
Dark Water l5: 0... Illidco \akata. Japan. th‘lli HitoIIII Kuroki. Rio Kanno. l‘tlllll}lt Kohinata. \xaltll \1t/ltlxa‘x‘.a llll iIIIII \\ thI YothIIII and hcr daughth lkuko IIIo\ c into a Lrccp} .IpIIrIIIIciII in .I bid to .t\I|lti lkuko'x lalltcr claiming cuond}. xtrangc thIing xtan Io liappcii. ‘-'~.tlL'l xtartx dripping lroIIi Ihc cciling and thc lItIlc girl‘x hchaxiour hcginx to chaiigc (‘ould It hc that thc prc\ Ioux occupicrx arc [rung to poxxcxx thcin’ Nakata dIichx \xIIh thc IIxxurancc ol a man uho hIIx uaiclicd l’olanxki'x RI‘I’H/HUH IIIorc IIIIch titan Ix poxxihl} ltcalllt) Paranoia and rain xIIIikcd d} xpcpxla pcriiicatc C\cr_\

lianic 'l'hc pacc ix xpot on and L'\L'll Il thc liIIIII cholutioII Ina} not conic ax much ax II xliock thix Ix ax xatixl}IiIg .Ix a claxxIc old ghoxt onI} hicatlilcxxl} \xhixpcrcd mm a damp \xood lirc. (i/Irxgon II/nI IIII'IHI'I’. (r/Ilu'uii

Darkness I ISI 0. IJauIIIc llalagucm. l‘S/Spaiii. Ititlli Anna l’aqum. Iain (ilciI. l.ciIa ()IIII IllZIIIIII.Sc'c' rc\ Icu. [Milt-15 (II/II I‘Il/ I'I‘II’IIH'

Darwin’s Nightmare I I5» IHIIliI-I-I Saupcr. .-\IIxtiIII/liclgiuIII/l'rancc. IlllLti lll‘IIIiii \thii chciIIIxtx introduccd thc \oracIoIIx .\'I|c l’crch Io lakc Victoria II killcd IIIiionI Ilic cnIIrc natnc xtock. \xhilc Inultipliiiig Itxcll IIIcrcdilil}. \Vith thc Introduction ol Ihc lixli cIIIiic II hurgconing \xcaponx II‘IIIlc. \xhich grcu c\ci'_\ hit ax lIixI ax tlic lixh'x IIIIIIIhcrx. SIIIIpc‘I"x docuiIIciItaI‘} iiixcxtigatcx Ihc rcIIItIoiIxhip hctu. chI Ihc tuo. and thc Illilli} unintciidcd xidc cllcctx cauxcd h} thc Introduction ol thc lixh. l’arI ol Shcllicld lntcrIIatIoiIaI l)ocIiIIIcntar_\ l-cxtixal on Tour Scc caption. (i/muon [VI/m I/tI'IIIII'. (r/I1\L'l)\t.

>21 Days of Heaven tl’(il oooo I'l'crcncc .\1IIlick. l'S. l‘l78i Richard (icrc. Sam Shcpaid. Brookc .-\dIIIIIx. ‘NIIIIII. .\la|ick ix oiic ol thc grcat \III} \IIII‘d talcntx ol' Ihc coiIIciIipoiIii’) .-\incrican cIiIcIIIa IlfIiI/IIIIIIII Ix hix oiil_\ othcr lcaturci IIIId Ihix Ix IIII cuiuixitc triangular Io\ c onr} xct agaiiixt tlic \xhcat larIiIing MIdIcht at thc turn ol thc ccntur}. You can IIIIIioxt lccl thc x\\ cat ol labour and xiiIcll Ihc xoil. xuch Ix Ilic poucr ol uIIdoulItcdl} IIIIiicxtic liliIIiIIaking. Part ol 'l’hc Wild Bunch: .»\IIIcrIcIiII ('iiIciIIII

I‘lti7 I‘lh'll xcaxon. I'i/mliouu'. liIlIn/nu‘u/I. Des Hoyaa Pardes I IJAI I.\lIIIIoI l’uni. lIIdIII. leIISI (iurdax .\1IIIIII.JulIi ('hImla. l)l\}it l)IIItIi. IMIIIIII. I‘lxlix l’uniah: thc ll\L‘x ol IIII innoccnt fauna and hix laniil} arc Iui'Ich upxidc doun h} tcrrorixt

Iictn iticx and xuhxcqucnt gm crIIIIIcnI rcaction. choiIIIiIt and pcrtiIIcIIt drama \thch coIIIaiiIx iIIodcratc \ iolcncc. ('('I I‘fIIIII/Iuru/I. lit/nilnujult.

Do the Right Thing I IIx'i O... ISpikc lcc. l'S. WWI Spikc l)aIIII_\ .-\II'||o. ()xxic l)a\ ix. John 'l‘urturro. ll‘lniin. .\'c\x York‘x dcprixcd licdt‘ord-Stu) wxaiit dixIrIct on the ltollcxl dII_\ ol‘ the xumiiicr. and racial thIonn cxcalatcx lIcIIx ccn Italian- .-\IIIcrIcIIII Sal I.-\ic|lot. hix t\\o xonx and the IIIIIIIII_\ lIIack local comIIIuIIIt) xx ho iiIIikc up thc hulk ot‘ hix cIIonIIIcrx, .-\ torccl’ul mploration ol‘ Ihc xocio-ccononiic and cultural cIiIixCx hchind \xhitc racixm. Luck tilm alxo Itpcl'alcx IIx a Iightl} controllcd

Mon 2 txt March

The Corporation (PG) 7 300m Tues 29th March

Grandpa's Still

in the Tuff Shed (15) 7 300m Fri lst April

Ray (15) 7 30pm

Wed 6th Apiil Being Julia (123) CUPPA at 70 30 for Ham 8 7 300/77

Tickets and further information from The Steeple Box office

(Tel: 01324 506850)

or on the day from the hall

58 THE LIST 7—31 Mar 2005


Jurgen Jahrgang ‘45 Bottcher’s excellent documentary pontificates on the cultural and

social importance of the Marx and Engels monument in Berlin today. Part of the Zeitgeist season of new films from Germany presented by the

Goethe Institute Glasgow. See Music.

I CCA. G/I'Isgow IF/I 13-1 Ma/ (III/w. fiI/Iii/ioI/xo, FIJI/IIII/I‘g/I Ill/(2d I’I‘U Mar only».

iIIulII-charactcr dI'IInIa IleI/I/mru/I II/m (iIu/Il. lad/Ii/Iiu'gli.

5F Don’t Move I ISI 0... IScrgIo (‘axtclIIIto. ltalVSpIiIn/l'lx'. .‘llll-li Scrgio (‘axtcllitIL i’t‘lit‘lttttc‘ ('ru/. 132mm. Scc prolilc and I‘m icII, pagc 5H. and IIItcr\ 1c“. pagc 5 l. (‘(i( ' Rl'llfl't’it S’N't'l. (i/Iixuoii. (iluxuun .‘ I‘IlnI/Iouu'. l-[IIIII/mru/i.

Donnie Darko I ISI oooo IRIchIIrIl Kcll}. l'S. letlli Jakc (i_\|lcnhaa|. l)rc\x Httl‘l'}llittl‘c. l’atrick Sua} /c. l IRIIIIII.

lx'cll} ‘x dchut chiIurc ix Ii IIchIIicrixIIIg xciciicc lictioII l'ahlc that piixhcx thc conccpt ol cInciIiatIc tinic tra\c| iiito II \xliolc nc“ dIIIIcIIxioII. ltx onIInanihulant tccnagc protagonlxl xccntx to xlip into a pat‘allcl IIIIIVcrxc. \Ihci‘c Ii gIIIIII chIIoiIIc rIIlIhIt callcd lI'rIIIIk proclaiIIIx that thc uorld \xill ciid in 28 da)x. xi\ hourx. 42 iiIIiIutcx and I2 xccoIIdx. Sci in I083. thix chIrc-hcnding lilm Ix not onl_\ IIII intriguing IIchItIItioiI on time trII\ cl and II dccpl) dixturhing horror Ittox'ic. it ix aIxII a John Hugth-xt} lc coiIIing-oli-agc IIIo\ ic and II hlack comic xIItirc on Rcagaiiitc gi‘ccd. iIIdiVidualiinI and (‘hrixtian l‘uIIdaiIIcntIIlixm. Scc caption. (irmii'rim: (i/uxgou.

Ella Enchanted ll’(il oo I't‘omm} ()'Ila\cr. l'S.-\/lrclIiIId/l'K . letl—ti .-\IIIIc Hathaixa}. Hugh Dam}. Joanna l.uIIIlc_\. \linnic I)ri\cr. \‘nacia A Fox. 95mm. lilla Illathaxxa} i lixcx III II magical nicdicxal

\ IIlIigc. \\'licii xlic \xax _\ouiIg xhc rcccixcd II \ ixit troiii hcr dcrangcd lair} godniothcr Lucinda Il"o\i and no“ xhc can‘t hclp hcing owrl} ohcdicnt to \xhocx cr ordcrx hcr. .-\ll of \xhich cIqucx prohlciiix \xhcn a ncu xtcpniothcr Il.umlc} i and II couplc of iIaxt} xtcpxixtcrx turn up \\ Ith Ihc uprcxx iiItcntioII ot’ iIIccting prctt} ho} l’riiicc (’har Il)aIIc) i. Likcahlc l)}llittliL‘\qth humour coiiicd} muxical \xhich ultimatcl} Iurnx Into II gurning l'arcc. Hathaua} ix \cr} good

ho“ m cr. ('('/ lz'I/iII/mruli. I'II/I'II/Iuru/I. Enduring Love I ISI 0... IRogcr Michcll. l‘K. lettJi Danicl (‘raig. Rh}x ll'anx. Samantha Morton. ltltliiiin. Joc I('raigi Ix about to propoxc to hix gtrllt‘tcllti ('lairc IMortoIIi \xhcn Ihc} arc intcrruptcd h) Ihc xcrcamx of II Icrrilicd child. cIIrricd xk_\ \xardx h) II ruiIIma} hot air balloon. 'l‘ogcthcr \xith xomc paxxcrx b}. Jul III'IIIIxI and John Logan Slicrv.ardi. Joc grahx II cahlc and attcmptx to pull thc balloon do“ II to canh. rcxulting III a l‘rcak dcath. Joc lrlC\ to rcIIiriI to hix lit'c at'tcr thc accidcnt. hut hix routmc ix dixruptcd h} prcxcncc ot ch. no“ rm calcd ax a rcligioux Icalot \\ ho hclicwx hc xharcx a xtrong xpiritual undcrxtanding \Iith Joc. Toncd do“ II. c|c\ cr adaptation ot~ Ian .\lcli\xan‘x grcai noxcl. ('IInII-o. IiIIIn/nu-Ivli.

15 I IM 0... IRo} xlon 'lIiII. Singaporc. ltlllii .\lcl\III ('hcn. larick ('hIIII. .\1cl\in lcc. \'_\IIII Soh. ‘NIIIIII. ’l‘hix mtcndcd \crxioii ol II xhorI \Ihich 'lan IIIIiIlc III Jill): tcllx thc xtor_\ ol II couplc ol dillcrcnt xclx ol lS-Icar-old hon \Iho hang out. xIIIokc. light and drink III thc xchIIIIIgI} cnipt) xtrcctx and apartiiiciiix ol Singaporc‘x xuhurhx. 'l‘hcnICx ol qucIdc. gang \ IoIcIIcc. iIIlIilIxm and parciital ahxcntccixiii arc touchcd on. l,ikc II croxx hum chI l.oach'x Km and (‘lark'x Kuli \xhich hIIx hchI all an ci‘cd III pink xtring and cciling I'I/nwi ccrtaiiil} holdx intcrcxt III itx on II taunt} and \ihraiit \III}. l’l/m/lnllu'. I-jI/nilmrgli. Finding Heverland tl’( ; l .000 I.\1arc Singcr. l'K/l'S. Ztlll—ti Johnn} Dcpp. Katc \Viiixlct. Julic (‘hrixticn I)uxIIiI Hol'l'inan. l‘rcddic HighIIIorc. IlilIIIIiI. London III thc IurII ol~ thc leth ccntur). and thc pla}\\righl JM Barric'x IDcppi Iaxt chx plaxx haw hccn llopx. 'l'hcn h} chIIiIcc onc da} hc mccix xocict) \xidoxx S}i\lit l.lL'\\L‘i}ll l)a\ icx IWIIIxIcIi and hcr adorahlc. il‘ unrul). hrood ol childrcn Through tlIciII hc hcconicx Iiprircd to \xritc II ncw kind of pla} l'or kidx and adultx IIlikc 'l‘hc lirxt ix about II ll} ing ho}. a xuhurhaii l’IiIIIil} and II magical placc callcd \cwrland. l)clIghtl'u| adaptation ol .-\l|an Kncc'x popular xtagc pla} \\ Ith grcat pcrlornianccx all round. (MI-on xi! 'I'III' Quut, (i/Ilwuu. (i/Itwmi .' UI/I'on. IleI'II/Iuruli.

* 5x2 I ISI 0... Il-‘rancoix ()Ion. l‘rancc. Ztlll-li Valcria Bruni-'l‘cdcxchi. Sicphanc l‘rcixx. liraiicoixc l-ahian. Michacl l.oIdeIIlc. UIIIIIIII. Scc Intcrx Ic-II. pagc ~18. and rm icu. page 4‘). ('(i(‘ Rl’llfl't'it SHIT]. (i/uxgoic (i/uwou .' ('Iiniur. lit/III/iurc/I. Flight of the Phoenix I 13m 000 Ijohn Moore, l'S. ZlXi-ti l)cnnix ()uaid. 1.}I'LWC. (iiII\'IIIIIti Ril‘txt. Miranda Otto. Ton} (‘urraII 1 13min, l.ikcahlc rcmakc ol' Robcn .-\ldrich'x IUIIS minor claxxic. III uhIch Jamcx Stcxxan‘x pilot and II IIIIItlc} crcu ol paxxcngcrx l'oIInd thlIixL'i\C\ xtrandcd III thc Sahara DCxcrt al'tcr tlIcIr planc craxth. Tth Iimc out. l)cnnix ()uaid crIlei-IIIIIdx thc planc. iIIarooIIiIIg hix oil IIorkcr paxxcngcrx in thc (iohi l)cxcn Ithc hcautitul hut untorgning Namibia xtaiidx in tor Ihc Mongolian \IIIxICxi, .-\x \kllli Ihc oriinIaI Iilm. thc harxh clIIIIatc and apparcnt hopclcxxncxx ol thcir xIIuatIoII bring out Ihc hcxt and thc \xorxt III Ihc IIIIIrooncd. among \IhoIII nou numbcr ()Ito'x pragmatic oII rig hoxx. Lauric‘x li|}-lI\crcd \thIc collar compan) man. (‘urran'x hoixtcroux blue collar “ork'cr and Ribixi'x hrIIIIIxh aircrat't dCngncr. (it'm'ru/ I't'l¢'(1\('.

Frozen 15» oo 'Jtlllt'l \tclxoc-II.

l K DcIIIIIIIIk. IIIILZI Shiilcx llcndcixon. RothuI Scth "lllltlll ~\IIIIIc Illcndcrxoiit Ix

II IIcquIIc tixh tactorx \xoikcr tIoIII l'lccnxood III I .IIIcIIthrc ()hxcxxcd \IIth Ihc dixapiwaiancc ot lIcI xixtcr a tax xmix .Igo, xltc hccoincx I‘l‘xt‘xxcd \\ Illt llk‘ tdca that xltc‘ hax lound a portal to an allctnatnc Icalitx \Ilicrc hcr xIxtcr III.I_\ xtill lic Illl\t‘ l‘aIt ot [ill SIIIthlaIId lioph} lour Scc cIIptIoII (I‘lit‘WL'I ’H In"! 1;:(tl'r’f . (I'l'u'\\'t ’H

George Gershwin - Rhapsody In Blue Il’(ii O... Ilrxmg Rappcr. l‘.\'. l‘Nsl Rol‘ctt ‘\ld.t. Joan l Cxltt'. -\lL‘\lx Smith liSIIIIII (‘oIIIpoch (icixhxxin Ix dI'IxciI it} hix nccd to xuccccd

l‘IIlortuIIIItcl} hix .IIIthtIoII dcxIonx hix romantic IclaIioIIxhipx \xIIh xingci .lIIlic

Il cxlici. xx ho Ix dupcratclx III lo\ c with him. and .Iloot xocIIIIIIc (‘lIIixtInc ISiiiitlii ('laxxic biopic tioIIi II IiIIIc \xhcii lltc_\ xIIIc kIchx lto\x Io IIIIIkc Ihcin .\I lint/I 'x ( (rim. IxI/III/Iiuc/I

La Grande Illusion mm 0000

IJcIIII choir. l'rdltct‘. WV! Jcan (iahin. l’Icri'c l'rcxnc). inch \on Strohciin. Maiccl l).ilio ll-‘lltlll choii’x claxxic prionI caiiip cxcapc xlot'} Ix IIIoIc than Ihc xIIoIig .IIIII “at xtatcnicnt lltal \xon ll ptalxc .Il lllL' lltttI' ot Itx rclcaxc. II Ix .ilxo an Ironic xocIIII anal_\xix highlighting claxx dillcicntiatioii lat/HI/IIHI'II II/ni (int/I1. Int/iri/‘Iu'u/I Halloween I IIxi oooo lJIIltlt (‘IIrpcIItcL l'S. l‘l".\‘i |)oIIII|d l’lcaxciicc. JanIIc lcc (‘uitix. \aiic} looiiiix. l’J Solcx ‘lliIIIII 'l'hc liixt and but ol thc xcricx and UHC Itl lltt‘ lk‘xl Iil all xlItxltcl ltIII\tI‘x l1xcapcd px_\cho .\1ichac| \lxcix IcIuIIix to thc to“ ii \xhcrc hc killcd liix xIxIcI xI-xcial )I‘Iii‘x hclorc and pickx up \xhcrc lic Iclt on u IIh I'cIIIIIrkalIIc caxc. l’lcaxcncc ix Ihc ohxcxxnc px}c‘lll.tlrl\l on hix trail. comiiiccd hc Ix to hlaiiic loI Ihc cxcapc .-\ chIr} IcIIIIndcr ol \x hat a blood xoakcd gciirc could .IclIIc\ c It old} it I‘ccowrcd lIoIii xcquclitix. (ilmuon lilni I/II'IHI'I'. (i/IIII'IIII Hancock’s Halt Hours M ii I\‘IIIIIIIIx. l'K. I‘IS‘l/lllhl l 'I‘on} Hancock ‘lllIiIin 'l‘hc licxt cpixodcx lroIII thix claxxic liritixh tclcnxion coiiicd} xcrII-x \Iliich rIIiI lroiII W54 to NM (i/mc'on I’ilm IIH'IHH'. (I‘ll/\flUH.

Harold 8. Kumar Get the Munchies IlSi .0. Il)IiIIII} Icincr. l'S. I‘M-1i John (’ho. KIII l’ciin. lathan laiiihr} 87min Sill} xtoncr coincd} \Ihich ix morc luiI Ihaii _\ou might mpcct. l'nuxuall} lor tliix kind ol lilni. thc cthnicit) ol thc mo Icadx Ixccoiid gcncration ('hiiicxc and Indian Ic'xpc'c‘ti\Cl}i IIlIoIIx dircctor lciiicr and \xritcrx Jon lluruit/ and Haylcn Schloxxhcrg room to both dcal \\ IIh clIchL-d cultural cxpcctationx and IiIICxtioIIx ol IIIxidIoux rachIII iII \IlIIIt claimx to hc Ii IIiulticIIIturIIl xocIct}. (inmul I'l'l('(l\('.

Harvey ll‘l .... Illcnr} KIlect'. [3. NEW Janch Stu-wart. Joxcphinc Hull. l’cgg} Don. ('harlcx Drakc. llMIIIIII liIIxood l’ l)oud (Stcuarti ix II nicc. plcaxanl IIIIIII who iuxt happcnx to ha\c an it“ Ithlc lrlL'liIi rcxcnihling II xt\‘. toot rIItht. ('laxxic adaptation ol Mar} (’haxc’x brilliant pla}. thix lcaturcx onc ol StcuIirt‘x IIont IIIcnIorahlc rolcx. 'l'hc lilni ix III tact II IIIctaphor for thc poxt uar hcuildcrmcnt that (ilx l'accd on rcturIIIIIg hotnc. SI urInm/I .S'I‘I'I'I'ninu Room. lit/Illblll'g’ll.

Hide and Seek I ISI .0 IJohii Polxon. l'S. 2005i Rohcrt Dc NIro. Dakota Fanning. l'IiIIIkc JIInxxcii. llitlmin. l’x}chiatrixt l)a\id I[)c Niroi uhixk'x hix daughtcr liiiiil} Ii'anningi on to II crccp) looking hotth in thc countr} altcr lliutitlll} coIIIIIIIIx xuicidc, III thc ccric tomi. i‘.l]tll}' xtanx conjuring up IIII Imaginary l‘ricnd callcd ('harlic. \N ho xhc accuxcx of IIIurdcrIng cxcrymc that Dadd} conic-x III contact with l’rcdictahlc and not wry xcar} horror. (iI'III'rII/ rI'lr'uw.