Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce and Rachael Street.


Activities 8. Events

Para Handy Centenary Exhibition Mitchcll l.ihrar_\. 201 North Strcct. 237 200‘). 10.30am (l. 30pm. laxhihition cclchrating thc IHHSI lltlllHlIS crcation ol lll\L‘l‘;tl'_\rlM)t‘ll lltHL'llSl. poct and ltllll'lltllhl. \c'il .\ltinro.

Self Regulating Poster Wall (‘( ‘.v\. .35“ Stillt'llicltttll .Sll't'cl. 3.52 JUN“. l’mtc up _\otir oun [)HSIL‘I' it “ill i'cinain

\ ISIl‘lL' tiiitil \UlltL'HllL' paxtcx o\cr thc lop.


The Ideal Home 8. Garden Show Sl~.( ’( '. l‘innicxton ()ua}, 0870 0-10 .1000. 11am Upin. H to it‘5i; laniil} tickct U”. 'l‘hc ldcal lllllllL‘ & (iardt‘tl Shim l\ taking; on a \caxonttl lilt‘lIS. locthxtn}: on gardcning produch and ttt‘L‘t‘xxiit'lL'S lor thc \[tl‘illg and \llllllllL‘l'. uhilc also ot'tcrin}: thc latcxt ll't‘lltl\ in honic intcriorx. llll'lllSlllllgS. acccxxoricx. |)I\’. food and drink.


ArtBites! .\lcl.c||an (itlllct‘lt‘\. 270 Sauchichall Sti‘cct. 5(i5 4100. 1pm. l'rcc. Short talk on '.'\ Man in .'\rniour‘ h} Rcinhrandt.

GOMA: Artists Talks (iallci'_\ ol .\lodcrn Art. ()ticcn Strcct. 22‘) 10W). 030 7.30pm. l’rcc. ('ontcniporar} lll‘ll\l .lulic Rohcrtx is a ('ai‘lixlc-haxcd paintcr \Nltnxc uork ix includcd in thc (i( ).\l:\ t'\lllhlll(lll (I/inurmh .'lI'/.' .Si'li'i‘li'r/ nur/n from Illt' i‘u/li'i'llmi.


Hip Hop Dance Classes (‘(‘.-\. 350 Satichicliall Strcct. 352 4000, 7 .S'pni. £5 (£4). Apparcntl} it's _\our ci\ ic dut} to \hakc )iitii' hoot).

Activities & Events

Para Handy Centenary Exhibition Mitchcll Lunar}. 201 .\'orth Strcct. 287 200‘). 10.30am ~1piii.Scc'l'hu 14. Artists’ Talk: Barbara Kruger 'l‘raniua}. 25 Alhcrt l)ri\'c. 0845 330 350|. 1 Iain. Rarc chancc to \cc Barbara Krugcr talking about hcr nork and L‘tll'CCl‘ ;t\ ll pl‘CClll‘vH‘ lo llL‘l‘ \lltl\\ \ til (io.\l.-\ and ’l‘i‘anma}. l’rcc on a lirxt conic. tirxt \cr\ cd l\;l\l\. Scc t'caturc. Self Regulating Poster Wall (“('A. .35” Sallt‘lllt‘ltttll 50111. .352 4000. SL‘L‘ Thu 14.


The Ideal Home & Garden Show Sli(‘('. l5innicston Qua). 0870 040 4000. 11am 0pm. £4 to it'5i; taniil} tickct t'l‘). Scc Thu 14.


Brittania Asset Management Women's 10k Run Bt'lltllllllhltlll l’ark. Bcllahouxton |)ri\ c. 427 5454.

Saturday 1 6 5

Activities & Events

Para Handy Centenary Exhibition Mitchcll Librar). lel Ntll‘lll SII‘L‘CI. 23“ 200‘). 10.30am 4pm. Scc Thu 14.

Self Regulating Poster Wall (‘(‘.-\. .55” Sauchichall SII‘L‘CI. .55: 4‘10”. SL‘C Thu 14.

* Pure Murder ()lltllxttt"\ Bookxtorc. l'nit o. Buchanan (iallcricx. Buchanan Strcct. 353 1500. 0.45am. £5. li\plorc (ilaxgoxx 'x criminal paxt and lcarn about

28 THE LIST 7.1-725 At”

inodcin ll'lL'HSlc \ciciicc it} ioiniiij; lltl\ totii thiough \onic ot thc cit} \ ltl~'\1 llll.tlllHll\ \itc\ l’art ot thc ( )ttakai '\ ('I'Inii in {In ('ii'i. 1L'\11\.ll Scc lllllhl


The Ideal Home 8. Garden Show SH '( '. l‘llllllt‘\lllll Qua}. 03500-10 UN Nl 10am ~pin L-l Hi i L5i. taniil} tickct tl‘) Scc 'lhti l-l

30/2D Craft 8. Design Fair l\’i~}.tl (‘onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Sticct. 353 Still“ Ill Hm”) .I illpm Ll i—‘lliwi (‘oiitciiipoiar-\ cialt. dcxicii and .ll'1\\1ll'l\\tlllt'\1lltlllllllt'llldlxt'lS lllt'lll\L'l\t'\.

Food & Drink

Farmers Market ()iiccii'x l’aik. 520 l.;lllj_'\ltlt' Park. 25'" 2500, Want 2pm .\ chancc to hti_\ lrtwh pioducc diicct tioiii thc ltll'lllt'l'\


75 Years of the Morning Star Celebration Day S'l‘l '(‘ (‘t-iiirc. 3 33 \Voodlandx Road. 5"" 2 3‘10. 2511p!” Sc\cnt_\ li\c _\cai\ ol thc \oicc ol \Ut'ltllISIIl.\\lll1llllll\.\\ill‘l\\lliip\. rcadingx and stall» .\ i'all_\ hcginx at (ipni. thcn thcic'x a concci't at ".30pni \\lll1 Dick (iaiigghan. .\l'1ltlll' .lolinxtonc and thc .lllll l)ai|} Hand, :\ltci‘noon

t‘\ CHIS UNI E l. L'Ultt't‘l'l llt'lxt'IS 401‘ El” it'5i.

Activities & Events

Para Handy Centenary Exhibition \litchcll |.ihrar_\. 20| North Strch 23” 209‘). SL‘L‘ 'l‘ltll l~l.

Self Regulating Poster Wall (‘( '.\. .55” Stlllt‘lllt‘lltlll Sll'L'L‘l. .552 ~l‘lllll. St‘t‘ ’l'hu H.


Scotfairs Antique Fair Kch iii llall lntci‘national Sporh .-\rciia. 1115 .\rg_"\ Ic Strcct, 0| 704 (54555. Itlain ~l.30pni. U. Brim \c \tall\ ladcn \\ ilh icu cllcr}. coinx. Iincn. lllL'tltll\ and antiqucx.

The Ideal Home 8- Garden Show Sli( '('. l-‘innicxtoii Qua}. 0870 (Mt) ~10t )0. Want 7pm & 10am (ipiii. [-1 L'oit'5i; taiiiil) tickct L'l‘). Scc Thu 14.

3D/2D Craft 8. Design Fair Roytl ('onccrt Hall. 2 Saticliichall Strcct. 353 8000. 10.30am 4.30pm. {I i70pi. Scc Sat tr».

Monday 18 -

Activities & Events

Para Handy Centenary Exhibition \ltlt‘lk‘ll\t';tl'_\. 2111 North SII'L‘L‘I. 237 200‘). 10.30am (v.30pni. Scc Thu 14. Self Regulating Poster Wall (‘( ‘.-\. .55ll81lllL'lllt‘llilll Sll‘L‘L‘l. 5.52 4001). SL‘L' Thu 14.


Beginners Capoeira Workshop (‘arnhal :\rt\. 2nd liloor. 34 :\ll\ion 511111.552 3037.1) 7.3llplll, (£41. l.carn thix graccl'ul Hi‘a/ilian martial art.

Tuesday 1 9

Activities & Events

Para Handy Centenary Exhibition Mitchcll I.ihrar_\. 201 North Strcct. 237‘ 200‘). 10.30am (i..30piii. Scc 'l'hii l-l. JAM74 (imanhill \cighhourliood ('cntrc. l)ai\_\ Strcct. 7,30pni. .loin iii thc .l.'\.\l7-l inccting and \xork toxxardx \topping thc building ot' thc tic“ MU. For inorc int'orniation cinail intotujaniHorg. Scc Ragc.

Self Regulating Poster Wall (‘(’.-\. 551) Stillt‘ltlcllttll Sll‘L‘L‘l. .552 40111), SL‘C Thu 14.


Educating the Innovator(‘(‘.v\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4000. 10am. £1. :\ dtl} long L‘\ Cl" [0 tlt\c‘ll\\ and L'\plol‘t' thc ixxucx \Ul'l‘tllllltlllly thc notion ot llllL‘l'tllSL‘lPlllltll‘) art and \cicncc L'dllt‘alloll.

Cassandra Eason was the dream

May. In this three-hour workshop Cassandra will guide you through

The new style Body & Soul Fair combines psychic and alternative


analyst for Big Brother last year and has made many TV appearances talking about dreams and psychic phenomena. She is appearing at the Body & Soul Fair at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on Sat 30 April and Sun 1 May we have two pairs of tickets to the ‘Unlock your psychic powers‘ workshop on Sun 1

techniques to help develop your psychic potential. We also have five runner-up prizes of a pair of tickets for the fair.

health stalls. Send your answers on an email marked ‘CASSANDRA EASON‘ to promotions©| or on a postcard to The List, 14 High Street. Edinburgh. EH1 1TE by no later than 25 April 2005. Please include a daytime telephone number and postal address.

cassandm eason's

Wednesday 20

ActiVities & Events

Para Handy Centenary Exhibition .\litchcl| lihiar}. 201 North Sti'ccl. 2H“ 20‘)” 10.30am (r31 lpin, Scc 'I‘hu l~1 Cuauhtémoc Medina lliiiitcriaii \lllSt'lllll. (iilhcrt Scott Building. l'iiiu-i'xit} ot (ilaxgon. 330 -1221. ‘1. 30pm. licc. .\rt critic. curator and lii\toriaii haxcd in .\lc\ico ('it_\. ('tianhtcinoc \lcdiiia. \pc.ik\ about collcctioiix and collccting in «min to traiiic thc coiitc\t ot thc c\hihition ot tlic .liinic\ ('ollcction in 'l'rainua}. llc h a|\o JSSUUJIL‘ curator ot l.atiii .-\iiicrican .\rt ('ollcctioiix at 'l’atc (iallcr) in l.oiidoii and in 2002 oi'ganixcd l-iancix ,\|}\‘ action ll'lii'n' l'tlll/l .l/Hli'\ .llumitimix in Inna. l’cru.

Opening Party 'l‘lic .'\l‘L‘ltL‘\. 253 .*\l’f._'_\ Ic Strcct. 5(i5 1023. ‘lpin, l‘i'cc. l'rcc opcniiig part} tor ( il;t\;_‘il\\ liitcrnatioiial lcd h) thc (‘hatcati crcn. tcatui'ing: Motlicr tk thc :\ddlcl\. l'll't' llll'dx l'llt‘lx-Ull .\l.iclictc .tlld Sniinincr ( )iic.

Self Regulating Poster Wall (‘( '.-\. 350Sauc1iic|ial| Sti'cct. 352 4000. Scc Thu 14.


Curators’ Favourites lliirrcll ('ollcction. 20M! l’ollokxhaxxx Road. 237 2550. 12.30pm. l-i'cc. 'lohiax (Xipucll. curator ot s'\rni\ and .‘\l‘lllillll'. j_‘l\L‘\ a talk on lllt' \lt'dlt‘htl l‘.ll-lf._'_\ 01 l)ott Rdllltlll l’aralta Y laxpcx,

Subcurrent Festival Launch ('( '..\. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352-1000. "pin, l‘l'L‘L'. 1|L‘le‘lL'd. l’altt‘l dl\c‘tl\\ltltl and (‘ltKA looking; at tlic rccciit L‘\Pltl\ltlll iii l)l\' inthic. h} tracing \ttl‘ltlUS kc} \ound-ax- thought‘ hrcakthrouglix and c\ainiiiing_' thc 1ch (ll llL‘\\ lt‘t‘llllolog}.


Beginners Capoeira Workshop (ittl‘ltlhtl .'\l'l\. 20d l‘loor. 54 Albion Slt‘L‘L‘l. 552 SM". n ".30pin. to itkli. Scc Mon 18.

Thursday 21

Activities <3 Events

Chronicle of an Announced Artwork ‘l'raniuay 25 .-\lhcit l)ri\c. 08—15 330 3501. 10am .5pin. Stctaiiic Bournc ha~ gathcrcd a group ol ttl'll\l\ troni l‘rancc. (icrnian) and Scotland \\ ho act ;t\ \\ itncvcx to hcr nork to [‘L‘l'lill‘lll IllL‘lt‘ lltlL‘t‘l‘TL‘lttllon ill ll. 'l‘hrotigh (‘limiiit /r. Bournc c\plorc~ thc i'olc\ ot thc .tl’IISI and curator in thc torinatioii and H\\l1L'l'\ltlp ot an idca or attnork.

Para Handy Centenary Exhibition \litclicll Librar}. 201 North Strcct. 2K" 20‘)”, 10.30am 6.30pm. Scc Thu 14.

Self Regulating Poster Wall ('(‘.-\. 350 Saticliichall Strch 352 «1900. Scc Thu 14.

Food & Drink

Continental Market St 1 “Hull Stiuaic. 20.1 3000,1icc Slallx tioin all ma lztiiopc. including; l'lt‘llcll hicad. Sxx ISS chccwx. garlic. o|i\c\. ( iciinan \auxagc. Dutch “altlcx and much llltll't'.


ArtBites! .\lcl .cllan ( iallcrtcx 270 Sauchichall Sti‘ccl. 5o5 4100 1pm. l'i'cc. Short talk on "l'hc lllundic 'l'i’_\ \tc' h} .l Sir Nocl l’alon.

Masterclass: The Art of Adapting for the Theatre ('iti/cnx‘ lllt‘tlllt'.

I 1‘) (iorhalx Slrcct. 42‘) 0022.

5 (v.45pni. £1 £5. .'\l'll\llt' dircctoi .lcrcin} Raixon tll\t'll\\t'\ thc procc“ oi adapting; \xork tor tlic xtaggc. \xith rclcrcncc to ll|\ rcccnt [H'Htlllt'lltlllS .‘l Hum/[ill n! Ilmt and Iii/Iii Ilii/l l’articipanh arc L'llt‘tHll'det'd to \cc hoth \lttl\\\ hctorc attcndiny; Hlllt‘l\\l\t' thc pricc \xill hc £5.


How to be a City Gardener: Propagate your Seedlings 'l'lit- lliddcn (iardcnx. 'l'rainua}. 25 ;\|hcit l)ri\c. 0845 330 501. 1.30 2. 30pm. l'i'cc. linproxc }otii' gardcninc \lklllS in thth \xcckl} \xorkxhopx. Hooking: rcquii'cd.

Hip Hop Dance Classes ( '( '.-\. 350 Sauchichall Sti'cct. 352 4000. 7 Spin. £5 it-li. Scc 'l'hu l-l.

Activities <3 Events

Para Handy Centenary Exhibition Mitchcll l.ihrai"\. 201 .\'oth Sti‘cct. 237 200‘). 10,30ani 4pm. Scc 'l’hu 1-1. Video Art Scotland 'l‘i‘on 'l'licairc. m 'l'rongatc. 552 «12(i7 11am 5pm. £10. ()nc-da} \cniinar prcxcntcd h} Strcct l.C\ cl l’lloltmorkx liiiikltlg til lxxtlcx around thc uxc ol \ idco in currcnt practicc and distrihution ot clcctronic nicdia u ithiii Scotland and hcyind. Spcakcrx includc John Bcaglcx Htl'IISI and \xritcr. (llil\:,_'()\\ i. Su (it‘lL‘l'Stlll lartixt and curator. l’L‘l'lllSllll'L'). l‘l'illlL'lS Mcch (curator ol (ilttsgim lntcrnationali. Malcolm l)icl\\on lStrcct l.C\L‘l l’llllltlfitll‘kS.(ll£l\g(1\\l.'l-llCUS Xxxakhalx l.\lontc\ idco. .'\lll\lL'rtlllllll and SIM c Hodc tl‘ilnl and Vidco l'inhrclla. Londonl. Booking rccoinincndcd. (ll) ll)

\\ u \\.\lpltiitii\\iirkxtlcmiinuruk.

Self Regulating Poster Wall (‘(‘A. 350 Sauchichall Strcct. 352 4900. Scc 'l‘hu l-l.

Food & Drink Continental Market St linoch Squarc. 204 3900. l'rcc. Scc Thu 21.