
I Glenn Tilbrook Band ’I hc \lmi. lo :\Ltttlclll} Strcct. lll2 -Hl I‘)l Spin L12 Scc 'lhu l7

Saturday 1 9


Kylie Sl~.(‘( ‘. l‘llllllc'xltill ()ua}. 937” 010 .1000. 7. illpni. Sllll) ()l "l‘. ;\notlicr nicga-productnin lroin pop hchcinoth \lx Minoguc u ho iuxl lltix to \tand thcrc and “car lllc Ullllll\ lhcw tla}\ \xliilc lict‘ rccordx arc L'thlllllctl Ill olixc‘cllc prllptil'lltilh. Hilch as a grcalcxt llllS cxtrauigan/a. ax oppoxcd to all lhc ohxcurc lcllilicld \tull \hc norniall} torturcx llx “uh. I Alvin Stardust, Les McKeown‘s Bay City Rollers and Tiger Feet (‘l_\dc .-\uditoriuni. Sl-.('('. l'llllllcxltill ()ua}. 0870 (NH 4000. 7pm. [2.5/[20/ L" | 5. .»\ hunch ol glam \ctx/trihutcx cluh togcthcr undci thc hanncr lilaxt lroni lhc l’axt ll. Mcaning that tlict‘c \ktlx actuall} dcniand tor a \cqucl I Eagles Story II l.otnond .'\uditoriuni. Sl:('('. l'innlcxton ()ua}. 0370040 .1000. 3pm. U5. Scc l‘ri IS. I The Rakes, Vatican DC and Battle King 'l‘ut'x \Vah Wah lltit. 272a St Vinccnl Strcc. 22] 5279. 8.30pm. U». .\'.lII-.-toutcd l';lllL‘()ll\ poxt-punkcrx. I Down the Tiny Steps, Finniston, Scott McDonald, Ryan Sheridan and Magpie 'li‘adcr Joc'x. 329 Hopc Strcct. .Ul 5l9l. xPill. Hcc. .'\ hracc til \illgcl'/\t)tlg\\t‘ilcl‘) l}pc\. including thc l‘cncc (iollcclhc‘x idioxyicr‘alic Donn lhc 'l‘in} Stcps. I MacFloyd 'l‘hc l'crr}. 42 ('l}dc I’lacc, ()l(i93 20.5 5| l. 8pm. Llll. ('alcdonian trihutc to thc might} l"|o_\d. I Wall Street Ammunition Heroes, Murnie and Sans Trauma Barll}; 200 ('l)dc Str‘cct. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. [4. I The Vegetable State and Loris 'l‘hc Ka/oo (‘luh. ltarl'l} (upstairxl. 200

® snuunsrmr


('|}dc Strcct. 0370 90" 099" \pni lhc rcturn ot thc Ka/oo ( ‘luh. (ilaxgou \ \cnulcgcndar} lixc lllll\lc‘ night uhich ran at thc | ith \otc a dccadc ago and Mix pillrlilthtl h) thc lth'\ or .\log\\.ii. tlic l)clgado\ and Hi»

I Dresden, The Fridays .lllkl White Label \ic'c'ii‘Slca/y l2l Sauchichall Strcct. ‘33 0900 9pm L5 lad\ancci. £4 ltlmit'l. .-\gll pop ll;i\otll' to procccdingx \iith \Hlllc dark horxcx l)lc\ilc‘tl and thc Sll‘nkLN} l'l'ltl;t_\\.

I Fickle Public Stcrco. Kclunhaugh Strccl. 570 50lth (\plll. \otc carl} \llim I Open Stage 'l‘hc Hall Hat. loo Woodlandx Road. :52 ‘ltltlo .lpni. l'icc, :\n all da} opcn \tagc l'ill\lllj._' nionc_\ lor thc .-\\l1lll txunann appcal.


I The Belgranos, The Cellers and The Usual Suspects \Vlmilchinkuw. 4 (i South ltridgc. 55" 5| |~l. opin. l'icc hcl'orc midnight; £3 altcr. \Vca coaxl indic lroin thc ('cllcix \xith lunk and hlucx lroni thc l'xual Suxpcctx

I Zuba and Asa 'l'lic ltongo (‘lulx Mora} llouxc. i7 Ho|_\rood Road. 55S 7004. 7pm. £5. RL‘ggac/acnllxllc lolk wt to dancc rh_\thni\ lroin /.uha. \\ ho hail troni l.ihcria. Xinihahu c. thc ltaxquc ('ountr} and Scotland. l’la}iiig ax part ol

thc ()nc World ltcat (ilohal l'cxtnal 2005.

I The New Age Jam (‘itrux (‘Iulx

40 ~12 (irindla) Strccl. ()2 70M). Hpni £7. Jain trihutc act.

I Us v Them, The Mispelt and HateBreeders Spidcr'x \Vch ('cllat' liar. 25S .\l0l't‘l\0ll Slrccl. J77 3-17l. Spin. £4. Harcorc lroni l'ilc ll‘\'l‘l. pop punk troni lingland \xith thc Mixpclt and local punk co\ cr\ act Halcltrccdcrx.

I Torqamada, Moniack, Tramp Attack and Gnome & the Volcano (’alcdonian ltackpackcrx. 3 ()uccnxlcrr} Strch 470 7224. 3.30pm. £5. |)c\i| rock gods l'roni (ilaxgou and lidinhurgh go hcad to licad.

Mary Gauthier


25th April, 8pm

Oran Mor Great Western Rd Glasgow 612


Glasgow Royal Concert

Hall Box Office on

0141 353 8000

78 THE LIST tT—St Meir 200:5

After a 2004 in which their debut album Love

the Cup was universally adored, it's not hard to see why Sons & Daughters are the kind of band applauded by those folks who actually know good music and those who like to think they know good music and like to drop selected names into shouted conversations at their local plexiglassed booze boutique. Needless to say, they take another turn here, performing at the relaunch of the Topshop 8: Topman store on Glasgow's Argyle Street. It seems there isn‘t anywhere their brooding country rattle isn't welcome.

It) Will hunts; for tho slum (ll tho Sill) (:ll/l)

I Tramp Attack, Parka, Frantic Chant and Crazy Vincent ltanncrnian'x. .\'iddr_\ Strcct. 550 325-1. 8.45pm. £4. Scouxc rockcrx \\ itli our la\ouritc hand nanic in agcx. 'lranip .-\ll;lL‘l\. llL‘atlllllL‘.

I Hipbone Slim 8. the Knee Tremblers and Preston Pfanz 8. Seaton Sands 'l‘hc 'l‘ron. ‘) Huntci‘ Squarc. High Strcct. 22h 09.“. 9pm. [4. London haxcd ‘rockahilli \\ itch doctorx‘ gucxt at ltcatxx illc alongxidc local \url rockcrx l’rcston l’l’an/.

I The Stage lglu. 2h Jamaica Strcct. 470 5333. lllpni. l-rcc. Hoxtcd h} \‘ocalixt and (illilttl‘i\l. thc Might} Houat'd. thc Stagc in\ itcx gucxt lllll\lc‘l;lll\ to this rcggac and soul inl‘lucnccd jam \L‘\\ltitl.


I Sean Cannon and James Cannon 'l‘hc Mint. lo .-\cadcin} Strcct. 0| 2%

4-H I9l. 7.30pm. £25. Scc 'l'hu l7.


Kylie Sli(‘('. l-‘innicxton Qua}. 0870 (NH 4000. 7.30pm. S()l.l) ()l "l‘. SL‘C Sat I9. I The Zutons and Misty’s Big Adventure (‘arling :\cadctii_\. l2l liglinton Slt'cct. 0905 020 3999/0870 77l 2000. 7pm. S()|.l) ()l'l. ()\cr- l4\ \liou. Quirk) l.i\crpudlian indic hohox u ho hax c \tmlc'llink \truck a lllilllhll‘c‘unl chord. Sa\ophoni\t .-\hi Harding ix thc onc to kccp )our c) c on. Support lroni the intriguing MN} '\ Big Adxcnturc \igncd to lidinhurgh'x Sl. Rccordx. u ho arc poixcd to rclcaxc llL‘“ \inglc ‘Hc) Man?‘ I . . . And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead and The Division of Laura Lee Quccn Margarct l'nion. 22 l'nixcrsit} (iardcnx. 339 9734. 7.30pm. {I l. Scc prc\ icix for thc 'lcuin indic punkx. I The Sweet, The Rubettes and Sailor Royal (‘oncci't Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 3000. 7.30pm. £19.5ll/L'l750/£15.50.Morc rctroxpcctixc 'action' l‘roin thc glani pop cra. Although camp nth-RM} .\lu\ic outtit Sailor ‘(ila\\ ot‘(’hainpagnc‘.

()ll .1 Am. new ( Mom; or 'i‘ ‘( ill'lS (in‘lx (iirl\'. ci. that\ about ll uiight hc \xorth a look in,

I Eighteen Visions, Emanuel .llltl Misery Signals King 'lut'x \\.ili \Vah Hut. 272a St \inccnt Sticcl. 22| 52"" Spin. LS. ()\ct' l~lx \liou. l'i\c angular haircuts and \onic hctt} punk rock llll\ trout llll\ l'S hand.

I Alasdair Roberts Monorail. l2 Kingx ('ourt. King Strcct. 552 9-150. 8.30pm. l‘rcc. 'l'hc \pcctial \ingcr/xonguritcr launchcx lll\ nc\\ alhtun ol' _\c oldc ltritixh lolk \tilljJS \o IiurI/I/i .llun.

I Kai Axa, Orko and Writers I’ve Known Hai'll}. Zoo (‘litlt- Sim-t. 0870 907 0999. Spill.

I Raar Nicc‘n'Slca/i. ~l2| Sauchichall Sll‘ccl. 35 i 0900. 9pm. L i. l.ocal \pacc rank niacxtrox niakc a \xclconic ictuin. I Dead or American Sim-co. Kchinhaugh Strcct. 57o 50IH. Spin. Stirliiig-haxcd indic rockcrx.

I Cold Night Song 'l'lit- (ioal. llx7 .-\l'g)lc‘ Stt‘cct. ‘.57 737 i, lell. l't‘cc. (‘liarlic and .\'cil. lor'nicrl} ol .»\\trid. arc inillcd l3} .lcnn} Rcc\c and Slacc} Sicwurtght Hl lllc‘ Rt‘llltlk‘L'l' Scction lit! a ncu acoustic night \th \urprixc



I The Occasionals \Vlnstlchinkicx.

4 0 South liridgc. 557 5| l4. (ipni. l’r'cc. (‘o\cr\ and \L‘r\l()ll\, \xith inorc aclx thc. I Alan Emslie and John Irvine 'l hc Bongo (’luh. Mora} Hothc. 7 Hol}iood Road. 553 7604. 7,30ptn, £3, l)ark inattcr. rock and chillcd out \oundxcapcx. I Ani Di Franco ()uccn‘x Hall. ('lcrk Strcct. (ihh' 2lll9. 7.30pm. UH. Rootx}. hcartlcll \ong\ lrom l)l l‘rtttlco. Scc

prc\ it“.

I Gatechien and Cezare Suhua} (.(ngillL‘. (i9 ('(mgtilc. 225 (i706. 7.30pm. £4. Altcrnatixc indic.

I Full Moon Acoustic Sessions Hol}rood 'l‘awrn. 9 Hol}rood Road. 557 4972. 3pm. l-‘rcc. ()pcn niic tor amonc l‘rtim pnctx to handx l() solo \ingcr till

\\ clcoinc. ll. )(ill \thl to hook it \l0l call l-'rit/ on 07766 I75 74‘).

I Steve Daggett and Beggars Lake Banncrniank. .\'iddr} Strcct. 556 325-1. 8.45pm. £4. Solo \liov. l'roin thc countr} tingcd troubadour.