

3 Market Street. 53‘) 3993 Mon Sat Illam 5pm.

Face of Asia: Steve McCurry Photographs t'ntit Sat 2S Ma}, ()ne hundred images from Afghanistan. 'l'ibet. (‘ambodia attd India b} tlte acclatiiied photoiournalist \\ hose uork has appeared iii Time. A't'ii m wk and National (It'ng'rtl/t/tlt

Celebrating 25 Years of Edinburgh's City Art Centre Sun I Ma} Fri 30 Sep. l'ree. .Art arinisersar} exhibition featuring the best of the en} 's contemporar} art. tit-‘31 SHOW


32 38 ('ockburn Street. 330 Don.

Tue Sat iiooti 5pm.

Pass the Time at Day 0000 l'ntil Sat l4 Ma}. Patil Roone} curates this exhibition exploring the theme of estrangement through the use of music. including pieces h} Arab Strap. Phil ('ollins. Rosalind Nashashibi and Stephen Sutcliffe. See res icu page HM. ‘Instrument’ Artists Film Screening Thu l3 Ma}; (i Xpm. Screening of Jem (‘olien's liltii 'lnstruriient' documenting litiga/i on tour focusing on the in—hetxseen times the boring. mundane moments of eating at seri ice stations and tr} irig to sleep on the tour hits.


7.3 Belford Road. (iZ-l (i200. Mott \Vetl ck l‘ri Sun Illam 5pm; 'l'liu litam 7pm. Out of Place: Works from the Pier Arts Centre Collection, Orkney l'ntil Stiii 26 Jun. Free. .A touring shots of o\‘er 3(l \iork's of British 20th centtir} art from the Pier Arts ('eiitre in ()rkne} “line the island gallery undergoes a major refurbishment.

Christian Art l'iitil Stiri lb Jun. lixploration of Christianity iii art iticltiding works by liric (iill. l)a\ id Jones. Jacob lipstein. Stanley Spencer. lari Heriiing and liduardo Paolo/Ii. Descriptive Tour: Out of Place and Sculpture Workshop Wed 4 Ala}. “lain—3.30pm. Free. For people \\ ho are visually impaired. Sculpture \sorksliop led by Juliana (‘apes and limily l.eai‘inont.


7-1 Lauriston Place. 22f (il()7. Mon ’l'hu 10am-8pm; Fri Sat l()am— 2pm.

>l= Edinburgh College 0! Art Fashion Show 2005 Thu 12 ct l-‘ri l3 Ma}. t' I 2. Spot the next Alexander McQueen iii the annual li(‘A fashion show featuring the work of 33 graduating fashion. performance costume and te\tile students. Inspiration comes from \oodoo dolls. graffiti. l95lls futurism. fairitale \s'onderlands. architecture. \ intage knitting patterns atid tiiore. ('all to hook a ticket or hit} online at \\\\‘\\.fasliitmslitm‘. eca.ac.uk. See llitlist.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 33 l'nion Street. 557 247‘). Tue Sat Illitlil-(ipttl.

Paul Coldwell - Recent Prints 0.. l'ntil Sat 2| Ma). lixhihition of (‘olss‘ell's \sork' over the last decade covering prints that range from direct inkjets to those exploiting the digital iii order to revisit traditional print processes such as lithography and intaglio. See review page l()4.


45 Market Street. 335 3383. Mona-Sat

l lam—hpm; Sun noon-5pm.

Simon Patterson 0000 t‘ntil Sun I May. Free. Exhibition of new}- commissioned and existing \sork b) this London-based artist best known for his reworking of the London L'nderground map. ‘The Great Bear'. Includes his major work. “General Assembly 1994'. LAST CHANCE TO SEE.


The \lotind. by bill“ Mon \\ecl .\

in Sun lllalli 5pm. 'l‘hu lllatii "pm Monarch of the Glen: Landseer in the Highlands t ltlll Sun in Jul \ \li«‘\\ oi ssorks h} the greatest liritisli painter of animals this e\hihttion \sill e\plore a number of themes. \sitli ait enttte section tle\iiletl lit latltlseel\ deer palttltltg's. among them the \sor'ld-tariious '.\lonaich Hi the (ilelt.

Masterworks of Impressionism t nitl Stiii lb Jun. Paintings h} \lonet. Pissarro. ('c‘lanne and sculpture h} Rodin from the \attonal Museum and (ialler). (’atditt are on loan in art e\change “till a small group of impressionist paintings and sculpture from the \laitlancl collection at the National (ialler_\ of Scotland.


75 Bellot'd Road. 034 (Cliff. .\lon “ed A fit Sun Illam 5pm; llitt lilam "pm.

* Andy Warhol: Self Portraits 0... l'nttl Alon 2 Ma}. £5 tL'35tit. As part of the National (ialleries' .‘l It'd/'1'] Antern an Art this maior \lltm desotcs itself to the self-portraits or Mr And} Warhol l I‘D"? S7t. esatmnirig the “as the artist portra}ecl himself in paintings. dramngs. prints. photographs. liliiis arid \sallpaper 'I'lus is the onl} l'K slitmrng. SCL‘ l/‘iSl CliANlil ill i CURATOR’S TALK Mon 3 Ala}. llJSpm. l’ree. Patrick lilliott. senior curator at the (ialler) of Modern Art gi\es a slide talk ahotit Damien llii‘st's lust Supper prints.


(ieor'ge l\' Bridge. :30 453i. Mon Sat lilam 5pm; Stiii 2 5pm.

Ian Hamilton Finlay: 0t Conceits and Colaborators l’iitil \Ved l Jun. lisliibition on the interaction hemecn poet and artist lati llaitiiltori l-‘inlas and fise of his collaborators.

I NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY l Queen Street. (iZ-l 03””. Mon \Vetl ck l’ri Stiii lliam 5pm: 'l‘hu Illam 7pm.

A Tale of TWO Cities l'ntil Stiii S Ala}. Satirical caricatures b} John has

i I742 182m of Regenc} lidinbtirgh figures such as .Adartt Smith. l)eacon Brodie and Admiral Duncan. contrasted \\ itli L‘Ulllelilpttrar} graphic artist lain McIntosh. \\ hose illustrations hat e accompanied Alexander .\lc('all Smith's Seotxniun stor} 44 Scotland Street for the past )c'ar. UASl CHANCE TO SEE.

Our Highland Home Victoria and Albert in Scotland l'ntil Stm 5 Jun. £4 ti."3t; under 12s free. Queen Victoria and Prince Albert fell iii lo\e \\ itli Scotland “hen the} first \ isited in lS-ll. The

romantic ideal helped propagate the idea of

the countr) as a ltt}lllic‘tll latid and this e\liibition depicts attd examines the grossing relationship ending \\ ith the premature death of Albert and the memorials erected to him h} the grief- stricken queen.


Palace of llo|_\roodhouse. 550 5 Hill. 9.30am 4.30pm. £5 tL'3-L‘4i; famil} ticket £l3.

Watercolours and Drawings from the Collection of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother t‘ntil Sun 25 Sep. l-‘irst e\hibition of 73 \iatercolotirs and drau ings frorn the Queen Mum's collection. And \\ e thought she just drank gin all da) and bet on the horsies.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lmerleith llotise. NS 2983. Tue Sun 10am 5.30pm.

Evergreen t'ntil Sun 3 Jul. Warn—5.30pm. Free. A surs e} e\hibition featuring major new \sorks b} some of the artists \\ ho hase taken part in the lriserleith House programme spanning arts and sciences. including botanical drau ings frorti their archise. Artists include (iraham Pagen. Douglas (iordon. ('allum lnnes. C'}

Alan Kilpatrick

Visual Art

Paintings. installations and drawings by this Edinburgh-based artist. chronicling the fusion of

the two cultures of post-independence Scotland and India by examining the landscape, industries, people and artisan culture of the northeast frontier region of Assam where he grew up.

S/tgidoitt; and [my laws; firt‘r‘w Ho- vt‘t‘a

'l‘ssornbl}. Agnes Martin and Richard \Vi'ight.

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY The Hound. lll il 325 (that \lon Sat Illam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

The Prince’s People l'ntrl Sun l3 .lurt Photographic eshihition h} Rankin and emerging lie“ talent documenting 3| stories of )ottng people \\ ho ha\ e oser'come barriers to start tip iti business with the Prince's 'l'i'ust and the Princes Scottisli Youth litistness 'l'rtist. lantr'ancc \ ta Weston link.

Stop. Look, Listen 'l‘hu 23 Apr Sat 3| Ala}. l"()l'.\'l) protects AKA 'loiitm} Periiiaii. Xigg} ('ampbell and Kes Siitt present the latest iiistalriierit ol a touring shim that combines painting. photograph}. printmaking. installation. ar'tists‘ hooks and audio projects. the three )oung men \slio graduated from (Era) 's School of Art is ere recent participants in Bod} Parts and fun e a good liiie in sticker design. Sec prc\ ie\s page “B. and llitlist. M SW.


33 (‘ockhurn Street. 033 till)”. Dad}

1 larii hpm.

MIR - Dreams of Space 000

l'ntrl Sun 5 Jun. \ess photographic. installation arid \ ideo \iorks h} British and Russian artists reflecting the titopiari

{ Ind. ,r 1" l- ., y I I‘ i

tclcaltsrii that spurred tlte start of the spat e age and the enduring legac} ot tlte ls’ussian citicst loi space

John Blakemore: Black and White Photography Workshop lite % \las.

(i it) S illptit lilakctiioic \sill talk about and sign copies of his rtev. hook lit/tit! amt llllllt l’llttlttg’lit/tll‘t llulldtq” Illllll has been a kc} figure trt liritislt photographs for met ill )eah lle's .t iccognisecl master of the black and \sliite medium

I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l'niscistt} oi l-clinhurglt. South liticiz'c. M" 331‘) 'lue Sat lilaiii *prii

Louise Schmid 000 l ltlll sat

\la} Solo \llit\\ from S\\ iss horn artist lotirse Schniicl \sitli series. ‘llie stirniner and '.\lilk Stills'. e\ploiin).' tlte s\‘.llillilt‘l .:~ the .tlc‘llelHMl pioneer charting nets territories and the ltaltlle'llttllttlt‘ tlc'l\.tlt' \ sound installation h} llaiold \ono acc'ortipanics this csliibttion

Clare Stephenson l nnl \at " \las

\eu clra\\ings and \‘.ttllss on paper h} this )oting. talented (ilasgots based artist See picture caption page It”

Gallery Tour l'ntil “ed l\l.i}. lptit l'r'ee. lake a tour or diauings. paintings. photograph} and research h} (ilasgov. based artist l.ouise Schmid. and Harold \oiio‘s sotiiid installation 'Sutnuntrtg \itl' No booking required. itist tttrn tip

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.2", 'j/ '.‘«:. THE LIST 109