1 These ladies rock! The Bay Area quartet are undisputed queens of no-bullshit rock'n'roll. Originally borrowing from the Ramones and the Runaways. the band's sound is as much influenced these days by AC/DC. Kiss and Mbtley Crue. And it that shit don't rock, no shit will. 2 They’re too cool for skool! The band formed in 93. when they were all in eighth grade (14 years old to you). and they proceeded to annoy the crap out of locks and prom queens with their bird-flippin‘ attitude. When they went to college. other students in their dorm started an Anti-Donnas Club. How cool is that? 3 They’re rude! Their songs are more laden with double entendres than a Carry On film. How about ‘Gimme a Ride' from the Turn 21 album? Or ‘Take Me to the Backseat' from Spend the Night? Yowza! 4 The top-dandy singer from Suede has joined the band! OK. that's gibberish. But up until recent album Go/d Medal the members were known as Donna A. Donna F, Donna R and Donna C. Sadly, these names turned out to be a lie, but fantastically the singer's real name was revealed as Brett Anderson. 5 They’re hot! The Donnas are an eight-legged trashy. sexy. sass machine, with the needle on the fox- o-meter at 11. Oh yes they are. (Doug Johnstone)

Garage, Glasgow. Tue 8 Mar

I Live Music Ra“. Quccn Margarct l'nion. 33 l'ni\cr\it) (iai'dcnx. 539 978-1. 8pm. l5i‘cc. \\'cckl_\ \litt\\t‘;l\L‘ of local bands.

I Live Music .\lc('huill\. 41) High Sll't‘cl. 553 N55. 9pm. l’t'L‘L‘. NC“ ltzttttl\ night. \\ ith linc-tip to bc conlirmcd.

I Live Music 'llhc llalt Bar. lfit) Woodlands Road. 553 9990. 8pm. l-‘rcc. I Live Music MacSoi‘lc} \. ~13 Jamaica Strcct. 348 85M. 9pm. lircc. 'l‘hi‘cc local bands to bc conlirmcd.

I Live Music Starbucks. 353 354 Byrcx Road. 557 5318. 7pm 9pm. l‘t'cc.


I Mangomad and Super Paradise ch Rcd Bar. lidinbui‘gh ('ollcgc ot‘ .-\rt. Lauriston l’lacc. 339 l4-13. 7pm. £5. l.i\'c sct ot‘ dubb} sounds from Mangomad‘x dcbut album

Iilccu'iillit'rtipt alongsidc post-rock.ja1/.

clcctronica and ‘robot disco' l‘rom Supcr Paradisc.

I Black History Month and Listen Subwa) (‘o\\gatc. b9 (‘oxxgato 335 6760. 7.30pm. £5. 'l'riplc bill of indic (final act tbci.

I Cherryfalls Thc \ciiuc. 17 3| (‘alton Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £5. \Vorkaday indic rock from this London band \\ ith (‘ilamcgian affiliations.

82 THE LIST 3—17 Mar 306:5

I The Last Great Wilderness lllL' (‘cllai Bar. l ('haiiibch \iicct. 4h" 35 i" " .‘llpiii Lth Scc \at 5

I Heather Macleod 'l ltc (‘oiintmg llUU\L'. 5: \VL'5l \lcitlvtll \llt'L'l 5 ;\ "hlh \piii Ltbc local \lHL'L‘l wiig'aiilci \liitlciid l.tllllcllt'\ hct cucllciit iicxl. albuiii (Vim/nu Iiii’i \. all dllllinpllt'llc. soulful iccoi'd \kllll a tiaditioiial l\‘.l\l

I 33 Things, Soulstarr, Sub Opt and The Silent Revolution Banncrutank \iddr} Strcct. 551‘ i351 3.45pm. £4. Mcadmu l'uiidiaixci

I Open Mic Night ('alcdoiiiaii liitc'lxpltt'lu'l‘x i ()llCL'lhlL'l'l'} Silt't‘l. J-(i 7334. UPitt. l'i‘cc Scc 'I llll

I Out of the Bedroom \\.t\t‘ll_\ ltai. St .\lar}\ Sli'cct. 55b 5355 9pm Scc

'l liii 3. I Regular John and Fuse \Vhixtlcbiiikicx. -1 (i South Bridgc. 55~ 5l l4. 9pm. l‘l‘t'L'. l~caturiiig ()llt‘t'llx ol llic Stoiicagc li‘ibutc chtilai John

I The Dyad 'l’hc l.clt Batik. i" (iiithi'ic Sti'cct. 335 9714. 9. illpiii ll. 5llitlll Scc Thu 5.

I Weird Attractors and Carnival Collective 'l‘hc Bongo (‘Iub. .\loi'a_\ llouxc. 57 llol}rood Road. 55.5 "NH. lllpm 5am. Ui L15. l.i\c [k'l‘cll\\lt\ll .iiid clcctroiiica ci'catiiig an iiito\icatiiig blciid ol i‘h}thiii\ li'oiii Bi'a/il. India. .\lt‘ica and bc}ond. .loiiicd b} All strong part} .iip ('ai‘iiixal (’ollcclix c loi' lltl\ l'.;tl'\llttl club night.


I King Creosote, The Pictish Trail and Otterley l)uiidcc ch. la} Squai'c. (H583 335531), 8pm. £4. l'ciicc \ldl\\;ll'l King (‘i'coxotc takcs his ciigagittg. spindl). \pccial l'oll\_\ musings to l)uiidcc as bcqucxt ol‘ thc Kippci‘ l'amil}.


The Mars Volta Barron laiid. 344 (ialltmgalc. 553 «ifitll. 7.50pm. L‘ l 3.50. l)angcrl [)angcr? Marx Voltagcl Scc listings paiicl l'or thc c\plo\i\c (‘illilttl‘nlillt i‘ockci'x.

Bright Eyes and Rilo Kiley (il 'l' l)cbating (‘hambciz l’iii\ci\it_\ .-\\cnuc. S( )I.I) ()lul‘. DOC-C} cd intlic \xotttlcl'bti} (‘onor ()bci‘st i‘cccntl} found himscll at thc top of thc l'S singlcx chart. putting him in all cxcluxixc club \\ ith l’ul'l‘ Daddy it" that‘s iiii}thiiig to bc happ} about. Scc prc\ icu tor ('oiior's matcs Rilo Kilc};

I Cherryfalls, Undercut and Azzuri King 'l‘ut'x Wait Wait llut. 373a St Vinccnt Strcct. 33l 5379. 3.50pm. to. SCC ’l‘hu ll).

I Gary 09 Tim l'ct'l'}. 43 (‘l_\tlL' l’lacc. 01698 365 5| 1. 3pm. L'll). ('cltic rock lk‘rlttl'llk‘l'.

I The Young Hips, Decent Souls and Thee Comrades Bartl}. 3M) ('|)dc Strch 0870 907 0999. 8pm.

I Raising Kain l'uiihouw. Bai't‘l}. 3N) (‘l-ch Slt‘L‘L‘l. ()370 907 “999. I lpm. 'l‘hc rock‘n‘rollcrx l‘ot'mcrl} knoun as Kain.

I King Creosote, Down the Tiny Steps, The Pictish Trail, The People and The Risingson Slcl‘co. Kclxiiihaugh Sti‘cct. 57h 5flIH. £51L‘4i. .-\ trcat of a l-‘cncc (‘ollccti\ c night lt‘illlll'lllg‘ a \arict} ot thcir artists. including thc man who \tai'tcd thc \xholc sltchitllg. King (lCUM‘lL‘.

I Figure 5 \icc'n'Slca/_\. 43! Sauchichall Strcct. 353 (Not). 9pm. £5. Mod \UllllLl\.

I The Jaks, The 4th Parallel, Zenith and Daylight l-ur} Murry. 9b .\la\\\cll Sti‘cct. 33l (i5l l. .\’.5(lpiii. £4. including con} to post-gig cltib. l.oca| indic bill.

I Tom Jones Tribute Bourbon Strch “)3 (ic‘ttl'g‘c SII‘CL‘I. 5.52 (ll4 l. 7pm. l’i‘cc bcl‘oi‘c lllpm; £5 al'tci' i£l5.5() uith diimcri.

I The Gift .\lc('huill\. 41) High Sli‘cct. 553 3l35. 9pm. l5rcc. .\lod sounds and \VL‘llL'l' Ct“ Ch.

I Roost \lacSot‘lc} \. 43 Jamaica Strcct. 34X 355'], 9pm. l'rcc. Rock.

g: .\. .\'

The ambitious joy of the Mars Volta‘s musical

vision is worthy of celebration. New album Frances the Mute is 70 minutes of pure arse-bursting rock hedonism that demands to be heard live. Word is the band are planing on doing two-hour plus sets on this tour so deck chairs as well as those flasks of

LSD are highly recommended.

Barton's/(iii'i'. (Hm/iota. /' ' v

I Independence and Little Head Samucl Don's. ()7 “l \itlixdalc Road. 433011)". 3.50pm. l'i'cc.

I Frank O’Hagan lllc Scotia. ll3 ll-l Stockucll Strch 553 Nfih’l. 9pm. l'icc. ('o\ci\ of l)_\ laii. tlic Hand. ('i'ccdciicc.

I Live Music Saiiiticl l)o\t \, (F "I Nitlixdalc Road. J35 NIH". .\'.31)piii. l'l't't'.


I ilillL' (‘il\k'\. Nltltll'} Sll't't‘l South. l’i‘cc but tickctcd. 'l'imc tbc. In \toi‘c-t}pc gig ibul iii \Hlllt‘ ca\c\ not a \hopi li‘oiii oui' la\ourilc loi‘iiici cditoi'x. 'lickctx a\ailablc li'oiii lzdiiibui‘gh bi‘aiichc\ ol l'opp and :\\.’tl;lllcllL‘.

I Ray Lamontagne and Missy Higgins ll‘llL' L'Xt'ltallg‘c. .55 (it'ii\ c Sll't‘L'l. 445il-lll-1.’[iiii. L851). ['8 \L'l'\ltll‘i ol l)amicn Ricc.

I The Shine, Soulstar, The Jackals and Montecassion 'l'hc litillltl Rttttlll. ()L' \Itclttl'ltt Sll’ct‘l. 33.5 350-1. 7pm. ch. \lclndtc llltllL‘ rock from thc Shiiic.

I Moniack and Dominic Waxing Lyrical liaiiiici'iiiaii'x. \iddr} Strcct. 55ft 5354. H.45pm. £4. l’i‘og li‘om .\loiiiacl\. plus \tippot't tbc.

I Hank Wangford (‘iuccii'x llall. ('lcrk Strcct. (ioH 31ll9. Hpiii. {l3 iL'llii. 'l hc gi‘i/Ilcd and dark \ItlL‘ oi Britixh couiitr}. \xith lltthlc that \llll capturc~ thc sharp cdgc. \l} humour and blcak soul that lcd to its iiiccplion in thc first placc.

I Spektrum 'l‘hc Bongo (‘ltib. Mora} llttltw. 5- littl}t‘titttl Road. 555 _()li-4l. llpm. £5. l-‘using punk. funk. Rtkli. clcctroiiica and morc iii a lolall} tiiiiquc lihlilttll. Spckti'um pi'oxidc thc li\c highlight at ll]l\ month's S'l‘li'l’ club night.

I Raff, Sugarhouse and Roguestar “'llhllcl‘lnlxle 4 (1 South lil'ltlgc. .55- 5ll-1. (ipm. l'i‘cc bctorc midnight; L5 al'tcr. (itiitar rock lrom Rttgllc\lal'.

Stirling I The Selector 'lolbooth. .lail \\}iid. illixo 3“.lliflll, " illpiii U3 it_.\i Scc

\VL'tl 9.


I Blue SH '( ‘. l'llllllt‘\lttll Qua}. “Vii fl-ifl Jilllll. " illpiii. £35. llll\ oiic l\ (':\.\'('lzl.l.l:l) l'iii .iti‘aid lollm\ got a ll.l\l} throat thing going oii. \o xiiiggciiiig thcic .il thc back

I The Chemical Brothers and Secret Machines (".ii'liiig .-\cadcmy. l3l l;gliiiion Sllccl.l)91l5ll3ll touti/iix‘ii “l 31ml). 5. illpiii. Sf )l.l) (ll "l. ()tci l~1\ \ll(l\\. 'l'hc lliothci'x aic ti'cadiiig clcctio \tatci' lhcxc dam btit thcii i'cpiitatioii toi putting on .i dccciit \tlH-L'l lumicic c\tt'a\agaii/a gctx lhc l‘llllh on \calx

I The Spin Doctors and David R Black ll‘llk' l‘L'l'l'). ~13 ('l_\dc l’lacc. “IN” 305 5| l. Npiii. Ll—l 'lhc ill'cllllt‘ch ol tccth gi'iiidiiigl} irritating ()li\ liil "lxto l’i‘iiiccx' arc back \Vho lll\ ich thciii’

I Dynamite MC Strathcbdc l'iiitcixit} l'iiioii. 91) John Strcct. 507 5llll1l.‘)piii l'i‘cc \\ ith an .\'l '8 card. l'.l’\l\‘~ltllL' Roiii Si/c collaboratoi iiio\ iiig iii a hip hop dircctioii.

I Peter Macleod and Yellow Bentines Kiiig 'l'ut'x \Vah \Vah lltit. 3'3a St Viiicciit Strccl. 33l 5379. X illpiii. U).

I Vancouver Deluxe and After Christmas Hart‘l}. 3m (lulc Stu-ct. UHTfl 91)" ll‘)99_ Hpiii. U.

I The Needles, Odeon Beat Club and Close to the Ground Nicc'ii'Slca/_\. 43l Sauchichall Strcct. 515 0900. 9pm. £3. Rctro \\'~;tj_’:..’crlllg aiid tiiclodic iiidic sounds.

I Moment of My Explosion Stcrco. Kclunhaugh Strcct. 5‘6 51MB. (ipm. l’unk pup.