Sucking the blood of popular entertainment

I Are ‘.ou thrillerld .‘Jtltlt we‘re Thinking)? that ~.otrn<; on f) l'vla'. ii; an utter .‘.'a:‘.te dt trrnez’ At. a card «arming. drrer:t ttti‘tlltllit) rnenrl>er of Generation 2211. the l eerh'r‘, onlx r1orixgrr‘trout, arr- that tlohrl and Yoko dot rt utiht l)l()tt?53tlllt) in bed and that (:hees‘, filliltTkS are sanr‘trtralile. But the l eer‘h tl;lf; ki<:ked rtolrtrr‘a? apatl“. lll the nuts. l net and last stop. the ESSl" at the (it l. NHV». the Leeeh has Ni l i.-./h\ a partt launches; its manifesto rn an arthoutxe <irnen‘a, Hut rt 55(tllllttrrtt tit-RIM Ill Ill) Dolllx or ‘.'.’tl£itr?\.’(?l arriplllret; the sounds of f3lll(?l(t(it l l(:ll(‘,tl shagging; nomrdax's. \‘t’hat'i; wore. the Sot:lalit;tt;' Lift-hour ‘.'."()lt\ll‘.t} meek proposal is a small but necessary step ttt‘t‘allttf; l eet‘lltopla and their rtex'; leader (iolrn l ox speaks with a \.’t?lltllltttltllt§t durnrm '2; (:har'isrna. ()nl\ his pledge to tax luxun, itents; like Rolexes, fast cars and sunbeds seemed to (tatt‘h ttttlt‘tél leader lornrm Sheridan off guard. lt‘lliltn haunt; turreth. nrpi‘ed to the loo. Peeping; on the main parties. the l eevh has; drsnirssml therr tit for tit squabbling; on I’Vt’ififill/tflt.’ With the added bonus: ot

Paxo‘s sulkt weather 'epons Yet this

was dumbing up compared “filth ex- Sur‘oal Trhes editor Andres. Neil's "Amarillo tttllt‘t‘ on the BBC's T" s

1". can, The Big an Falkrrk organisers haxe Suren rt‘lssed a tr'It‘k Signing up Tom Christie rather tnan the hlomwd amino and his Michael Portillo

12 THE LIST -‘«:' ‘."i.

Dancers ‘.'.’a‘; a pink tr ‘rttllv 'r t“ a wet

)lll .'.'rt'h nut ltr ’rll‘.i"tl')ll ii, .44; I You r'arl't tie! out of t dlrillu'dh .'.Ithout hearing; Noan‘ ()hon‘sk. theme dam, and there he attain, .‘.arr::lnt_; up for the Manrr: Street Prearthers at the (Zorn [*xr‘hanrie. Or perhaps; the, lust sampled til?» '.oi<:e. the l rrt:l‘ll forgets. l rther the Yoda ot pr )l‘r rlolrtlris would he better off addresurrtd hit; mu liartk yard. that tierireriit (?(}E;E;ltlt ot eulture the l eeeh tiélltf; Arhenea. Or at leatxt <i(t‘.'lf3lllt} Mélllltif; t); ssrst Nltfix‘, Wire on keeping; foot and mouth separated lt‘s tween a decade sinee the truculent Motorcycle Emptiers tl‘étfixt Edinburgh. (‘itlnti Ayalanrthe Herords’ embargo on rertords; ht \‘Jelsh t?“,(7tl.’l(}l' taxounnr; riandt; at; their reason. Alas, (I(}|(}t)l{ttll‘.t} itrlf; freshlj, healed rift between hand and (Tit). Wire deelared: ‘l'urtk Glasgoxfl‘. therein. kicking off another feud .'.'th countless Weegiies in the (fl(‘,‘.'.'(t. Singer James; Dean Bradtlerd'2; my.» set t)r()ltttttl\, followed

I They're dead and The L 31' needs \Ou to pa\. for tne funeral. The grant,- DISESlllt} {illthS of Glasgow Fabulous haxe often been the our, tease". to linger on this sorrx page But a due t3. hit outs:de Otttrr‘xt (‘ffl‘ill'tl‘(‘it

thet 'u‘ dissed one too n‘an'. ills; on Glasgow's; t‘lt t‘ or he r‘luhtttt-a' f} :ene. Suspects; are tien‘rr‘g tornaarri heme,

to take credit for the baseizafl hat- :iemered hattennti. t1'..t;tt:(i(/:l":g;t , Stratum/tie Po‘ir‘e: ".‘Je "etudnae a fuck 8:? consort} ,nurselt th it“; Tast Uhlgiultams Cw‘ str ;‘ orvrv’tstfa- an 2 ’lr‘, wur etes sat" tr‘e‘ Gust/rt Fara: as anrxlal. aua am" at Fort. P’W’lfl’u am“: tuna: tr»? "

The Man

t 3,4 x, ), 0,»\ 0'. fix. Attx, t \,.L at K Le, .ltit l-“Ll

I“; dehudlt {(1\,'\".\


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vowr neutron it, t HOULDU'T uAvc urssev r7 um: wivmc. A may uurounous sin.

1 Know n: m6 0“ HHO uAsu'T 5(ch new THAT L ‘5er cumsrms

U” l “f TM PM“)?! MAN’

you man we nan ream. forum om or 50979 pm W Home uuosr now» mnu'

r'u sunwm v rmmw. v00 NAle mmrnmc. HAPPY PAV‘B wuoovs



Want a vivid example of the strength of will? Need a first hand experience of the true resilience of the human spirit? Surely these most put upon of creatures. second only to lawyers and paedophiles in the irrational public hate stakes. must be saluted for their ability to do a job under duress. Surely we could throw them a lifeline and let them work undercover? At least it would make it more difficult for drivers to mow them down.

Spring is a bloody liar of a season. The deceptive swine who promises so much but delivers so little. While the daffodils and tulips bloom and the sun vaguely threatens to shine we discard winter coats like naive streakers. It only takes minutes to be out the house before it starts going at it like Hurricane Janice or something. Keep your sou‘wester on or keep indoors until the first snows of summer have come.