c.228,000 — 35,000 p.a. (depending on experience) Glasgow City Centre
As part of the Scottish Musrc Centre's continuing development. the Centre is re locating to new premises in Glasgow's prestigious City Halls development.
We‘re looking for a dynamic. energetic and visronary leader to head the organisation through this crucial transrtion period and beyond.
Ihe successful candidate wrll lead a current team of six full—time and four part—time staff to develop the Centre's existing strategic aims. generate new initiatives and represent our members interests.
lixperiericed. astute and articulate, the successful candidate will have excellent general management abilities. These should include knowledge of prudent financial management. the inter—personal skills to lead a committed and professional team and the ability to display a strong vision in the promotion and strategic develop— ment of the Scottish musrc sector in Scotland and internationally.
Substantial and relevant knowledge of policy development in the public sector is preferred together with experience of advocacy work at a national level with funding agencies. politicrans and other stakeholders.
To apply, please send your CV with a covering letter to Gordon Smith, Vice- Chair c/o Law At Work, 151 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, 62 SNJ or e-mail it to recruitment@| . Closing date for applications is 20 April 2005.
r'r-r- .r .'.' r (,‘mx'ri- ('ri'r‘i”. a: :; mat/rm}; ‘rorr: ai/ sections of the (iorrrrrrurrity/ and aims to employ a - ,r-/‘ .r w "‘/r .. m h when 3‘, {hr- {trier/e of Scot/ant," The Scottish Hus/r: Centre is an equal ()ppor'ti/hit/es Core funded bv
Scottish Arts Council
For further information visit: - www.scottishmusiccentrecom
Young People Speak Out (YPSO) VCQUII'C a Co-ordinator (pt 33-37) {25,149-27,822 YPSO helps youth fjoups .tit‘tir‘d Lt‘t'm‘ir‘. "‘Jlkt‘ wife " A'dt” to develop confidence and social with. race www v3”, ‘Z\l We seek .t "winger WIKI‘ yrdeovnaknyj i-xperw'iti- (w «nit .1"(I develop {his srrmli chant»
YOu riiast haw experiuite 0t uwiyj the MM or “it"lhl in .1 community wt: ",1 .‘tirirtr.ii',iri,‘_. leIIHlII”. not! rniplcirieritat.on, financial rn.tri.iy:ernerit. yum" H'n'nf an" .‘ind public relatons Also in using spreadsheets .ind databases For details. contact TIPSO Tel 0131 220 4244 ii! download tarmx from
www floodirtoyeu or): Uh.
Clogrn" Date 13th A iril Inter Vlt'y‘v‘, on 21% A )III
COMMUNITY RESOURCES Arts Development Officer (Traditional Arts 8. Crafts)
Temporary Council Offices. South Vennel. Lanark
£10,522. 21 hours per week NH .‘.".i be responsible tor deliyery of the initial stages of a £173.000 Traditional Arts and (‘ratts ll‘iiirll|\t‘ at russ ruiai South Lanarkshire.
to; hrs: he st-It motiyated and enthusiastic, have a proven track record in traditional arts .lllil t rafts deyeiop'nent. he creatiye in your approach. time experience of working yyith the torrirnurmty and tie creatiyi- industries. possess research and proiect management skills any: l‘t‘ aim. to ilt‘ri‘H‘H guality results \‘.|llilll a limited budget and timeframe.
l" audfaw \tlti «would hayi- at least tit-.o years (?\[)(?fl(?liC(3 yyorking in the field of traditional .rvts and watts. possess strong administration. IT and organisational ability. have excellent "lt‘fl‘t‘IStV‘til and t ommurtrr atron skills and be capable of working on your own initiative as well as net oinrxg an :nti-gral member of our arts deyelopment team.
l"e Traditional -\"is and Crafts Initiatiye .s Jointly funded by Leaders until October 2007. The «Itl\t‘li‘.\t‘tl post is initially iimited to three months. Ref: COM/05/ED/39
For a recruitment pack contact: Community Resources, Personnel Section, Floor 13, Council Offices, Almada Street, Hamilton, ML3 0AA. Telephone 01698 455276 or o—mail
Closing date: 1 April 2005
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t o L x t z; ’r‘ 0:: ;~' g 1\\I\IUR l\ I'IUI'II E2”. PO. “k . cw; 5 A. 1.3133 \';“E.El,. "-3... ."\\“ 5C‘c Y" --.‘-\-“R".Sl‘ip~i ‘JL 5 0-3.:
118 THE LIST ‘
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