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Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to clubsglasgow®hotmail.com. Glasgow listings are compiled by Johnny Regan.
Glasgow Thursdays
I ‘." at thc Hull ('ltih. ll) illpni iani. U llt'cci. \Vcckl}. Stc\ ic atid l)a\ id rtiniiiiagc through thcir rccoidx to hrtng )oti all thc good xtull 'l ltcl't"\ tltc odd ll\L' litilttl. \H L'\pt‘cl ;t lt'Sl til CL‘lL'L'll‘UlllL‘AI. tll\L'tilL'cllltHL‘atc} atltl otlict‘ \tordx that thc} "\c nixt inadc up.
I Atomic at ('Itih :\pollo. llptii iain. H tUi. chkl}. lhct inxitc )oti to lltt'tm xliapcx on tlic dancctloor ax thcir rcxtdcnt iiiuxical ugxau huildcr picccx togcthcr an cclcctic llll\ ol paxt niaxtcrx and ciiduring claxxicx. xpanntng loui dccadcx.
I Bananas at .\l.r\S. llptii 3am. Lthc. \Vcck‘l}. (lo. \wll. hananax at tlitx /an_\ club that uxcd to hc in 'l‘raxh hclot‘c thc god ol~ lirc put paid to that particular hawn ol iniquity l)a\c Young arid Wood} arc in chargc ol thc iiiuxic.
I Chinawhite at ('hinau hitc.
9pm 3am. U». \Vcckl}. l’utting thc claxx iitto xttidcnt night ix ('hinauhitc. thc rclatixcl} ncu \cnuc uptown. 'l'hc dccor and xtal'l arc hoth rathcr hcautiltil. xo thix ix \xcll \Hit‘llt cltcckittg otit.
I Club Living at ('luh l.i\ ing.
‘lpni 3am. L'thc. \Vcckl}. l).l .-\nd_\ lManagcr ol~ 23rd l’rccincl rccordxi pla}x a llcd—Kandi-xt)lc ltll\ ol~ thc lincxt lunk) houxc around at thix hrand xpanking ncu club.
I Evil at liarll}. lllfillpiii Rain. [2. chkl). (iotli. induxtrial. punk and iiictal nicct at thix hlack-clad happcning.
I Fluff on the Needle at \Vigxx am.
I lpiii Rain. £5. “cc-kl}. ('hrix Bigu/li.
E. :2 3'
I Fr/ 7 Apr. Rocket at Bamboo.
34 THE LIST 3‘ Mat-1.1m"
/cux. \ortuxkt. \latk._\ \latk and Ian
\\ llllL'l.t\\ xptn tt up al thix llc'\\ lhtitxda} pat'l} at thix Satichtchall \cttuc
I Freakmoves al (ilaxgtiu. \cltool or .\tt llptii :am 11:12. \\cckl_\ llltar linc litp hop night tot thc xtudcntx. \kith l).lx l)ctiia and \tcc
I Instant Access at Suh ( tub
I” illptii 1atii Ll t: it \\cckl_\ RL'\lthlll\ llll l’k’.l\llk'\ .tlltl (ilk'llll (i .llk' in _\out lacc \kllll thc llllhlc at thtx alu.i_\x tntctcxttng 'l litiixda} doun Suh \\.l.\
I Jacuzzi at Bar liloc ‘lptn zani l'tcc \\cckl_\ \u-.la// and l attn houxc tioni l).l (itaig ()'('onncl|. \kllll pctcuxxion ltoiii Rh}tliiiitc Rciitx
I Record Player: at (ilaxgou School ol .-\it I“ illptii 3 1Haiti Utttcc LII \\cck|} In thc \ tc Hat thc lx’ccotd l’la}ct'/ l).lx llt l'l Scan atid lluxhpupp} pla} to a packcd cloud ol liaxhcd laxhton tunktcx and ltickcd up loictgn dixco lrcakx
I Skint at thc ('atliouxc llptii ialll (4 till. \\cckl_\ .\ night lliat icllcctx tltc tcxutgcnt altcinattxc xccnc at tltc inonicnt, Rock. indic and xoiiic totigli chctincal hicakx atid hcatx. “fill a crowd iiiucli likc thc onc _\ou xcc outxidc thc (iallcr} ol .\lodcrn .\rt.
I Spacehopper at It”) \lurr}x.
llptii iaiii. U tL'Zi \\cckl_\. l'lic licxt ncu and claxxic indtc atid altcrnatixc ttincx. dcplo}cd h} tlioxc \\ho ho c thciii l‘t'Sl.
I Speakeasy at lltc l‘nm-rxal,
lllpni Iain. l-icc. \Vcckl}. ll _\ou lccl likc a lcu drinkx altci' thc ptih. hut don‘t “ant to go cluhhtng. Spcakcax} ix lor _\ou. 'l'hc niuxic ain't cotiiproniixcd. hut thc \ihc ix chillcd.
I Topform at thc Hull. lllpiii 3am. l'i‘cc ltclorc lllfillpiii; £3 al'tcr. \Vcckl}. l think \\ c hax c to turn ox ci~ to 'l‘opl'oriii thcnixchcx to xtiiii up thix ncu night: ‘.-\ti cxtrauigan/a ol' tnuxic and t\\ ixtcd cntcrtaiiiinciit. think thc Rum] \urit'rx l’t’I'IUI‘IHtlIltt' hoxtcd h} _\otir drunkcxt drunkcn unclc. 'lhink cnd ol' thc picr. think cnd ol thc \Mil'ltl. think out ol' )our hoxl‘ \Vith Radio ()nc'x (iill .\lillx attd thc '\cr} tall' Kmin \cha}.
I Vintage at ()tan \lot ll'ptii 1am :5 ‘ x 14 \pt \lonthl} \lcc () and John Roxx pla} up “till tcgulat ltxc handx al thtx gtcat ncu cllll‘ ttotti thc Hull poxxc l'hc l‘titx \\ lll ltc pulling troni a mu ol thc paxt and thc ptcxcnt. ptcktng thc chotcc cutx ttoni tltc \llx clcctto xcctic. undctgiound dixco. putik claxxtcx. tndtc. xka and liouxc
Chart & Party
I Firewire al llattihoo llptii 3am 111 NJ» \\cckl_\ (ilaltaltt l'ciguxon xpinx Rtkll and chart claxxtcx tn rootii I. \xliilc l)_l toaxt ix tn thc tcd tooin pla)itig tndtc pop and rock In tltc lotiiigc. Rohin H pla}x an cclccttc llll\ ol dtxco. tunk and xotil.
I Phunky Monkey at ltclo Spin iam l‘rcc hctorc llptii. Lil IL it altcr. \\cckl_\ Scott (iraingct‘. \ancc and Ricluc .\lc('oltii arc on xpnintng duttcx at thix ncu club that lookx ltkc gctttng c\cn higch than lialta/a. l’lcnt} ol drtnkx proniox, tunk} anthcnix arid tloot tillct‘x tiiakc it a “tuning loiiiiula.
I Who Dropped the Funk? at thc liquid l.oungc. lllpni iatii. L11 tL’ii \Vcckl}. l).l .'\aron l’ctri xpinx. accoiiipantcd h} a h\ c pci'cuxxionixt. chular li\ c handx alxo punctuatc tlic linc-up.
Glasgow Fridays
I Better Days at liar Bloc.
lllpiii 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl}. (iromtir tunk atid dixco lroni (iidd) and Km in McShanc. .-\|l night long. .-\ \ct‘} popular cluh night.
I Burly at thc .-\rclicx. lllfillpiii .iani. L'thc. l .>\pr. .\lonthl_\. llllS ga} night l'oi' gcntx agcd 25 and oxcr ix going l'rotii xtrcngth to xtrcngth. .\lakc xurc )titi drcxx tip lor thc Burl} part}. lx'iltx. indtixti'ial and all that xort ol' thing ix cncouragcd.
I Canvas at .'\rta. llptii 3am. L'thc. \Vcckl). l)J Waltcr pla} x a plclhora ol l'unk. xoul and Rtklt at thix hcatitilul Mcrchant ('it} har.
It’s another ‘Season of Sound’ down Bamboo. Kicking things off it’s ATFC (Onephatdeeva) with a funky bouncing set of house as exemplified on his production work such as “Bad Habit’ back in 2000. mhsgon.
I The Cathouse at tltc ('ailiouxc
lIl ‘Hpin ‘~atit {l l‘ctotc llptii. £4.11. attct \\cckl} Ruling high on thc nu nictal \xa\c. thix ix onc ot thc l‘ll\l\‘\l ntghtx tti to\\tt Rock. gtungc. tndtc and .t \l.t\ll Ul l‘lk‘ttkl‘t‘al .lcli‘“ llllk‘k' llootx at (ilaxgou ‘x top \ctttic lot l\‘\ kctx atid altctnatccnx
I Chinawhite at (‘htnaulittc
‘lpni zani {Ill \\cckl_\ lhc (ilaxgou \ctxton ot thc lcgcndat) l ondon cclchx‘ cltih kickx ott tn xttlt‘ \\aittcxxcx. piopct doottncn and dtxcctiiing ltlx niakc up thc '\\liitcx cxpcticncc
I Club Living at ('lul‘ I l\tltg
‘lpni zani l-tcc lictoic llptii. t" altct \Vcckl} .\lan \lackcn/tc pla_\x tctto claxxtcx and Scott \lochat putx a t\\ ixt Into ll \\lllt xonic ttnc houxc alxo
I Coded at \atilt llptii zatii {Mt-1i \\cckl} lilic} 'tc ttotii a tccotd xtotc. xo thc tuncx atc gotiig to hc ltcxh and htghl} lunk}. aicn‘t thc} ' \ totaling toxtcr ol l).lx alliltatcd to 31rd l’tccinct \ttppl} lllL' lttittv‘ lcd gtoo\ cx _\ott cati icl_\ on. Stc\cn .\lc('tcct} tx tlic tiiaiii nian. hut thc pool ol talcnt tncludcx Hill} Kilkic. lttll} \\oodx and \iiianda I’rtcc
I Fluid at .\l \S llptii iaiii Lott-1i \Vcckl} licat lllo'x l txa l ittlc\\ood. Scott \lacka) and Raw It all p|a_\ ax icxtdcntx at thix iaucotix part} tip at tlic tiiad cnd ol to\\ti l‘lllllx} houxc. llll‘all pop and loadx ol chcap hoo/c iiiakc ll a “inning piopoxttion
I Fresh at thc l’olo loungc
llptii iaiii. {5 \Vcckl} \ltchcllc and And} aic iii chaigc ot thc tinixtcal dutch at thix dclicioiix. ga_\/iiii\cd \lcichant ('it} cltih. .\loxt \xho ctitct conic otit xiiiiling,
I Friday at Wigwam at \\'ig\\ani
I Ipni 3am. to (Hi. \\’cck|-\_ .lanicx (iardncr p|a_\x a llll\ ol Rtklt and coninicrcial claxxicx. \\llllL‘ \oinixki and /.cux p|a_\ lunk§ liouxc and dixco hcatx. I Funhouse at Harll}. llptii iaiii. L31 tUi. \Vcckl}. .\ night ol clucd up punk arid cathartic tndic pop nonxcnxc It'x pogo»a-go-go \\ itli Radio l'x \ic (ialloua). Mr Paul Nccdlcx and DJ Alpha Mitchcll.
I Funk Room Soul Scotland Special at thc :\rchcx. H. lllptii iaiii. to ([5). l5 .\lar. .\lonthl_\, llllS onc oll xltti\\L‘;t\L' night lcaturing thc \ct‘} licxt ol Scotland‘x xoul xpinncix. Nick l’cacock. .\likc_\ ('ollinx. \lai‘tin (ia\in. Scott liroun. .-\ndrc\\ “mm and Stiiion llodgc all pla_\ rccordx. ’l'hc .-\rchcx atc hringing iti a xprung \xoodcn daiiccllooi' cxpcciall} tor thc cxcning.
I Goodfoot at thc Rnct'xtdc (‘ltilx Midnight 3am. £5. l Apr. .\loiithl_\. ’lhc (ioodloot l).l 't‘t-am pla} a xclcctton ol northcrn xoul. ltiiik atid Rtkli claxxicx arid l'lll'lllC\ on lowl} old \Ilt}l. l:ii|o_\ a uondcrlul atiiioxphcrc and a xlightl} llpx) atnioxphcrc.
I Kinky Afro at thc Suh ('luh. .\'c\t datc 3‘) .-\pr.
I LiveVEvil at (iltixgtm School ol All. llptii 3am. £7 ([5). l .-\pr. Monthly 'l‘hc hcxt druni & haxx night in toun'.’ lt‘x dclinitcl} onc ol' thcin. l-uturc litiginccrx arc thc gticxtx licrc. xupportcd h} rcxidcntx Morph}. l’aul chct. (icco ttlttl .\l(' (iltltt\. .St't’ prrt‘lfn.
I Lite at thc (‘orinthiatr lllpni ittlll. ithc. \Vcckl}. 'l‘ltc ('ol‘ittlltittti laccltll gctx into lull x\\iltg. uith thc l.itc bar and cluh taking o\ct' thc action on l'rida}x. All tlic top I)Jx lroiii (il'x othcr \cnucx niakc rcgular appcai‘anccx.
I Matthew Herbert at lltc Sub ('luh. llptii 3am. L'lll tL'tx‘i. l Apr otil}. A grcat gucxt punctuach thc linc-up at thix Suh part}. Mr llcrhcrt xpiiix rccordx ta rarc occurrcncci at thc hchcxt ol thc iniinitahlc Mr (‘au lc}. Sm' [)I't’l m.
I Offset at ('uhc. lll.3l)pm 3am. LES t£5r \Vcckl). Dancc claxxicx and lllll liotixc troni rcxidcnt l)Jx. A \cr} popular \cnuc and club night.
I Playground at Bar Bloc.
lllpm 3am. £2. chkl}. l'unk and dixco from the ininiitahlc l)J (iidd).
I Pressure at thc Archcx. cht datc 2‘) Apr.