


How to place an

Fill in the free postcards available from the following venues: The Basement, City Cafe, EH1, Filmhouse, Fopp Bar, The Street, The Pear Tree, Traverse Bar (Edinburgh), or The Arches, Brel, GFT, King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Moskito, 13th Note, Tinderbox, The Tron (Glasgow).

You can reach us at isawyou@| Please supply a postal address when using e—mail.

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9 Write the Box Number clearly in the TOP LEFT-HAND CORNER.

- If you send several replies. send them in one large envelope.

0 Box Numbers are valid for three months. 0 Replies will be forwarded once a week.

124 THE LIST l-i—J‘S Apr .‘Ct‘li


V I Saw You behind the eounter in Starbucks. looking \hort yet handxonte and I think I tell in one y \ \ l'/5I9/36 VI Saw You in ('("x Yoti note a yy lute V-neeked I-shn't. tall and broad. you yy ere \Itllltllllg by the stairs. l'x’5l9/27 V I Saw You \e\y boy in the Street 35/03 (iood I'riday. Beige eord laeket aitd dark blonde han‘. Think your name IS Jonathan. I.el\ meet and talk. I'/5l9/ZH

V I Saw You \HIII hott hippx and bolt Iippx. ('an yy e go \lettdy '.’ I'/5I9/3‘)

V I Saw You Ariadne. In otn IlUlISL'. You are the lnoxl beautil‘ul yyoman in the yyorld and I one you immensely. \Vill alyyays proteet you Irom \qtlll‘l'eI\ \y iIIl \yyot’dx. I75 I 9/30 V I Saw You yyorking in the Street. \yearing a \\\ itnming eap. Let's get together and make babies. I '/5 19/3 I

VI Saw You yyorking at I-‘ountainbridge Bank or Seotland. Large nose. large elseyy here. \ I75I9/32

V I Saw You ('looney boy in dark jumper. I am gushing thin Johnny Vegas. I'/5I9/33

V I Saw You I think you are ealled Kyle. I bumped into you just bel‘oi‘e the Pope died. I “us really upset. l'/5|9/3-I

V I Saw You at the Street on I-‘riday llltlt. talked to you at the bar. I think your name \Hlx Adam. you were going to Iigo. Interested girl .\ l'/5I9/35

V I Saw You so eonlident. l oned your glasses. yy e both drink Stella. you swim, I sink xx I'/5l9/36

V I Saw You I)Jing in I’lanet on Monday? You're so ItoI. I).I bird. from tall boy. l'/5l9/37 V I Saw You in the Street. You: long hair and stripey blue shirt. ()ur eyes tnet. on sitting at next table.'.\ talk? I'/5l9/3«S' V I Saw YOU it L‘llIe gorgeotlx hamster-laced blonde \y ith \UII- eases outside the Inn on 'I'hurxday morning. You looked so sexy I'd like to meet you. II interested eontaet me please. I'/5I9/39

V I Saw You . . . gorgeous platinum blonde guy yyorking in Sainsbury‘x Morningside . . . your name badge says Lexy is. l-‘aney a eollee sometime? Your Iinglixh male admirer. l'/5l9/-t0 V I Saw You in the ('onan Doyle handing out smiles otin to me. We drank some plnlx then yyent to the ()mni eentre. Remember \y hat happened there'.’ Skip home with me next time. I'/5l9/-1I

V I Saw You SCUUSC I.adbrokes man at Vegas (2 April I. 'Nt) good (ti llirting' Me in hull eth you yyouldn' come on diseo bus yy ith me. Still yy ant my number‘.’

I75 I9/42

V I Saw You at the pool with your four stroke lireesty le. You \\\IIII like Dayyn Fraser. Would you like to go for gold yy ith me‘.’ [7519/43

V I Saw You Feyer. 02/04.

We ‘nodded and smiled" l 'i \yhile your tall llatmate looked the other \yay (letting yyater \ya\ troublesome oops \\l\II II hadn't been. I'l5l944

V I Saw You but it seems like my \paeeman pit-let's lantaxy to reality. pity. It‘s up to you now l"5l9/-I5

V I Saw You \eryntg me hot ehoe in 'l‘eyiot I“.t\ttl'lI 17th .-\prili. You: tall man will tlllllSlltlI hairdo. .\Ie: sandy haired man \Hlll dullle eoat and l'einale triend. Thought you were onely l'/5l9/46

V I Saw You alyyayx reading on ant. liaxter Road thI\. ()bxery ed and thought would like to say hello. but didn't. Better to regret something one II.-\S dolle'.’ I75 I 9/47

0 I Saw You l’atrtek. yyalking near IIolyrood Sunday l3th .\Iareh. Met you xx hen you had a eollege/yyork plaeement at the Bank or Seolland around l99l. You \y ere into the ('ratnps. Think you eame lrom I)umlriexhire'.’ Medium length dark hair. (let in toueh lI you remember me. l'/5I9/-I.\’

V I Saw You \eeond year medieal student at I'oII‘. \yalking doyyn the Royal Mile late Weds night. 'I'ook pie or the heart. Itoyy about meeting l'or mike and taking my pie'.’7" l'/5|9/-I9

Why not place an I Saw You online at


’1 5 ‘" “36? "x I "V

SURPRISE! Warm, funny brunette. 3|. \t‘L'kx an intelligent Iidtnbtngh man tor pancake»making. emema going tk ga/ing at starry eyes. (all me on 09067 5 l0 H5 and enter 4034809

WARM, affectionate, blonde, blue—eyed lemale \inIt a euddly personality. Ib’, no lies. \YIII'M a titan loi pt)\\l ble relationship & to \hare \nn lIttl' interextx. (‘ltll me on “9007 510 H5 and enter 4046309

BLUE eyed female, blonde hair. 3.5. 5'0". good II}: we t‘t atlraeliye \yith (}S()II. enjoys pubs. dining out A; more. WIII‘NI tnale lor happy times. ltlllgltx & ronlattee. ('all me on 0906 756 3557 and enter 18925225

ATTRACTIVE petite female, 3 I. blonde hair & broyy n ey ex. enjoys pubs. elubx. einetna. eating out & relaxing at home. WIII'M male Ior l'riend ship at maybe more. ('all me on (NIH) 756 3557 and enter I8632425 3 MICHELLE 25, tall with a medium btnld. blonde highlighted hair & blue eye\. likes einema. going lor yyalkx and staying in Looking lor similar male. ('all me on 0906 756 3557 and enter 3204b”.

SLIM, 5'2, blonde who runs out] Ittlxinexx and likes daneing. the theatre and going to the pub. WIII‘M someone intelligent lor lun. IrlL‘IltISIllp and poxxihle relationship ('all me on 0906 756 3557 and enter I 102699

BORED Glasgow lass, 33. WIIIINI loeal male to inieet a bit oI lun back into her IiIe. (‘all tne on 0906 756 3557 and enter 3300MB

MEDIUM BUILD, 5'4, short hair. blue eyes. Iznioyx going out for meals. haying quiet nights in. going to the ein- eina. WIII'M someone tor a bit of ebatting and a bit or eompa- ny. (‘all me on 0906 756 3557 and enter l097699 ’- FUN, bubbly female, 54 with blonde hair. likes pubs at yy'alking. WIIIM niee male for quiet nights in. (’all me on 0906 756 3557 and enter 3296142