Classified Personal


GLASGOW guy, 6'1 with let lilaek hail & lironn e}e\ looking loi a one. \xarni & eiiddl} leinale. (all me on 0906 756 5557 (K L'IIIL'I iijl

MALE 28, 5'6, well I‘m“ \HIII \hort hroiin hair & hiilihl} pei‘xonalit}. Looking lor lun & maybe more. ('all me on (I906 "56 SS? (k eiiier lojiaix

AVERAGE BUILD, average height. short hair. t‘llltI}\ all \[Iitl'l\. \ialking & \\\llllllllllg hut not a great lmel‘ ol [ItlII\, \Vlfl'M \oineone \iith \lllllIltI' llllL'l‘L'\l\. ('all me on (Mt I6 756 657 (k L'lllL‘l' i253l—IZ

PROFESSIONAL Glasgow male, 5'llI. uiili iiiediuin hnild & \IltIl'I hroun hair. loxex (Il‘l\ iiig. ti'a\elling A; em} nights in. “1.1M an hon- ext ik genuine lad}. (‘all me on 0906 750 3557 & enter

l I7| l5ll

SLIM male, 6' with dark hair & blue eyes. man) interextx. \Vlfl‘M leniale l'or I;ttlgll\. IlilltplllL'Nx & nia}he more. ('all me on 0906 756 3557 i& enter I I llI699

’e" KEEP FIT, 5'3, 29yr old lroin Scotland Will] \hort hrou ii hair & hrou n e) e\. like\ going to the g}in &

\u iiiiiiiiiig to keep lit. a\ \\ ell as going to pulix & out eluh- hing \xith l‘riendx. ('all me on (I906 756 3557 & enter

[09 I 699

‘15“ A GOOD TIME, likes einenia. going out tor dinner. liax ing a good time \(ith l'i'iendx. going out “ith a noinan - get on together. \UltlL‘- thing might come til it. ('all me on 0906 756 3557 ik L‘ltlet‘ l092699

to“ DAVIE, 5'6" TALL, brown hair & hlue L‘)‘c.\. quite a inuxeular huild. .‘ilI }'I'\ old. eiiio} li\ e lllthIL‘ & pla)ing pool. ('all me on (I906 756 5557 & enter I I5I699 GSOH, good personal- ity, like\ going out. pla}ing t'oothall & pla)ing \nookei'. \VIII’M l'einale l‘oi' l‘riendxhip & ina}he more. ('all me on (I906 756 3557 & enter IX56l-IZ6

BLONDE HAIR 5'10", like loothall. going lishing & \pending time on Ill} oun. looking for someone out-going \\ ho ix up tor a laugh. (‘all me on 0906 756 5557 & CtltL‘l'

I I25699

W 46 YEAR OLD Glasgow inale. enjoy getting out & part} ing. \VIII‘M a tun. honext leinale. for friendship or more it possible. ('all me on 0906 756 5557 & L‘ltIL‘t‘ 3303M)

«5 w to respond to .

Call the number afte' t'w; .

mat. leate 306' or. '1 we '. t"

listen to other ad‘.e'1:s:"'.\‘ Ca

°-"‘ LANCASHIRE male, 32, medium hiiild. (iSUII. IlkC\ \iiiiiiniing. \ialking. lllgllh iii/out & eluhx ete. ('all me on 0906 756 3557 & enter 3298M:

5'1 1, dark brown hair. \Illll/lllL‘tIlllltl hnild. 44}i\ old. like going to puhx. eluhx. eine- ina. iiining x dining out. play ing pool. goll' «k xixinuning, (‘all me on (I906 756 3557 & enter I I6~I5~I6

W“ FUN GUY, likes going eluhhing. \piil‘lx. einenia & haxing Itlll. Looking lor simi- lar lor Inn IillIL‘\. ('all me on 0906 756 5557 i& enter

5 I 298395

GLASGOW MALE 5'10 With IWItIL' C} L'\. \L'II- employed. likex gun. 5 a \ide l’oothall. dixeo. cinema & eat— ing out. SL‘Ckx I'L'ltlalc. (all me (Ill 0906 756 5557 (k L‘ltlel‘ I8366426

“it” CONFIDENT MALE, 27, 5'6 \\'llll a\ erage look\_ brown hair & eyes. (iSUlI. enjoys lite. \VIII‘M female to ha\ e Inn with. (‘all me on (I906 756 3557 & enter I306363

JUST OUTSIDE GLAS- GOW, a hit erail). lt/x. don't drink all that olten. III‘(I\\II hair \\ ith hlonde Iligltliglilx. merage huild. quite good looking. Juxt looking lot‘ a hit ol' lun. some- one who ean treat me right & \\ ho l ean treat right. ('all me on 0906 756 5557 (K L‘nlCt' I339364

wt 30YR old Glasgow niale. medium huild. brown hair & hlue e) es. not too had- looking. \VIII‘M nice. easygo- ing & genuine Itlxx lor l'un nights in or out. (‘all me on (I906 756 5557 & enter

l I07699

QUITE NICE LOOK- ING, 5'7. \IIllIhlIlI(I\\'lII1 a 30" Waist. \VIII'M somehod) who likes IILI\ ing good lun. likes going out. Visiting places & going tor a drink. also some- hod} \\ ho likes a nice quiet night in as \\ ell. (‘all me on (I906 756 3557 & enter

I 098699

*‘v" HAVING FUN, man ol 5'6. interested in going out & uatehing lll()\'lL‘.\. I()\L‘\ Chin} - ing lil‘e. nothing more than that. \\'l.'l'f\l xiinilar female for good IIIIIC\ & possible relationship. (‘all me on 0906 756 3557 & enter l8363436

=15 ATHLETIC BUILD, from India. now living in (ilasgou. \er} much believex in l'un. me i\ (er) short & we need to make it long & Unto}- ahle. just looking for a good girl to share time with. ('all me ("10906 756 5557 (N L‘tttcr I3364436

in ad

per min. at at: tunes Ca‘ 8 t

and payphones may cost more

126 THE LIST 31 Mar—Li Apt 300:5

WORKING MAN WITH ()\\'.\' I~'l..-\'l'. 26 Van old. troni (ilmgon. \\'|.'l‘.\I lllttl'L' mature leniale lor tun Illllt'x Il'lL'll(I\Il|[I

& [IIHHI‘IC I'L‘Iillltllhllll‘ ('all me

on (NI I6 756 3557 (K Cttlt‘l' l I l3699

I TALL, DARK HAIRED .\I.»\I.Ii. like ha\ing a good time - going to the puh & einenia. \VIII‘M leniale lor good IIllIL‘\. lriendxhip & poxxihl) niore' (‘all me on 0906 756 355" «k L'ltlL‘l‘ I I I5699

1 QUITE MUSCULAR 21 Yl-IAR ()l.l). 6'l. dark hair. dark e} ex. like\ going hou ling. out to eineniax. puhx & eluhx. haxieall} to ha\ e a laugh «k a good time. \VIII‘M l'einale to share lhix \xith. l'or lnn. l'riendxhip & piixxihl} more. (‘all me on (I906 756 5557 «K L‘IIICI‘ li\’3(12436 30 YEAR OLD, from

(ilaxgim. likes l’oothall. llllI\IL'.

going otit & \ta)ing in. \\'I.'l'.\l leniale \iith \llltllttl‘ ilttct'e\1\ I'm‘ good time\ & poxxihle relatiomhip. (’all me ("10906 756 5557 «Q L'ltht‘ l8927225

SINCERE, friendly 8- honest 5'] I male. hlue L'} C\. lair hair. ()lI.-\('. enio}\ \oeial- ixing. l‘ell-xialking & e}eling. lo\'e\ going to the cinema. eat- ing in or out. \\'l.'l‘.\l female to share interextx. ('all me on (I906 756 5557 «L L‘niL‘t‘ I3360436

33 YEAR OLD, \IIIII huild. dark hrou n hair. like to uateh l‘oothall (like nioxt guys) & \oeialixe \\ ith l‘riendx. have a ten drinks. talk to people & hax'e a good time. (‘all me on 0906 756 3557 & enter 2279MB

DARK-HAIRED green- eyed male. 5'6. seeking a l‘emale for friendship & great times together. (‘all me on (I906 756 5557 «K L‘tllct'

I 089699

1'9 HEAVILY BUILT, 5'10, average looking male. looking for a female that enjoy \oeial- ising. going out for ltIL‘itI\. drinking. going to the cinema. all the llxttitl things. ('all me on 0906 756 5.557 & L‘nIL'l'

l l l8699

"4F DARK HAIR, 5'10, like going to the gun. lixtening to music. nights out 6; ha\ing lun. Looking for l'einale lor lun. l‘riendxliip «k ina_\he more. (‘all me on 0906 756 3557 & enter I I 19699

WILLIAM, 5'7 with short hroun hair 6; \lllll- medium build. from \Vext I.othian area. \ellleinplo} ed. enjo} \pnl‘lx. Looking l‘or )ou. (‘all me on (I906 756 3557

& enter I27 19.7.36

your messages


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