Mailbox '
Is it Just rrre. or ant tne orrr, sane person in this .vorlrl who belie/es that Ms Mrnogue rs the most o'.er-rated ‘srnger' on this pop planet? How many rrrore years do .ve have to put up Miil her
warblrng Jrgglrng poutrng? She rs surely rrothrrrg more or less than a IStIr—rate
Madonna Brigitte
Bardot Whrgfreld wannabe. Nice wee warst thorrglr.
Gerry T
By ernarl
Like everyone else on the Scottish Performance Poetry Scene. I was shocked to hear of the sudden death of Sandie Crargre.
Sandie was a product of Edinburgh's Cowgate. a fun and feisty rndrvrdual. never afraid to grve you her thoughts on any Subject and always wrllrng to listen to your own pornt of vrew. Growrng up during the punk era in Edinburgh, she was Infected by the political turmoil and anger on the streets at the trnre. Unlike many, who either drsrnrssed punk as a fad or chose to ignore rt altogether. Sandie used thrs energy to let her vorce shine through on both page and stage. never lecturing her audience and always inducing in them the chance to thrnk about things rn a new way and see them in a new light.
Yet. along wrth her anger and strong sense of social IITJUSIICO. she brought heart and soul to the poetry scenes of both Edrnburgh and Glasgow. never bowing to facrle fashions and refusrng to be lumped rn wrth trends which have brought the careers of so many of her
The List,
peers and r .‘als tr, ar‘. en’l. Sandre .‘xrote in a lean. I’Mg" .rernarular. In other .-.orrls_ (31.x spoke to people rn their o'.'..": language *‘ and thrs rs what she'll be remembered for. Jonathan Muirhead Edinburgh
REVIEW OF REVIEWS As thrnk that your frlrn reuren'xs are so useful woulrl rt not be a good idea to cornprle them rnto a publrcatrorr tor a CDI at the end of each ,ear’?
Mike McLauchlan
am wrrtrng to express my
drsrrray at the decrsron to proceed wrth the M74 motorway extension. Frrerrds of the Earth described thrs as 'probably the worst envrronmental decrsron ever taken by the Scottish Executive. and TRANSform Scotland called rt ‘a scandal'. With the Executive rgnorrng the advrce of an rndependent engurry that the lrnk should not be built. wrll MSPs explain why on earth taxpayers' money was wasted on such a pomtless exercise? Thrs rs rust the beginning of a perrod of public fiscal proflrgacy of the most scandalous nature. And that's before we get to the envrronmental questions.
Re: Off piste (515)
I am wrrtrng about the feature a couple of issues ago. about off lrcences rn Glasgow and Edinburgh. Although I congratulate The List fOr mentronrng rndependent Wine and spirit shops. l cannot condone the fact that yOu left our family busmess out.
J & H Logan rs located in the
14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE
or The List at the CCA
350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow 62 3JD or email
and lagers from d‘tferent Contrr‘errts and unusaa spirits and Irttueurs. son‘e ::f .'.i'II"" are harrl to find In general. 'a custonrer asks us to frnd something special, we are usually able to n‘eet their requests. Thrs rr‘a\. seem like a plug. but I am trying to (:onxey the fact that we have something for everybody no matter what taste they have.
I thought the feature was well written and well researched. as you would expect from The List. There are veny few rndependent off lrcences left rn Edinburgh. especially wrth
supermarkets and cornpanres such as Oddbrns and Vrctorra Wrne whrch are owned by the
rrwcnants r‘ L frr‘t urgt‘. Linda Logan
taint ‘rrrgrrr
Re: Eat 8. drink (517)
M‘, frarrrze- and were waiter ‘xtr a rr‘ur’h :‘et-ried \II'IIIi'I out This exenrng and opened “tut trust. Ls? rrfaga.’rne to find out ‘.'.'here was tast‘. arid affordable to eat out rn Edinburgh . and there was no I-‘ood 8. Drink section? Laura McGregor
By ernarl
A// that work gone to trash? . . . Ir‘r/e'l/ be happy to ernar/ the missing pages to readers Send a note to editor'rL/,
See you there.
By email
Re: Protest and propaganda (517) Thank you Mark Brown for some sane rnedra coverage of the forthcomrng G8 Sumrnrt. and the usual vrolent protester hype that surrounds rt. Just to drsprove the rrotous expectations of the polrce and government further. rt should be noted that Brrtarn has hosted the (38 before. It took place rn Birmingham. when the combrned forces of Jubilee 2000 and Reclaim the Streets. amongst others. forced Clrnton and Blarr to relocate. and shut down the entire crty for the day wrthout one Molotov berng thrown. Unfortunately. thrs was not reported rn any UK newspaper. or by any marnstream rnedra network. perhaps due to a lack of required wrndow smashrng by the tra\.rellrng Circus to make rt 'newsworthy'. However. the thousands of us that were there remember a successful day's protest and look forward to the next opportunrty to regrster drsgust at their fiscal obsessed rnsanrty
Subcommandante Macpherson
Blondy's Alvoda ~ Thoroughly Modern Moder/u
What YOU The Machinist, UGC Cinema. Edinburgh, Wed 23 Mar.
Kay Student
2 THE LIST 31 Mar—1.2 Apr 2005
It had a Memento feel to it with everything building towards the big revelation. Bale was scarily good. but very disturbing to the eye. covered in just skin and
A very ill looking Bale with an excellent bit of method acting is the highlight. The conclusion was fairly evident. but I enjoyed it despite it being slightly insubstantial overall.
A well constructed script that held my attention to the end. with Bale producing a great performance in a Hitchcock-type film.
CONTRIBUTORS blisher 8 General Editor
it: " "‘13:?
Editor ‘tw
Deputy Editor
Assistant Editors
W'- Rx‘e'tw" “Au 1‘ .r 0
RIP." hedges
Subeditor Astrles ha. i‘\ Research
ilerrr‘. ‘ir'ttrrnnre ri III" R ‘. -.S Ruth Hedges lAt'.‘ Rat 'rael Street rTheatre Dante torn-rt: S800". Marat; Brute rt‘r‘u. . ‘v {lassrtal folk 5. artist
Sales 8 Sponsorship Director Amanda 'vlurrgali Advertising Sales Manager Rathel Shields
Senior Media Sales Executive Carol Ferguson
Media Sales Executives Brigid Kennedr. 8
Carolrne Galletta
Media Sales Support Sharon Stephen
Promotions Manager
Sherr irrers
Promotions Assistant Gemma Beard
Circulation Manager
Neil Earnshaa
Circulation Executive
Kesth Ben/re
Krista Kegel-Drron Production Manager Srrnon Armin Designer LUC‘,’ Reeves Production Assistant Russell Steedman
ADMINISTRATION Accounts Manager Georgette Renwrrk Accounts Assistant Manager Donna laylor
Accounts Assistant
Nick Frederick
Julie Graham
Edinburgh Office
Katie Scott
Glasgow Office
Katharine Haslett
SECTION EDITORS Around Town Ruth Hedges Books Brian Donaldson Clubs Henry llorthmore (wrth Johnny Regan) Comedy Brian Donaldson Comics Paul Dale
Dance Kelly Apter
Eat & Drink Barr; Shelby Film Paul Dale
Gay Hick Barley
Kids Ruth Hedges
Music Mark RobertsOn (filth Norman Chalmers. Carol Main. Kenny Mathreson Fiona Shepherd;
Nevis Ruth Hedges
Play Henry tlorthmore (with Ian Darrdsonr
Shop Rachael Street Television Brian Donaldson Theatre Steve Cramer Travel Anna Mrllar
Visual Art Ruth Hedges