} b_\ Stcphcn l.lo_\d. \cnior curator at thc l’oi'tt‘ait (iallcry


Mould, Model, Shape and Cast \chton National (iallcr} ol' Scotland. 'l'hc Mound. (ill (riot). Illillaiii l2..ll)pni. £24 lt'lm. liour-ucck courxc in \xhich artixt Linda liarl} hclpx )ou to c\plorc a rangc ol‘ tcchniqucx tixing cla}. Book in at \chton link into dcxk or call bctuccn 0.30pm 4.30pm .\lon Hi.

John Blakemore: Black and White Photography Workshop Stillx. 23 ('ockburn Slrcct. 226 (i030. (r30 8.30pm. .lolin lilakcniorc \xill talk about and \ign colticx ol' lllS ncu book Blur/t um/ ll'lim’ I’lmlogmplii‘ Hints/mp. lilakcniorc ll;l\ bccn a kc} ligurc in Britixh photograph} lor o\ cr 30 _\car\ and is a rccognixcd inaxtcr ol' thc black and \xliitc nicdiuni. The Bongo Social Swing Club 'l‘hc Bongo (‘lub. Mora} litilISL'. 37 lloly'ood Road. 07947 l7(i ()74. 7 9pm. £4 pcr L'l;t\\ to Mr both tU pcr clam £5 for bothl. lcarn \\\ ing dancing \\ ith inxtructorx l'roin lhc auard—u inning

l'l} right dancc conipan}. 'l'hc lirxt hour i\ l'or bcginncrx. thc \ccond l'or iinprchr\ and at ‘lpni thc tutoring cndx and \ocial dancing bcginx. .\'o nccd to bring a parlncr.

Wednesday 4


Scotland v Worcestershire (irangc (‘rickct (‘lub. Racburn l’lacc. 333 3l4.\'. Scottish Open Tennis Championships (‘raiglockhart 'l'cnnix & Sportx ('cntrc. |77 (‘olinton Road. 444 NM. Scc Sun I.


Descriptive Tour: Out of Place and Sculpture Workshop Dcan (iallcr). 73 liclt‘ord Road. (324 (i438. ltlani 3.30pm. l-‘rcc. lior pcoplc \\ ho arc \ isuall} iinpaircd. Sculpturc \xorkxhop lcd b) Juliana ('apcx and liinil) Icarmont. Gallery Tour 'l‘albot Ricc (iallciy l'niwrxit) ot‘ lidinburgh. South Bridgc. (fill 22 Ill lpin. l"rcc. 'l‘akc a tour of drauingx. paintingx. photograph} and rcwarch b} (ilaxgtm -ba\cd artixt Louixc Schmid. and Harold .\'ono\ xound inxtallation ‘Sxxinuning .-\id'. .\'o booking rcquircd. _|l|\l turn up.

Are the Arts for All? North lidinburgh .'\l1.\ (critic. 15a l’cnn} \ch| Court. SIS ZISI. 7.30pm. £5 (flit) £3.5lh. Join a pancl ol' artixtx and guc~t \pcakcrx to tliw‘llsx \\ hcthcr thc ans arc an cxcryla) pan of pcoplc’s li\c\ in Scotland.

so THE LIST .35 Aim; m. \


‘; l. - k‘ .

It might feel Baltic outside but summer‘s on its way, so celebrate by stripping off,

painting yourself red and going to breathe fire on a hill. Drawing inspiration from pre-Christian festivals that celebrated fertility of the land, today‘s Beltane sees ritual, tradition and mythology brought together to honour the changing of the seasons. Join the procession of the May Queen and the Green Man and welcome in the summer with style, the pagan way.

I CCU/fill} Hill. Edinbuigl‘. 3'13 (1‘0 Apr/l, Firm)» la”;


Strictly Dance Fever Kirk ()‘l'icld i);ll‘l\ll ('hurch. lil‘oun Strcct. l’lcaxancc. mono JIS 560. mo ll),_i()pni. £5. (icl )our bobb} \oL‘k\ on and gcl rcad} lo lcarn lltix l'un dancc. .~\b\olulc bcginncrx \xclcomc. .\'o partncr ncccxxar). licginncrx' claxx 8.30pm. llllpl'0\t‘l'\ at 0.30pm.

Food & Drink

Canapés! \crinilion. Scotxinan llotcl. 30 North liridgc. 550 5565. () 7pm. lircc. llcad (‘hcl ('hrix Smart takcx )ou through thc intricacim ol prcparing canapcw in tiinc l‘or \umincr panicx. Booking cxxcntial.


Scottish Open Tennis Championships ('raiglockhart 'l‘cnnix & Sportx ('cntrc. I77 ('olinton Road. 444 1084. Scc Sun I.


>1: The General Election \‘ariom \cnucx. Scotland. 7am Illpni. 'l‘akc part in thc dcniocratic proccxx. (io on. \\ c darc )ou. SL‘L‘ llillixl.


The Emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher Quaker Mccling llouxL‘. 7 Victoria 'l‘crracc. 235 4835. (x45 9pm. Hcc. .\ talk about thc cnicrgcncc ol~ a group of spiritual lcadcrx \\ ho arc tr}ing to lIISPll’L‘ \olulionx to global pl‘ohlc‘lih. including a rc- ordcring ol' \ocial prioriticx \o that adcquatc l'ood. homing. cducation and incdical carc bccoinc unncrxal right\ for all pcoplc.


Marks, Strokes and Washes \chton link. National (killer) of Scotland. The Mound. (C4 (660. 10.30am l3.3llplil. £24 it'lbl. .-\ l‘our-ucck courxc in which ;ll'll\l\ liinil} Icarmont and .-\ndrc\\ Mackcn/ic hpr )ou to c\p|orc a rangc ol‘ drauing and painting tcchniquc» Book in at thc \chton link into dexk or call bctnccn

9.30pm 4.30pm Mon liri.


Scottish Open Tennis Championships ('raiglockhan 'l‘cnnix ck Spot“ (CNN. in: (‘olinton Road. 444 1984. Scc Sun I.


Fur, Feathers and Fabric: Conservation of Landseer’s Return from Hawking \chlon l.llll\. National (iallcr} ol Scotland. ‘l‘hc Mound. (324 (iShll. l245pnt. l’rcc. 'l'hix talk. from |.c\lc} Stcwnxon. \L‘niol' paintingx conxcnator at lhc \alional (iallcric\ ol Scotland. dclailx him llil\ uork “ax clcancd in prcparation lor c\hibition.


Somthing to Draw On National (iallcr_\ ol' Scotland: ('Iorc liducation (‘cntrc. 'l‘hc Mound. (Q4 ()Shl).

2 4.30pm. to (£4). chular arti\telcd uot‘k\liop\ to c\plorc \xorkx l‘roin thc collcction. l'olloucd b} a practical

acti\ it). BU} tickctx in ad\ancc lroni thc \Vt‘xlon ittl'o tlc\k or call bcm ccn 9.30am 4._‘~()pni Mon l-‘ri.

Activities & Events

Parents Like Us Festival l.cith\. l.cith. 555 (NW. lllain 5.30pm. Various. 'l‘hix parcnt-l'ocu\cd l'cxtnal includcx talks b) I)r 'l'an}a Bruin ol Bli("\ Lin/c slimy/x. and t'ood uritcr Swannah ()lixcr. hou -to \c\\lon\ on bab} tnaxxagc. parcnt and child cralt \c\\ion\. \lallx. a cliiltl-lil‘cc lonc \\ ith attachcd ct'Cchc and much inorc. lior thc kiddicx. lid/union’s .-\rchic \xill bc making an appcarancc. a\ \\ ill thc llapp} (iang. .\lr Booin. 'l‘hcrcK itl\ti a riot ol t'rcc stul‘l~ likc lacc painting. a bounc} caxtlc and animals from (iorgic (it) l’arin. \\ u \\ .parcntxlikcuxcouk.

* Port Edgar Open Day l’on lzdgar Marina and Sailing School. Shorc Road. South ()uccnxlcrr}. 331 3330. lllain 4pm. l'ircc. 'l‘axtcr \L'\\l()ll\ on pou crboalx. _\acht\ and dinghicx u ith a 10‘} dixcount it )ou book a courxc on thc da). .-\_\ c a}c ('apt'n? Scc prcxic“ pagc 37 and illllhl.

Fairs The Leith Market ('oinincrcial Qua}. ()CL‘illl l)ri\c. 467 9423. Scc Sat .‘tll.


Jubilee Scotland: Evening of Action i'iUrCSl (Ell-L". 3 Brhlo l’lacc. 3le 4538. 7 lllpin. liind out about \xorld dcbt and global poxcn} and plan lor thc Makc l’oxcrt} Hixtor) march.


Scottish Open Tennis Championships ('iaigloc khait lcnnix i\ \poih (critic. l” ('olittton Road. 44-1 l"\4 \cc Sun I

Actlvtles s Exents

Parents Like Us Festival l call I lllkx lcilh. “* (NW lllain * l“pin \atioux \Ct' .\.tl a

Filmhouse Movie Quiz l lllllltotlu‘ (alc liar. \S l othian Road. 3:" *‘l 1?. "pin lcxt _\oui tilin knoulctlgc at thc phcnoincnallx ‘llkxk'\\llli and uniauc nionthl} llllll quilt llH\[L‘tl l‘} .lt'llll\ l \‘.l\k lc'.tlll\ Ml lli‘ lo clght llill\l bc \catctl b_\ "pm. but gct lltctc call} to actuall} gct a \cal


Great Caledonian Run lllc \lcatlouc .\lc|\i||c lhnc \loic than VIN“ pcoplc ha\c alicad} \ignctl up lot lltc lll l’\ (iicat (alctloiiiaii lx’un \xluch lt'lllllh to l thnbuigh attci a \c\cn )cai .ll‘\t'llLt'

Scottish Open Tennis Championships ( ‘iaigloc khait lt‘lllll\ .\ Spoitx ( 'cntic_ I“ ( 'ohnton Road. 4 ll lllb'l \t't‘ Sill] l

Scottish Saltires v Kent t il.itl_:‘c (’rickct ( ‘lub. Racbuin l’lat c. “3 INS Road. llq‘Hfi roll—’4 ‘lpin t4 pct claw toi both «L i pct claw. ti lot

bothl Scc 'luc

Tuesday 1 0

Activities & Events

Landseer and the History of the Scottish Highlands in the 19th Century \\'c\lon link. \'ational ( iallci_\ oi Scotland. l hc Mound. (~34 Moll l.‘ 4Spin l‘icc, l‘,\\L‘ll (unit-ion. \cnioi lccluici lll Scottixh lnxtor} al thc l'nixcixit} ot l'dinbuigh. gncx llll\ talk


The Bongo Social Swing Club lllt‘ liongo ('Iub. \loia} llothc. i" llo|_\iood Road. “"04" IV) W4 " ‘lpin. t4 pct claxx to lor both 1U pct cla\\. i-‘ lot bollll. SL'L‘ luc i.

Wednesday 1 1

Spam Scottish Saltires v Somerset Sabres (iiangc ('rickct ('Iub. Racbuin l’lacc. “3 INS.


Strictly Dance Fever k’nk (Yi‘lt'ltl l’al’hll (lunch. liioun Slicct. l’lcaxancc. (Wino 315 Stir). sin lo Kllpm D Scc \Vcd 4.

Thursday 12

Activities & Events

Edinburgh College of Art Fashion Show 2005 ladinburgh (‘ollcgc ol .'\ll. "'4 l.;tlll'l\ltlll l’lacc. III fill)“ 7pm tk ‘)pin LIZ, Spot thc ncxt .-\Ic\andci \lcchcn Ill thc annual ghl/ and glain l:(’x\ l.’t\llloll \hou lcaturing lllc uoik ol ii graduating laxluon. pcrlorinancc coxtuinc and tc\tilc \tudcntx. lllSPII'allol] cttlllL'S lroin \oodoo dollx. gialliti. 195m lllllll'lSlll. lair}IaIc \wndcrlandx. architccturc. \intagc knitting pattcrnx and inorc. (all to book a tickcl or bit} onhnc at u u ulaxhionxhturccaactuk. Bat Watching ('raiglockhart l’ond. Izaxtcr (’raiglockhart Hill. 447 "1454) ill llpin l'rcc. l‘.lllllll\l;t\l\ arc imitcd to drcxx xiiitabl} and to bring a torch in lhc \carch lor batx booking cwcntial.


The Wild Shores of Patagonia: Whale watching and other natural highlights of a timeless wilderness 'l‘hc llcpburn Suntc. Ro}a| Scots (‘lub. 3t) .'\hCTLTHllllT} l’lacc. 0X45 43‘) ‘)5l()_ 6,3”an l-rcc. booking cxxcntial. Warn ick l.i\tcr-Ka}c. dircctor ol' Rolling Lani] 'l'rawl. gixcs an illudratcd talk on thc highlights ol lilx trip to Patagonia. With cxcr}thing lroin thc x\lttlc\ lo glitc‘lCh UH crcd.