
. ~ I I lg. _‘ . v t I . I i . &'

1 i: v“‘& 0

First there was Sin. Then we had Blood before along trotted Spite. And now, Glasgow’s

deadpan king brings us some Shame. So, what‘s it about? Well, all we know for now is that it's a bunch of ‘acute, acid and uproarious stories from the darker side of life‘. Meanwhile, over on brucemorton.net, there’s a link to an American website called why-war.com. You can well imagine what that’s about. And weirdly (or otherwise) there’s 3 Bruce Morton who reports for CNN. A different one. Shame, that.

f/it)/‘Jtr'r.‘/i05;. G/(ngow ltlt) 733M511.

Late Lock In at Linen 1906 l.lllL'll 1900. ll lll l’ollokxhanx Road. 64‘) tltltl7. 0.30pm. L‘S tL'tii. Shaxx ltllltl\ tormcr Vault (‘omcth (‘luli i'copcnx itx doorx ax a \cnuc lor thc lt‘xllHll. u ith top actx dropping in to pro\ idc \omc lttllglh in thc compan} ol' hoxt Ranmond .\lcarn\. I’url u/ (i/mgmr Intt'rnuliomt/ ('umnli' l'k'xlti‘iil.

The Midnight Hour (il‘t)\\cllt)l'. .-\\ltlon l.anc. 33934-14. midnight. L'ltl. l’atrick Rolink l'rontx this lalc atid |i\ c comcd} ol'l'ci'ing. l'caturing .-\lro-(‘clt Brucc l‘ummc) and l’arrot. l’uri or (I/uwuu' Inlr'niulmmt/ (‘unu't/V l't'\lll‘(1/.


The Thursday Show 'l‘hc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 558 7373. S..‘~()piii. L'ti tt‘5i. lop host lirankic Bo} lc introduccx Mancunian Ton) Burgcxx. l.citli ho} (‘olin Ramonc. loi‘iiicr prison guard Axa Vidal and [S \\ it Stc\cn Allan (irccn. Scc l‘caturc lot‘ lirankic Boylc.

The Three Thns Comedy Night 'I‘lic 'l'lircc ’l‘unx Winc \‘aultx. 7 l l llanmcl‘ Strcct. (l7‘)ll‘) 553545. 0pm. l’rcc. l)undcc xxhippcrxnappcr Kcir .\lc:\lli\tcr llL‘lltlllllL‘x “ith \upport from Richard l’ulxt‘ord. .-\u\tin l_o\\ and host Jamic .-\ndcr\on. The Snatch Social 'l‘hc Liquid Room. ‘lc Victoria Strcct. 335 3564.

ltlfillpin 3am. £4 (£5.50). Scc Thu 3.


Laughter at Lunchtime St tinoch (‘cntrc. 55 St linoch Squarc. 3tLl Woo. lpni. l-‘rcc. Scc 'l'hu lt).

Knock Knock RdlllSllUl'll 'l'hcatrc. VS Ingram Strcct. 553 548‘). ".Rtipm. L") tt‘3- £4.50). Scc 'l‘hu lt).

Brel lmprov Brcl. 30-43 .-\\hton l.anc. 3-13 «who. Spin. [3. Scc 'l'hu It). Bumper Value Female Comedy ()‘NL‘lll'N 457 Sauchichall SlrL‘L‘l. 3‘55 4370. Spin. L‘ti. .-\ll-\\onian coincd} c‘\tra\‘agan/a l‘caturing Jo Jo Suthcrland (\Vlltl “as rcccntl} \ccn on ('hanncl -l\ ll'i/i' Sim/it. Sandra Jtllllhltlllt‘. Kirxt} .\lt\.\.\ and too l‘unhcr gucxtx. (il( ‘l’. Craig Hill: One Man and his Kilt! 'l‘hc (iaragc. Wt) Sauchichall Strcct. 333 ll3t). Spin. ill) tL‘St. BBC lair Hour Show rcgular and onc ot‘ thc happicxt campcrs on thc coincd} circuit \ho“ \ ol't' his kill and hot \tand-up \t} lc. (il( 'l’.

44 THE LIST 3d,“ Mat 3.‘.‘:5

Glasgow Stands Up: On Your Doorstep l.ang\idc Hall. 5 langxidc .'\\L‘llllt'. 033 “(No Spin. L5. 'l'lii'cc top (ilamcgian comicx Suxan Moi‘i'ixon. Ra} iiioiid Mcarm and (iar_\ l.ittlc tour around thc cit}. (i/( "/p Jongleurs Comedy Club .lttllglt'lll'x. l'(i(‘ Building. chlrco Strcct. 033W S7ll7ll7. Spin. U3. Scc 'l‘hu ll). Robert Knox Blacklriarx. 5t) llcll Strccl. 55o 5ti3ti. Spin. t£5t l.cltlicld purwyw ol \tand-up and poclr} gI\L‘\ lll\ uniquc comic \t} lc an airing. (i/( 'I'.

Lee MBCK 'llllt‘ Sittlltl. .555 \Votttllallth Road. 0870 Mill (ittSS. 3pm. [Hi I LN l. l’la} l'ul imprm comcdian \\llo ll;t\ rcccntl} rccoi'dcd an :\mcrican \crxion ol l'l‘\"\ .S'At'lt'li S/iun \xitli lx'clxc} (irammcr. SL‘L' lcalurc. (i/( 7'. Steve Day: Deaf in the Evening 13th .\'otc (arc. 50 (it) King Strch 55‘ MRS. Spin. £7 (£5 l. 'l'hix chcct') chap i'cgalc\ \\ ith hcartxx arming talcx ol hcing a dcal tiiaii \xith li\ c childrcn. Scc lcaturc, (il( ‘l‘. Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire 'l‘lic l’lltk‘lll\. l3 l—l \VL‘SI (it‘tll‘gc Sll'L‘L‘l. 07000 553 345. Sfillpm. £5. Scc ‘l‘hu I”. hut \\ ith licadlincr ('hi'ix Broomlicld.

Jerry Sadowitz 'l‘hc .'\cadcm_\. l3l liglinton Strcct. tlSTt) 7'71 3tltltl Sfitlpm. L' l 5.5“ t l; l 5.50). l'iollou ing thc \ucccxx ol lll\ :otu licxtnal \litm. thc l'oi'mcr \ti‘cct magician l‘L‘llll'lh u ith Iiiorc outragc. axlonithcnt and lilth. Scc lt‘dllll'L‘. (i/( 'l-. Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolfe "I ’l‘llL' StillL‘ lldl'. l-lX lltllldlltl Sll'CL‘l. 5.53 3|5‘). 0.15pm. to (Hi, Bill} Bonkcrx. maxtci‘ ol' ccrcmonicx at lhc i‘cgular Madcap (‘oiiicd} iiighl. pcrlornn lll\ nc\\ \hou ‘l.tl'c. thc l'nixci‘xc and Bonkcix'. l'olloucd h} a lull hour ol unhol} coiiicd} ol'l‘cringx l'rom thc prcachcr man. (i/( '/ Scotland 4 Australia 1 lilacktriaix. 3o Bcll Strch 550 5030. ‘l..‘~l)piii. i" din. l'nl‘oi‘tunatcl} not a ~portiiig \coi'c but a top coiiicd} linc-up that \ccx thc \\ it oi .-\u\\ic Kicran Butlci' pittcd agaiiN a quartct ol' Scotland\ ri\ing comcd} \ldl'S'. namcl} l’aul l’iric. Kcir .\lc.-\lli\tci'. l’ctci' :\ilchi\on and .~\u\tin l.o\\. (i/( "I. Festival Club 'I'lic Stand. 333 \Voodlandx Road. “hall till“ (it l55, ltl.3llpm. LS it"t. chulai' Stand compcrcx l’rankic Bo_xlc. Suxan \loi'i‘ixon. l‘lrcd .\lac.-\ula_\ and .lch \lacka} introducc lhc ci'cam ol lhc tcxtnal. \\ ith at lcaxt to c l'unn} lltccx in cach \lttm. (i/( 'l-.

Blackfriars Baltica Late’n’Loud lilackll'tal‘x. Vi licll Sli'ccl. .550 NC“ llpin, to l L5i. .-\lan :\lltlt'l\t\ll linc\ up lhc coiiicd} laccx at llll\ latc night lauglilci \t'SSlttll, (il( 'l.

The Midnight Hour ( iimxciioi'. ;\\hton l.anc. i“) SAl-l-l. midnight. L Ill. Monkc} lio_\\ l)c\ \lcl .can and Sand} .\'cl\on loin l’ali‘ick lx’olink loi \HlllL‘ inoi'c Itici'riiiicnt altcr iiiidniglil. (i/( '/.


Jongleurs Comedy Club .lttllg'lt‘lltS. ()iiini ('cnti'c. (il't'k'lhltlt' l’lacc. “37V S“t)',‘tl,". S. l 5pm. L' I 3. laconic cocknc} Kcith l)o\ci' lL‘;tlll\ up \\ ith (it-ii} l)cc. chart} ll‘ISlllllltll lan ('oppingci' and Rm lloyl.

The Stand lhc Stand. 5 York l’lacc. 553 7333. 3.3(lpiii. LS tUi. \oi‘tlici'nci' 'lon_\ llurgcxx t‘llll\l\ conicd} \uppoi't lroin local ho} (‘olin Rainonc. i'ixing \tar .4\\a \idal. .-\nici'ican comic Slcwn .-\l|an (irccn and lt‘lSl} coinpcic .lanc .\lacka_\.

The Bedlam Improverts lit-dlain lllllt‘dllt'. l ll‘ lll‘hltt l’lltL't‘. 32< “N” 5. lllfillpm. t; *5“ t L" i l. Scc ll] -1.


Laughter at Lunchtime St ltllttcll (‘cnlrca 55 St lanocli Stltiarc. 3H1 Willi. lpiii. l'i'cc. Scc ’lliu Ill.

The Spaceman 'l'lic Siand. ~ \Voodlandx Road. ith-ll (will) “H55. 3pm. I lQ-li: laniil} U5. .loin Bud in lll\ \pttL'L'g'l'dll ;t\ llL‘ \L'dl'g‘llLN litl' illlL'll\. along tlic \xa} dixcmcring a gala\_\ ol ltiii. (i/t '/-.

Knock Knock RgllllSllHl'll 'l licaltc. ‘).\ Ingram Sli‘cct. 553 KM”. _..5ll[‘lll. to L” 1L.5 L-l.5llt, SL'L' 'lilltl lll.

Brel Improv lircl. 3‘) 4‘ .-\\lllttll lanc. 343 JUN». Spin. L3. Scc 'l liti Ill, Bumper Value Glasgow Comedy ()‘_\'cill\. J5" Sauchicliall Slrcct. 555 45"”. Spin. Ln. Sonic ol (ilaxgou \ lincxt coitucx including :\lan .\tidcr\on. (iar) l.iltlc. \lanin tk lhc

\\ cc Man and l'i‘;i\ci‘ ('ainplicll go hard tor \Hlllc laugh» (i/( "I.

Des McLean: Dot Comic .\m. 'l llL' ()ltl (.llL‘LNL' \ldl'lu'l. l.5 l‘) \VgtllS Slt'L'L‘l. 553 3 llll. 3pm. LIA "JH. lop (il;t\:_'tt\k tuiin}inan and hot tip ot thc Big Yin llllll\L'll gik'S \Hlit, (13/(3/.

Dave Fulton In; \tattd. 1¥1\\ood‘i.ind~

lx’oati. -'\“.i mm no“ \t‘Il‘. :\ \Lflt lx‘ich \ \?\l\‘.‘.1\.‘.\lli‘\\\t‘ll ll2\ \l.:l\'\l\lt' :7o:‘\ >\c\ \itcc. 1'. tiocx c\‘.\'. and lizgli'n

\ ::t.:~tit \caztls \t\ I" \‘c taptrot‘. tilt / Viv Gee liigckl'LLIS. 1o Hui? \ltccl. 55o 5'9“ \;‘l‘ii itiit‘ (ilaxgou \tiiicalM and rcguia: lit-j \\o:tl l’cifoiiiiantc l‘octn titllliil‘LLli‘f \l.:l‘.\l\ up tilt /

Glasgow Stands Up: On Your Doorstep ( fluticiiiilk t oiiiriiunih (Critic.131laxtlciiizlklli:\c.t~i13_‘ii \piii :1 \‘c l :1 ll

Jongleurs Comedy Club lt‘llt‘lt‘ltlx ltit' Building. lx’cniiuu \ticct, t|\ ‘t " \"t'i'tt' \piii :1; \cc lliu lH

Dara O’Briain Ilit- ( iaiagsc. NH \dlltlllc'lldll \ticct. 1‘3 ll.‘tl \piii L l 3 ‘H it. it!» lhc top llHl‘. laugh dottoi kccpx lhc . hut klcx It‘lllll;‘ \cc taption tilt / The Sitcom Trials I 1th \oit- ( ".ilc.

5“ till l\iiig \ticct.55llo1\ MW] 1' ittit l\c\ | and liicndx \llitu oil a llit\l ol l‘l.tlltl iico \llkl‘lll\. \\llll tlic .tlltllt'lltt‘ \i‘lllli' lttl [llt' \llt>\\ llle ‘.\.tlll ll‘ \t‘t' “1th “l (I/( /

Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire lhc l’lltk‘llH. l i l 1\\\'\l(lk'l‘ll'k'\llk'k'l. HVWH" 553 ‘15 \ ltiltiii L5 \iiiokc ticc toiiicd} .it tlic l’liociii\. \l.tlllllj.' \znh \ii. l).l\l\l llcllioii. \.i\ici lol\_\. \umn (alinaii and licadlinci (il.tll.tlll \lackic Reverend Obadiah Steppenwolfe lllt‘ \l.tl\' lidl. l l\ lll‘ll.lllll \llt't‘l. {if 3l5" " 15pm UH: 1i \cc l ll ll

Late Lock In at Linen 1906 | int-n l‘llll‘. l l I” l’ttllttk\ll.t\\\ l{|t.ltl. til" llllll" ‘t illpiii ‘AHJH Scc lllll Itt

Scotland 4 Australia 1 Illat klll.ll\. in licll Sticct. 55“ 5ti3ti ‘t ‘tlpiii L Itto Scc I II II

Festival Club [In Stand. iii \\tittrll,mtl\ Rum]. llhl‘ll (illll lill55

It) {tiliiii {S tLHl Scc I ll ll Blackfriars Baltica Late’n’Loud lilatkliiaix. iti llcll Sticcl, 55h 5ti3t» lliiiii LtitL5I Scc I ll ll

The Midnight Hour ( iltt\\t'lltll. \\ltlotl laiic. i“) SH—l \litlniglit tlll loug'li gti_\ Hat} littlc and toiiicd} [iaitnci Iolin (iillick hiiiig on iiioic lalc l.lllg'll\ (i/t '/


Lee Mack lliunton lhcatic. l .ithucll \\.t}. \lll\\t‘ll‘lllf3ll. “M5 33 ill " illpiii ltllll \t‘t' l'll ll Jongleurs Comedy Club .IongIt-nix. ()nini (t‘llllC. (ilt't'lhltlt‘ l’latc. llhi‘llfi h‘ll‘tl". Sl5piii Lli Scc l ii II The Stand ll hc Stand. 5 \oik I’Iat c. 55X “3‘3. .S itlpiii LllliLSi \cc I ll ll


Laughter at Lunchtime St lpnot li (critic. 55 St liiiocliStluaic.3ll-1 Willi lplll, l'icc Scc lliu Ill

The Spaceman lhc Stand. iii \\tltltll.llltl\ Road. MSW) (illll (ill55 ipiii to t Lli. laiiiil} t-|5 Scc Sal l3

Capital Comedy: Comedy Fire lllt' l’liociii\. l i H \\c\t (icoigc Sticct, tflitl‘) 553 H5 ~lplll t\’ h illpin L5 .\ltcrnooii coiiictl} lioin ,-\nd_\ Sir. (iiahaiii \lackic and Siixan (‘alnian \I. ith \cil \lcl ai'lanc in tlic top \[iot l'.\t'lllllf,' liiic up alw lllcllltlt'\ .lainic .'\lltlL'l\Hll Arnold Brown: Life Tips 'l ion lhcatic. (it liongatc_553~13ti".hpiii, U) “St \l;t\lt‘l ol thc laconic \l_\lc and ram-d U}Cl‘ltt\‘-. Scnoi‘ Him-.n \hou \ Mi} lick hccn in thc l‘lhlllt'w loi tt\L'l 35 _\t'.tl'\ (i/( 3/.

Brel Improv lll't'l. W -l K .\\liton l.anc. H3 JUN). Spin L3. Scc 'lhu It).

Jeremy Hardy 'l llL' (iaragc. Wt) Sauchichall Sti'ccl. :33 ID”. Spin. U35” tLllli. 'l hc \aidonic lcll~lcaning onc ClllL'l'litlllx u ith talc\ ol thc uncxpcctcd. (i/( 'l,

Testing Testes lilitckll'lttrx. Vi tic-ll Strcct. 55“ 5030 Spin. U) I£5 l. .-\lan \ndcrwn prol‘cx at tlic iiialc cquipincnt tor comic cllcct. (i/( ~l'.

Reginald D Hunter 'l'lic Stand. 3 H \\tltl\ll.’|l]tl\ RHdtl. llh-‘ll Nil) (M55.

5. illpm. L5 Mfr. Straight-talking. hig- tliinl.1ng. (icoi'gia-horn London-hawd comic \I. ith hca\_\ attitudc (i/('/n