
Casablanca it’( it um i xtiehacl ('iinil. l'S. l‘MZi lllllllplllt‘} Bogart. Ingrid liergriian. l)oole_\ \‘v'ilxon lllme You muxt remeiiiher llll\ liogart heing llll[)(t\\ll‘il_\ nohle. llergiiian torn hetueeii tun lmerx. (‘laude Rallh pla_\mg hoth endx againxt the middle. dex roux \a/h. a loghouiid airport. a piano-plinei tinklmg that tune :\ xxoiider'lul lull ol l‘L‘ttlh

Si uimimi ,Si I('('IIHIL’ Room. Ia/iIi/rru'e/i Caterina in the Cityi 12m ll’aolo \'ir/i. llal). 300M Sergio (lixtellito. .-\lne 'l'eghill. Margherita Hu} lllhmin .-\ girl and llL'l' lamrl} mm e lrom r'ui'al Ital} to the eapital Ari opportunit} to \eale the metal ladder in Rome l\ taken ax ('atei'iiia'x lather attempt\ to perxuade her to aet ax the next rung iii lll\ axeendanee llei lall liom llltpplllt'\\ l\ eompounded h} her next elaxxiiiatex' r'eaetion to her \oeial haekgr'ound. l’ai't ol the ltaliaii l'lllll l'extnal. (i/iiieuu I'll/ll 'I/ii'uI/i'. (i/uwou. I'r/m/iuuu'. [zillIl/Hllr'll

Chain t |5i .... iJem ('ohen. l'S/(ier'iiian). Elm-ll \lira litllotte. \liho Nikaido. ‘Nmm. ('ohen (Ullll'Ht’N to turn the entire planet into a \lreteh ol \eu .lerxe} eommei'eial propert} .\lal|\. theme park. hotelx and eoi‘por'ate L't'llllt'\ \toi'ldu ide merge into a monolithie \uper-landxeape that \hapex the Ines ol txto \Hilllt‘ll. l’ar‘t ol the RISK lilm programme. (’(I-l. (i/iixemi. Chicken Tikka Masala l IM 00 tllai‘iiiage Smgh Kalir'ai. l'K. lellSi Saeed Jal'li'e}. Jariula Maxxe}. (‘hr‘n liixxon. /.olu'a Seligal USmin. See rex lt'“. page-1‘). Se/i'i'lr'rl I'r'lr‘ilu'.

The Chorus 1 l2.-\l ... l(‘lu'i\tophe l‘lar‘r'atiei'. l-t‘aiiee/Sxx it/ei'land/( iermaii}. 2004) (ierar‘d Jugnot. l'i'aneoix lierleand. Jean»liapli\te Mauiiiei‘, ()omm. Set man llll\lL'l'L‘ hoardng \L‘lttitil m the pint-WWII I‘L't‘iod. 'I'lre ('lim'ui l'ollo\\\ llt‘“ teaehet‘ ('leiiient Mathieu tlugnot l. \\ ho aliiioxt immediatel) reeognhex the pupilx' dexpei'ation l’oi‘ real eneiiur'agemeut and i'expeet. And onee he tlI\L‘U\ erx lltttl \L'H‘t'til ol the hoyx are gilted \ingei'x. he deeides that lllll\lL' eould he then \al\ation and. m a \ti'ange \Hl}. lll\. lleartnai'mmg. old- l'axhioned. \entimental (iallie ho\ ol'l'iee \tllttxll. Se/i't'li'i/ I'i'li'uu'.

Constantine l 15) .00 itiraneix Laurence. l'S. ZlNlSl Keanu Ree\e\. Raehel Weiv. Shia l.aBeoul. l)_iimon llounxou.

I: l min. Silly hut eri_io_\ah|e adaptation ol the L'ltl\\lL‘ Hell/timer eomie \L‘l'lL'\ eoneerning the axxor'ted death-eheating \hennaniganx ol oeeult prixate e) e John ('onxtantine (RCCVCU. l)e\pite mapping l.ondon for l.:\ At» a \etting thix is more tun than )iiii miglil e\peet. (ii'neru/ releuu'. Couch t 18) ... t.-\nd_\' Warhol. l'S. I‘m-l) (iregor‘y ('oi'xo. Allen (iinxherg. Jaek Ker‘ouae. 52min. liar'l} Warhol \liot't “lilt‘li attempt\ to anal} \e the furniture ol [3\}’L‘llltlll'}'. A jo) til )ou like lltl\ land ol thing). Part of the Warhol e\hihition. Heston Link. lidinlmreli.

Cronos 1 l8) .... (Guillermo del Toro. Mexieo. I‘NM l'edei'ieo laippi. Ron l’er'lman. (‘laudio Brook. Margarita lxahel. 'l‘amara Shanalh. Daniel (iimene/ (‘aeho. Mario l\an Mar'tinel. Juan (‘arlox ('olomho.

Mon 25th April

Vera Drake 7.30pm

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

52 THE LIST 14—28 Apr


‘Hmm. l’oxxihl} the \ti'ongext leatui‘e. alongxide like lliiler for ( 'lim'u/tili'. to emerge l’r'om .\le\ieo m i‘eeent _\L';tl'\. ln luxh \ l\ll;tl\. del 'l'or‘o \Ptllh (L‘llllll‘lt‘\ m lll\ tale ol the human tlL'\ll'C lUl’ an inti'ieate meehameal de\ iee that prolong\ lite. .-\ unique \ampii'e mm ie that hung art to the “Ul'ltl of horror. l’ai‘t ol l)ead h} l)a\\ n

l\\ \x \\ ,deadh} dau n.eo.ul\ l. I'l/HI/IHHH'. lfilr'Ir/riu'e/i.

Cursed t 15» .. i\\'e\ (‘rax en. l S. 3004i (‘hr‘ixtma Rieei. .le\w laixeiihei'g. ‘Wmm. See I'L'\ lL'\\. page Jo. (iem-m/ I't'lt'tlu'.

Cyberworld 30 t l’('ii t\‘ar'iou\. [8. Mom .lenna lillman. .\latt l'l't‘\\L‘l‘. \Vood} Allen, ~14mm. Jenna lill'man l\ the e_\hei'- hoxt \\ ho introdueex ll\ to \ttl'lttlh unrelated \egmentx ol e}her' animation Hie Sim/Mum and .lnt:. make Kl) tippCdl'ltllCLN in a \twelaeulai‘ tll\[‘l.t_\ ol toda} \ mo\t llllpl't‘\\l\ e graphie leelmolog}. /.ll.\.\' 'I'limtn'. (i/iixeun.

The Dark Hours irlm i l’aul l'o\. ('anada. :llll-ll Kate (ii‘eenhouw. s\idan l)e\ine. h‘llmin. .-\ p\_\ehiatr'i\t textx an unapprm ed drug on an unxtahle patient. but pa) \ the [write \\ hen he eomex looking toi an e\planation. Part of Dead h} l)au n

l\\ \\ \\ ,deadh) d‘au rieottk l, I'r/m/ii m u. I'filiIi/mrigli,

De-Lovely t l’( ii .. ilru in \Viiikler. l'S. letl-ll Kenn Kline. .-\\hle_\ Judd. Jonathan M} ee. 125mm. ()etogenerian (‘ole Porter 1 Klinei l\ \ittmg m an empt} theatre. \xatehiiig lll\ lite lla\lt hetor’e him. aeeompamed h} a m_\ \IL'l‘lth man tl’i'} ee I. “e we the edited highlightx

Back to back is the only way to see these two babies - you’ll still be as bewildered as ever, but great cinema does that. Wong Kar- wai’s forays into love and betrayal in the past and the future virtually redefined Hong Kong Chinese cinema in the noughties. I GFT. G/(ISQOl‘r’ (Still 31 Apri/ our;

ot l’oi'te:'\ lile. \\llll \ai'iou\ eontempoiai'} \mgei‘x Rohhie \\ illiam\. .»\lam\ .\loii\\ette drilling in and out. \mgiiig lll\ \taiidaidx Hut xx e um ei' get to the one ol llll\ inti'igumg \origuiitei. 'lhi\ lllt\\lt‘ l\ “l'lllt‘ll h} .la} ('oeln and dii'eeted h} lr\\ m \Vinklei. \\ ho ho e \xoilxed on wine ol .\laitin Seoieew‘x he\t \tull. \o it \hould he a lot better Sadl). though. it\ iuxt \lt'lllt' ttlltl lk'tllt‘ll\ (i/ihuim /l/III I/Ii'u'll'i‘. (i/iiwmi.

Dead Birds itheii \|e\ 'l'ui'nei. l'S. 2on4» lleiu'_\ 'l’liomax. l’atrielx l'ugit. l\.tl.tll \\a\hmgtoii. \iela l.}llll.-\}e'1t\ ‘llmm St‘ltllt‘l‘Vllll’llL'tllhtlllx ltll‘l‘L'l'\ hide out in \xhat the} \xiongl} axxume to he an abandoned ltll'lllllttth‘ in .-\le\ 'l'ui’iiei \ ('i\ ll \\ai' hoi'r'oi'. l’ait ol l)ead ht l)a\\n

l u \\ \\ .deadl‘} da\\ ti en lllx l. li/ni/iuuu'. la/rIi/rmg/i.

Dead Meat i [bet i('oiior .\le.\lahon. lr'elaiid. Slum: \lai'ian x\l.ltl|t>. Anthon} l.ittoii. l)a\id Mallard. l\aii .\le(‘ullough Mlmm. Imagine ll (iai) l ar'xxoii'x Ut\\\

\\ eiit had‘ :\ Spaiitxli lHlll'hl and the loeal gia\ e digger U} to \ui‘x l\ e a /omhie lll\.t\lHll ia\agiiig rural Ireland l’art ot l)ead h} l)a\\ ll in u. \\ deadhylau ii.eo.ul\i Ii/ni/iuiiu'. la/rri/rurgli.

Dead of Nightil’(ii..... iRohei‘t llamei'. B.t\ll l)earden. (‘har'lex ('i‘iehton. .-\lherto ( 'a\aleaiiti. l'K. l‘MSi \lL'l'\'\ll .lohn\. Mieliael Redgrax e. l'i‘edei‘iek Valk. (ioogie \\ ither\. Sall} .-\im llouex. llllmm ('laxxie ltaling gllnxl

mo\ ie. relating li\ e dittereiit \lHrlL'\ that take plaee \\ ithin the houndariex o! a part}. .-\\ the night lL'lllellt'lh and \lUl'lL'\ untold

w rierxex hegin to Ira} /:.'n:i:n;iu' l..":':."‘.ue':

Dear Diary (Caro Diario) . lS~

.... ‘\.tlllll \loretti. ltalx. W‘HI \aimi \loretti. Renatot‘air‘entieii ltN'mm \n intimate iouinal. \ar‘tured \\ ith hoth iiaiiatixe and tee lmital lieedom \1oietti\ (annex .mard \\ iiiiiei \eex him zip around Rome on lll\ \expa \ l\ll the \eolian l\l.lll\l home ol a liierid. and tome up againxl the dot lurx uho are lta\ mg [‘li'l‘lt‘llh diagnmmg lll\ pmuhl} malignant lllllt'\\ \\ hat ma} \eem looxe and unordered l\ attuall} \er} taretullt \truttuied. \Kllll a Ie\el ol intimae) raiel} atlue\ ed iii the \mema l’ait ot the ll.lll.tll l ilm l'extnal (ii'iixeuu Inn: Hiram". I :fniiiuuu film/rule}: Disobbedienti ilhe l it )ll\el

l\’t‘\\le' l).tlli' \//e|lmi. llah (ierriiarix l'K. 3WD. ‘Wlmm lloturiientai} about the lhwhlwdienti mmemeiit “hieh emerged liom the lute liltllklk‘ t\\llllt"\l.ltl Italian \t [H l\l\ \\lh‘ u\ed their hodrex proleeled ht loam iuhhei. tiiex. helmetx. gax ttlaxkx

m dueet .i\l\ and \lt‘llli‘lhllalli‘lh ax \kt‘al‘i‘lh ol eix il \llM'l‘t'tllt'lh e during the demonxtiatioiix agaiiixt the ( is Summitt m ( ieiioa in Jul} 3”“! l’ait ot the RISK lilm programme

(t \ (fitment: Downfall « 1‘ 000 lliixthhiegel. ( iermam llal}. Itltui liruno (i.tll/. '\lt‘\.tll\ll.t \laiia l aia. (‘orinna llaitoueli l‘timm l)iaiiiati\atioii ol the lliial tlayx ol llitlei‘x lliiid Reith lt'x a whet and \oheiing arid ilaige|_\ i an urate lll\lltll\.ll aeeount ot the laxt l3 da‘u ol the Retell. holed up \\ itli their leader lll\l\lt' the hurtLer a\ the Rll\\l.tll\ \toim lieilm (iall/ gl\t'\ a eai'eei hext peilormanee ax the Renli'x leader. managing to eaptuie hoth the ph} \ital. emotional and mental “reek that \xax llitlei m lux linal day .t\ \tell a\ \uggextmg the a\\ e and hlmd lo}alt§ the ('haneelloi eommaiided ol lil\ lltlltnkt‘H.

(lane: '3‘.

and homemade \lllt'l\l\


hoth \Hltllt'l\ and eixiliaiix Anixting (iatt/ \Hlll the latter I\ a \Ulltl \llppttl’llll}: eaxl. meludmg .luliane Kohlei ax l:\a liraun. the \apid glamour puxx \\ ho t‘exixted r‘ealit} \xitli llitlei' until the} e\eeuted their \uieide paet .\('/('l [H] It’li’ilu

Earth Wind (Vento di terra) t lSi i\‘mteii/o _\lar'ia. Ital}. lllll—ll l-ianeexeo (iuilliida. lzdoaido .\le|one. Vmeen/a .\lodiea. ‘Nlmm lilaekxmith'x .t\\l\lillll Vineeii/o \uddenl) l'mdx lllllht‘ll the head ol the lamil} when lll\ lather tllt‘\ l’ttl‘l ol the Italian l'lllll l'extnal. (ilmenn l'l/Hl 'Ilu'utre. (i/iiigmz. l‘l/Hl/ltlllw’. lai/iIi/riire/i

Eat: lM ... l:\lltl} Warhol. l‘S. l‘Hiii Robert liidiaiia. alfimm (‘laxxie \\arliol. man \II\ and eat\ and that'\ rt. l'tllllttxllL'. \lundane and )et \tr'angel) liheiatmg l’ai't ol the Warhol exhibition. lli'xlrni link. lat/iri/riu'e/i

33? The Edukators i IS: 000 lllanx \Veingai‘tiiei. (ierman}/.-\u\tr‘ia. ZlNHl l)aniel lli'uhl. .liilia Jentxeli. Stipe lareeg. l2"mm See Inter'\ iext. page 45. and fL'HCV.‘ page 4" (i/meim l’l/Ill Illi‘dll't', (i/meim .' (’iinie'n. lui/iIi/uue/i

Falling Sky l Hi «(inimar \'tkeiie. \oi‘ua}. lellli Kl'hlltlltl' Joner. Maria lioim. Kim liodma. Himm. Will Reidar' and Jum\ lox e ha\ e time to hloxxom heloie a meteor dextr'op the planet iii ll]l\ dark eoiiied} \et in a px}e'hi.’iti'ie' limpital’ l‘HL'lhlllf: on tuo eomplex lo\e allairx. either \ide ol the [ix}elii;itrixt\ eoueh. lat/line Ski proxex to he intimatel) aeute entertainment. l’ai't ol the Modern Vikingx \L'tt\()ll. I‘I/HI/IIIHH’. [Li/iIi/mre/t.

Faust i l’(ii .... il~'\\' .\1urnau. (iei'maii). 193m l',lllll Jannmgx. (itixllt lakiiian. (Xiiiiillti llorii, Ume. Made uhen \ltiriiau \xax at lll\ itrlhllt.‘ and exprexxiomxt height. llll\ llttx all ol the \l\ll;tl \plendour ol lll\ greatext mox IL'\. hut \eetth to deflate the drama inherent in the material. With ll\'C piano aeeinnpamiiient. I’i/nr/iuim'. lat/i/i/mre/i.

Check out the

on paqeta