Visual Art


'3 good to talk

The controversy over the attribution of the Skating Minister attracted hoards of people to a National Galleries of Scotland debate. Ruth Hedges investigates.

t‘x l2.45pm on a 'I'uexda) al'ternoon at the \Vexton link and an old \xoman ix arguing hitterl) Iot‘ her right to xit in on the Ieeture. She'x not got a tieket.

and xhe‘x not getting in. The theatre‘x lull and an air ol'

antieipation hu//ex about the mainh gre} headx paek'ed into the \Vexton lira}. I’t'uxtrated. xhe ma) he. hut the \\oman “ateliex along \xith lltl otherx outxide on the linked up \ideo xereenx. ’I‘he National (ialleriex ha\ e not xeen an_\thing like it.

.-\tIlltlllL‘tlI}. tltlx lttlk.\ Ik‘llt‘lillt‘tl Il'tlllt [\Hi \\eekx til~

rankling in the prexx het\\een the douhterx and the I‘L‘IILWL‘I‘N WVIIH I’itllllt‘tl [Ilt‘ Skating .\Illll\IL‘l".’. l\ [IIL' quextion and e\er_\one'x gathered to lind out. \Vax it Sir lIenr_\ Ix’aehurn or. ax Dr Stephen I.Io_\d ix tr_\ing to argue. I-i'eneli painter llenri-I’ierre l)anlau\. While it ix a xpeeial eaxe. \ ixitorx. it xeemx. are regularl} xtarting to eome to the next \Vexton \xhieh opened Iaxt lid}. in the xt_\Ie ol~ audieneex of old. \\ hen puhlie tneetingx \\ ere ax popular and partieipator} ax a xeriex ol mg Brother. ‘Numherx are going era/_\.' xa}x xenior edueation ot‘l'ieer Iimma \ieolxon. ‘\\'e‘\e both had ahttxe trotn \ ixitorx.‘

IIeIen \Ionaghan. talkx and e\entx programmer. hax \\orked eloer} \xith Iimma and euratorx to de\elop a programme \\hieh hax hoxted .lanet Street Porter and lid Ruxeha. ix .xoon to \xeleome I’runeIIa Sealex talking about Queen Vietoria. and xuper-realixt photographer .\Iartin I’arr later in the }t‘;tt‘.

Big namex grah attention. but mueh \xork ix heing done at ground Ie\e| to broaden the audieneex for regular dixeuxxionx. \xidening the traditional Iunehtime leeture eore. 'l‘m piloting thingx at the

102 THE LIST "- ." '

moment aimed at xtudentx and pi'ol‘exxionals.‘ xa_\'x \Ionaghan. ‘\\'e'\e got eontemporary artixt Riehard \\'athen talking ahout I.andxeer and haVe exeiting ideax tor the return of the Veniee Biennale hringing dixeuxxiom haek home linding out what all the luxx ix ahout.’ 'I‘he thinking ix lateral and tangential ax the lilm xeriex ol‘ Vietot'ian—related mmiex. ineluding li/t'p/nuil .l/mi xhoxx x. The galleriex are alxo \xorking \xith the I-‘ilmhone. the (‘oIleetix‘e (ialler). the Seottixh I’oetr) Librar} and the RS.-\.

l)expite inereaxing numherx. Iidinhurgh ix not. though. a naturth l‘ortheoming eit}. aeeording to .\'ieolxon. '.-\ttendanee l'or \ixiting euIturaI Venues ix had in Iidinhurgh. It xoarx during the I“exti\al. hut dexpite ha\ ing xe\eral uni\erxitiex and aeademie eentrex. people don't go out xo mueh compared \klll‘l other big eitiexf

'I’imex. it xeemx. are ehanging. The inereaxing trend ol

Iea\ ing the xol'a hehind ix xtarting to he noted. Ix realit} 'I'\' loxing itx l‘axeination‘.’ 'I think people are xtarting to xeek xtitnuIation.' xa}x Nieolxon. like going to the theatre. )ou realixe hou xtrong a li\e perl‘ormanee ix.‘

'I‘he ne\t Ii\e perl‘ormanee sure to get people xerapping in the aixlex ix the return bout on the Skating .\Iinixter dehate gi\en h} Dunean 'I‘homxon on 'I‘hurxda} ZS .-\priI. .-\ xtauneh del‘ender ot‘ the painting'x attribution. Thomon gaVe a taxte ol' hix tone in a ehallenge at the end of Stephen I.Iti}'tI'.x talk. Jtixt make xure _\ou hook _\our ticket at the front dexk lirxt. But Ieax e the handhagx at home. for heaten'x xake.

Raeburn’s Skating Minister, Weston Link, Edinburgh, Thu 28 Apr.




Barbara Kruger Specially commissioned installation focusing on the issue of domestic abuse by American artist. whose slogans. images and video works have questioned power structures and human relations for the last 35 years. See feature. page 14. GoMA, Glasgow, Thu 21 Apr—Sun 25 Sep.

* This Peaceful War - The Jumex Collection Choice works from the amazing collection located in a Mexican juice factory. See preview. page 16. Fri 22 Apr-Sun 22 May.

=l< Campbell’s Soup Neil Mulholland curates a show that explores the vast influence that Stephen Campbell has had on contemporaries and future generations. See preview. page 16. Glasgow School of Art, Mon 78 Apr-Sun 8 May.

* Evergreen Wonderful chance to see many of the past artists who've graced lnverleith House's walls, including Graham Fagen, Douglas Gordon, Cy Twombty and Richard Wright. lnver/ieth House, Edinburgh, until Sun 3 Jul.

>l< Monarch of the Glen: Landseer In the Highlands Encouraged by his friendships with Walter Scott and Queen Victoria, Landseer spent much time up north painting stags and other beasts. National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, Thu 14 Apr—Sun 10 Jul.

>3 Fool's Gold Magpies ahoy! Glittering trinkets and treats by 24 contemporary jewellery designers that are good enough to eat. See review. The Embassy, Edinburgh, until Sun 24 Apr.

=l€ Andy Warhol: Self Portraits Moving and revealing survey of prints. photographs and sketches from childhood fun to later morbid obsession. National Gallery of Modem Art. Edinburgh, until Mon 2 May.