I Groovejet .it \I \\ I Ipin idlll U IUH “gt-III} Kain \IkI'dIIdIIL' .inII Sicphcn I,cc plti} IIIIth'. uhtlc Km II IIrnpx urban .lIIII pnp (mg n! lhc I‘III 'Itmh llIfJIll\ nn‘u. III‘II\CII in IIll\ Ilnunlnun \t'llllk'
I Heads Down Thumbs Up .it ().IIL'III_\\ Ii.I\I'lllL'lll \mt «Litt- II‘\
I The Hip Drop .it Hit-I \ptn I.iin III-c \M'I'lxl} Itinhltit-Ilctl rh}thrn\ pitt'hul ltniii thc .I.llIl.lI\.lIl II.III\'CII.III\ ilIIII \L'\‘~ Ynik I‘IHLh parttcx \IIIIIIIL‘ iiitn lit-II \‘-IIII itthin' I'II'IIrn. \\‘.L'L'I \IillI IIIIII tinunrighl thrt} III\\H Rnlm .inII \cl [it-ixnmlt- )nti In IL'.I\I nn thy Illll\I\tlI “'19)
I Homegrown .it lmnlmn.
III illpm Mun L8 IUH, \\t't‘l\l}. SICH' \IiIIIIII-Inn. I)IIIIIIIII\' \Iuttin. .inII St'nII} Ii III\I' In pill nn 4t I‘ll HI .'I \IIH\\ Int IIIL' Iiurnhnn llltl\\t'\ nn It Strl I‘llllI\_\ IIIIlI\L' ninxtt’ .lIlII \Irlllt' Inp nntch Rikli,
I Inside Out .II IIIL' .\l\'IlL'\. \t-xt IIIIIL' {ll ;\pr
I Jet Set Go-Go Lounge .it Hutldu.
I Ipin hint. L'Iht'. \Vcckl}. (‘nhn Burr ilIlII .Iltlllt'x lint (Ik't'IIIL' In turn nn IIIL' I’nt‘t'r \I} Iv iii Ihh ncu. gl.nnnrnu\ putt} git Iiiitltlgt. I’uti'nnx :itc lll\ Ilt'lI In linnk ;t IilI‘It' .ttItI gt'l (It't'iltit'lll.
I Lite ill ('nrtnthiiin. ‘Ipin iuni L'Iht'. \M'ckl}. Iimnttlnl ncu inntlcrn Inn and \‘IIII‘ ill IIII\ gnrgI‘nnx Ingruin Stru't lllk'fJil \I'ntitn 'l'hc} ;tl\\;i_\\ [int .i Int inln Ihcii \L‘llllL‘\. \n lt’_\ In inukc an clinil. \\1I| _\nti ’
I Manhattan Rooms .‘ll ('nrrnthrun. Ilprn iurn. (K, “km-kl}. l'litnun (IIIL' unil IIU\\IIIH\\II grnnuw at llnx llt'“ I'Itih, Stunning \HIIIIIII IIUII\L' lllll\IL‘ unincx Ir'ntn I.I\;l I.llIIL‘\\UIIII untl Kl'h Ix'ccgun. \ilnh' it'x Ix’tkli Irnin SI'nII (it'uingcr gintl I‘lnh t‘luxxicx linin I’gtnl Rut. 'I'hcrc'x .i IIIII'II‘III rnnin. ;i \Innhullun \'II’ Intingt‘ zintl Ihc Iirnnklui Ilcighh /nnc.
I Miso :rI lith \nttn Spin Initlnight. £5. 2 .»\pr. .\IntiIli|). Inc gut-\Ix IIIL‘IIIIIU ;I.\IIIII‘. IIIL‘ Villgigc ()rt‘hmti‘u untl .-\gc nI \Virc and String. IIIIN ix Ihc inml innnmtiw clu‘trnnit‘u night in Ihc (II). I Monkey Puzzle ;it Ihc l'tii\ct‘\;il. llpin Mini. U. 2 Apr. .\Innt|il\. l)i\cn \htrlllc Ihc night ;I\\;l_\ \\IIII ll \IIIIIL' nn )ntii‘ Igtu‘ and llllllI _\ntir “cc Incx hurl. 'lht') Iit‘gc _\nti In hring )nui‘ until} \IIUL'\. IIII‘) hill IIII\ ;l\ IIIL‘ lnnxl t'IIIII}III\IL‘ night in In\\n.
III Pop C Naughty Noughties at 'I'igci' 'I'igci‘. I‘).-15|nn Ruin. U) ([5. Hi. 3 Apr. \lnnthh. (‘Iuhhcrx tluncc In I'L‘llll\L‘tI \‘k‘IIIIIII pnp. It’x lli;I\\l\L‘ in I.(IlIlIUII. untl Ihc k't'lIIIIII pnp thing tuxt nnght hc a big hit nn Ihix duty at 'I'igcr Iigcr.
I Push Up ill 'I‘hc () (‘liih ltlptn 3am. [5. 0 .\pr. \lnnthl). 'I'ht‘ littlc cluh night Ih;iI'\ lll.II\lllg‘ ll hig nan t‘nntm :iI )ntt \\ iIh nplrnnl linuw illlkI hrmkx. 'I‘hix i\ ;t grmt \‘IIII‘ itlm iii It grcut chili \cnuc— gntitl t‘Iillt‘Cl‘I I‘L‘;III_\.
3:1 Off The Record at Sntintlliuux.
I Ipin 5am. til»: 2 .-\pr. .\lnnthl_\. ()Il Ihc Rt‘t'nl'tl IIIIII I)i\cn .\ phi) :Il lIIi\ \\ IIII putt} nn Ihc lirxt Sultit'tlu} nl mgr} innnih. In I‘UIIIII nnc IIIL‘I‘L“\ .lnhn. Rnnin rind I)ccp l'rictl I-Iink. in i'nnrn l\\n \xc‘xc gnI I);i/ iIIlII inn Irnin I)i\t‘n .\. .-\ Iinc tintlcrgrntind Iliiiicc putt}.
I Red and Gold Room Ill .-\rt;i.
lllptn 3min. l-i‘cc hclnrc l lpin; L'h' ultcr. \Vcckl}. Hill} .\li|lig;in lll;IlI\ thc tICCh\ at Ihi\ Iinc night nl l.;tnn IIIIth‘. ll )nnt‘ lilc nmh \picing up. lnnk nn Iurthcr.
I Session :II the Snnntlhgiltx.
l lptn Sam. {the ‘J Apr. .\Innthl_\. 'l'hc chm Icchnn night that uwd In hc I’llI\L‘ Mcclx RCIIC} c rnckx nur \xnrltl nncc innrc. \\ iIIi gume I’uul .\I‘.IC and Mn Rntnunn. I’tirc hrillitincc :iI thix cluxxic undcrgrnuntl \cnuc.
I Sola at (‘luh I.i\ing. ‘Iprn Rant. [7. \Vcckly DJ lulu PIII}\ \nulttil hnuw and Man \Igit‘kcn/ic [‘I;I}\ rctrn cluxxit'x in lhi\ nice and I;I\I_\ IIL‘\\ I‘dl/L'IUI‘ in .\'cl\nn \lundclu place.
I Subculture tit the Sub (‘luh
Itlpm .‘xim. £12. \Vcckl). IIK :JIILNl-Ilhllt‘ [Iii\ innnth LII Stilwulturc. '.I\ IIIL‘} \xclcninc Ihc unndcrlul (‘hrix Duckcnticltl nn 2 Apr. Ihcn. ;I\ it Ilitit \xuxn‘t cnnugh. thc_\ thcn bring in Ill\llll
36 THE LIST 8' ‘\.'.>.' v ‘-1 3K1'
Billed as ‘the other Royal Wedding’ the burlesque sensation that is Club Noir takes a ribald swipe at Chaz HRH and his bride. ‘We feel this wedding is something that should be commemorated or burlesqued, depending on your views of the Royals,’ says Noir’s Ian Single. S.’1i.‘)xi,’>'. (it’tisxwzz' (It'll/WI; /'It,‘ritit,>'r“i.. (i.tl.‘,3}tF'.'..
|.nng and Dan .\ pit-writing Ihcir \n .'\\\L‘IIII‘I} purl} nn 9 .-\pr. Haiti and l)nincnic nwi‘wc Ihc prnt'cuhngx.
I Together ;tI 'I‘hc I.inth I.ntingc. Ilpin Mini. {8. 2 Apr. .\lnnthl_\. Hill} \Vnnth ix IIIC hi‘illiunt glIL‘\l :it IIII\ t'luxxit' IIUth‘ and \II\(U night IIII\IL‘II It} rcmlcnt .'\IIIII'L‘\\ I’n‘ic. Ihc} :tll inch. and _\nn urn cngin} Ihcit‘ uplnrtx hchrntl Ihc tlu'kx Innight.
I VEGAS! git cht'i‘cu I'I'l'l'). \mt tIilIL‘ 3U .-\pr.
I Voodoo ;iI Ihc (’thnnxc. Spin 0pm. I5 I‘Lil, \VL'L‘IxI}. SL‘IIIIIIIIIII\ nIII_\ iiltcrntitixc ttndcr Ih'x L‘IllI‘. 'l‘hc \ight nI till Ihc \xcc pnntcrx qucning up I‘ninn Stt‘cct hux put Ihc Ivar nI gntl intn Ihc gnntl pcnplc nl ( il;t\gn\\ lnt' \IIIIIL' Iiinc nn\\. \n II )nu urc ttntlci‘ Ihc :igc nI IN. uh} tint \cc \ihut all the In“ ix gilmut'.’ I Winchester Club at Ihc \Vuntlxidc Sncitil. 0pm 2am. {-1. 0 .-\pr. .\InnIh|_\. Ihc IIcr‘tniI ('I'uhx arc the chi“ Ii\c ;tt‘l ;tI Ihi\ |;itc~t III\I;IIIIIL‘III nI' Ihc \Vint‘ht‘xtcr. Altcr Ihc hand. it‘\ IIIL‘ imml \xhcclx hcing \pllll h} thc rcmlcnt I).l\. \n mpcct pnp. \nul. indic. _\nti gcl Ihc picture.
Chart & Party
I Cubism Hedonism III (‘ulm lIIStIpin 4am. in tL'tn. \Vcckl}. Scntt pl;i_\\ thc hmt in lllllIx} linincgrnxx n IIIItI I'S hnuw. Iuwd u ith minnicrcml and club L‘I;l\\l(\ in I‘dl‘ nnc ('iiI/ tintl l);i\c .\I ‘.tl\n cnntintic In kccp Ihc dunt‘cllnnh pucka in ('uhc 4-1 \\ iIh urlmn hurl»
I Saturdays at Wigwam ;tI \Vtgumn. llprn .iulll. L‘“ IL‘IH. \Vcckl}. Rnl‘iti B IIII\L‘\ up Rxli. \UUI and (IIII‘ CI;I\\IL‘\
\xhilc Ihc IL'}_‘L‘IIIIJI'_\ Inn} Iill‘lllx I‘I.l_\\ tiphmt cnnnncrt'iul Itincx .'ll lIll\ IIL'\\
Glasgow Sundays
I Bite iiI Ihc (\iIhnnw. III. illpin Kiln I‘i'cc lwlnrc I I. Winn. LC IL’ 1 SH. .IIIL'I. \Vcckl}. ;\ intltlcr ini\ nl IIIIIII‘ .IIIII tnpk than )nti‘ll IIiIII .iI Ihc (ll) \ PIL'IIIIL'I rnt‘k \CllllL' nn I‘l‘l ni Sal.
I Brazilia .il ('Inh I.l\ itig ‘Ipin “.Illl I‘rcc hclnrc I Ililll \Vct'kl}, .\ Ilk‘\\ hut Ihgit IIII'Ih iiitn ;t (IIII‘. in IIIL' pnint'i' nl \Iundclu Stingiic nII litighriimn Strut-t. Illx I).l .it‘tinn .ind hw pcrt‘tixxinn .III the \\;t_\. \HIII Iiilnqinlnnxl ICHIIL‘IIl IIII I’ciichcx iIIIII ;t Iinxt nI IIIIIIIL‘IIIIHIIJI‘IL' nIIIL‘I'\.
I The Buff .it (hurt \Ini. lilpin inn, (5. \Vcckly I” Mark Rnhh nnrtcu )nn In mpcricncc Ihc Ittnk in the limit nI thc \th Izntl. IIII\ night tuittircx .i \clct'ttnn nl )ntit‘ l;i\ntit‘itc Hull .III \t.ir I).l\. ('hct'lx their \\L‘I‘\IIL' In Iind nnt IIIk' gnmt Ixintl.
I Cabaret at thc 'lunncl.
IIC‘IIPIII .‘mni, H It i I. “ct-III}. IIIK' 'I‘nnncl'x \ccnnd g;i_\ club night. 'I hing\ arc Ilclitntcl} l.II‘IIIHlI\ tit IIII\ Stintld} night purl}.
I Chinawhite .it (‘hinuu hin
‘lprn 3am. in. \Vcckl}, 'I he IldtIlllHllilI Stihlmlh \C\\IIIII l\ giwn .i tlurlx. cnnl .ind claw} \hinc h} (‘hinnuhitc .'\IICI]II\C \tul'l. \ucct drum: n gnnl. Innk} \niintltmgk and .i git-III Ixir nmkc IIII\ ;t hnI IIL‘\IIII.IIIIIII.
I Disco Badger .i: linu‘rmn
llpni Rain 1‘ \Mx‘kli Ilntzw ninm thzwio .iiI night Inzig Izni‘: lini‘w'izt \I.:iIi't .‘.II\I i‘nngic Itziio frn“; \l.:\ ‘.!‘. thc intzngc
I Domingo Loco .1? \I \\ '3;"i: Kim Ltlx \\;_'I\i\ I\ll\ I\cc;:.:n .zntf II.:‘-\‘ \t...::_\ zit; {ht- nil xiii: xii-tum night \‘\\II‘II\ \HlI‘. inni; n? (It; \.:l‘.I\‘. titttztzlli
I Free Sundays .11 mg I I‘.1\\‘l\.:I
IIl‘Ill Kin‘. Iicc “ct-kit II‘il‘ lini‘. TIlllIx. \ntiI.tc§_‘:' .III IIIIIII\ git-.ir ‘.ittti.ill\ Iinknnun xt-inzc ;;i\t lit‘hintl \.III\III‘\'IIIIII \ticut
I Haberdashery .II Ihc I ixlliIII l nttnx't' ‘ll‘lll 1.1m 1‘ \\\'I'kl\ \\;tll\ \tintln \Ilt'll.tlll_‘.'.tll\ Iinin I\'\I\I\'III\ IMnm \hJIIM'} tintl Illll\ I .III\
I Optimo (Espacio) .Il thi- mII I IIIII‘
I Il‘lll :.IIII :Ii ILV \\I'I'I\I_\
\\ hn\I.iIIc\\ hn, thict‘ gti_\ \ Itniii I'npt-rili.igcti \\hn .III' .ilinnt In Illl|\Il lllt‘ll III-hilt ttlhtnn. Illt' g'ti\'\t\ .II IIlk' \'\\'I Ik'IIJI‘Ik' I li‘tnnn Il \tii» Inc, thm
I\‘\ kt'tl Ihc II.II\I tn tilt-.m' .itttht'ntc .II I’npknnnnt‘, lit'ihn I \iitxt gnntl IIIIII:'\ \\\‘ IIII‘
I The Priory .II Iil.inI\t't IIl‘lll ;.IIII
1‘ \M'I‘le} IIII\ \ltilik \nincthing nI It llll\lII'llI\'l l IIII'\\. nI \i‘lll\\'. Il.int ing .III night In \llIIIk'III .lIIIIlI'Ill\ .IIItI Ix’t\ II I\ Iin\\ \nti III-tn\ ll’ .III\I Iht‘ Innnt‘lx lx’it Il.IIII
I m iiiwii .III' the hnxt\
I Spunk .tI IIII' I fitthntixt' I Il‘lll Kiln Lllu \\I'I'I\l\ (IK'I .i gnntl \l‘.lllI.IIl:' nn IIIK' \ihlmth III lint} pl.r\\ .IIII'IIIIIIHI'. punk. \'I.I\\lt’ int k. Illl‘ hnli. |llI'l.II .IIIII \‘in\\n\ci llIIIll\ll|.II In .1 I.II\' \~‘~k'\'I~\'II\I t'lII\\tI
I Sundays at the Buff .II I II.III Hm
I lpin idlll Li \M-I'klx \I'lllk' Iiutt thun ginnxm .IIIII IIIIIhk'tI tip i.i// linni linII llt‘\\ git} \Itmtt
I Trade Night .tl I'hm.m Inti-
‘Ipin i.tlll I.‘ Int-ct \\\'\'i\I_\ \ lllt'Ill .lIlllk‘tIJlIIIII\L".\IIII\III1'IlllIlI'I‘I'JlIU. II'I.III .IIIII Icmnt' |IIIIII\II|I'\ Iht' nigt' min In t'ntnt' h} Ilk‘lk' .IIIII \‘hmt' Iht‘ \II.I‘.'|III\ .l\\.l'\.
Glasgow Mondays
Chart 54 Party
I Burn .iI IhI' Iinll ('hili I Iptn hint L5 IIII‘I' L ii. \\I'I'I\I§ Il'\ lIlI' \ I.t\\I\ night Int Ihnw \KI‘IIxIlIt‘ Ill Iht' IIII'll\lle.' titulc linin ;IIIlllll\ llinxt‘ \‘.llIl .I p.i_\ \hii lni .ilixnhtlt'l} Ilk'k' Il.l\‘~. \‘-III\II l\ Him"
I Mondays at Bamboo Itipm Mm LVI Iltn' L in \\\'\'i\I_\ \nnl .lIIII InnL \\.llIl Rnhtn Ii. \llIIII'III I.l\k'\ \‘.llIl In»! In Slimkl IIII‘II"\ .lIMI RAH \\IIII \MIIIIIK' Ii.
I Passionality .tI (.III‘I' I I Winn Kiln L i ILII “Ix-kl} I’II'.i\ing Ili.iiti\tii lintn III \II.I\‘.II i<lll‘k'll\. \‘.IIII IIIII'\ Ill\ I‘t‘\l III it'xtixt’itdtt' IIIC \Kk'k'lxt'lltl Int Ihc
ga} IIII\I'II t‘inntl.
I T-Party .it \I.\\ I Ipin Min :4 \\I‘I'I\I_\ I{;t\\ Ii .IIIII I).I\L' \Inlllz' phi} IllIMll .IIIII pnp II.I\'I\\ imputrxt-l} II\ .i licc «Innt In II.IIII' \II\II|IIII'I\. \n thy} .II' gnrng \ntncthing l‘tlkh In my [it'nplt- III.II in.th gning ntiI gimt It \IllIlIIII lit- nntnl Ih.it lIll\ I\ “NC nl IIIL' 'Iimh IIIL'III\ III.IIII' IIUIIII'IL'\\ in IIlk' IIIL’
I Undercover .it BLmLI-t I lpm Kim Lil ILZI \M‘ckly (ii.ttilip.itinn II'\\'I\ .III' high ;i\ \ct'tct .igcnt .Illll I).i litwt play nttt IIIK' liink} IIIIII\L'. IIIIIIIII} RAH .lIlII [writ-gt pnp I’Icnt} nl IIIIIII\\ pinnim \IIHIIIII Imu- )IIII hnth \II.II\L'II .lIlII \IIIIL‘II
Glasgow Tuesdays
I Bin Bag .tl IIII‘ (il.t\'_'Ii\‘. SLIIIIIII III :\t'I Ilpni inn LI Ilium Bargain lmwincnt IIIIIIL‘ tunw. lmr‘rcl Intulx nl phctip think .lIlII .i hunth nt I.III\ uhn thII In Inc in gnntl hninw
I Camouflage .Il Ihc I.lIlllIII Intuth- I lptn iiiin LC “rt-III} \ ncv. aux-LI} that ;inn\ In put the Iniulit} Inuit intn \IUIIL'III LIUI‘I‘IIIg' \xhilc I‘m-ping Ihc III'IIII.\ prit'cx Inv. I.I\L'\‘-IIL' .‘irt- Ihc IlllhlLiII t'cprcxcntutncx. ‘lIIII thc} arc pl.i_\ing Ihc lIIIL'\I hip hnp. clcgti‘n. tu'hnn. hnnxc. tlrtiin tk Imxx .lIItI lurukhwt
hntixt' .III\I I.:.'.'