p.) r ,r . o, {All/Ir o 0 , o, O l

Hill: 7' I; ' ’, .",‘: " 51“,” a " J: "‘1. '.’ Jr‘. ‘Tl', Txft‘fl "WWI ‘r’l 7/ t/-« Li‘fin‘fl, {1!a,',!t " “rrr ’r" MW, r " ’,"~’:_ TTi’)Tl’,T/)Tr‘: ' IIIII‘ .’fl’,‘,‘ I'I' II ’,' H'HWVI' rather t'rat‘ as a C’flrtre, .‘."I‘: ‘.".’I,-r‘;/ rs one rttrr er sorta e.er :" "e' (lualr'rle‘,. tillt Tl1(:')li()()’)'Ti"r’;’Jtfil T(;(,t“,‘l Oaxrn Row/tale Tits.“ ar‘l Mr (ix/en Stetanrr Trilll’ll'tf; a It a-emret" glee to rlerr‘on Baltha/ar an't Tuda SJ/rnton at. the {I'ltllhtlyt‘ttrll‘} Galmer are onl, hrnderert t,, ther' ark ct screen trrr‘e

The rrrttrurtartr‘e mt mrwirai ettects cannot he agerlcokert and here They are heautrtull,’ realr',erl. partrcularl, the grandrose rleprctront. at hell. Thrs rs a slick prece of .‘.rt)ll\ and Reeves rs a lrkeahle hero despite hrs lack of actrng. Surprrsrngly. the rrroyre strcks to the essence of the character tor most ot the runnrng trrne. hut unfortunately rn the closrrrg reel he su'rrtches to a supernatural .Jarrres Bond. True horror rs never actron sequences and reams of ()Gl. rHenry Northmorel I Gene/a/ re/ease from 78 March.

lllSlOthlAt l etc


(PG) 162mm 00.0

Alhanrans. Roma lepsresl. Pomaks (Muslrm Slavsl. Armenrans. Macedonran Slavs and Vlachs make up trve percent of the Greek populatron. Wrth the exceptron ot the ancrent Vlach rwho are hasrcally a Celtrc race) most ol these people's descendents arr‘rved durrng the trrst halt ol the 20th century. They played hou/oukrs and accordions at the weddrngs ot the Indigenous Greeks so they could dance therr hasaprkos. tsarrrrkos and kalamatranos, hut r‘etugees they remained untrl therr' tales were ready to he told.

That trme rs now and the crpher ot therr storres rs the great Athenran trlmmaker' Theo U/ysses Gaze Angelopoulos. Retur'nrng Wrth hrs trr'st trlrn srnce 1998's super'h Eternrtt and a Day. Angelopoulos' plan rs to delrver not one trlm hut three. for Tr‘r/ogy: The Weep/mg Ar'leadou' rs only the trrst tale of love. musrc and exrle whrch erl lead from Odessa In 191‘.) through Greece and on to present day Nev. York. The other two trlms rn the serres erl he called The Thrr'd li/rng and Return.

lt ll/eeprng Meadow rs anything rs go by rt's gomg to be a long. slow. heautrtul. rrredrtatrye Journey to the heart of Angelopoulos' usual obsessrons. namely trn hrs own

,A'} I l ‘r' r‘<"/ '- ,. I I atm’, ~ I r II I MW. 4 s r’,l,‘t.ll(:f> w" I‘M" " .' t 1. "‘ ~t ..'_I" l'r (2“er .':t‘7}"‘lt"“ ,M' .. ’12" it I e)‘.)\vIII /\(;tl ‘. we" ' I .. “I

Elenr as a l—m/t "mitt .r‘ llm-r‘ " Tro‘, a man‘ar‘ rt 'rv“ rm." w .IY‘I tragrr‘ passror“. ,»\’t"‘r'.'.-:'tl., ttirf; .'.r‘ "r he to entity/tries taste .I rs» :am’arr. "tr'trtgt‘mgtl, trillt; "l.°. there

.‘;l()'.‘. and, can he lrttle treat". that .‘.'rt't a uttn» patrence Angeropmrlrw; armrxrwrw Kusturrcar té:ll‘illr‘.f; ’>ne til the rr‘r 2:3. tt)‘.'.’;lt<lllt(_; Illllftliaket‘; .' rPaul Daler

I Carnee. [.rchx r" r'r T".. L’-1r‘.r‘a/. (3/1, (31355;. 11.”.

.trrklnu Tcrta,


Rohots takes the rrtechanrcal approach to CGI moyres and. lrke the Scarecrow rn The I'M/rare" or 0.". Robots horrows heaxrly trorr‘. thrs 19139 classrcl rt sutters hecause rt has no heart. Rodney Copperhottorr‘ lvorced hy Ewan McGregorr rs a workrng-class rohot whose dr‘earrts ot hecomrng an rnyentor are dashed when he drscoyers that Brg'.'.'elt. the largest corpor‘atron rn the crty. has heen overtaken hy Ratchet «Greg Krnnear'r. a ruthless caprtalrst \.'.hc makes Rupert Murdoch look lrke Karl Marx. It turns out that Ratchet rs opemtrng under :nstr‘uctron trorr‘ hrs mother. \.'.'hr(‘lt ccrrtes as no sur'pr'rse rmothers get a partrcularly had rap rn Ropers 'hey 're erthm shocm as

emhztrr‘assrng. n‘eek cr extir. Among the

way Rodney makes irrends '.-.'rt'n a clapped-out hot named Fende'. ‘.‘.hc's \Orced by Rohrn \,‘,":ll:arr‘s :n a pertorrrtance that ‘acks the gustc of


“Non limit verei’

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SERGIO CASTELLITTO (pictured), the star and director of DON'T MOVE, talks about his new film and working with co-star PENELOPE CRUZ.

‘The author of the book upon which the film is based was Margaret Mazzantini, who also happens to be my wife. 80 I had the privilege of reading the book while she was writing it. Her style is so imaginative and visual that you could see how very well the story could play on screen. The book sold over one million copies in Italy and got translated into more than 30 languages. I wrote the first draft myself and Margaret came in only afterwards to help with subsequent drafts.

‘The book is a “confession” of a father, Timoteo [played by Castelletti himself]. Timoteo is a victim. When he rapes Italia [Penelope Cruz] he rapes the mud, the hole from which he comes. He tries to escape what he understands from the first minute he sees her, his destiny.

‘Don ’t Move is a story of missed occasions. Timoteo fails as a father, as a lover, as a husband but in the end he finds the truth deep inside himself and for this Italia forgives him and gives back life to Angela, his daughter.

‘When I first met Penelope, who was suggested to me for co- production reasons, I told her, “You are beautiful but too glamorous. Italia, the character, is a frog born in the mud who goes towards heaven,” but Penelope studied hard, she shot the film in Italian with a certain accent and won the David di Donatello, a prize awarded to the best Italian actress of the year. She became the frog not only with her make-up but also with her soul. Working with her was an absolute thrill. She’s passionate, funny and deep - our little Spanish sister for both Margaret and I. And she has a tremendous talent!

‘I’m influenced by great Italian cinema: Vittorio De Sica, Pietro Germi, and of course Rossellini and Fellini. I also love the Visconti of Bellissima and Pasolini, who was for me the Caravaggio of cinema. But in making Don’t Move, I didn’t want to make a social movie with social themes; the themes are universal. Ultimately, it is real life in itself that I feel influences me most.’ (Interview by Paul Dale)

I Don '1 Move is at Fr'lmhouse, Edinburgh from Fri 18 Mar. See,revr'ew page 50.

hrs turn rn Aaoam. Generre ts references '.-.'nrcn hanker to the approach. Robots trres hard to .mrtate younger rnemhers ot the audrence Prxar and the Sr‘rek rr‘C‘.tes c». "a: ng through rrwdiess slapstrck moments. a brg star cast read the xoces Hatre On trrs $10.71ng tne CGI formula rs Berry James Earl Jones and JCtTttrtef descerately in need of an upgrade. COOIIG‘ge arrtongst t"err‘r. but t s Katee“ RITE!)

tedrously pCSt-n‘edern er‘err‘atrc I Genera 'elezrse from F" 78 Mar.

Check out the


17—37 Mar 2005 THE LIST 51