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VI Saw You Jimmy lhc l’ixh ((1 thc Soundhauy. llogmanay. Ytiu'l‘t‘ '.l lt‘g't‘litl' Mallagt‘tl In gct tt chccky pic Ul yotr \ylllt Arron tk mc ll.l\;ll. hit you up lor marrying l)ylon hy lhc way [/5 l 7/l VI Saw You managcr oi Strikcry har. inc tall girl in rcd skirt. Would low to put your bar to hcttcr uxc. [/5 l 7/3 "V I Saw YOU llor'dcr'x hook— xltop \cicncc \cction 35/3/05. Yotr had pink lloyycry on your \llticx. pink \carl' tk dcnim hag. You'rc doing chcmixtry 1' I do phyxicy. l.ct\ do hiology lllSIL‘iltl. [/5 l 7/3 V I Saw You again at Virgin Actiy'c (ilaygoyy. Yotr arc a llatldxotllc \haycd guy yy ith a tattoo oycr lcl‘t \houldcr and a hair'ylixhi chch Wc lancy cach othcr l I‘L‘L‘kotl. l)on't you gcl thc l.l\l'.’ l'/5l7/—l 0 I Saw You on rlic train l'rom l’crth to (ilaygoyy on Saturday 3(th l-‘ch. You had hccn on lhc 5.30am train lrom Wick. l)on't takc that job. (ilasgoyy nccds you? l'/5|7/5 9 I Saw You rctlhcatl princcxs. sccn u 3 nights in a row. Spy bar on the liriday and Barlly on thc Sat. l yy ant yotr . . .can i hay'c you'.’ lirom yomc boy you know. l'/5l7/h V I Saw You Hi cahallcrr'o. I Saw You ('ijam. ruakiug mc smilc. Still low you. always will. xXx [7517/7 O I Saw You at thc Monday cluh dancing likc a hyatch to thc Ncyy Rosy chy'clsll . . . do you wanna comc ncxt yycck'.’ I will hc yy'caring a mcmhcrs only and looking moody? Y X x x ,\ l'/5l7/h’ V I Saw You ('amcl in thc (K'NS 'l'hcatrc. hcrc's to '(‘acsar'. \llamc it's not 'Mothcr (iooxc Strikcx Agtllll' - lllN(i:\ “INCA? ()i oi oi. yasayasaya. (7517/9 V I Saw You assistsant man- agcr ol‘ Bcansccnc Wcst lind. cy'cry'onc's ~sorry to xcc you lcay'c. Will miyx you hottic. loy'c ('oyy'hoy' an all thc othcr hcans yyc arc \llll thc hcst. L'/5l7/l() V I Saw You in Watcrstoncx chccking out horror noycls. l loy'cd your fabulous coat and kick asy undcr ctrt hair stylc. l was thc gtry yyith lhc rcd pony- tail pccking at you oycr a yam- pirc comic. pcrhapx you'd likc to mcct up for a hitc somtimc'.’ US l 7/] l V I Saw You hchind lhc countcr at I)lli()'\_ and then again at a silly timc outsidc my flat on thc \amc day. Nothing on thc mcnu is ax tcmpting (Ix you. L'/5l7/l3 0 I Saw You at thc Bcat 'l‘rapfl‘cd Lco gig in Slca/y's. You yy'crc thc Bcat Trap bassist. I'd like yotr to swing lltoxc \cxy hips a little L‘ltixcr to my bcat trap. you lilthy beast. L'/5l7/l3 VI Saw You drinking. \mok- ing. xmiling. dancing. conycrsa- ling. mcuncrixing at liy'cx. rid-
Classified Personal
mg thc rough \tull and glucrng US all togcthcr'. You lcl‘t try and yy c loy c yotr \lrchacl (itl‘lmlh' US l 7/l4
V I Saw You Wan and Julc\ Mcnagc-a—trorx. lloyyxalmul ll. ()llicially lhc moxt hcautrlul couplc to yyalk lhc lacc ol lhc carth. but don't yotr knoyy ll. l.ook. thcrcx a mirror" yyayc' l'/5|7/15
V I Saw YOU l,l/. tllltl lt‘ll lul you inxtantly. l’lcaxc giyc tl\ anolhcr chancc. loy c lhc yyorxt icc \katcr in thc yyor‘ld \ \ \ USU/In
V I Saw You In Dropkick Murphyx haying a quality rnght HI, ll. lltiyy ltillg ht‘lul‘t‘ you cornc hack'.’ You knoyy yyho you arc? l'/5l7/l7
V I Saw You Lorna. lrom Social coll'cc \ltop. l hcar' your gonc. You ncycr did rcply. Not \ccn you in a yyhilc. yyould \till likc to takc you tor a driuk'.’ l'rn gcnuinc. l'/5l7/|x
V I Saw You rcd hair. big hroyyn cy cx. \yhitc skin - you
\\ crc dr‘apcd oy t‘l' \Ulllc IIIUlltlL‘ guy yyith glaxxcy in thc l.iymorc. You'rc \tunnmg but you could do so much hcttcr. l'/5l7/l‘)
O I Saw You Badgcr Boy. myxtcriouy and \cyy. Adam
docxn't kuoyy yyhat hc'x mixsing.
l-‘rom your couch pal Ncmi \ \ \ \ l'/5l7/3ll
V I Saw You l'iygc thatha. lll/lB/(IS. You yyilh l'ricndx ncar‘ lop door. inc yy ith crcyy oppo- yitc. in hcigc jackct and dcnim shirt. I got up. caruc hack & you yycrc gonc. What a \rnilc. [7/5 I 7/3l
O I Saw You (ioyic in Baycmcnt. llying and insulting thosc around you? Nougat. li.\ [7/517/33
V I Saw You Bohhy l’ in (ioat layt Saturday \porting your tutu and doc martinx . . . \C\}I llcc hcc.\ [/5 l 7/23
VI Saw You KK yomiting -I pcanul huttcr and toasty altcr a \hocking night out on thc toon. What happcncd girlic'.’ [/5 l 7/l VI Saw You Ryan. shooting Vampires likc a pro? li.\ l'/5l7/3-I
V I Saw You Aylllcigh in your hotGC . . . lcarning calc? X [/5 l 7/35
C I Saw You .Ittlcx in 54 l'/5|7/lllcloyy tanking yyhitc
yy inc and hurgcr. (ircat chat doll! l'/5l7/3(i
Why not place an I Saw You online at
V I Saw You lhc ‘guyx yyc incl Ill ()prum today 35th l‘chruary 'ch. \y c go thcrc ollcn'. ('hccrx lor lhc yycallh pctalx and yy l\ll yyc'd \yyappcd data lth \\ l‘ 5l3’3‘
VI Saw You Hi l’/ in thc l)oclot’\ layt month Wax that your yyork collcagucx ’ l nccd your lcrnrrunc (lll'\L'\ lhc yyhccl l\ rrol lhc only llllt‘lt‘\llll}_' thing to conic out ol l'alkirk. (ict in touch Your Snoyyy \irtia. lV’Sl'T/ZS
VI Saw You horny liiutli .\la lltronr harruan. Saturday 3o I’t'l‘. \yllll lllt‘l't‘t‘tl cyt‘liltiyy illltl \tr’rpcy top .\lc' draruondy tank top lcanrng on hat. l.rkcd your littlllx \Vttultl llkt‘ In \ct' lllUlt' ol thcml l'/5l."’3‘l
U I Saw You at ltt-arnurx. You :\incrrcan r'cally nrcc and lct mc hang yyrth you and your matcy. .\lc rudc and lclt to talk to \ornconc clyc \yho \ya\ a tool. Wanna catch up Duncan" l'/5l7/3ll
V I Saw You lhc \lim darkv hair'cd girl at Jittcr'hug ('luh Cltt\\ ll’lcaxancc. lidinhru'ghl. thank\ Mr hclping inc yy ilh lhc \tcpy. & l'd Irkc to ayk you otrt :-\ l'l5l7/3l
VI Saw You in thc l'.lcpltaut llouyc on 3| Jan. I told you to hc carclul . . your hag yyax gt'lllllg yy ct? l llt't'tl Io Illt't'l your cycy onc rnorc timc' ? Writc hack? 3 7 l'/5l7/33
V I Saw You l’r‘iy c (‘ounciL l’ri 41h March. You yycr’c \ittrng hy thc dancc lloor in an orangc/rcd top yy ilh your ll'lL‘lItlS. tlttl‘kl\lt hair. htrt uxcd to hc hlondc. You yyaycd yyhcn l lclt at 13.30. Wc'y c mct \cycral timcy hcl’orc. hut I don't kuoyy your namc lhut l r'ccall you knoyy mincl? (icl in touch. l'/5l7/33
9 I Saw You Hi llllL‘ ~lrh March about 3:30am. I yyax \it- ting on a door‘xlcp on Spottisyyoodc St xrnoking yyith my l'ricnd. you yyalkcd past and yy c smich at cach othcr. gct in touch. you'r'c kinda cutc? l'/5l7/34
V I Saw You honcyhundlc and mm l'rn rnixxing you. l llopc you don't gcl lost in \pacc noyy that I'm not thcrc to kccp you in linc. X y \ USU/35 VI Saw You and l prorniyc to ignorc you yyilh uncompromiy- ing dcyir'c. Mmc. l’. l'/5l7/3() VI Saw You all lhc timc in thc Southxidc rcd hcrct angcl. ('an i giyc you \(llllL‘ carc in thc community '.’ You smilc makcs my day. vyish you drank morc coli’ccc though? l'l5l7/37
V I Saw You on thc nurnhcr 33 ('ity Scryicc. looking \hil'ty'. yyith your hand in your pockct Y I Don't yyorry \itltttl boy. yyc \l‘ltlll gct you \(llth hclp. l)cspitc Llll lhly. I still lancy you . . lf/5l7/38
"V I Saw You IIithth\. goin for your transatlantic dcntal appointmcnt. (iimmc somc yyood and HI build you a cahi- nct anytimc? Lots ()l loy'c. l-‘anny hayyx. x x \ t7/5l7/3‘)
‘ 7—31 915:! 2713 THE LIST 123