Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy© Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.

Thursday 14


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jttllg'h'tllS. l'(i(~ Budding. chltt'xl. S11L'L'1.‘11\~11- Hall-07 Spin t"..1okt-\and |.ilk'\1t'ttlli Darin} th'klt'r. lull lott't' (iL'llllilt' (iax Ill \\k'1\\1k'l.1llp t‘loxt. 11 Add} Hotgh and all- iound cntcrtaint-t Stcxt- Matrix

The Thursday Show '1 11C Stand. “1 “(it )(11;H](1\ Rtmti llSHH (till) (“155

.S‘. illpin. It5t \iuxn‘al Storm- (Ulllt'tilitll Stcxt- (irthhcn \latidx tip In thc companx ol 1oxt'ah1t- tttixt‘htt'l-inakct .loc 11L’L'111l11..1H.1HSlil11t'l1il11t1illlti lh't'ck .ill1111\1ll11t'


Big Word Performance Poetry: Fourth Birthday Special 'l'ln- lion. 0 11uttlct Squarc. High Slt't‘t't. 22(i0‘1il. ‘lpin L" i 11.21. Big \Vord hhmx out 111C t'illlt11k'SlllSt'tll1illll1\Kllilillllllt'-\11'l)llg hnr upol l1l_\lllL'l\110111;!”ltL‘l'USSI1IL‘ L'ttllllll}. (illk'\1\ Includc 1'.t1iithtirglt\ \ha'hac'l \lttiill. RIL‘11ill't1.'\11L'll11'0111 (ilaxgoxx. ('upat' titan Milton Balgotn and Iran} Patrick lrotn I’aixlcx The Three Tuns Comedy Night 111C 'I’hrt't' '1'unx \Vitic Vaullx. 7 11 llanoxcr Slrct'l. 07111 1‘) 5523-15. ()pltl. 1‘rcc. \chkl} L'Hlllt‘ll} night lt'aluring 11L'ilk11lllL‘l' ( irahatu Mat-kit: \upportcd hx Roxxan ('aiuphcll and .1il111L'\(.il111. The Thursday Show 'l'lic Stand. 5 York 1’Iau'. 5.58 7272. 0pm. to ([51. Hard hitting hoxt 1"rankic 1io_\1c “C1k‘lllllL‘S lit-Ilaxt ho} Michacl Smile). 1)c\ .\1c1.can. .loxic long and lllllSIL'ul inacxtro .-\11cn (‘halnicrx The Snatch Social 11W liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Strcct. 225 25(H. 10.311ptn .iaut. H tUSllt. 1-'i1th_x caharct- dixco litxioti l'caturing coinpcrc 11arr} :\lll\\\0|’l1l (AKA (iarth ('ruikxltanki and ion} ('artct'. \\ ho hax hucn I'L‘itixlalcd al‘lcr a \hort ‘xahhatiml‘. Bahm attd '1'rcnd_x \Vcndx tittotilh|_\ I‘L‘Slth‘llll \llpp1} hip hop and l'unkx tuncx. '1'hcir lilth hirthda} ix up and coming on Thu 2S .'\pr xx ith (ict'inanx 'x lincxt 1.ikk Shalt rocking _xour xxot'ld.


Freddie Starr 1’axi1ion 'lihcalt'c. 121 Rt‘nlicld Sll'ct‘l. 332 1340. 7.30pm. £15 £17. 'l'hc hantxtcr munchcr rcturnx xx ith hix ‘/;titx' humour.

Billy Connolly S1i(‘( ‘. l-"innicxton Qua}. 0S70 040 4000. Spin. S( )1 .1) ()1 "1‘. Thu Big Yiit gctx into lull \tridc ax hc ctiiharkx on thix nationxx idc tour. Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. l'(i(‘ Building. chlrcxx Strcct. (18707 S7071)". .S'pnt. £12. Scc Thu 14.

The Stand 1110 Stand. 533 \Voot11ttnt1x Road. (1S7()(i11(1(305.5. 3.5(1plti. {311271. (iuitar-totin‘ 1.ixcrpudhan Stcxc (irihhcn joinx conicd} tort‘L'x xx ilh Joc llccnan. .lo Jo Suthcrland. Dcrck .lohnxtonc and hoxt Sttxan Morrixon.


Jongleurs Comedy Club Jonglcurx. ()tnni ('cnlrc. (irccnxidc l’lacc. (1S707 STtl‘tl‘i. 8.15pm. £12. (ircg 1);l\1L‘\ xharL-x thc \tagc xx ith l‘clloxx big man Brcndan Dcmpxc}. \Vclsh-chx i\1l l'unn} gu_x licnnctt Arron attd Potnm} Johmon.

The Stand The Stand. .5 York l’lacc. 55S 7272. 0pm. £10 ([81. Local polcmicixt Brucc Morton titaka a raw Stand-up apix‘arancc xx ith Support from Joxic Long. .-\11cn (‘ltahncrx and host Janc Macka}.

Saturday 16


Billy Connolly Sli(‘(‘. liinnicxton Qua}. 0S’00—104000. Split. S()1.1)()l"1‘. SCL‘ 1'il‘i 1.5.

Jongleurs Comedy Club Intuit-nu.

l (i(‘ Building. Rt'nltcux SIIL'L'I.‘1\-‘1_ S'lfll- Spin :11 Scu 11m 14 Madcap Comedy Club llit- Stat; Hat. HS Holland Stict‘l. 112215" ‘tpni :5 1:41 Hex \hlt'an 1t".lk1\111k"-‘-tt.\ at 1111\ xxct'klx tonicd} \[\<\l.\‘-l11l\lll‘PHlI Itotu \\titt\1_\ and 1.t\lll.tlll.tll1)L‘\11.\1d\ Stat txxho tut-till} ix-rtornn'd a on: than. 1\ hour \ldllt1'lll‘111.1ld111H11lll.tlt1t‘T 1)L'pt'c\\ioti -\1hantt‘ Stotlandt Hpt'n \poh .11\o.t\al1ah1c

The Stand '1'hc Stand. ‘11 \\ot lt11.l11\1\ Rudd.11S"11(\1N1(i1155 0pm L111 1 L\l St'x' 111 15. although .lanc \1.n'ka} 1.11\L'\tt\L'1 .l\ L‘Hlllpcl't'


Jongleurs Comedy Club .1t‘11f21k'lllS. ()iitni('cnltc.(irt't'nxidt'1’1attxllVll" S’WFH". S 15pm :1 i. Su' 1‘11 1.5

The Stand 4111c Stand. 5 York 1’1tlkk'. 55S 52-21)th L'llltt'Si Sec 111 15. hut \xilh hoxt Suxan \lorrixon.


Billy Connolly S1:('('.1'innn'xton Qua}.llSWlllJllJlMNl,Spin.S()1.1)()l"1 SL‘L‘ ill 15. Michael Redmond’s Sunday Service 11w Stand. Hi\\oot11atit1\ Road, own not) («155. S. topni, L11 1U £31. 1’oxh hoxx .\il1t‘\.i11p|‘;111t1Xk'11 .\1t‘1'ai1anc loin dcadpan 1l‘l\1llll;tli Mn‘ltat'l Rt‘t1llltlllt11tll'l1llS1lU1} da_\ coined} ollcring.


Whose Lunch is it Anyway 'l'lic Statid. .5 York 1’1acc.55S 7272. Iptu. 1'rcc. liaw yun'wll into lhc morning allcr thc itight hcl'orc. \x ith \oinc lrccxtx 1c coun'd} lrotn 1’aul (irahant and Stuart .\1urph_\. The Sunday Night Laugh-In 111C Stand. 5 York 1’1au‘.55.S "272. Summit. £4151 Ur. ('hcck} chappx .iUC Hu'nan arid .1o.1o Sulhcrland ioin catnp ho\t BI'UCL‘ I)L‘\1l1l 1(11‘SlllllL'Cllt1(ll-\kt'k‘ht‘llti laugh\ and traxhx qui/ action.

Monday 18


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance 111C $131110. 55.“ \thtllilillldS R0;lt1.l1.\',~(1(illll (i055. Sfillpin. £4. Much—ont‘d coincdx improx night xxith Sand) .\'c|\on.

Ra} inond .\1carnx. .-\11cn ('hahncrx and Des .\lc|.can. plux I11L‘1l'll'll\1_\ guitar aitd piano l'or coinpaitx

Edinburgh Red Raw The Stand. .5 York 1’Iacc. .558 7272. S30an £1.(icrr_x McDadc 111\1[L'\ inorc l'rcxh l'accd CUIIIL‘ki} talcntx onto thc coincdx xtagc.

Thesday 1 9


Red Raw 111C Stand. 555 \VoodlalldS RU;|(1_(187(1(Y(X1(3(155.3.3i1plll. f2l£11.;\ gagglc ol' \tand-up ncxxcoincrx 11'} out their hext lincs in thc contpanx ol coinpcrc Nigcl Buckland attd hcadlinct' Bill Brucc.


Dance, Monkey Boy, Dance llcnot- \\'att l'nixcrxit} l'nion. Riccat'ton. J51 .5333. Split. £3. Scc Mon 1S. Studcnlx and gliCSIS onl}.

Comedy Benefit Evening The Stand. 5 York 1’1acc. 55S 7252. ()pnt. to (£41. Niall Broxx nc and Stuart .\lorrixon tcant tip xx itlt plcnt} o1 othcr conicdx laccx to raixc inoncx tor Scnxc Scotland.

Wednesday 20


Comedy Benefit Evening 'l‘lic Stand. 333 \Yotxhandx Road. 0S7) (Ml (30.5.5. 8.30pm. {015—11. (iL‘nl‘tilC tnadcapix'r Ton} ('artcr. gcnial iokcr .loc Hccnan. John Roxx. Kt‘x in Bridgm and Stuart ('ahuon xtand up to hrtng in lundx t‘or 1‘ricndx of thc liarth.

5115\le 15* RHOD GILBERT The Stand, Edinburgh, Thu 28—Sat 30 Apr; the Stand. Glasgow, Sun 1 May

It’s been, as they say, a funny old year for Rhod Gilbert. In terms of ups and downs, you could be tempted to say that only someone of such ilk as Abi Titmuss or Paris Hilton could have had more. Though as far as we can tell, this bone-dry (humour-wise) Welshman has clearly had a bit more sense with his home recording equipment.

First the downs. And you don‘t get much lower than below your stage. Especially if you‘ve just plummeted five feet from it, as Gilbert did in February during a rehearsal at the Gloucester Guildhall, prompting fears of broken ribs at best, internal bleeding at worst. Fortunately, a sore head was the extent of the damage. Then there was the irritation of playing second fiddle to his Welsh comrade Mark Watson at last year's Fringe. While Gilbert gained a host of plaudits for his contribution to their Stereocomics set, Watson nabbed all the headlines with his Overambitious 24-Hour Show.

Now the ups. As testament to his appeal back home, Gilbert has followed in the footsteps of Charlotte Church and Tom Jones to become the Voice of Wales, lending his smooth tones to the ad campaign for the tourist board a campaign which has had such subtly amusing slogans as ‘Castles: 641; Starbucks: 6.’ But perhaps his most satisfying moment of the year would have been his victory at the Chortle Awards for Best Breakthrough Act, beating Alun Cochrane and, yep, you guessed it, Mark Watson. 80, which one of these dragon-types is now having the last laugh? (Brian Donaldson)