wundtruck and u grcut hut inukc lll!\ .i littl tlL'\llll.‘ilttttl

I David Mancuso ut ('( '.>\ Spin Ruin. H2 Ii .\l;u onl} ()nc ol duncc inuxic'x lorinutnc lllellL'\ uho hclpcd gnc birth to club culturcplu}\1hn c\clu\t\c dutc I Disco Badger ut Bunihoo.

Ilpin *utn L5 \Vcckl} llouxc inth Ll;t\\lL'\ all night long lrotn l)oinintc Murttn und hoogic tuncx Iroin .\l.’i\ tn lhc loungc. ()n llll\ purticulur dutc t l i \lurt. ux purt ol llutnhoo'x wmmt oi \ound. lhc} hu\c llcd Kitlltlli\ Stonchridgc \pinntng. Not u hud gucxt ut all.

I Domingo Loco ut MAS. I lpiii .luin. tthc. \VL'ckl}. Kl'l\ chgun ttlld l);t\c Scull} tukc lltc cdgc oll thut Suturdu} night \C\\lttli\ \kllll . . Inorc ol lhc \utnc ucluull}.

I Free Sundays ul lhc l'imcixul. llpin hint. l'rcc. \Vcckl}. Hip hop. lunk. \oul. icgguc. houxc und lil/l all Hi lll|\ grcut. \irtuull} unknmm \cnuc |u\t hchintl Suuchichgill Strcct.

I Haberdashery ut lhc l.|qllltl l.oungc. Uptn ~luin. U. \Vcckl}. \Vcckl} Sundu} \hcnunigunx lrotn l't'\ltlclll\ l)unn_\ Shurkc} and Dirt} l.urr_\.

I Optimo (Espacio) ut lhc Suh (‘Iuh I lpin hint, to liSi. \Vcckl}. l.;\ lltllltlx \uck uxx. \Vho nccdx ‘cin‘.’ luitch und \Vilkcx urc thc gu'u putting on thc inuxic ill onc ol thc niost intcrcxting cluh nightx in toun.

I The Priory ut lllunkct. I Ipni .iutn. £5. \Vcckl}. 'l'hix cluh'x \oincthing ol u llll\llt)lllL‘l'. l'nlcxs. ol' conrxc. dancing all night to \llltlt‘lll illlllit‘llh und Rtkl‘l ix hon )ou dcto\. Jl’ and thc ’l‘unncl'x Richurd l.c\ inxon urc lhc hoxtx.

I Spunk git thc ('uthouxc. l lpin Rum. L'thc. \Vcckl}. (ict it good \punking on lhc Suhhuth. l)J Hurry plil}\ :iltcrnutnc. punk. cluxxic rock. hip hop, inctzil und L‘l‘oxxtn cr lttdltxll‘lnl lo il lutc \\ L‘L'kL‘nd cron d.

I Sundays at the Buff :it ()run Moi: I lptn .iuin. U. \Vcckl). Sonic Bull dixco grooch und lunkcd up jun l'roin Bull llL‘\\ gu} Stuurt.

I Trade Night ut (‘hinuxt hitc.

‘lpin Ruin. £5 tl'rcc). \Vcckl}. .-\ night uiincd ut thosc \xorking in thc hcuut}. rctuil und lclxul‘c induxtricx. 'l'hcy urgc )ou to conic h} hcrc und ‘chuxc thc drugonx it\\;l_\ '.

Glasgow Mondays

Chart & Party

I Mondays at Bamboo lllplli 33in). £4 tl'rcc £3). \Vcckl); Soul und l'unk u ith Robin ll. \tudcnt hum \tilh 'l‘ozlxl lc.\- Shuck ). 'l‘hcrc‘x ulxo RtHl \\ ith Scotlic ii.

I Passionality tit ('tihc.

l |.3l)pin .iuni. £3 (£2). \Vcckl}. l’lcuxing churtixtr} lroin l)J Shunn Rolu‘l‘lx. \\ ho tltlL‘\ lli\ lk‘xl lo l'L‘NthllillL‘ lhc \\ L‘L‘kclld lor thc gu)/tni\cd cro“ d.

I T-Party ut MAS. l lpin Ruin. £3. \Vcckl}; Ram l3 and l)u\ c Young plu) urhun und pop truckx rcxpcctiwl}. lt'x u lrcc door to trudc c‘ll\ltilllCl'\. \o lhc) 'rc giving \onicthing hack to thc pcoplc thut inukc going out grczit. lt \hould hc notcd that this ix onc ol‘ lhc 'l‘ruxh nightx niudc linlllclcw in thc lit‘c.

I Undercover ut Blunkct. l lpin Rant. [-1 till. \Vcckl}. (irutilicution lc\cl\ ut'c high ux \ccrct ugcnt Jim l);i licxt plu}\ out thc lunk} housc. quulit} Rth und pcrlcct pop. l’lcnt} ol‘ drinks prornox \hould lcin c _\ou hoth \hukcn and \tirrcd.

Glasgow Tuesdays


I Bin Bag :11 lhc (iluxgon School ol~ .-\rt. l lptn» Sum. L'l tl‘rcc). Burguin buscincnt indic tunc‘s. burrcl loudx ol~ chcup drink and u bunch of kidx \\ ho ust to li\c in good hoinm.

I Camouflage at lhc Liquid Loungc. l lpm—-3;un. £2. \\'cckl_\. .-\ nc“ ucckly that aims to put the qllulll)‘ hack into student clubbing \thilc kccping the drinks prices low. l.i\C\\ irc urc the musical representutncx‘. und thc_\ ‘rc pl;t}itig the tiiicst hip hop. clcctro.

One of the leading lights in the German minimal funk sound, mainly recognised for his production work on Poker Flat Recordings. He’s making his Glasgow DJing debut at Haptic alongside residents Gianni and Colin. Sat 1:] Mar, Haptic (If [Kill/(f I oungt). G/{isgouc

tcchno. houxc. drttin tk huv untl hrcukhcut.

I Essentially Tuesdays at (‘hinunhitu ‘lptn Ruth. [5. \Vcckl}. Join thc purl} ut this linc. c\clu\i\ c \cnuc thut l\ putting thc glutnour huck onto lluth Strcct. lhc} '\c put u lot ol' cl'l'ort llllo lhc plucc. \o )tiu \litttlld do lhc \nntc \xhcn gctting tll'L‘\\L'tl tip.

I Fool’s Gold ut (32. llpm .iuni. Uhc. \VL'L‘kl). :\ dL‘dlL‘gtlL‘d lilglll til. indic l'ttc‘k l'roin .\lr l’uul (iormun und lricndx. ll'x u populur trqu through thc rich \cu ol indcpcndcnt lilthlL‘ lroin llrituin

und uhroud o\cr thc lust Ill )cut‘x

I I and I Sounds til Bur Bloc.

‘lprn 3am. l-‘rcc. .\‘ .\lur. Monthly Rootx. rock und rcgguc in u duh st} lc \\ ith And} lit} lor und lricndx.

I TIT tit MAS. |()..‘~()pni .izitn. £5 t£4i. \Vcckl). lhc liiggcxt of thc 'l'ruxh nightx. no“ houwd in thix dountoun \cnuc. l.i\u l.llllL‘\\t\tld pl;i_\\ hoth und (iruhurnc l-crguxon plu}\ urhun pop. Biggcxt 'l'ucxdu) in thc cil_\ '.’ \Vc think \o.

Glasgow Wednesdays


I AAA ;1[ thc Liquid Loungc.

lllpin Zuni. £3. \Vcckl}. \cu inidxxcck drum & hum night lcuturing \onic ol' Scotlund'x DKB tulcnt on rcgulur rotution.

I Allure ut lhc 'l‘unncl. l l..‘~(lpm .iutn. £3. \Vcckl}. (iluxgou \ ncucxt gu} night with the )tttiiig and \cr} tulcntcd I)J l);irrcn Young dixputching \onic \upcrh tuncugc.

I Chinawhite All (‘hinuu hilc.

‘lpin Ruin. u». \Vcckl}. 'l‘hix hcuutilul \cnuc pl;t_\\ llt)\l to thc lllti\c‘l'\ und \hukct‘x on u \\ cckl_\ ltuxix. .-\ good lllltl\\L‘Cl\ hungout.

I Club Living tit (‘ltih l.l\ ing.

Upin Ruin. Uhc. \Vcckl}. Kid Slcu/_\ \pin\ up lhc Rtkli. hip hop and hundhug littthc.

I Cobra Grande ut Hui Bloc,

Upni midnight. l‘rcc. U \lur. \loltllll}. ('ohru (irundc ini\ |u\h \itlll[‘lt‘\ \\ llll \cu ()rdcr und llupp} \lttittl;i}\ \l_\lc indic. l.ol\ ol' tun.

I MashdaBest ut \Viguuin.

llptn .‘Him. £4 t£.‘~i. \Vcckl}. .lllll du llcxt plu} cotntncrciul L‘l;l\\IL‘\. hotm‘. dixco und lunk. \xhilc in Room 3 \luxh ol llcul lilo und 'l‘rttcklion Rccord\ play it \cr_\ cool \clcction \punntng thc \oul. hip hop. hrcukx und hoth t'c.tltn\. I Mellow Sub Machine ut Suh ('Iuh. ‘lpin luni. H. In \lur. 'l'hrcc hunth .\lcllo\\ Sub .\luchinc. 'l'in} Montgoincr} und l".-\() .lc\u\. ull plu} ut thi\ li\c c\lru\ugun/u ut lhc might} Suh.

I Tipsy ut .\l.-\S. llpiii .iuin. t4 till, \Vcckl}. l).l ('ut/. lll}ll\ untl Stuttix \crulch up thc lincd tuncx llll\ \ltlL' ol u Munhuttun hlock purl} circu 1032.

I Tongue In Cheek ul Bumhoo. 10.30pm Ruin. £4 (£3 I. \Vcckl}. :\ ncu night ol' chock} lun lrorn thc llutnhoo pcoplc. lhc irrcprcvihlc \ligttcl plu}\ hip hop und Rtkli in room onc. \thilc Ro“ \pin\ tip u \torin in lhc purl} loungc \\ ith cluxxic lunk and dixco. Midncck in;i_\hcm all round.

Events are listed by city. day. type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least fourteen days before publication to clubs@list.co.uk. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Edinburgh Thursdays

"1 l\

I Agnostic Aggression .:l t lpitttt‘.

\ptn Kin. ltcc \\cckl_\ \ ltl;'ll! o! luck thc \txtt'nt punk

I Bloodbeat .11 \til‘\\.t\ t mourn

llptn Knit tl ltclotc tnnlntjjht. 1.‘ .tttct ; \l.ll lt‘lllllg‘llllk Ion: \ll\\ l\itt_\ luntiixttto .ind lil ll.tll\l\‘«'llt \\tlll tlictt ttpltcut \Hx tll.tllll ol xxnth pop clct tto

t l.t\lt tintl intltc t'lct “it

I Boogly itt lhc ( c\ "pin Kiln t. hclotc lt'ptn, 1h .iltct l" \l.‘.l\'l1l\ lhc l\’t|llltc'\\ '.lct‘ll\llt ~. llcp.«.ttutc l ounfxc lll\ \\llttl‘o_\ i\ \lt /nnl\.il\x\c. tltc \ l‘.tll tollcttixc. \lotnnn \lutiu .llltl thc \lult lilt'lllt'h. l ll'l.lll\ll‘, loc \thcwn trio .llltl inun} othctx tonic loz'cthci \xith tltc llooglt tit-v. lot .1 lllz‘lll ot lt\c rc:';‘.ic. lunk .tntl |.l//_\ lit-.itx. \llttll llllll\.\lt'lliill1‘.' \l\ll.tl\. .ind lhc lilth ll. \quu; it). tltcc \tttli cntiuntc t\ ticc (l) tot lll\l *H' I Born to Be Wide .it thi- \nt-t-t

‘lpni l.l|ll ltcc {A l‘\l.u loitnn'hth \ll|\lc intlttxtt} \ot l.tl \ llll‘ th.~.t l‘l.lll\ to liting intimx. It‘lllll.lll\l\. pioniotciu. tctoitl \liop \kttlkt'h .llltl ntuxit mnx lo;'ctltct \\ llll .l \utictl \illllltlll.l\l\ lioin \.tllttll\ |lltlll\ll_\ l‘ll\l\ \\llll .ictot (i.ll_\ \ltt'ottnutk .llltl l’nttxli lt.iil\ .lohnn} l )tttli i \l.tl| lolltmctl l\_\ l'cncc lx’ccoitlk lxcnn} 'l\lll‘.' (.lt'ttvllt‘l .llltl lllt' lilili l\’.l\llt‘ \cttlldlltl lln l/I\ \liuu tc.iin lliiun. l\'l). \lklt‘lld .intl \i\ ll“ \l.u

I Bounce .it I’m \ii \.i Ittpnt Kim

H L1 \\cckl} Stittlcnt lll_‘_'lll «loun l’o \.i \‘l tiuttc ltlctull} gctx lhc pl.n c iuniptn' \\|lll ll\ llll\ ol hip hop. llllMll. lx’t\ll .llltl tlttnk\ pioinm

I Club Simba .ll lltc ( 'cllut ll.”

lllptn Run licc hclotc llpin. t. i .iltct \\cckl_\ lllc ('cllui ll.” tontinucx |l\ tccl.nn.ition .l\ .l tlll.llll_\ t lnlwlting \ctlttc \kllli lll|\ llll\ ol \llltdll. ('.itil\l»c.iii .llltl l.;tllll llllt'cllttlh ltculx

I DO-lt! .it luilh llpin iuin t.) 2,1 \\cckl} lhc 3 Smooth l).l\ Lo dmtn \cu und \.l\\} utlmn thtthnh loi .l gluininctl up cioxxtl lcutuitng Rtkll. hip hop. tllMH .ind \tttll

I Earshot! .u lllt' Bongo ( ‘luh

lll illpni hint LN lll\l.u l.tl\l1ttl' lL'llllll\ \xith niotc lixc tnth tlllllll\ .llltl churuclctx ltoin \\ctitl \lll.tclttl\ untl \pcciul gucxtx lliightonK (urniml ('ollcclnc tull ill ol thcin' I. w c\pctt .i night ol ltcn/tcd [‘L'Ictl\\lttll. lul l‘.l\\llllt'\. muting lltllll\ .intl lunk} llll\

I Genetic ut (‘iltttx ("Itih llptn l.tlll l'tcc hclotc ll itlptn. L3 . ltci “ct-kl} \till u might} popului \oncc lliul \lio\‘.c.i\c\ .tllt‘l'll;tll\t'. Illtllt' .tlltl ltt ll \tt \tnoking ut lhc hut. mind

I Ghetto ul (‘ulnuct \'olt;iin-

ll) itlpni iunt L11 tt'it \\ccl.l} \cv. lhumlu} nighth ol Rtkll tuggctl .l\ 'c\pcn\t\c lllll\lc lot poor lolk' lhc lll.tlll tootitK llll\lk'tl h} (icnttx untl lll\ Rtkll j_'lll\. llcmlcx «lump» .intl l).l I’lll\llk'\l ln lllL' lmclt loom \\ lc'cltug't‘ [‘l.t_\\ tItIl .i lllk'lltl ol lunk through to luculm

I The GOuLaG BeAt .it lgu

lll illpni Run L-l il \lui l’unk. f_';tl.tj_'c. ncu um c untl good lionc\l roclfn'roll lroin rcgulurx Kuku. (ll). \li \loo \loo and thc l’rttnitnc l‘rgc l)l\

I Hairstyle-Bearstyle .it Rl .l) \mllui ('luh ltlpin Run. l-rcc lll \lut lrcc night \kith chcup drink and rundoin tliopcltlll}t grcut lllll\lc llrcndu llutr gocx llcud to hcud \t. llll .-\\h huttling cuch otlictK rundoin rccortl \L'lL'cllth \Hlll lllcl'L'thlllle} \tcirdcr .tnd inorc rundoin rccortl \L‘lL‘cllHll \thtlc \llll tr_\ing to tnukc pcoplc tlilllLL'

I Housebound ut lpgo llHllptn iutn L5. l" \lur .-\\ thc nutnc \llijJL'\l\. lunk}. \ocul houxc lrotn :1 \clcctton ttl lztlinlturghk hL‘\l \[illlllcl\.

' ' x 7' THE LIST 39