

“II ~1§(IIL'.1I\\C\IUIII thttI. 1‘" (CHI) A Play, a Pie & a Pint: No Sisters l'nuI Sat it) \pt I I‘Iprn LIH -\ \hurt [\In} It} nun-IN .tntl prnllttt urltt'r (".trI \I.‘tt'I)ttllj.'.tII

A Play, a Pie 8 a Pint: A Walk in the Park \Inn 3 Sat " MA}. I IIIIHH tIIl I.IlIL'II.IlIlIIlk'IlI IIHIH Inml tt'It'Imt} I).I\L' \ntlctwn. uhn Il.|\ unrkul mth Imth " 8-1 .IIltI \\ IItItJI thmtrc t'nrnpunlt-x A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: The White Cliffs \Iun ‘) Sal I-I Mu}. I IHpnr

tIH .\uthur nt the buter nun-I I’nt humus. Sult.t}l detII prcxcntx IIH\ \IIHFI lItt'Jlt't‘ plt't't'

I PAISLEY ARTS CENTRE \cu Strut-1.88" II)!” III. \\'(‘. \\ \I Blue/Orange In 2‘) x 8.11 in \pr " ‘Ilpm LES” t {3 Kt): Scc (llaxgmx. (111/ch 'Ihmtrc

Mortal Ladies Possessed \M-tl -1 .\I;t_\, "30pm. USU (LINN: Imtla \Iurlmxc pcl‘lul’nh lqu tltIglI‘IJIIHIl Ht 'I‘cnnmxcc \Vlllmmx‘ \hnrt xtnncx.

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tutuxmg on the mmt \cnxual mt Im tcnmlt' t’Itarat‘tt-tx


\IwIw} ('lmtg xx“ lulu i\\'(', \\ ~\I

Bare Bones 3 In 2" -\pr 8pm

L" St) N; i MM I-nt' nu“ \xtuk\ Iran

t‘ht\rt'ugrapht'tx IICICIIL‘ Blackburn.

\\t'ntl} Ilnuxtnn. I utxt Stlwxuuu ut

I’rutt‘ln Dance. II.lll\ IIIt'lIlIl}.‘\ .tntl

Ilutcxh Shu‘htct 'I’hc trtlc rctt-rx tn the

part-d \IU“ n nature «it the pcr‘turrnant'c nu \ctx. 111x! uptlmc dance .lIltI

I‘II}\I\‘.tI IItt‘dlrt'

Over the Rainbow Sun 8 _\l.r\

"_ itlpm LUSH ILIIHRIII .-\ ltllhlt‘ul

adaptation ml the lite mt Icgt-ntltu‘)

:\lllt‘l‘lt“.tll \mgct I‘.\;t (\txxrtl}.


IJI RCIIIIt'ItI Slit't'l. ‘83 I54“ III. \\'(‘. \\’.4\|

Scooby-Doo! in Stagetright Wu! 4 Sun 8 Ma}. 7pm «Sat/Sun that I |.un N 2. itlprn t. HUSH t {075 r. Inc theatre prudut‘uun I‘;I\L'tI nn the (lawn cartoon ll] \kIllt‘Il thcrc\ ulna,“ mint-uric tlrcxxctl up n\ n ghmt. I:ntcrt;umncnt lur the “hole tunnl}, ’Allo ’Allo \Vul I I Sn! II \In}. 7.30pm (.811! that 2pm). L‘It) £14 (filth. Stage \crxmn ml the pupulgtr “at time \Itt‘mn. tculuring; Rt‘llk't‘. lux lIuII} \Mulrmxcx and n \xhnlc Iluxt ul uthcr cultural \tcr'cut}pc\.


ox Ingram Street. 552 348‘). II’. \\'('. \\'.-\. \\'.-\:\l

Timon of Athens l'nul Sui 3n Apr. 7.3mm}. L") 19;} £4.50). Struthclylc 'I‘hcutrc (iruup pcrturnix SIIIII'xL‘\PL'ilI't"\ littlc knmxn plu} uhuut \\ culth} 'I‘imun. \xhusc curmuguncc u ilh IIIUIIC} It'iltI\ tn tlcxpuir and cwnlquI) death.


2 Suuchichull Strcct. 353 SINK). lI’. II. \\'(’. WA]

Dancing in the Streets The 3 Thu 5 Mn}. 7.30pm. {I750 L‘ZISI). A \pcctucular celebration ut' \Ung\ truth the rum! pl'UIIIIC Ilit-I'uctury. utth t'uII \uppurung autumn} and hand.


282 llupc Street. 332 ‘)()()(). III. \\'('. \\'.-\|

Journey’s End l'ntil Sui 30 Apr: 7.30pm t'I'hu & Sal nun 2.30pm).

5.7 £22.50. R(’ Shurriltk uztnnnc drumu :tbuut ('uptznn Stunhnpc and hrx men. ux they await an uncut)" attack in lht‘ trcnt‘ht‘x.

Highland Fling Iut' 1 \.1l \1.r\ " ‘Hpm I IItU ,\ .\.tt nut I thntl \t‘t‘Iauut'tI t'ItnrcugthItt't \IJItItcu Iiuurnt' II.III\I‘HII\ \uguxl Hournnm IIIt‘K t I.l\\It.lI IntIIt'I /.. \\.'.,'~'::.:t to I‘INK t'IuI\I.tntI. and the drug tucllt'tl IIIL' wt .t _\t~un;_' (iI.t\\\t‘:_'1,m


3‘ \Ilwrt Iltrw. INN 111! “HI \\ ( I \\ -\I

Berenice Ihu * \tt Ha} \I‘m 1" it,“ .Imn Ix’.tt'1nt'\u.t:'1t I‘I.l\ rt'\nl\1n_:' .ununtl the In t' IIIJIIL‘IC leu m1 lutlmu ()uccn lit‘rt'nrtt‘. thc Roman I mpt'tnt I‘Ilux. .tntI \nunt’hux. I\IItj._' mt [ht~ lilntk \t'a \I.IIC at (''nt‘ \t't‘ pm 1c“ Dear Elizabeth, Why Did you Leave $0 Soon? \\t'\I I I \.II \I.l\

Itlnm ‘Hpm Irt‘t~ I’.llIlIl\I.tII,tI1HH «IIMIH h anu .IIltI [wt Int- Ix'rtuumnt t‘ I!» “I "‘ Wpru». \Int'utnn \I.III\UI .lIItI (Ilnlt't‘gtdpllt'l It'tI \It‘IIk'I‘\ Inlt'lnt IIM‘ \Mtlk.ttItIlt‘\\t‘\tIt'.tlIl.tIltIt'I1.tI];'t'

Le Salon Hm I.‘ \ll H \I.t_\ 8pm 1" «t5! I’t't'ptnj: IUIII IL'IlIIIl \HII] .tIlHIIICI rnulu Irwn‘tl IX'Ithmnt't' tum: [tux unu- \k'I III .I unt't' UI‘IIIL'III than my mum “IIt'It‘ .t tIl\IIlIk'fJI.tIIII:_‘ Linnl} Imw mam \It‘Ilt‘\ 1.» IE” SL'L‘ [\ILW lt'\\


h.‘ 'I'mngalt'. “I ~1.‘t\"

CuI-De-Sac Hut 8 \.tl " \I.t_\ Rpm

L“) {I i it" UH (LtnmImn tunnmm IN IN Kgnncm [\In} out I t'nn.trtI\ I.t\I lllUIllL'llI\ un L‘ttlIIl. Ill thrx dark unt- umn plt't'c ul lml Il\t‘\ .lIltI Iunkt'n \IIK'.IIII\ t'rt'utt‘tl It} Hamel Ittuukx .IIItI Hunt-l XIAIL‘IMtI St‘t‘ pt't'\ IL'\\

Shopping for Shoes Illk' It) \er \t-t-

pl‘L'Ht‘“ & KI\I\ Il\llllj_'\



I.;ttl}\\t-II \Vu}. .\Ill\\L'II‘lI'_L'I1.WtR 33AM ll’. II. II \\’( ‘. \\'.\I

The Emperor’s Opera In 3‘) .\ \n .‘stl Apr. [III tt'txsm. .'\ Lut'rt‘nl walth IHI Itlcnlrt} and lllll'llelt' \L'I m .t pinup mt Int‘nlx and \ mum gather Ill .‘tn mxlt'tn Iiurupt'nn Imth lubb} unt- mutt-M mqu The pitu- \mx \pt-t'mll} tmnnnmunt-tl Irunt IIIL' gmgu‘tl \kllllllllfJ I‘I.t}\\lljJItl Mich;th Duke and granted a I’I.t.\\xuy_'ht‘\ ('urnnuxxtun It} the Stutuxh \rtx ('uunt‘il. Sec prt-x It-w

Blue/Orange Sal ,“ Ma}, Htpm t. In MUS”). Sec (ilgtxgmx. ('ru/t-nx' 'I Ilk'dllt' Over the Rainbow Mun U \l;t_\ 7.30pm. b I 2.5” t t I”). St't' (ilnxymy I’IlI\IL"\ ’I‘tmn IInII.

Theatre Guide

7 Thursday 28 Friday 29 I Saturday 30 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday :3 Wednesday 4 AI'CIIES 7 See R0Ck 8- POD I 7 I I Featherweight CIIIZEIIS 5“ =1 . Ettr. I -".‘t.~\?»,-'. E4, 1: . I r " z- a ' " King's I «12nd Street 42nd Street 42nd Street 7 I _ 7 V I r I Arsenic Lace I Arsenic 8. Otd Lace Oran Mo, - , , . Ramshofn Timon of Athens Tunon of Athens Trmon ofAthens» I - "a _ Seeciassical I Theatre Royal - ' Tramway . See Rock 8. Pop See Rock 8 Pop J _ A _ h I Tron 8w“ . p. , ,_ . Brunton Emporer's Opera Emporer's Opera I I r I - _ J a: church Hill 1 ,,,, .. , . ,. 2 Festival Theatre . Highland Fling HighlandrFling Aware Eh; I I I "___W‘ Theatre 3 Playhouse I I I I '7 I “I :2" ) .,; . ~ y- .; “RoxygArthlgqiisefi 7”}be __ Um I WUb-O" TWIN—"Utm—w Hm" “"I_—m IrlaeNoisédEverletg a Royal Lyceum :. c . .. : ‘-.~,;r:. ». Traverse IntheBag I .IntheBIa-gm "I TREAIMI” “‘ _’ ‘Tmia‘tr’é‘sgm ‘I‘ IhtheBag

100 THE LIST :8 -\:"- ‘Q Mas. -TQCF