I Field Music, Monte Cassino and Tinrokit 'I he ('eIIar Hai. I ('haiuhers Street. 407 35 W Spur L54L1i ()ualit} Ioeal indie as \\eII 'Itaselled \IIISK sets up its new night ('olon}

I Computerman, Thee Comrades, The Schitzophonics and Screamer Itiuueiinau's. \iddr‘} Street. 55o K351 3.15pm H Alternatixe indie

I Baby Tiger Open Mic Night Northern liar. I IIouard I’Iaee. 55h

I55S ‘Ipui I'r‘ee. (iood tunes at this alternatixe open uue night

I Open Mic Night ( 'aIedoiuau Haekpaekers. i ()ueensterr} Street. 47h 333st ‘lpin. I'ree. See 'Ihu I7

I Out of the Bedroom \Vaxerl} Bar. St \Iar} 's Street. 55h SS55 ‘)pui See 'I'hu I7.

I The Paranoid Monkeys, Eloi and Elysium \‘I'histlehiukies. -l (r Sotith Bridge. 557 5| I-I. Uprn. I't'ee. Another hiII ot original indie and rock.

I The Dyad 'Ihe |.ett Bank. V (iuthrie Street. 335 Will. U. illpiu l). Illaiu. See 'I'hu I7.

I The Delta Duvet Club 'I he Bongo ('Iuh. Mora} House. 37 IIoI_\rood Road. 55S Will-I. Itlpiu iaiu. L5. 'I'he I)eIta ('i’olt Rexue host their msu eluh night \sith a host ot In e aets. this time around It‘s the I’I'ose and the HIoo/et‘s,


I Palamino, Fade arid Miss Molly ’Itilhoolil, .IttII \V'th. III 78h 37-1000. .S'pui. U U). Suu dreuehed harmonies and ei'att) hooks trout I’alauuno \sith elassie i‘oek trout Iade.


h' Willie Nelson 8: Family RU} a ('oneet't Hall. 3 SauehtehaII Street. 353 Stilltl. Spin. S()l.l) ()I'I. See presieu tor the eouutr} legend and “odds eoolest handana \\ eat‘ei'.

Scottish Socialist

I Blood Brothers, Help She Can‘t Swim and Bullet Union King lui's \\ah “ah Hut. 3"3a St \ IIIkCIII Street. 33l 53“) Spin L" (her le shim Demented. dog eaied I S euio punks \sho ruake a raeket \\ elI \sorth iuxestigatiug

I Noboken and Mangomad \tto ('oinh. Stih (‘Iuh. Jainaiea Street 3-1S MM). 9pm. £4 hetore Illpui. to hetore llpui; LS alter See In IS tor IIohokeu. plasing the latest round ot the Kink} .«\tro Iise iriusie night. the Suhhie‘s latest quest to sho\\ ease some damn tine IoeaI hands through their heel} sound s} \lL'tti.

I Five O’Clock Heroes, Deco Sepali, Attic45 and Killer Angels Barn}. 2m (lute Sim-i, (ism on“ tl‘N‘). .S‘pui. £4 iadsaueei. 'I'he headliners are an :\nglo .-\ruerieau outtit enthused h} Motossn and New \Vaxe.

I Modey Lemon I'unhouse. Haiti}. 3M) ('I'HIL‘ Street. IIS7II VII—5 (WW). I Ipin. Beet} indie roekers who are signed to Mule Records and side step Itiosl til the eurreut post punk eliehes h} going tor a darker. uiore \aried sound. with a hit ot trane) krautroek and Mar} (‘haui isuis throssn in tor good measure.

I Entrance and The Sky at Night Niee‘n'SIea/y 431 SauehiehaII Street. 333 (Will). ‘tpiu. U). Ilosslin' Iorti hlues and tolk troui this :\lIIL‘l'lL'£tll pertoriuer. I I Want Candy the Hill Sore (Kite. 5t) (ii) King Street. 553 I038. ‘lpui. t i. l)ead I'I_\ Iluehoss ski host another ot their regular Iise iiiusie nights \sith hands t'roiu aeross the I'K.

I Anavris, Yellow Bentines, Smytherjones and Bismarck l-'ur_\ .\Iurr_\ s. Uh Mausell Street. 33l (i5l I. 3.30pm. £4. ineluding entr} to postrgig eluh. Fur} 's King ot' Bands shim ease. IThe Lynsey Dolan Band, Rubix Touch and Mocker Stereo. KeIsiuhaugh Street. 576 5(lIS. .S’pui. £4. I.oea| Indie lttCIodtL‘ t‘oek.

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82 THE LIST lTS‘ Mar


I Raff, Fred and Roguestar

\\ histlehinkies. ‘1 h South Bridge. 55“ 51 1-1 hpiu I‘ree hetoie midnight. L“ atter \\est eoast ioek'n‘ioll tioin I red \sith more rmk tioin Rogustar at midnight

I Sons of Slaughter, Man Must Die and Collapse of Death Studio 34. 31 3o (altoii Road. 55% i"5S “pin Ll I',\ItL'lltC roek diauiug on elassu hlaek metal iutIuenees and griudeoie I Swellbellys, Anticlockwise, Critikill and Vacant Beyond Comparison \\ heatsheat. 3H“ 2W IidIg‘lCt'll I<\I.I\I. i~II¥ ‘INII Seottish hardeoie puukeis the SueIIheII}s start then I K tour on taquiar territoi_\

I Unnecessary Surgery, Solaplexus arid The Supa Dupa Gang Itiiiueriuan's. \iddi'} Street. 550 i354. S.~15pui. L31 .\ night ot gtiitai and eleetrouie era/mess troru teehuo. iungle. punks I'nueeessai'} Surger}

I Pummel and Corker Ihe Bongo ('Iuh. \Iot'a} House. V IIoI_\rood Road. 55S Witt-t. I Ipui. L5. Roek and punk

Saturday 26


Willie Nelson 8. Family Rosa] ('oneert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. 15* Stitltl, S'piu. S()l.|) ( )I "I. See pt‘e\ iexs. I Judas Priest and The Scorpions SI:( ’('. I‘llllllL‘SlUtl Qua}. “87” (Ht) Milli). 7pm. £30.50. ()\er l-ls \Iltt\\. See panel tor the might} I’riest. Support trout siquarI} old sehooI (ieriuau hard roekers. hest knossn in this eouutr} tor their nasal pronunciation ot the ssords ‘(iork_\ Park Ill ruaudlin sott roek antheiu ‘Wind ot ('hange'. I Chris Difford King 'I‘ut‘s \Vah \Vah Hut. 373a St Vineeut Street. 33| 537‘). 8.30pm. L'l.i.5ll. Ii\-Squee/e \oealist the one \\ ho sings ti'oiu his hoots and \s rites l_\ries tor Marti I’ellms. hut \s e won't hold that against the man who intoued ‘('ooI tor ('ats'. I James Grant and Kieran Docherty :\eoustie .-\tlait'. I<o_\aI ('oneert Hall. 3 Sauehiehall Street. i5i Slititl. Spur. Uh. 'I‘he tornier‘ I.o\ e t& Mone) t'rontiuau [X‘I’Itil'ttlS traeks trout his latest alhuru HU/\ I.u\'¢'. I The GaGas and Zen Motel Iittt'I'I}. 30” (Ich Street. “37” (“)7 (WIN. Spur. U). ()ser» l4s slum. .-\ tresh inattering oi s\\ eat. dt‘ooI. I‘L‘L‘l' and uninspired retro roek eIattei' hit the Bartt}.

"pin '5

I Stinkmitt lieatlikill-iiwi. ltarils. .‘oo (Isde Street. W5“ "th WW" I lpui Had taste trailerelash troni this t'auadiau otttltt who ate. apparently "not the hand to put on it sou \s ant a shag on a tiist \I.IIk'-

I The X1 and The Echo Session Heads Ihmn Ihuuihs I p. (IIICIIDS. Hints Street. 3% ‘35] Split L3 iLI \\lIIl tlseii Ihe \I host their o\\u Ilse llttt\l\ night

I The Henchmen and Raising Kain \I\k"II.\Iki.I/.\. ~13I Sauehiehall Street. ‘i‘tl‘llNl ‘lpiu Li I ugliin garage hlues hand supported h} hual iotk'u‘iolleis

I The Blimp and The Strings the

I ‘th \ote (Lite. 5“ till King Street. 55‘ lo iS lllpui Li Ihe Illiuip are a tuuk iotk quintet hathiug lit the Iegae} ot the Sensational \Ie\ Names Band

I Shrinking Violet, Listen and The Low Mifls Suh ('luh. .I.tIII.tI\.l Street. (ilasgim “put. L5 \Ik'IlNilk pop likk trout Shrinking Violet. I isteu ate like the (knit IIIt'k'IS lItL‘ Iit‘at'h Iit‘)S \It'Iodk dineu pop roek. and pop art ioek tioiu IIlL' I U“ \IIIIS

I Big Vern’n’the Shootahs Houthoti Sitt't'l. III.\ (it'i‘tg't‘ Sitt‘t‘l. 5‘3 “I”

"put I'iee hetoie Illpui. L5 attei iL‘I5 5” \sith dinueri ItIues Iiiotheis stsle soul


I Modus and U-Know-Hoo

\\ lustlehiukies. at 0 South Bridge. 55‘ 5| H hpin I-iee hetoie uuduight. U alter. (\IIS sole |a// and pop trout \Iodus \HIII tuuk ioek ttision trout I' Kltim Itoo,

I Daniel Bedingfield I’Ia_\hottse.

IS 33 (iteettslde I’Iaee. (IX—5H (tilt) U34 7pm. L3I.5tl. 'I'he .\I()R erooner iu I‘K garage iohes \\ ho has ettio)ed a uuuihei ot hig hit singles and sun ned a piett) nast} ear erain along the \sa}.

I Callel and The Dreamt Suhssa} (’ougate. ()9 ('ongate. 335 (Who

7. mPln. t i. Aeoustie harmonies troiu ('aIIeI \sith indie roek hour the I)ieaiut I Cubical, St Jude’s Infirmary, The 55’s and Baltic ('aledoiuau Ilaekpaekers. i ()tteettslet‘t'} Street. 47!) 733-1. S. iIIplll. H. l.i\erpud|ian pop kids \HIII notahIe Izdinhurgh Indie support. ineluduig the Iauneh ot the 55's uess thuui ('o/im.

I Maya 29, The Joshua 4 and The Extendible Penguins of War Itauueruiari‘s. Niddr} Street. 55h I354. S..l5pui. H. Hard roek. indie and punk sounds.

I The Stage lqu. 3h Jauiaiea Street. 4'”) 53 i i. Illpin. I‘ree. See Sat l‘).

The personification of old school metal, the mighty Priest are back to crush all before them. It’s been 15 long years but original vocalist Rob Halford is firmly back in that saddle with new album Angel of Retribution. Expect leather, metal, hair, motorbikes, guitars, head banging and a support slot from the Scorpions. SECC. Glasgow. Sat 26 “Jar.