I Recliner and Mummy Short Arms Hartl}. 2(ill (‘l}de Street. (lb—ll WP (NW). Spin 2.4

I Misled Youth, UK Deathcharge and Mutley Haiti} tupstairsi. 2ND ('l}de Street. MSW) tit)“ out») Spin l’unk hill

I Sleeping Prophets and Payola \ice'ri'Slc'.i/}.»12l Sauchiehall Street. HUNHH ()Plll Sleeping l’rophets descrihe thenise|\es sinipl} land niodestl} l as ‘lour goodlookirig lads playng rock‘n'roll'.

I Anavris 'l’hc ('athousc. I 5 l‘nion Street. 24S (itillti. '7 illpni. L4 tad\.'incei. L5 ltlinit'). ()\er> l-ls shim \lt'lal line-up. \\ ith more hands to he continued.

I Attica Rage l he l ill] \tile ('ale. 5t) (ill King Street. 55* HRS. ‘lprri. {the Scottish nictal outlit keen to redress the imbalance limar'ds l'S hands on the metal scene.

I Das Contras and Surround l'ire\\ater. HI Sauchiehall Street. ‘54 “35”. Spin. l'ree. Local hand slioxs case. I Michael Simons 'l chai ()\ na. rm Heariston l)ri\e. (i4‘) 725K. Spin. £2 (ilasgim vhased guitarist pla) ing lolk. blues and lie_\ond.

I Sing & Drink Stereo. Kel\ inliaiigh Street. 57!» 5tllS. Spin, l'ree. \Veekl} open rnrc session.

I Acoustic Open Stage the Hall Har. loll Woodlands Road. 552 0000. Split. l'ree.

I Live Music \lacSot'le. 42 Jamaica Street. 245 H5Nl. ‘lpltt. l‘ree. Bands in he conlirnied.


I Ack Ack Ack, Bumrape and Nurse Alice Sulma} (‘o\\gate. (N ('ougale. 225 (i700. 7.50pm. L5 Hard t'UL'k and hardcore ll'Qlll (‘old Dead Hands.

I The Arlenes The Bongo ('liilt. Mora} House. 57 Hol}rood Road. .5535 7on4. Tillpni. [Ill tL'Si. ('ountr} and .-\iiier'icana h_\ “in of ('alil'ornia \ia l.oridori leatur'ing lirnil} Barker from the l.o\\ ('ountr). 'l‘heir delnit alhuni Sim/s on luri- “as a cracker arid the lollou up (fume In (ii/I‘ln/‘Iriil is ottt no“.

I The Dave Drain Experience, Daybreak and Benign Myth Baiiriernian's. Niddr} Street. 55o 3254. H.45pm. £4. Bill ol upcoming local indie hands. including the iiielarichol} guitar rock or |)a} break.

I Taylor Kane, King Louie and Refuse Boy \Vhisllehirikies. 4 South Bridge. 557 5| l4. ‘lpm. l-‘r‘ee. ()r'iginal guitar rock I‘ollms ed h} L‘U\Cl's.


1 i Juliette & the Licks, Voicists and Metro Riots King ’l‘ut‘s \Vah \Vah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 527‘). 3.50pm. L H). See pr'e\ iL‘\\ littl' ttc‘ll'e\\ .luliette l.e\\is' rock'ii'roll di\ersion.

I Gerry 8. the Pacemakers, The Searchers, The Merseybeats and The Swinging Blue Jeans Ro}al ('oncer‘t llttll. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 5.5.5 Noun. 7.30pm. £2!.Sti/tlt).5ii/t;l7.5tl. The annual Solid '/.inimer sorr}. \se mean Si|\ er (\(lS heano leaturing \arious halding heat comhos.

I Atreyu, He is Legend and Norma Jean The (iarage. 400 Sauchiehall Street. 332 ID”. 7pm. {Ill ()\er-l4s shim. Melodic hardcore. metal and rock inelange from this ()range (‘ount_\ quintet.

I The Glitterati, The Black Velvets and Silvertide The (‘ailiouse. l5 l'iiiori Street. 248 0600. ".3tlpm. L'" ()\ei‘- l4s shou. The .\'e\\ School ol Rock tour featuring a cocksure mi\ or rock. punk and glaiii sounds.

I Dead City Radio, Down the Tiny Steps, The Risingson, Adam Beattie and The B Men Barri}. 2N) ('|}de Street. “STU 907 090‘). 3pm. £5. b’ie Issue henet'it night featuring man} and \aried local talents from indie and roek'n'roll to acoustic artists. See Wed o for Him n the Tin} Steps.

I Festoon, This Familiar Smile, School of Assassins .ittd Kicking Buckets Hat'll} iiipstaris». 2h” ('l_\de Street. “Salt WU" H‘N‘) Spin L4 l’unk. altcrnatne and ska punk lull

I Second Fault \rcc'n'Slea/s. 421 Sauchrehall Street. in Will“ ‘lpin L4 Hem} rnetal thunder

I Aviator Shades Ra“. Queen Margaret 1 Hum. 22 l nr\crsit_\ (iardens. i“) ‘)"S4 «\pllt lice. \Veekl} \llim case or local bands including retro rockers .-\\ taliil’ Shades

I Jokerman, Fade and You Can’t Eat the Word Food lllt' Hall Bar. Hill “midlands Road. :52 WW“. ‘lpni. l'tee. Hattie Hl the Hands heat.

I The Catherine O’l-lalloran Band 'l‘llc‘ (hurl. l25~ ,\lf2} le Street. 5.5- “373. Spin. l-r'ee. Singer/song“r'iler

\\ itli a \otah .ltlllt‘S‘lll’sk‘ |a//vlo|k lecl to her material.

I Silver Bullet, Audiology and

Souldrive Rockers. l4 \lidlaiid Street.

22| ll72o. ". illpm. l't'ee. Rock line-up. I Raw Gallagher Studio ( )ne. (ir'os\enor Hotel. (ir'os\enor 'l'errace toll lisres Roadi. 3-H o5lo. ‘lprn. l-ree. I The Free Candy Sessions The l.lt|llltl Ship. ITI I75 (ireal \Vestern Road. 3H I‘llll. Spin. l'r'ee.

I Phil’s Session l'isge Heatlia. 232 \Voodlands Road. 5(i4 l5‘l(i. Spin. I‘ree. \Veekl} rain.

I The Vagabonds ’l'lie Seoiia.

ll: l l»l Stock\\ell Street. .552 Shh’l. ‘lpni. l'ree. l’opular' co\er's.

I Jam Session Samuel l)o\\ 's.

()7 7| .\'rthsda|e Road. 423 “NW. H.5“ptlt. l’ree. lliisled l3} llldL‘pelldL‘lleL‘. I Live Music Soundset. the Sitttltdllatls. >17 H)de l’ttl‘k Street. 22l 4(i5‘). 8.50pm. (4.5”. Members and guests. Shou case ol local hands.

I Live Music .\lc('huills. 4() High Street. 552 2 I 35. ‘)pm. lir'ee. .\'e\\ hands night. \\ itli line-up to be confirmed.

I Live Music \lacSorle}x 42 Jamaica Street. 243 85S l. ()prn. l'i'ee. 'l‘hree local hands to he continued.

I Live Music Starbucks. 252 254 B}i‘es Road. 357 53IS. 7pm 0pm. l‘ree.


I Hells Bells 'l‘he li\chaiige. 55 (irme Street. 443 0404. "pm. [0.50. A('/l)(' trihute.

I Steve Butler Queen's llall. ('lei'k Street. Mix 201‘), .Splll. Ht). Singer/song“r‘iter l'rom (ilasgim 's l.ies l)anined l.ies gi\es a characteristicall} sittllltll solo perl'or'niance.

I Tara Connolly with the McDowells, Dale Hadley with Lambent and The Zealots (‘ounring House. \Vest .\'icolson Street. (W7 (LS-Hi. 8.30pm. £5. Another humper line-up at

And} ‘s ('anna \Vorins \\ ith a selection ol~

roots) tracks t'rom some irnpressne singer/song“riters.

I China Eye, Four World Theory, Carpe Diem and I Stand Alone Harinei‘man's. .\'iddr} Street. 550 3254. S.45pni. £4. Another .\leado\\s luridr'aiser.

I Born to Be Wide the Street. 2 l’icai'd} Place. 55!» 4272. ‘lpni lam. l'ree. 'l'eenage l‘ancluh arid the Venue's Ste“ art. l.lo_\d and lag on the decks of this indttslt'} social.

I Camille O’Sullivan The Bongo (‘Iulx Mora} House. 5" Hol_\rood Road. 55.\‘ 7on4. ‘lpm. £5 (Hi. 'l'urniiig her stunning mice and passionate Performance to the “ink ol Bret.

I Nurp, Laconia, Rubix Touch and The Blackbirds \Vhistlehinkies. 4 (i South Bridge. 557 5] 14. 9pm. liree. (iuitar rock lrom north east lingland t'rorn .\'urp.

I Open Mic Night (‘aledonian Backpackers. 3 Queensl‘err} Street. 476 "224. “Pin. l‘ree. See 'l‘hu 3|.

I Out of the Bedroom \\'a\ei'l_\ Bar. St Mar} 's Street. 556 8855. 9pm. See 'l‘hu .‘~l.

I The Dyad The Left Bank. 3' (iuthrie Street. 225 0‘44. 9.30pm I2..‘~llarn. See Thu 3 l.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to jules.graham@list.co.uk. Listings are compiled by Jules Graham and Kenny Mathieson.


I Craig McMurdo and Alyson Orr: Fancy Meeting you Here ( )ian \loi. “5| ~55 (ireat \VL'Slt'l'll Rind. ‘5‘

02”“ Spin (’rarg .\lc.\lurdo is ioiried h} ,\l_\son (hi and the Swing Kings

'I no. pertornnng songs lrorn the Rat l’ack era.


I The Scottish Jazz All Stars Herir'} 's .la/I ('ellar. .\’ \lori'isori Street. 4o“? 52tltl, S.3t)piii. L“). A stellar linerup lor this hand r'e\isrting the music ot the (lsdc Valle} Stonipcrs. the (‘lansmeii and Ales \Velsli.

I Freddie King Quartet \ektar'. 253 ('oxsgale. 557 27S”. 0pm midnight. l'ree. (‘ool ia/l sounds at this 'l‘huisda} night residenc} tor the urea”) ad\enturous ‘Kirig ol Seat and entourage.

I The Dyad 'l'he l.elt Bank. 37 (ittllit'ie Street. 22.5 974-1.

0.30pm l2.3tlam. The l)}ad. AKA (‘hr'is Ross. Benjamin Schogler. l’aul Keene. l)a\e Ross and Me and lint Moore. luse electronics \\llll iririo\ati\e instrumental gromcs at Wilkie House's l.el'l Bank liar.


I Phil Bancroft Quartet Henr} 's Ja/l ('ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. Sfillpni. L"). (‘atch_\ melodies. hard grom e. edg} oil-heat tunes and exer_xthing in hetueen. as acclairiied tenor sasophoiiist l’hil Baricrol't is joined h} the accomplished line-up Hi Mike \Valker tgtiitarl. Ste\ e \Valls (bass) and Thomas Stroneii idi'unisi. See

pre\ ieu.

I Edith Budge 8. Trio .s'o Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. St) Queen Street. 220 5097. 9pm. l’ree. (iospell_\. blues) sounds courtes} ot' \ocalist Dame lidith and trio.

I Edinburgh Underground Jazz The left Bank. 37 (iuthrie Street. 225 0744. Itlpni. £2. .\'c\s ill/l night

shim casing the creatne talents ol some ol‘ lidinhurgh's linest _\oung musicians. including guitarist .\like .\'ishet and bassist Ke\in (ilasgou.

I Hejira Hem“) 's Ja// ('cllar. X Morrison Street. 4(i7 5200. Midnight. £5. Sewn-piece hand lr'onted l1} \ocalist ('arron ('onnell} per't'orniing originals plus \ersions or Jill Scott. Herhie Hancock. the James 'l‘a) lor Quartet and India Arie.


I Ruth Lambert Trio l’aisle} Arts Centre. New Street. SS7 llllll. 7.30pm. £5.50 tU.5()). Newcastle-based Via/l \ocalist Lambert accompanied h) (ir'aeme Scott on guitar and Neil Cameron on bass.

Stirling I Tina May and Brian Kellock 'l‘oIhoolh. Jail \V} nd_ l)l7S(i 274000.


, .v x 1" it:

' 5lll‘lll thl ith 5th l‘iiia .\la_\ is \sell L‘Sldl‘lhlk'tl .tl lllt‘ [01‘ \‘l lllc‘ llSl ill |a// singers. and lL'llL‘\\\ her acquaintance \\ ith Scotland's top pianist


I John Burgess Quartet ltiel.

W 4z \shtori l we. ‘~-124*>oo i opni lice l'enor sa\ophoiiist Burgess hours this iriiio\.iti\e toursonie. drauing on influences as di\erse as ('ohain. Radiohead and |)_\ Ian

I The George Penman Jazzmen (idle SUtllc‘L‘. l 51 .\lltll't'\\ is Skillttlt'. 5‘15 ND” .Spni Llo‘l5 \\llll supper Vintage .\e\\ ()rlearis ran troiii this st.i|\\.irt ot the Scottish |.l// scene


I Jazz@Lunch SH Queen Street Hal and Restaurant. SH Queen Street. 22h 5tl‘l" 2 5pm lice | urichtirne |.l// “ith the SH Queen Street piano trio kids

\\ elcotrie

I Ansley Lister the l iquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Street. 225 250-3, Spin. {S L'ltl lop blues guitarist pl.i}iiig as part or the International (iuitai l't'\l1\.ll.

Graeme Stephen Sextet featuring Chris Stout llenr_\ 's .la/l ('ellar. S Morrison Street. 223 l 155 Sillpni. t2“, .\ next group led h) the Alierdeen horn guitarist p|.i_\irig tier). space} original material \\llll .i liilk/_|a///classical t\\rst. l’arl ol ('i'i/iil/i (ii/lure.

I The Maria Speight Quartet .s'ti Queen Street liar and Restaurant. Sll Queen Street. 220 5llll7 “pm midnight. Blues} set lrom the Alabama horn \ocalist acclaimed lor her interpretations ol' the (ireat American songhook \srth support from a top class lineup ol musicians

I Funkafize Herir_\ 's .la// ('ellar. S Morrison Street. 4m 5200. Midnight. Ur. ('lassic. lug. dancel‘loor luiik po\\el'ed h} \exs York drummer l’aul Mills.


I Kenny Paterson Trio Mereliani's ('orner. IS John Street. 552 Mill.

5 Spin. l'ree. A ne\\ talent on the Scottiin ia// scene l’aterson prondes smooth soul and suing \ocals

I Big Blues Jam Studio ()ne. (iros\enor 'l‘err'ace. 34l (i5lo, 7.30pm. Free. Hosted h} the .\'e\\ Blues Surlers \\ ith contributions lrom Studio One regulars such as Re\ Doe and the .\'rmmo Brothers.

I Bobby Wishart 8. Kenny Paterson ('al'e Source. I St Andre“ 's Square. 548 (itl2l)_ Spin. £3.05 including hrunch. Leading sasophonist \Vishart is Joined h} nets talent on the Scottish ia/l scene. Kenn} l’alel'siilt. lor stittte cool lttelltm sounds and a Ial} brunch.

I The Scottish Jazz All Stars 'l'ron 'l‘heatre. ()3 'l'rongale. 552 42(i7. Spin. L'lt) twi. See 'l'hu 3|.


I Melomania La Bonne \‘ie. 4‘) 5| ('auseua} side. I 4pm. A little ia/l to help )ott digest from this duo playing standards old and new

I JazzGLunch Xi) Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. Xi) Queen Street. 22h 5007. 2 5pm. liree. See Sat 2.

I Bill Kyle’s Electric Flre Human lie-lit. 2 S West ('rosscaUseua}. («)2 H860. 9pm. Funk} hackheat _];t// lroni this cool quartet led h} ace drummer Bill K) le and featuring Ant Lats on guitar.

I Nexus3 The l.el't Bank. 37 (Euthrie Street. 225 9744. 9pm. liree. Trio comprising of Ben MacDonald tguitar). Kevin (ilasgrm (bass) and ('hris Wallace idrumsi u ho. in their own words. delixer ‘a mixture or Virtuosic high octane lush)“. and funk} and swinging ja/J numbers' alongside their own original material.

,‘ ’.‘.::'—‘-1 AL! 233’, THE LIST 85