('rt} \ lttlltllltj.‘\ ot lllh couple-K [‘.tlllllltf._‘\. print\ and dran tngx go on \ltov. together lot the lirxt tune

Through the Letterbox: George Bruce and Elizabeth Blackadder l'ntil Sat lo ;\pi ll.tll\tl\ \xrttten h} the late Scotthlt Rctiahxam e poet. (ieotgc Bruce. \xttlt llltl\ll;tllHll\ h} lull/aheth lilackaddet


33 3S ('ockhurn Street. 33” I36“,

‘Iue Sat noon 5pm.

Ripples on You .0. t'nnl Sat 2 Apr 'Iuo next \ideo piecex including a spool mterxieu \kllll ‘lerr_\ Rule} and a \etIc\ or wall drau llthx it} (iltixgou hath .tl'llSl. Stuart (Burden. See te\ rcu. Thomas Aitchison t'nul Sat 2 ,-\pr l’“tlk'k'l Room: dramngx and painting\ h} llllS ltdlttltttt‘gh-l\a\ed tll'll\l,

In Conversation: Stuart Gurden Sat l‘) .\lar. 3pm. l't‘cc. .'\n inlormal (UllH‘ISQtllHll about the lllL‘lllt'\ and \kol’kx lroin Ripples HI) )mi hetueen Stuart (iurden and llIIar} \rcoll. director oi the Scottish Sculpture \Vorkxhop.


75 llellord Road. “34 (t3illl. .\lon \Ved & l'ri Sun loam 5pm; 'l‘hu litam 7pm. Out of Place: Works from the Pier Arts Centre Collection, Orkney O. l'ntil Stilt 3o .lun. l'ree. .-\ touring \hou ol o\ er 3“ 30th cenlur} lil'llhlt \\ot'k\ lrom the Pier .'\rt\ ('entre Ill ()rkne} while the ixland galler} undergoes a major t'el'urluthent. Christian Art Sat 1‘) Mar Stilt 3o .Iun. li\p|oration ol ('hrixtianit} in art Including \\ttl'k\ h} lirtc (iill. l)a\id .lonex. .lacoli lipxtein. Stanle} Spencer. Ian Heming and liduardo Paolo/n. Ni Si i( )W

Out of Place: Naum Gabo’s ‘Linear Construction’ Mon 2| Mar. l3.-l5pnl. l'ree. Martin llanuner. senior lecturer in art lllSlUl‘} at lidinhurgh t'tti\t‘i‘\it}. gi\e\ tlti\ lecture.


7-1 l.ttttt't\loll Place. 33] (root). .\lon l‘ri. l 5pm.

Family - Fact/Fiction Mon 21 'l‘hu .‘~l Mar. li\hihition. hinted h} lilmxxood. lealttring the “nth h} third war graphic dexign degree \tttdentx.

I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS 33 l'nion Street. 557 347‘). Tue Sat Illam (rpm.

The Paris Drawings and the Edinburgh Etchings t'ntil Sat 20 Mar. :\ tale ol' our cities h} artists Kell} Slenart and ('at ()utram. [AST CHANth it) St l-


45 Market Street. 335 3383. Mon Sal

I lain (rpm; Stilt noon 5pm.

=31 Simon Patterson 00.. t'ntil Sttn l Ma); l'ree. l{\hihition ol' rind)- conunixxioned and e\i\ting \mrk h} the l.ondon—tm\ed artixt best kno\\n l'or his renorking oi the London t'ndergrottnd tttap. "l‘he (ireat Beat". inclttding lll\ major \iork. ‘(ieneral .-\\\emhl_\: W‘H'. See re\ ie\\ and llttli\l.


l’alace ol" llol} i‘oodltouxe. 556 5 It)“. 9.30am 4.30pm. [5 MB £4): latnil} ticket £13.

Watercolours and Drawings from the Collection of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Sat It) .\1ar Sun 3.5 Sep. l'ilt'xt e\hil\ition ol‘ 7.5 \iatereolourx and draningx from the Queen Muan collection. .-\nd \\ e thought she just drank gin all da} and bet on the horxiex.


li\hihition Hall. lmerleith Rim. 553 7l7l. Dail) 10am 5pm. l-‘ree.

Images from the Garden Vll t'ntil .\ton 3S Mar. ltlain 3.30pm. l-‘ree. .-\n e\hihition of uorks h) students attending

Jane and Louise Mlson

the Rlflili adult edttcation courxex featuring photograph}. haxketr) and paper making. lASt ()i-iANCt- TO SH:

I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY ’l‘he Mound. (llfil 335 (ro7l. Mon Sat litam 5pm; Sun noon 5pm.

RSA Student Exhibition 2005 t'ntil 'l‘hu l7 Mar. The lttt‘gext \tudent Silt)“ in tire l'K. open to all final _\ear and pmtgraduate \tudentx of the Scottish art and architecture \choolx. The work u ill \pace all l3 upper and lou er RS.-\ gallerie\. LAST CHANCF TC) SEE. NEW ARCHITECTURE FOR ARTS Mon 38 Mar Sun l7 .-\pr. lixhihition looking ttt tlte \Hil‘k ol RSA academicians \\ ho hax e heen norking in the lield designing ne“ buildings tor art in Scotland theatrex. galleries. music \enttex and lihrariex. NEW SHOW.


'l'he Mound. (134 (i300. .\Ion Wed ck

l‘ri Sun Illatn 5pm;'l'hu 10am 7pm. ‘Self Portrait, Aged 51’ by Rembrandt Hi 35 Mar. l3.45pm. l‘ree. lirtna llertnenx. art hixtorian and painting conxetwator. gi\e\ thix lectttre.


"’5 Belt‘ord Road. (i3-i (Coo Mon Wed & Fri Sun loam 5pm; 'l‘hu loam 7pm. =31 Andy Warhol: Self Portraits 0... l'ntil Mon 3 Ma}. [5 tUStti. .»\\ part of the National (ialleriex' .-t lt’ur at American Art. thix major \hou de\ote\ itself to the \elt' portrait\ of Mr .-\nd_\ Warhol t HITS? l. eunnining the \\a_\ the artist portra}ed himself in paintings. dra“ ingx. printx. photographx. liltih and

‘Ballroom, Safe Light’, 2003. The heavenly glow of golden office interiors

Visual Art

shines out in the substantial exhibition that examining the built environment. I Bolt/lid Closed Doors: [)CA. Dundee. unu/ Sun 7 Man

“allpaper. 'l'hix ix the old} l'K \lltm ing. See llitlixt.

Signed Tour of Andy Warhol: Self Portraits Stm 3” Mar. 1 lam noon. Free. Tour the lab exhibition u ith a guide. interpreted in Bl‘lttxlt Sign Language h} [)a\ id Sutnnierxgill.


l Queen Street. 634 (i300. Mott \Ved & l-‘ri Stilt lilam 5pm; Thu litam 7pm.

=21 A Tale of TWO Cities 0... l'nul Sun S Ma}. Satirical caricatures h} John Ka} (I743 lh'3m ol' Regenc} lidinhurgh ligttl‘CS such as Adam Smith. Deacon Brodie and Admiral Duncan. continued

\xith \xork h} coltletnporat‘} graphic ttt'tl\l. lain McIntole \ilioxe lllllSll'tlllHIIS haw accompanied :\|e\ander .\lcall Smith's Scolxtttan \tor) 4-1Stutlttttllfi'tn'rl lot" the paxt )ear. See rex ieu and liltilSI.

Our Highland Home Victoria and Albert in Scotland l'ri Ix Mar Sun 5 Jun. £4 (£3; under l3x lree). Queen Victoria attd Prince Albert tell in low \xith Scotland u hen the} lit'xl \ ixited in IS43. The romantic ideal helped propagate the idea ol the countr} as a unthical land and lllt\ exhibition depictx and e\amine\ the gromng t'elttllolhlllp ending \\ ith the premature death ol Albert and the ttletltot‘tal\ erected to him h} the gr‘iet?\trickett queen. NE W SHOW

I a". 25 March - 17 April 2005

New Architecture for Arts

Royal Scottish Academy 8uilding,The Mound, Edinburgh Admission Free www.royalscottishacademy.org t:0131 225 6671

17-31 Mar 2005 THE LIST 107