St Bride’s Centre

10 “rue” '1err11ce. 01 51 34(1 1405 '1lc1\c1\ .801)

Hub/1K ' 111114 Fantasia 111 2.00

Ster Century Cinema

()ce1111 '11-1‘0101111. ()ce110 1)r1\e. 1.eit11. 01.11 551 0700. 4111111: £51111 1111-11111- 51101£41101.(‘1111111111111er 151: £3.30. Student/(141’: £3.50. 1'1111111} ticket: £15 40. K110011111: £2 1001' 11111101111111.1103: 11111111 3201's 11'ee1.


Braveheart1l51 7.45,

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang11'1 10001101. Coach Carter 1 12.41 4.00. 11.50. Constantine1151 114011111. 2.30, 5.211. 810.

Flight of the Phoenix 1 12.41 11.1511111. Hitch112.\1 1.1111. 2.30. 5.45. 5.15. 11.311. 11.011. 11.15.

Hostage1151 3,10. 5.50. 11.30.

Hotel Rwanda 1 12.41 11.110. 8.45. Meetthe Fociter511241 1.30. 7.110. Million Dollar Baby 1 12.41 11.20.

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and FabulouS1I2.41 11.501110. 2.40. 5.30. 8.20.

Pooh’s Heffalump Movie 11'1 1112011111. 12.211. 2.20. 4.20.

The RingTwo1151 1.40. 4.111. 11.411.


Robot51l'1 10.1511111. 11.301101. 12.45. 2.00. 3.15. 4.30. 5.45. 7.00. 8.15.

Somersautt1151 11.20. 3.50.

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie 1t'1 110011111. 1.00.

Valianttl'l 10.101101. 11.101101. 1.10. 2.10, 3.10. 4.111. 5.111.



Be Cool 1 12.41

D101}: 1 1.001110. 2.00. 5.00. 8.00. :\1\11 1111c 1‘1‘1 & 8111: 10.45. Coach Carter 1 12.41

111 1111': 4.00, 0.30. Constantine 1 151

D1111): 12.10. 3.00. 5.50. Die Hard 1181

11111: 0.15.

Flight of the Phoenix 1 12.41 01111): 12.30.

Hitch 1 12.41

01111}: 11001111111t\\'e111. 2.45. 5.30. (1.45. 8.15. 9.30.

Hostage 1 151

D1111}: 3.20. (1.10. 9.00.

Hotel Rwanda 1 12.41

11.111}: 345.

Meet the Fociters 1 12.41

01111}: 1.30. 7.0010111 Wed & 111111. The Merchant of Venice 1P(11

Wed: 11.301101.

Million Dollar Baby 1 12.41

01111}: (1.20.

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous 1 12.41

01111}: 11111111. 2.45. 5.45. 8.30. .4101 1111c 1511 & 8111: 11.01).

Pooh’s Heffalump Movie 1t'1

D1111}: 10.2011111. 12.20. 2.20. 4.20. Ray 1 1.51

l-‘ri \Vetl: 9.1.5.

The RingMo 1 1.51

01111): 12.21). 3.00. 5.40. 8.211. .4101 1111c 151i 1& 8111: 1 1.00.

Robots 11‘1

D1111): 11.301101. 12.15. 4.30. 5.00. 7.00. Sahara 112.41 \\'e1l&’1‘1111: 4.00. (1.45. 9.30.

Shall we Dance? 1 12.41

D1111}: 7.10.

Somersautt 1 1.51

D1111}: (1.20. 8.50.

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie 111 D1011: 10.151101.

Toy Story 1P(‘11

1)11i1_\': 10.001101.

Valiant 1t'1

D1111}: 10.1011111. 11.101101. 12.10. 1.10. 2.10. 3.10. 4.10. 5.10. (1.10.


2.00. 2.30.

K111010111 1’111'k. \1'111'1‘111g111111 R0011. 11131 (1(1‘)l)-~~. 1111111K 111111111111; 118011) 102030 11)] 11-.].;\1111c1\c1\1111

\L‘l'L‘Cillilg\i {.5 ‘12

1111101811/1/ -‘

Boogeyman1151 “.1111 «1,411, Constantine1151 1.20. 4110. 11.50.

0,411, Damne551151 t1.20 Hitch 1 12.41 11.501101. 12.50. 2.40.

3.40. 5.40. (1411. 8411. 0,111. Hostage1151 11111111. 2.50. 5.50. 8.311. Hotel Rwanda 1 12.41 11.211.

Lemony Snicket’s a Series of Unfortunate Events 11’( 11 1 1.111 1.1111. Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and FabulouS11241 12.20. 1.211. 11.111. 0,110.

The Passion-Recut1151 11.211. 11.10. Pooh’s Heffalump Movie 111 1115011111. 12.30. 2.20. 4.20.

The BIngM01151 11.401101. 1.10. 3.110. 4.1111, 5411. 11,311. 3.10 11.10. RobotS1t‘1 10.401101. 11.301101. 12.10. 1.1111. 1.50. 2.30. 5.311. 4.10. 5.1111. 11.110. 8.15. 11.15. Valiant1t'1 103011111. 5.20. 7.20.

12.40, 3.00.


Due to the Easter bank holiday. some film listings were not available in time for our publication deadlines. For this issue only full listings are available on

UGC Cinemas Edinburgh

1511111111111111111'11. Dundee Street. 24111‘ 10110101111100 1& ('i'edit ('111‘11 1111111111132 Line: 0871 200 2001). (‘111’e 1111114111111: £5.501£4.70 31011-1511 11e1'01‘c 5111111. Child/Student: £3.30. (1101‘: £3.40. 1i:11‘1}110‘11 Price: £2.95 1111 pe1'1‘01‘011111ces 11e1'01'e 11111111. 15110111} ticket: £3.50 per pt‘l‘xnil. Ye111‘1} puss 111111101ite11 0111\icxl £9.01) per 1111111111.


Boogeyman1l51 0.10.

The ChoruS11241 8.20. Constantine1151 1141111111. 2.511. 5.50. 8.50.

Hitch1l2.41 11.5511111. 2.00. 3.10. 4.51). (1.111. 7.45. 9.011. Hostage 1 151 5.30. 8.40. The Machinist 1 15 1 1113011111. 3.30. (1.00. 8.30.

Melinda and Melinda 1 12.41 2.1111. 5.00. 8.00.

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous112.41 11.301110. 2.30. 5.30. 8.30.

Hine SongS1181 11.211.

Pooh’s Heffalump Movie 11'1 1115011111. 12.50. 2.511.

The Ring‘ltivo1l51 11.001101. 12.30. 1.30. 3.00. 4.1111. 5.30. 11.30. 8.00. 0.011. Robot31t‘1 12.50. 1.35. . 8.1(1.

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie 11'1 11.001101.

Vaiiant1l'1 10.301011. 1 1.301011. 12.30. 1.30. 2.311. 3.30. 4.30. 5.311. 11.30. 7.30.


1 1.001101.

10.3011111. 11.201101. 5.10. 5.50. 5.40. (1.10.

EBIDAY. .bIHLJBfiD/BYJ The Assassination of Richard Nixon

1 151

Tue: 8.30.

Be Cool 1 12.41

D101}: 11.551101. 12.20. 3.00. 5.45. 8.30.

.-\1\0 1111c 15ri & S111: Bullet Boy 1 181 Wed: 8.30.

The Chorus 1 12.41 Fri—M00 & Thu: 8.20.


TheYes Men

Constantine 1 151

1)101_\: 11.301101. 2.40, 5.40. 8.40. :\1\01;11L‘ 1'11 1& 5111: 11.30. Downfall 1 151

01111}: 11.551101. 1.15. Hitch 112.41

1)1111_\: 11.551101. 3.10. (1.10. 8.20. 0.00. Hostage 1 151

01111}: ‘).10.

The Machinist 1 15 1

1511 1111': 3.50. (1.30. 850.

.-\1x11 1111c 151‘i 1k 8111: 11.40.

Melinda and Melinda 1 12.41

1511-1111:: 11.1011111. 2.10. 5.10. 8.10. \\'c11& 11111: 3.10. 5.40, 8.10.

.'\1\0 1111c 1"1‘1 1k 5111: 11.10.

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous 1 12.41

0101}: 11.1011111. 2.10. 5.10. 8.10. .>\1\01111e 1-‘1‘1 1k 8111: 11.00.

The Rage in Placid Lake 1 151

1111111: 110011111. 2.00. 5.00, 3.011. :\1\01111e 1'11 1& 8111: 10.30.

The RingTbvo 1 151

0101}: 11.0011111. 11111111. 2.00. 3.00. 5.00, (100, 8,00. 9,00.

:\1\11 1111c 1'11 1& $111: 1 1.40.

Robots 11'1

1)1111_\: 10.301101. 112011111. 12.50. 1.35. 3.10. 3.50. 5.30. (1.10.

Sahara 1 12.41 Wed 1k 11111: 8.40. Valiant1t'1 D1111}: 10.301101 1& 12.311111111811111. 1.10. 2.30. 4.30. (1.30. .41x011111110ee Sun: 10.501101.

Vue Edinburgh

()01111. (ireenxide 1’111ce. 1010 line 08712 240240. Adults: £5.(101£4.(10311111-110 11e1'01'e 511011. ('111111re11/Stt111e11ts: £3.30. ().-\1’: £4. 15110111} ticket: £15.50. (111111 (111“ ticket\ 101' 11\ er 18\ 11111}: £7.50 1\'ue 11recurre1111_\ 11l'l'eri0g 1111111} (111111 (‘111\\ Screenings 111 5111111111111 Prices please c011111cl the cinema 1'0r 11et1111\1.

4,30. 7,45.

11.40100. 2.40. 5.40.


Are weThere Yet? mm 1240.


Those crazy anti-globalisation comedy terrorists just can’t stay away from our Scottish art houses. If you missed it first time around, make an effort to see this excellent documentary. Yes Man Mike Bonnano (left) will be present at the 8.15pm screening on Wednesday 6 April to introduce the film and take audience questions afterwards. Iii/11111111181}. [5111111)111'11/1111/1151 1111/ 1' [111/ 111; 1,1

Constantine 1 151 12.30. 11.15.

HttCh112.-\1 10.201101. 11.151101. 1 30. 3.311 4.45. 5.511. 8011 11.1111. Hostage1151 1.011. 11111 3511

Hotel Rwanda (Gold Class) 1 12.41 1 1111. 11.10. 11.311.

The Ute Aquatic with Steve lissou 1 | 51 0.30.

Meet the FociterS11241 11.45

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous11241 114011111. 2.40. 5.10. 8.15.

Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (Gold Class) 1 12.41 1 1.4011111. 2.411. 5.30. 8.15.

The Passion - Recut (Gold Class) 1 | 51 12.40, 1311. 11.00. 8.40.

Pooh’s Heffalump Movie 111 10111111111. 11.5011111. 1.40. 3,45. 5.40.

The Ringtwo1151 7.45. 111.1111. Robots 111 10001101. 103011111. 12.15. 1.110. 2.511, 1111. 5,10. 11,011. 7.10. 3,111.

Shall we Dance? (Gold Class) 1 12.41 11.2011111. Valiant 114 (1.45.

3,21). (120.

10.001011. 11111111. 2.15. 4.30.


Due to the Easter bank holiday. some film listings were not available in time for our publication deadlines. For this issue only full listings are available on

Due to the Easter bank holiday, some film 118111105 were not available in time for our publication 119311111188. For this issue only full listings are available online at '

111/ 2'13", THE US? 83