
111 Willie Nelson 8. Family Rtt).l (‘niiturl Hull. 3 Sautliichull SIrch. MN)” 3pm. SUN) ()1 "l Scc pm it“. I Daniel Bedingtield (lulu \utlitni‘iuiii. Sl:('('. l‘llllilL‘\lUll ()uii}. likWi (L1H Jillili "pm £2] 5H NH Iigc it-xliiclinii IIK Ihc turn nl lllL' iiiiirgiimll} llltllt‘ l.llL'lllCtl lit'tliiigticltl In tlixplii} lll\ tll\Cl\L‘ pup \niigui'itiiig \\;ll'L‘\ itlltl Ir} In lHHl\ Ullllliil'ldltlt' HI) \liIfJL‘

I American Headcharge .Illtl Panic Cell King; 'luI\ \Vuh \Vuh lluI. :‘Ztl SI \iiitt-iu Slit-cl. III 52"). hpiii. £5, ()wr- l-i\ \llIN. \liiiiiciipiilix-hiixctl iiitlihli‘iiil lllL'l.ll imiitl uhn rcxanL-tl In Ilii'nu mg; pig llt'.l(l\ .iI Ihcii' iiutliciigc iii ii le'\[k'l';llL' hid In tlhllilk'l Ihciii ti'niii lllL'll' K}lic tilhuiiix. I My Latest Novel and Calchen Hui-ll}. Drill (lulc Sin-ti iik‘ii tin" um»), hpiii 'lnulul nu“ blind tlcwi‘ihctl il\ ill] nip} licllc & Sclxnhuu'.

I Cat Kills Six \it‘uii'Slt'iiI}. 43l Siiucliit'liiill SIi'ccl. 3331M)” ‘lpiii. £3. l,lk'.ll pnp/inck hiiiitl.

I Raar, Fickle Public itlltl The Alpacinos 'l'lit- l5lli \iiic (hilt. Sll (ill Kin}: Slit-cl. 553 Iti3h. 0pm. £5. l.n\c \llhlt'. llillL' Rilt‘hlll night tuiiluring ll lull nl llt'tlnmxllc I‘nck \ltnckx.

I Satellite Dub, Junkstar and Sound Development Agency 'l‘hc Snuntlhuux. 4" ll}tlL‘ l’ul‘k Sli‘ccl. Ill 405‘). lllplll. \lciiilwi‘x iiiitl gumlx. Skuukiug gnntl night nl lik'ill huitx iiici‘chuntx.

I Cold Night Song ’l'ht- (imll. I237 .\i3_'_\lc SIi‘L'cI. .357 7373. 8pm. l‘iu'. (‘liiii‘lic iiutl \cil lni'iiici‘l} nl .'\\ll'ltl iii'c iniiicd h} .lL‘Iili} Rccw iiiid Slzicc} Sit-w“ right nl Ihc RL‘IlHlL‘L‘l' Scctinn lHl‘ il iic\\ iit'nuxtic night \xith \urpi'iw guolx. Conestone, Without Malice and Hara SIci‘cn. Kch iiihiiugh SIM-ct. 57h 5IHK. Spin. £4. ludic i‘nck lrnm lnculx (‘niicxtnnu tll'L‘lllll} pop rock lrnm l5itt'\ \ViIIinuI \liilicc. illltl ill] ilCUlhllL' UPL‘HCI' ii'niii lliu'u.


I Charles Wood, James Adamson, Beccy Owen and Oatbeanie \\'lll\llt‘liilll\lc\. 4 (i Sntllli lil‘ltlgc. 5.57 5| I4. (ipiii. l‘i‘cc. Night nl‘ \ingcr/

\niig“ ritcrx and cm crx.

I Vantage Point, Unknown Hagana, Katana, Reasons are Red illltl Redpillmemories Bainncrmun'x. \itltli‘} Sti'ccl. 550 .3354. 8.45pm. £4.

1 353

Le Tigre

l'iw lnml hitlltl\ inin Inigtw Inr llll\

1 NHL!!!“ hcnclil

I Hobo 'l‘hc liniign ('luh. \lnr.i_\ llnuw. 5— lll‘l}ltNKl Rnutl, 553 "NH

ltipm 3.xiii. l’rcc hclnrc llpin; £3 .lllL'l ‘l.i\c mum and itllL‘TllleL' tll\\'t‘ Ini iuxlitii-tl ~iiiiicix' iiiiintlx Ihgi

I Country and Western Festival Rn}.il Highland (l‘iili‘c. Inglixlnn. 33.5 (Clio, Scc l'l‘l 25

I David Allison 'l‘ht- l.k‘ll Hunk. 3" (iullii‘ic Sum. :25 ‘V44 £4 3! Scc Sun I“.

Monday 28


:33 Willie Nelson 8. Family Rtt}.ll ('niiccrl llllll. 3 Siiucliichull Slim. 353 Mint). spin, S()l.l) ()l'l‘. Sec in 25.

I Daniel Bedingtield (init- Auditni‘iuiii. Sl:(‘('. l’iiiiiimlnu ()llil}. HIV-ill (Ml) 41M“. ('.-\.\.(.l".l,l.l'.l).

I Feeder illlkl Cherrytalls (lining; Acudcni}. III laglinlnn Sli'cct. (NII5 (DH .3‘)‘)‘)/l)8”tl "l 20”“. 7pm. £18. ()wr- |4\ \llll\\. Britrnt'k \khlclt ix ;l\ cnmlni'tuhlc iiiitl \illL‘ ;l\ ;i puir nl nltl slippcrx.

I Mark Owen Bar“). In“ (lulu Slit-ct, (JR-ill 007 (NW). 8pm. £8. lt‘lle' \liir‘k ()ucn \llll rcltixcx In liclicw lllill hix lllll\lL‘ ciii'cci‘ l\ mcr. “llllL‘ \Iill kinking L'Ulk' and acting gracinux.

I The Dead 608 King 'l'ui'x \Vuh \Vuii lluI. 371i SI \iiiccnt Slim. 32! 527‘). 3.30pm. £7. Sportx ciixuiil \ku l'L'\l\;lll\l\. much gitliiiii'ctl h} (iriihiim ('n\nn.

I MIA, Audiophile and The Elements 'l‘hc l3ih .\'nic ('iit'c. SI) (ill King SIi‘cL‘I. 55.3 |(i.3i\'. 0pm. £3. 'l‘i‘iplc lull nl i'nt‘k ltiintlx.

I Acoustic Jam Nicc'ii‘Sli-iix}. 42l SilllL‘lllL‘lltlll Sum. 33.3 (Mill. Spin. l'i'cc. \Vcckl) \liU\\L‘il\L‘ lnr lnciil \niigurilcrx pL‘l'ltil‘llllllg nriginiil miilcriiil.


I The Raveonettes, Dogs illltl The Boxer Rebellion 'l‘hc \L-iiuc. l7 2| ('tiltnn Rtiiltl. 557 3073. 7pm. £0. l)ill1l\ll gaii'zigc tlun Ihc Riiwnnctlm. \\ iIh zi low M Ihc i‘nck'ii‘i‘nll \Ulllltl\ nl' Suicitlc. Ihc ('i‘uiiipx illltl \url guitiirx. :\l\n hilL‘GCtl up h} the ()uccus nl .\'ni/c nn 1)] tlllllL‘\ nn Ihix Jim Bcum L'lltlt)l'\L‘\l tour.

I Ian Brown (‘nrn li\cli;iiigc. I l chx \laii'kcl Rniitl. 477 .3500. 7.3(ipiii. £20. King \ltilikc} ntm \\ill1 SlnIIC Rnw\ ll‘LIL‘lxx I'L‘Inwl'lcd lnln lti\ \Cl.

Musicians who can discuss sexual politics in music in a way that isn‘t either whining, overwrought piano

balladeering or bludgeoning punk petulance must be applauded for it it is something of an achievement. Le Tigre wrap the whole notion of being young, female and queer in one happy bundle of electro indie trash that stays just on the right sides of being cool and corny. Kathleen Hanna once blew minds as the heart of Bikini Kill and this is a much less

abrasive and enticing prospect. El Oran Nor; Glasgoi'.. Fri 78 Mar.

I Taylor Made Mondays The Bongo (‘lulx \lni',i_\ llnuw. 3- llnlynnd Rnutl. 55\ 7M4 \piii £2 'llk‘k" \cc \lnn ll

I I Catch Fire, AC Rid and Domestic Discipline Huiiiicriimu‘x. \itltlr_\ Slim. 55b 3:54 5 45pm £4 Rnt'kin' Rcckic night nl hurtl ingk

I Open Mic \\ lilNllt‘l‘llllxle 4 n \‘nth Hi‘itlgc. 55" 5] l4 ‘lpiii l'icc \t't' \lnn


Tuesday 29


3:1 Willie Nelson & Family Rt‘}.ll (‘niiccrl ll.ill. I Suuchicliull Sheet. 353 Mint) hpiii S()l.l) ( )l'l Sec l‘l'l :5

I Feeder .intl The Departure (lii'ling .\t'tltlt‘lli}. III lpglinlnii Slit‘cl. INNS lljli UNIHIN—‘li "I jlkltl "pm L43. ()\Cl‘- l4\ \lIU\\ SL‘C \litll :5

I The Raveonettes, Dogs .Illtl The Boxer Rebellion King; 'l'ui‘x \\'.ili \\.ili Hut. 253481 \iitt‘t'nt Sllcct. Ill 53‘" .\. 3lipiii. £.\ 5“. Scc .\lnii 3.\

I Converge and Planes Mistaken for Stars 'l‘lic (igu‘gigc. 4‘“) Suut‘liicltull Slit-cl. 333 lth). "pm. Hi). ()xcr l-lx \hnw Hank‘an Icgt-ntlx Ii'niii llk‘ ['8

I Red Sparrowes, 3 Movements iiiitl Scatter \it'c'ii’Sltui/y 421 Siiucliicliull Sti'ccl. 3.33 H‘HN). ‘lpui. £3. \liintl}. IHItlL'hldlt‘tl [NM l'tk‘lx lli lliL‘ \t'lll nl (iUtl\PCCll \nu' Black laiiipt'ini liIiI iiini‘c lllL‘ltHllt' iiiitl \Ii‘uiglit lni‘\\;irtl .\ll\l t'iiIci'Iuiiiiiig ll ll'lllll lw told.

I The Fly Kicks, The Usual .llltl Robbie Edmonstone Slt‘l’cn. Kchiuhgiugli Sum. 57» 5M8. Spin. £4. littlic rnck ti'niii lllL' I\\n lilt';ll\. .iiitl gin itL‘UlhlIL' npcucr ll’tilll \le Iziitl \niigurilci‘ Rnhhic litliiiniixtnuc,

I Jack Butler lliii‘ll}. Still (lulu Sin-c1. ()HTU 007 (MIN. 8pm. £5.

I Skeleton Bob 'I‘chgii ()\ nu. 43 ()Igign l.;inc. .357 4534. 8pm. £2. \lt‘lltm ilk‘UlhllL‘ rnck.

I Esther 'lt'liiii ()\ii;i. Iti‘) l)L‘;lll\lUll l)i'i\c. (i4‘) 7258. 3pm. £2. l,nc;i| \ingci/xniigui'iIL'i'.

I Eric 8. the Bunnyboilers lnln lull]. 207 Bgilli SIrch. 24H 3l23. 0pm. l'l'L'L‘.


I Mark Owen ’l‘lic \L'uuc. I7 31 ('zillnn Rnutl. 55" .3073. 7.30pm. £8.50. \Vcc .\l;ir|\ ()\\ cn. Ilic C\-’llikc 'l‘liiilci'. cmhut‘kx nu Ihc l;iIc\I \Iugc nl his \nln curccr \Iill riding llIL‘ \\AI\L' nl \\ inning; ('r'lr’li Bic It’an/Ii'r ilL‘Ulh Iign mm.

I Band Showcase \Vliixtlchinkicx.

4 (i Snuth Bridge. 557 5| I4. ()piii. l'i‘cc. SL‘C luv 23.

I Merznacht 'l‘hc'l Brink. .37 (illllil'lL' Slrcct. 225 9744. 0pm. Scc Tue

Wednesday 30


I Anastacia Sli(‘('. lining-stun (Jun). 0870 ()4() 4()()(). Hpm. S( )l.l) ()l 'l. 'l‘lIL‘ )tmling tillc) cuI uitli the in} \lll)lll:_‘ popular ileL'ul l'L‘lllFlh. In Ihc chagrin nl Ihc cit} '\ tings and music lmcrx.

I Prefuse 73 King 'l‘uI\ \Viili \Vuh Hut. 273u St Vinccnt Strcci. 22! 537‘). (‘.-\.\'(‘lil.l.lil).

I Patrick Wolf und Desc Mom». 12 Kings ('nurI. King Slim-I. 55.3 2400. 8pm. £0. Scc l-‘iw Ruixnux Inr llll\ \ingiii'. snngxxriliii' ccccnlric.

I Trap 6, Eli Cash and Castaway Bzirll). 2N) (lulu Sum. “37” 907 (NW). 8pm. £4.

I Cannon to a Whisper, Flood of Red, The Goodnight Story and A Bittersweet Moment Burll} iupxlillrxi. 2N) (lute SIrCCI. (i870 907 (MN. 8pm. limn and rock

I Summer of Mars Nicc‘n'Slcuz). 42l Suuchichull SIrch. .333 (Mill). 9pm. £3. Ne“ band formed h} iucmhcrx ()l Vera ('ruixc. \\ iIh an iilhum in Ihc tilting. I The lnvisibles, Breshnev and Pulse Thc l3th .\'nIc (lite. 50-h” King SIrCCI. 55.3 1638. 9pm. £4 I£.3i. Rocking clcctrnnicu.

I The Nazey Janes llit- lilllllxt'l. l".3 l‘N Halli Sllt'cl. :3" 13.35 input lit‘c \urtiint‘r} \I‘llll\l\ Iinrii illl\ lluntlct‘ l‘.l\k'\l l\.lll\l

I The Sundowns Hicl. \\lll\‘ll 1 .inc. 34: 4"t\t\ \piit llcc \lllt‘lltdllJ

I Hot Rod Cadets it.” lilnt. ll“ lidlll Sll'L‘t‘l. <51 l‘lll‘l‘ Hl‘lll l lk'K'

I Vertigo 101 mil The Deltas l'iit‘xmlt'i. 341 \iuplut'lmll \Iim. 3‘1 H35” Rpm

I Michael Simons ltlm (l\ll.i. lrvl lX‘thlHll Dunno-1"?“ .\[‘Ill 1.3 (ilmgnu lxixctl guilulm [‘l.l_\lllf.' lnlk. l‘lllL'\ .llltl lit-tnntl

I Sing 8. Drink \It‘It'n. kcluulriuyh Sui-cl. 57‘ 5lll.\ \pni lit‘t- \\t't'ki\

npt'ii llilt' \t‘\\liili


I Trashlight Vision, Plan A .intl Reluctant to Speak lllk' limit-tit llll‘ \lHl.I_\ lll‘ll\k'. i" llithiNul l\)\‘.lll_ §‘\ "NH 5pm £w l’uiik \lilt' innit-II lli‘lll

\luitlt‘itlnllx' \u'}


1 He is something of a genius After a Childhood spent perfecting Int- viola and theremin. this rather eccentric looking chap ran ItWEt‘,’ trr ii" home aged 16 and three years; later in 2003. released striking debut Lycanthropy. which saw him heralded as the new face of iolktronica.

2 He injects some much- needed myth and magic into pop The boho-Suited minstrel was allegedly raised by wolves, hence tht; name. lives in a Hackney Wick cottage and wrote his second EilDl lll‘. in an isolated cliff top chalet in Cornwall after becoming Sickened I); London and his record company, ant: chopping oft his peroxrde blonde locks. 2 Wolf’s latest LP, Wind In the Wires, is one of the most original releases of the year Like a dark. swwling mix of Kate Bush. Bibrk and Scott Walker, it features ukulele. piano. strings. loops and poetic lyrics. and is based on the themes of love. death and longing for a long forgotten England. 4 He is no stranger to controversy Last single ‘The Libertine' tells of hedonism's dark side and was regarded by many as a swipe at muscian turned tabloid parasite Pete Doherty. 5 l-lls live shows are beautifully intimate The rnCredibly talented 21-year-old poms out his sod and flits between an array of instruments while devoted fans profess their undying love. A unique experience indeed. (Camilla Pia; Mono. Glasgow. Wed 30 Mar.