Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to comedy® Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.
The Glasgow International Comedy Festival runs until Sat 26 Mar with all details on the website, www.9lasgowcomedyfestival. com. The ticket hotline is 0870 013 5464.
Thursday 1 7
The Jim Davidson Guide to Equality 'lihc .-\I'L'ht‘\. 353 :\I'j.."\ h' Stt‘ccl. 5M “Di 7. illpni. £7 t£5i luurcncc ('lut'kc l;tc|\lc\ \onic ol lhc oldc\l [ilclltdtcm hcudiott. (i/uxgmi lnh'rlmllonul ('uninh I'M/Ital.
Brel Improv Brcl. W 43 :\\hton lunc. H3 40M). Spin. £3. l’op hunn} Sand} \L'iVlIl ilti\l\ tht\ ttlghll} pick HI lhc lL‘\l \L‘\\IHII lcuturing \uriom ltlllltllh lnccx old and ncu. (ill/won III/('rnunmm/ (hum/r /'('\Ill(1/.
Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlctnN. l'( i(' Building. chlrcu Strcct. llH7ll7 HUN)", 8pm. £3. .-\lc\ Bonrdniun ititlh hcll—ringcr .'\lnn (‘ochruncz lull gu} Brcndun l)cnip\c_\ und lornicr tcuchcr Simon Bligh. Soc pt‘c\ic\\ l‘or(‘ochr.tnc. (i/mgun lnlrrnulmnul ('ummh l'i'slti'ul. Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire 'l‘hc l’hocnu. 13 H \cht (icorgc Strccl. 0700‘) 553 345. 3.30an £5. Sniokc-l'rcc ctilllt'd} night \\ Ith u changing linc—up ol' locnl iokcrx.
Irish Comedy: St Patrick's Night Show 'Iihc Stand. 33} \Voodldndx Road. “37” MN) bliss. 8.30an U) (£Xl. ('clchrutc l’ndd) \ du) in linc \t) Ic \\ ith ho\l Michucl Rcdniond and hix lricndx lront ztcl‘tt\\ thc \xutcrx Brcndun Dcinpw). ‘l'uru H} nn und lun (‘oppingcr (i/uwim' llilt'rnulmnul ('unm/t I'i'sll'i'ul.
Comedy Weekend (‘( ‘.-\. 350 Snuchichull Strcct. 353 4000.
Illfillpm 3nni. l-‘rcc. Bumpcr line-up of conicdinnx from thc ('(‘A and Bclhmcn chl. Including thc Big Yin'x luxouritc [)0 .\lc|.c;in. .\'cil .\lcl-'urlunc and Joc llccnun. The Midnight Hour (il'U\\L‘Il()l'. .-\\hton lunc. 3308-14-1. midnight. £lll. Mukc it nltcr midnight \\ith Michucl Rcdniond. I‘rniicc‘x chl} and hoxt Pntriclx Rolink. (i/mgnn lnlc'rnutiunu/ ('onm/V l’l'\lil'(l/.
The Thursday Show 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lucc. 558 7373. 8.3017111. £h (£5). John (iillick. (Eur) Littlc und lixmond \lelll up tor thc \wckcnd in thc compun} ol' rn/or \hurp hoxt l-‘runkic Bo} lc.
Big Word Performance Poetry Thc Tron. ‘) Huntcr Squurc. High Strcct. 33h (Nil. 9pm. £3 l£3l. Scouw Putil Birtill. lillic \anlon. Bruin Ii (iichun. .-\in_\ Duncan and Jonathan Muirhcud compctc lor thc hot rh_\ mm. hoxtcd h} Jcm Roll\ and Jcnn} l.iiid~;i}.
The Three Tuns Comedy Night The 'I'hrcc 'l‘unx \Vinc \uultx. 7 l l Hunowr Strcct. 0300‘) 5533-15. 0pm. l-‘rcc. Paul l’iric. .-\nd_\ Mcl’unlund nnd Andrc“ P13 dc team up for lhl\ \xcckl) conicd} \lot.
The Snatch Social 'l'hc liquid Room. 0c \ilL‘IUI‘ld SII'L‘L‘I. :35 3564.
10.30pm 3.1m. £4 (£3.50). Hun) .-\in\\\onh l.-\K.-\ l‘ormcr Pcrricr BL‘\I Ncuconicr (inith (‘rnibhunk I. Buhm und 'l‘rcnd} Weird) \tlppi} thc t'un. (‘hcck their \xchxitc \\ \\ \\.xnutchxtwiul.coni for tnorc nilo.
Friday 18
Writing Comedy Masterclass Thc Stand. 333 Woodlunth Road. ()870 (300 6055. 3pm. lircc. .-\n afternoon of \xorkshopx and talk hoxtcd h} the BBC
44 THE LIST ‘ 3—5‘ \La' 3331"
lot dinonc lllIL‘lL'\IL'ti in \xriting conicth tor tclcx Non i’i.lct'\ .nc hnntcd w c.ill HiJi ::\ 14‘” lttl tiL'I.tli\ (,'/( The Bratchpiece Family Show lht- -\I'cilL'\. ‘\l'f_'.\h‘ SIIL‘L'I. 5H; “’3: " ‘ltpni L‘I t£M \iolilcr\\cll coincdidn Mark Brutchpiccc pcrtornix \\ nh ill\ cqtidll} tunn} lL'i.lIl\t'\. \idl'llll .ind lhc “cc Man (i/( 'I An Audience with Bob Doolally 'l ilt' l'nncrxnl. 5" 5‘) Sduchichdll lunc. “3 ANN \pni. £" 1U». 'l’hc \\.l\ilL'ti up loothdll connncntulor tcllx ill\ \Utihd lucllcd tulcx and thc truth hchind ill\ t‘clcclton Hi lilt‘ Sc‘ttlidlld |Uii (.'I( '/ Brel Improv Brcl. W 4‘ .-\\hloti I am. 343 JUN». 5pm. £3. Scc 'I‘hu I" Bumper Value Northern Comedy ().\L‘l|i'\. 45- Sunchtchull Sil't't'i. 353 4 Vi). Spin. £(i. \ot'thcrn luughtcr lllt'l\lL'l'\ Dun \ighungulc. l)utnton lurkin and I)c| Strgnn lull) hoxt .-\|;in .-\ndcr\on. (i/( 'l. Jason Byrne 'l‘hc Stand. ‘\‘~.‘~ Woodlundx Road. (LR—ll (Ml N55. Hpnt £‘) 1£M, ’l‘hc oxci'»c\clt;ihlc il‘l\il \Idllti up \tur und l’crricr nonnncc coincx to um n unh li//hng iniprox. (il(‘l. Dave Ingram and Danny Deegan: Daddy Cool 8: Rudgie Blucklrlurx. 3h Bcll Strcct. 556 5(i3h. Hpni. U) l£5i 'l'\\o purl coincd) c\tr;i\ug;ni/u lollouing l);i\ c Ingrznn‘x qucst lor popiil;ii‘it_\ nnd l).nin_\ l)ccgnn\ \lor} ol tcrrorixni und ungr} pl'oxlilttlcx. (;/( ‘/-. Glasgow Stands Up: On Your Doorstep Burgh Hull» 0 Burgh Hull Strccl. l’unick. 357 5000. Split. £3. 'l'hrcc lop (iluxxxcgiun coniic\ Suxun Morrixon. Ruwnond .\lcurn\ und (Eur) l.ttt|c tour around lhc cit}. (il( 'l‘. Jongleurs Comedy Club .longlctlrx. l'(i(' Building. chticu Strcct. “87”” 870707. 8pm. £13. Scc 'I'hu I7.
Tina C’s Manifesto Show llic (idmgc. J‘Nl \iuchtchdll \IIch. 1‘3 113” \pm £ lH 1M lx’lnncxtonc chuhhcdn [11].! (~ nmkcx n hci pcrwndl llll\\lHIl to drum up \upport tor l’tcxtdcnt Bu\h. \xith Iill\ mm o! clcwi wngx .ind hiting \JIIIC (ill /
Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire lhc i’iltk'llH. iI i~1\\t‘\l (it‘itlg‘c \llc‘t‘l. “3%?” 553 i~15 .\ 1llpni L; \cc lhu I-
Phil Kay lhc Sldlc Hut. 1-“ Holldnd Slicct. 1‘3 3 l 5‘) ‘lpni U‘ H» licc \xhcchng \lll'lt'.lil\l l’hil K4} plug to lhc \lddcdp cioxxd. \\ 1th \ttpport lioni hoxl Bill} Bonkcrx.
Bruce Fummey: Where Are You Really From? I ‘~th \olc (Luv. *H W King Sliccl. 551 lMx. ‘l ifl‘lll £o ILR’ 'l‘hc '\lror(‘cll lunn} [‘L'llut'llh .i Ullt‘rlllttll \hon. c\ploring ( thc Highlundx .nid cwrflhtng In hctuccn (i/( '/
Scotland 4 Australia 1 “le’hllldh. Vi HL‘H Sll't‘cl. 350 NC". ‘i. illplll L." t£hi \o. _\ou'rc not drcunnng. lill\ conicd} \hou \ccx lhc \\ll ol .\ll\ll'.lil.lll Kicrun Bullcr pitlcd .lj3.llll\l 4 ol Scotlund'x rtxing conicd} \\1 l’.inl l’lrlc. Kcir .\lc.-\lh\lcr. l’ctcl .Mtclnwn und .'\ll\l|ll I.o\\, (i/t ‘lx
Comedy Weekend (‘( ‘.v\. *5“ Suuchichull Strcct. ;53 401 ll).
Ill.3llplii Ruin. l'i‘cc. lutc night \t‘\\lUll \xnh tough gu} (Eur) l.Itt|c. \igcl iillc‘hittlld. .IUC \it‘KL‘ll/lt‘. .itlilll Rn“ .tlld thc honihnxtic R;i_\niond .\lc.n'n\. Festival Club 'l‘hc Stund. 333 \Voodlundx Bond. “330 (will) (3055, Ill.3(lpni. £8 l£7i. chulur Stund conipcrcx l-runkic Bo}lc. Suxnn .\lorri\on. lircd Much-Mild) nnd .lunc Mucku) introducc thc crcuni ol thc
lc\t1\.d. \\ 1th .it i\'.l\i In; funm Lita tn unit mm“ (,n l Blackfriars Baltica Late‘n'Loud Bldckttmx in Bcll \ticct. “h “Ch ilpni :0 t 1" \l.m \ndcixon lint-x up thc conicdi Llh‘lll .ll lill\ i.lit' night laughtci \t'\\l«‘ll tilt /
The Midnight Hour ( :touctioi. \xhton l .nic. 11" 5.1.1} midnight :ll' l.itc night \i‘lllk'th \\‘\\l«'ll u ith I’dtii. l. Roth plum}; hmt to thc [no lhw'. \1xi (Kill .liiti ( ii.lli\k' (l/( I
Jongleurs Comedy Club lHllth'tll \. ()nini (critic. ( ilt‘t'lhhh‘ l’ldtc. “N 'l" hfilfll" N lipni L l _‘ \ilh'\ t 'i.i\\ lord Ic.un\ up to! i.tllf_'il\ \xnh high llxci Burnt. .Iohttlt} (Lindon .ind ( tutu \\.ilkct
The lilt' \ldllti. 3 \i‘lh I’idtt‘. “h "333 ‘lpni £.\ '1‘» ll.udtoic l.llllt‘l Lin (Rippinch |Hlll\ .Iohn ( iilh. k. \nn (ilhit‘d .nid iioxl Linc \l.l\ k.i_\
The Bedlam Improverts iit'tiidlll lhcdtic, llh iilhli‘ I‘an, .‘3‘ "N";
lll illpni £ i ill I 1 it long \l.llltilll_‘.' l.itc night |.nighlct lll\lllllllitll. inxolxinj.‘ llllltil .llltilt'llkk' [Milk Il‘dlli‘ll. drunken inch} .llhi \Pt‘llldllt‘t'lh \‘t‘lllt‘ii_\ gaunt-x
Saturday 1 9
Utter Nonsense lilt' \mnd. H1 \\iui\ll.|ntl\ Rikki HSTH hill) (\lhR jinn Ui t£-l l. lop kidV cntcttdinnicnt lioni \ldt‘k l’cncdk. \xho lcllx thc \tor_\ ol l’nclc cht}. \\ ho .‘itcidcntdlh \ll\ kcd ill\ \cnw ol hunioni out ol ill\ hmd \Vllil plcnt} ot pltppclx. liill\ll.lllttll\ .nid \Pt'cldi t'llt'ch 1H ht‘t‘l‘ «i I” )t‘dl Ulti\
lidpp}. (i/( ‘l
l I
Plenty of you will think that the star of Lemony Snicket and The Grinch is nasty enough.
But when Jason Rouse comes along being dubbed ‘the evil Jim Carrey’, you know that you’re in for a frenetic treat. He’s here sharing stage time with Craig ‘Dinks’ Campbell under the Canada Dry umbrella, though there’s little dry about the ‘sick and depraved’ material he has at his disposal. Not one for your mother. Whether she’s Canadian or not.
Troy" Theatre. Glasgow. l'fieo 23 'Jai