:13 Consequences of Love I IV Il’.II»l~ SnIII-IIIIIIII.lIIIIy.ZIIII.1I'lIIIIx Setxilln,

HlI'. III \IIIenIInI. x\tll|.lll(* ( iIIInnInI l‘NlInIn lIII.I. .I one lllllt' xIncHIInlIeI. lIxex .IIInnyIIInIley III II lInIel lle xpenle lIIx IIIne playing IIIIleI xxIIItlIIn; nIlIeIx and taking IlI'lI‘.I'Iy nl xIIIIIIIxcx tnIIIIIIIIIIIj.’ IIIIllInIIx nl Ilnllarx Slowly. the IIIxxII-ry beeIIIx In IIIII.Ixcl. .IIIIl Ieerle 'l III.I'x IxnlIIII-Il I-xIxII-nte l’IIrI nl IlIe lI.IlI.In l lllll l‘t‘\ll\.ll (I/IIx I'm: ll/III HII III/I, (i/szijuxx

ll/thlflflo I (fill/IIIIL’h

Constantine I I< I see Il-IIInI Ix

I .IxxII‘IIIIx I‘SI IHHRI KI'IIIIII Reexex. Rdxllt'l \\I-Ix/. \lna l .IllI'nIIl, l)IIInnII llnIInxnII

l.‘ l llllll \Illy bIII I'IIIIIyIIlilI' IIIlIIpIaIInn nl the I lIl\\|\ HI Ilh/mu LIIllllc erIex

\Ullx I-Iningg IlIe IIxxnrleIl IleIIIlI I'lII-IIIInj: xlII-IIIIIIIIIyIIIIx nl nthIlI pIIxIIIc eye JnlIn (IIIlelIllllIllt' lRt't'xt'xl l)C\PllL' xxxIIm‘lllf.‘ |.nIIIlnII for l..-\ IIx .I xelIIIII: llIIx Ix IIInIe lllll than you might expect (1} III m/ H /('I1\( Cyberworld 301l)(Ill\IlllHll\. lb. lIIIIIlI .leIIIIII l‘.lllll.lll. \IIIII l'Iexer. “nnIly -\|lI'II ~1-1IIIIII Jenna l'llllldll Ix the cyber lIan xxlIn IIIIInIlIIcI-x IIx In \IlllHll\ IIIII'elIIleIl xI'eIIII-IIIx nl cybei .IIIIIIIIIIInII HII SIM/Hum and Mix. IIIIIke ll) .IppeIIIIIncex III II pr'cIIIIIIlaI Ilprlax nl InIIIIy 'x IIIan IIIIpIexxIxe _L'l.l[‘lllL‘ technology /.\I.l.\' l/II’IHII. (f/IHQUH,

Darkness I HI 0. I_l.IIIIIIe llIIIIIeIIeIn. l'S/SIIIIIII. ZlNllIAIIIIII l’IIIIIIIII. l.llll (ilen. lenII ()IIII. IIIIIIIIII, llIIIIIgIIero‘x lanelleI language IlebIII Ix IInI II patch on lIIx xIIpI-Ib I‘N‘) lIIIII Illi' .\'IImI'/I-xx but he dnex IeIIIIII IIII eIeIneIII of that lilIn'x IIIIIlerly Ing IlIeIIIIIIIc cnIIceIIIx xx Ilh IlIIx xlnxx IIonIIIg. nchIxxInIIIIlly chIry l'lll nII clIIlIl IIbIIxe IIIIIl lInIIxex IIIlexIeIl xx llll ex ll. l’IIIIIIIn Ix adequate and (ilen Ilnex lIIx bexl 'JIIclx .\'IclInlxon III lllt' XIII/nut" I’nIIIIne IIx II poxxexerl lillllL‘l'I l'nlnrtIIIIIIIely. tlIIx film xxIIx hacked to pIccex by \lII‘IIIIIIIx'x llIIrx el ‘SchxnrlIIInle' \VeIaneIII .XI'II'I‘II’I/ I't’lt’IIH'.

Die Hard I IHI O... IJnlIn .\lc'l‘IeI’IIIIn. l‘S. IVSth Bruce \VIllIx. .-\|IIn th‘lxlllilll. llnIIIIIe lledelIII lilnIIn. \VIlIIx plIIyx .I cop xx lIn IIIII'IIle II Inxx er block party xx Ilh IIIx exII'IIngeIl xpnuxe. 'llIe thIlIlIng Ix raided by Ierranxlx. xn Il'x left In \\'Il|Ix In bump nl'l lllt‘ IIIIIlIlIL‘x IIIlIl \IIH' lllt‘ llIleIIgt‘x xx llIlL‘ lllc‘ pnlIce and Hi! IIIIIgIIIxh Ineley on the xIIlelIIIex. l'nbeIIrIIny lenxe IIclInIIer IlIIII eelx good IIIIleIIge out of yIIxxIIIIIg; IIfI—xlIIIfIx .IIIIl llymg bIIlIeIx. xx lIIle \VillIx Ix cnnx Incing .Ix IIII nI'IlIIIIIry guy try ing In cope xx IIlI II IIll. Watch out lnr BI‘II Rlc‘lxlllull IIx II x illIIIn xx Ilh II xenxe nf lIIIIIIntIr. .X'II'I‘ ( 'I'nlurx (‘IIII’mIL lz'I/III/nu'u/I,

Don’t Move I 1M 0000 ISL-rem ('IIxIellIlIn. lIIIly/SpIIIn/l'K. ZINHI Sergio (‘IIxIellIIIL Penelope ('I'III. IZIIIIIII. ('IIxIellIIn. xxlIn .len xx role the film. xIIII‘x IIx II xIII‘genn xx lIn feelx helplexx xxhile IIIInIlIer xIII'genn perfnrmx xIII‘gery on lIIx daughter. 'l‘n IlIxIrIIcI lIIIIIxell'. he reIIIIIIIxcex about IIII IIIfIIII' he had xx IIlI II young xxIII'kIIIg~t'|IIxx xxnIIIIIn III the tune of lIIx IlIIIIglIIeI‘K bIrIlI. .\lelnIlrIIIIIIIIIc but xxnnIlerfully xxIIIchIIble IlIIlIIIII IlrIIIIIII. SI‘II‘I‘II'I/ Whom:

The Downfall I ISI .00 II )lIer- llIrxclIbIegel. (ierInIIny/IIIIIy. ZUIHI Bruno (iIIIII. .-\|e\IInIlrII .\lIIrIII l.III'II. ('annnII llIIrntIclI. ISIIIIIIII. See rex Iexx. page 45. and MUCH lL‘\\. [\Ilgc‘ 47. SI'II'I‘II’I/ I'I'lt'uxt‘.

Dr Strangelove II’I I) so... I Stanley Kubrick. l'S. Wo‘w l’eIer Sellarx. (Ienrge (T Scnll. Sterllng Hayden. 03min. Subtitled

'( )r. How I learned In Stop \Vnrry in; And l.nx e the Bomb. Kuhnch and xx rIIer 'l‘erry SnIIIlIern‘x xuperb black comedy xIIIIre xhnxxx IIx. xtep by careful xlep. _|IIxt linxx eIIxIIy fnnlixh pnlIIIcIIInx and military egnx cnultl xIIIrI II nuclear xx IIIZ Film/mun: liIIInlIIIII’lI.

El Perro Negro: Stories from the

Spanish CiViI WarI l3.-\I Il’eler l‘nI‘gIch.

.\'eIlIeI‘lIIIIle/l‘rIIIIce. JIM-ll 84mm. .-\ perxnnIIl IlneIIIIIeIIIIIry IIxing IImIIIeIIr fIIInx made by men and woman during the SpIInIxh ('Ix II \\'III‘. xx iIlI IIII IIInghl Into the cIIIxx xx III' that took place. The I'IlInx IIIIIl xInI'Iex of Joan SIleIInx l’Iern. IIIIIl lirnexln DIII/ Noriega III I‘IIrtIcIIIIIr. leIIIl IIx through Spain during the 30x and 4le of Ihe lIIxI century. (ilIIxI'nII I'I/m I‘III'IIH‘I'. (i/leemx: l-i/nzhnzm‘. Edinburgh.

Electric Edwardians III I Mitchell Ix JIIIIIex Kenyon. l'lx'. NIH) I‘ll RI "IIIIIII.

Chain Don’t miss Jem Cohen’s extraordinary experimental film about two women one a corporate executive and one a young drifter - who are caught in the corporate culture which homogenises our

surroundings: where the malls, theme parks, hotels and corporate centre in their world are joined into one

‘superlandscape’ which disorientates their lives. One of the best films showing anywhere this fortnight.

I GFT G/(ngOW (Thu 74 and F"! 7:3 Apr o/I/w.

'l‘lIIx recently IlIxcnx ereIl century -nlIl fonIIIge

from early lilInIIIIIlIerx SIIgJIIr Mitchell and JIIIIIex Kenyon xlInxxx xxIII'kIIIg~c‘lIIxx life III Britain xx hen the country xx IIx IlIe xxnrlIl‘x only xuperpnxxer. Programme leIIIIIIex xpecIIII ScnIIleI xecIIon. I‘llnI/quxI'. I'fI/I'n/Ilu'u/I.

Fantasia Ilil C... Illcn Sharpxlecn. l’S. I‘HUI The mice of |)eemx lit} lnr; IIIIIxIc played by the Philadelphia ()I'clIexIrII. conducted by Leopold Stoknxxxkr |35IIIIII l‘IIlly I‘exInreIl In IIIIIrlI iIx 50th IIIInixeerIry. \VIIlI l)ixIIey 'x ernI-IbeIrIIcI feature renIIIinx II unique and IIonnIxhing IIchIex enIeIII. .'\llll()\l t‘tltlIIll} lIItlIlCtl IInIl lIIIIlllc'Il. ll cnnIIIinx xnme x IxIIIIlIy xIIInIIIng nIIIterIIIl IIx xx ell IIx xnme rIIIlIer eIanIrrIIxxIng lxll\L'll. but xIIrely Ihe IIIan IIIeInanIble xequence Ix 'I‘III’ .X‘an'I'rI'r'x .-l/I/n‘I'n!II'I' xIIIrrIng Mickey .\lnIIxe IenIloxx ed for the lIer IIIIIe xx IIlI pIIpIIx IIIxteIIIl of button e_xexI. XI lfrII/I' 'x (‘I'IIII‘Iz III/Ill/llll't’ll.

Fifteen (Shiwu) I 1m .00 IRunynn 'I‘IIII. Singapore. lellt‘xl .\lelx III ('hen. Shaun 'l'an. *lllmin. l)IrecInr Roy xInn 'l‘IIn infnrmx IIx III the beginning nf hIx mnx Ie that he er out In IIIIIlIe II fIlIII IIanII teenage bnyx III Singapore. but III the prncexx reconciled lIIInxelf ‘xx IIlI II pIII'I of my xelf tlIIII xx IIx fnrgntten'. 'l‘hnugh IlIere‘x maybe more clexernexx III the IeclIanue than required. IlIe IlIreeInr xernex III on the cIIxIIIIl boredom Ul lc‘c‘ll c‘\lxlc'nc‘c' \xllc‘l'x' [‘lc'l'c‘lllg. lIIllnnlllg IIIIIl IneIIxurIIIg dick xI/e pIIxx lnI' II lIfe. (i/leunn I‘ll/NI f/II'IHI‘I‘. (f/(1\L'(’ll.

First Daughter I l’(}I O IlinI-exI \Vhllakel‘. l'S. DIM-ll KIIlIe llnlmcx. \lIIrc BlIIcIIx. Michael Keaton. lllonIIn. l’rexIdenl'x IlIIIIglIIer gneex In college. but can xhe find lnx e xx IIlI IIll IlInxe bodyguardx IIrnIInIl lIer'.’ Rubbixh teen romance. (i/leunxx l'I/HI I‘III’IIII‘I'. (i/let'tnxl

:3: 5x2 I 15. secs Il'irIIncnIx ()xnn. liI‘IIIIce. ZINMI \'.I|erIII BrIInI-‘l‘edexcln. SteplIIIne l'lL'l\\. l5rIIIIcnIxe l-‘IIbiIIn. .\lIchIIel l.nIIxIlIIle. ‘lllmIn l:l\ e key mnnIentx III the reIIIIInIleIIp hetxxeen II thirty xnmethmg couple ('IIllex Il:rt'l\\l and Marion IBruni- ’l’etlexehII Inld bIIclIxxIIrdx. xn IlIIII xx e begin xx IIh II IlIxnree xcene in II lIIxx_xer'x office.

and xxnrk bIIekxxIIrle In the moment Ihe man and woman full III lox e. ()lon‘x approach brIngx out the dramatic Irnniex in thix loxe xInr_x: unlike the chIIrIIcIerx. were aware of the outcome. xx hich IIddx poignancy In the

x IIIIlIIy IIIIIl hIIppiIIexx of their younger xelxex. 'l’lInught prnxnklng xtuff. ('(i(' Rt'll/l‘t'll .S'II'I'I’I. (i/uxuou', (iluxumx'i (‘IIIIII'IL l‘.I/lll/’lll‘g’/l.

Flight of the Phoenix I IZAI ooo IJnhn Moore. ('8. 200-1) Dennix Quaid.

'l‘y rexe. (iianInni Ribixi. Miranda Otto. Tony (‘IIrrIIII l 13min. LikeIIble remake of Robert Aldrich'x lWIS minor clIIxxic. III which JIIInex SIexxIIrI‘x pilot and II motley crew of pIIxxengerx found Ihemxelx-ex xIrIIIIded III the Sahara l)eer1 after Iheir plane crIIxhex. 'l'hix time out. l)ennix ()IIIIIIl crIIxh-lIIndx the plane. InIIronnIng hix oil xxorker pIIxxengerx III IlIe (iobi l)eer1 IIhe beIItIIIftIl but IIIIfnrng mg Namibia xIIIndx In for the Mongolian xxIIxIexI. Ax with the original lilm. the lIIIrxh clImIIte and apparent lInpelexxnexx of their xIItIIIIIon bring out the bext and the xxorxt III the IIIIIrooned. among xx lInIII noxx number ()Ito‘x pragmatic oil rig boxx. Laurie’x lily-lixered white collar company man. (‘urrIIn’x boixteroux blue collar xxnrker and RibeI'x brIItIIxh aircraft Ilengner. SIN ('I'IIIIII'x‘ (lilt’lllll. lit/Inhurglr. Frozen I l5) 0. IJulIeI McKoen. fix/Denmark. ZOO-ll Shirley Henderxon. RothIn Seth. 90min. Annie (Henderxom Ix II neurotic fIxh factory xxorker from lileeIwond III l.IIIIcIleIIre. ()bxexxed with the IlIxIIppearIInce of her xixter II fexx yearx ago. xhe becomex obxexxed xx Ith the idea that xhe hax found II portal In an IIlIernaIIxe reality

xx here her xixIer may inll be alixe. (jluxgmt I'llm ’I'III'IIII'I'. (i/szguu.

Hide and Seek I 15) O. IJnhn l’nlxnn. IS. 2005) Robert De Niro. Dakota l-‘IInnIIIg. liIInle'e Janxxen. lIleIn. l’xyc'lIIIItrIxI l)IIxId Il)e NlrnI uhixkx hix daughter lzmily IliannIngI off In II creepy looking hnUxe III the country after mummy cnInInIIx xIIIcIde. In the eerIe town. Emily xIIIrIx conjuring up an imaginary friend called ('hIIrlIe. xx ho xhe accUxex of murdering ex eryone that Daddy cnmex In

contact with. l‘redIcIIIble and not very wary horror. S/HHH'HH' ('IIII'nIu. ('oulhrulgt'. (i/uxgnxi'; .S'IIIIII'I‘uxI' (lnvmu. I’IIIx/I'x'. I’ulx/I’x'.

Hitch I lZAI DO IAndy Tennent. [78. 2(XHI Will Smith. KC\‘lll Jamex. Amber Valletta. lix'II Mendex. l l5min. Smith playx Alex ‘Hitch' HIIchenx. II New York ‘dIIte Ilnctor' whoxe job it Ix In xchonl the city'x guilelexx nIeII III the wIIyx of cox'en wooing. llIx lIItexI challenge Ix Aan I lamex). II rotIIIId IIceounIIIIII who wantx nothing more than an exening out with hix client. party girl Allegra IV'IIllettIII. Albert'x tutelage enxuex. IIx dnex llitch'x. who dnex hix bext to overcome hIx own fear of commitment. l‘IItuoux comedy about the Innrex of dating III an implIquIbly picture poxtcard New York. (iI'III'ml I'('/(’(l.\l'.

Hostage I ISI so (Florent IimIIIII Siri. l'S. 2005) Bruce Willix, Kevin Pollak. llllmin. Jeff Talley IWIIlIxI. II former LAPl) hnxtage negotiator. ix pulled back Into action when II conxenienee onre robbery gnex wrong III hix neighbourhmxl and the three perpetrIIIorx move in on two unxepecIing fIIInIlIex. one of which happenx to be hix own. So xo thriller which hax clearly taken IIx lead from the Ielex'Ionn xeriex 24. General I'I'lt'uw'.

=3: Hotel Rwanda IIZAI coco ITcrry (ieorge. ('IInada/L'K/ltaly/South Africa . 2005) Don ('headle. Sophie ()konedo. Joaquin Phoenix. Nick Nolte. lZlmIn. Powerful drama baxed on the true .xtory of II hotel manager who houxed over II thousand Tutxi refugeex during their xtruggle agatnxt the Hutu militia In Rwanda. Cheadle givex the performance of hix career. Ut‘llt’l’tll r(‘/(‘(1.8(’.

Save Money


31 Mar-14 Apr 2005 THE LIST 53