
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Jules Graham.

Thursday 14


Alexander McCall Smith i IriaLaI '\ HHHleHldl nil (I. Bthanan ( I.l”k'll\'\, HllkIldIldIl \lru'l. I“ I‘ll“ (I Hil‘lll L3 IIIL' .IIIIIIUI HI Hit" \I‘ / [Ain'le \ I)! .'I .'[.4 Mn Hi ‘. k'Illk‘IIdllh lanx ‘.‘.lIIl «\liath IlHlll //iI Sum/m I'ni/uw/I/i'. ( [ii/v I’ail HI lhg' (Ir/III Ill I/iI (ll: lcxlnal

Saturday 16

G asgow Harry Benson Hunch Iiimkx. *is

“3 “ll” *prn liu'.

HIIxIlallall \nn‘l. __ ut'kciml 1 hr' inlcinannnall} icnimncil [Iholugiaphci ivniiiix In Ill\ IlHlllL' [nun in \'\[\I.llll Ihk' \lniicx I‘L'IIIIIII ihg' [‘lt'IlIHW. al lhc lannyh nl Ill\ ncu hunk. l/nm III-mun '\ \IIII In «1

Monday 18


George Pelecanos ( )iiakai \ Bunkxlon'. l‘inl (I. Buyhanan ( hilh'l'lk'\. Burlianan Slim-i. I5; INN) (I. Illpni Li: 1 hr Inp .\inci‘ruin urinc unici (Il\\'ll\\k'\ Ill\ lak'xl now] Humid ( in Vail nl llu‘ (Inm- m [In ( In lcxlnal.

Tuesday 1 9


David Mitchell I )llaLal .\ BHHIwIHI’C. l'nil (I. Buthanan ( iallcr‘u‘x. Buchanan Sliu‘l. ‘5‘ ISM”, (I. Illpin. I'i'cc. licki-lul. l'hc .l\\.ll(I \\llllllllf_' _\Ullll).' aulhoi (II\L‘ll\\L'\ Ill\ \\ rlill} inwnlnc. hvauulul. Il'lfJIlIL‘llllljJ and lunin llnnl llH\L'I ('luiu/ i‘I/(H.


=3: Lynne Franks ( )iiakai 'x. 5‘ (IL'I‘IIJL' Sliccl. 335 I105. ~pin. Ll 'I'hc author and cnln-picncui' IL';l\I\ linin hcr lalcxl ullc //n 51 (1/ lll/IIl/l’l‘l’A. \KIIIVII \leg‘llxng llk‘ [HUB i‘cqnncd h} “mum to \nu‘cxxlull} (ICIIIL' and lll.lll.l_‘_‘\‘ IIlL'll' on n I‘ll\lll\'\\.

Wednesday 20


=3: Lynne Franks BHHIL‘H Hnukx. ‘l.\ Buchanan Slim. 32: "(ill (fillpni. I-icc‘ SL‘C IlIL‘ I‘).

:2: I )Il.lh.ll‘\ HHUleUlC. I'llll (l. Buchanan (iallcrivx. Buchanan Snccl. 353 liun. (I, “WIN. [3, lk'nm' .\Iina \‘Il.lll\ IIll\ \‘L‘lchrauun nl ci'nnc \xriling. ICJIlll'llljJ aulhnrx I.lll\I\;l} .'\\hlunl. l uniw .\n\lci\nn and ('i‘aig: lx’iixxcll. I’ai‘l ul lhc (Ii/III m {In (In IL'\II\a|.


Crime Evening ( )nakai'x. 5‘ (icorgc Sirccl. 325.14%. "pm. (I. VIHIII (up icinalc crnnc alllhuM. .lnyc IIUIlll\. .4\lanna Knighl and ;\hnc l'cinplclnn lnr an cwning ul' lll_\ \lcr} and innnlcr.


Breaking Into Crime Writing ()llakar\ Bunkxlurc. l‘nil (I. Buchanan (iallcr‘u‘x. Buchanan Sli'ccl. 353 ISM). haillpm, (I. Think )011 (an cul II as a mum \xrilcr.’ .\ pancl nl' lllkIlhll‘} upcrlx nl'lcr a uniquc iiixighl inln lhc rnlc oi lhc [‘llhIhIlL'l' Ill turning rough lll.lllll\\'l‘l]‘l\ llllu I‘L‘\I\CHCI\. I’dl'l \‘I- IIlC (‘I‘Ilm III {In ('in lc\n\aI.

Fright Time ()nakar'x Bunkxiurc. l'nii n. Buchanan (Iallcrrcx. Buchanan Snch ‘53 Hill \‘pnr £3. .lnin anlhnr Sarah l{a_\nc tor a drainalu~ cwning nl \lnrucllmg ax \hc dclncrx an unlni'gcllahl} chill} Ialv a~ I‘al‘l ml th‘ ( ‘I'mn' III {in (‘/.'\ l't‘xlnal Edinburgh

Histoire de Becs \unli lirlinlwurgh \nx ('cnirc. l5a I’cninxxcll ('nun. PIS _‘l.< l, Ill.3ll.rin AK lfillpni. £4 iL'ISH {Ir

liaililiwnai 7.1l\‘\ Ziwtz, B::" lanni;

After Hours: No Poets Tom Leonard and Douglas Dunn \..:;.l::.: I’wiliail ( railqr} Il‘lquri \'I;;' '7 L ' .‘W' “win list~ lh; Yum» lcaluic in l'lic mhzhiuwn /.I I /’ I '~ :gad linni Ihcii mun In qil .:\ lax-math" [‘l:'\;'\ Irwin iii; wlhu ;\ vi; iiixzfia'.

=31 Denise Mina “annulu- \. I’IIIILK.‘ \uccl. 3:" Shh" (I lupin t_~ \nllanll'x tinny I‘llll\\‘\\ icaik tiwni lic' :in‘pinz.‘ not Ihiillci II". In /r‘ .v g lhc urinpvlhnz' lihi llhlailllx‘lll w! .: \I.llllll‘_' lyixl} hcininc l’ailrl'. \I\\'ll.ifl Ganging Up Against the Void: Finlay in the 505 and 605 \auunal

I lI‘lal_\ (ll \U'IIJIMI. ( ix'i'lL'i‘ l\ Binlrv. I)“ 1* *1 fil‘lll I’ncl l\cn ( lihuin \haiix lhi‘ iixc ml Ian IIalllllIHll I iiila}. liwni naihunnal \IlHlI slur} alllhwl In inlcinaliunall} nun-gniwrl wn‘ icic [\m‘l .IIIlI panlcn \ n'alwi

:5: Dead By Dawn l’cnlhnuw \iiilu. l’ninl Hun-l. BIL-ail \nccl. “H‘N' "V" "l liipin lhc honor lllHHC lcsl kit ks nil \‘-|IIl a inth «II should n-ailtnz'x \x' [‘Ik'\lk‘\\


Histoire de Becs \Hllll I \IlllI‘lllt'll \n\ (‘cnuu 15a I’cninucll ( 'i'lllIi ‘l‘ 31*]

Ill zllain i\ :[llll Hill 5” !__‘I \m' ||iu



Sophie Martin-Canning Bulih‘h Brinks. ‘).\ Burlianan \nu'l. 33.‘, "ill! noon I in- HIV aulliui Ilixtuxxcx hci L'rnpmwiinj.‘ and {Hill} .lllli'I‘lHL'lal‘hkaI IIUH‘I /\I\\I (/ /’\ I/II \Ilg'I /\


Histoire de Becs \irilh l-ilinhuijgli \ll\ (k'iilic. 14a I’cinn \u-Il ('uuii. ‘15 31* |

I lain L31 III 5“ LII Sec Ihn .Tl

Dilys Rose Ill‘-l|llll l l.lll\'.ll\ il'l umc. |z Randolph (‘nwu'nL I.“ < VIII licc .IUlll lhc (II.l\\\c;'l.lll niale ul lhc \Ili‘ll \lni} as \hc \Il\\‘ll\\k'\ l'iant'u \(nlush \\l|llllj.‘ l;‘I.lllUll\ al IIll\ Scullixh l’cn cwnl IHl inorc lllIHllllallHll or in hunk a [‘1.1\\‘

\‘HllIdL‘I :3” EEI‘I


Shore Poets llrc (‘anum‘ ( iaii. 2*) ('annngalc. 550 IIM -15pin L2 til»

'I III\ nrnnlhK cwnl lcaluim lhc (thlih'l‘al‘h‘ [Incug l.ih'l1l\ul \nilimx (in-lg. Brian luhnxlniic and Wm .IL'llhllh \\llIl lllll\l\‘.ll .lx'uIllll‘alllllk'lll IlHlll f_‘llll.lll\l and \iu'alhl .\Iac Shau

Monday 25 . .

G asgow

Jodi Picoult Hillxh'h I’Im‘k\. ‘lx Buchanan Sum-l. 233 "NH “pm I ICU I’IL'UIIII ilm‘uxxcx hci no“ /\’1I Luna" A ./.'l(A/‘. .II‘I‘IIH VII IlU\ CI 1/\ \lH'i l’.\ [\I I {H I

Dine with Crime | .illj:\ lluicl. 2 l’nn l)lIII\I.I\ Sliccl. fil‘lll (I5. Inpluilcx [\er \‘Hlllu‘ meal I l1|n_\ all I'm-inn}; nl innil and Incl} \lchalc a\ run I‘UI‘II\IIC\ILI1I1IC \xi'ilcix cnlcrlain al [Ill\ culiixnc \umwi |Ulllll_\ limlul h} ()llakai \ and thy ( 'rnnc \\ l'llCl\~ \\\ik‘l.llli'll .1\ [NH HI [BC I ‘I/I’Il III i/iI (In IU\II\.II

Thursday 28


WriterFest Rallhilillll lhcalic. "\ Ingiain Sum-I. 553 UV’ l l5 :l‘lll lim- I rank Kuppnci pun I\IL'\ a lunphuinv'x L‘lllcl'lallllllr‘lll \\lIIl icailingx Ili‘lll lnx \Mll‘h

=2: John Connolly and Colin Bateman with Denise Mina ( )iiakai \ Bunkxlun'. l‘nil (I. Buthanan (iaHCllC\. Buchanan Sum. ‘5‘ 15”“ h ;“pin 1: Hit mu \uu'cxslul llH\CIl\l\ \lm'uxs lhcn ncu hunks and \IIIICICIII al‘l‘li‘agilLN in grnnc \xi‘iung; al (Ill\ Call} cwnin; cwni prcwnlul h} I)Cl1l\L' \Iina I’ai'l ul [hp ('Irnii n: .‘isI (12". IL‘\ll\ai


VARIOUS Constantine: The Hellblazer Collection 0..

Hellblazer: All His Engines 0..

Hellblazer: Rare Cuts COO.

I l . ‘. r 14'.'I

MIKE MIGNOLA AND OTHERS Hellboy: Odder Jobs 2"" H l‘»" ..

[I “a I . (e [V ' I; .' ‘I ° I I t‘.


Ministry of Space

" C.


' I ,I I I L N! . ’IlJ“ I‘ ,i, 'i Fr I ‘I III I. .l I’ l' r. )‘ii'i ' 'l ' I, .I ‘;V I 1 ° I\ t , Ill ,v . 'r-I. :;I (A, i} ‘IH I I I\‘ I I I “.I 'I 1' ’I I M' I '~ 1- ' .'.' I I II ,'I/ I I‘ (I YI ‘, II K l ,h/ I ,4. I r I’ir I’I I I ,‘

If 'i " II

" I I II I " I I I " Id" I I I

see page 25 for details