
Mud 'i‘sHic‘uao

Never Let Me Go lap-2" 0....

ldyllic boarding school days are an English myth that conjure nostalgia regardless of experience. There's something about the idea of sunlit grounds at dusk, filled with secrets and friendships forged by old fountains and under the eaves, that seduces the imagination. At first, this is the kind of core that you think the narrator, Kathy, cannot leave behind. The seemingly normal profession of ‘carer‘ and life post-Hailsham have never touched on the emotional charge of her adolescence. With similar sense as in Ian McEwan’s Atonement, the narrator looks back, trying to understand and piece together the duplicitous past.

But Kazuo lshiguro's world is not one of simple human folly and deception; its heart is much more frightening than that. It is cold, clinical, precise and calculated. The pupils are part of a grand, pre-destined plan, and the way this knowledge sneaks out is as terrifyineg insidious as the project itself. lshiguro slips certain words into his seemingly simple prose which jars and alarms: ‘guardians’, the ‘possible'. There is a mild terror, couched in lies of normalcy and safety, which Kathy tries to unpick. The school‘s sinister over-arching scheme is countered by the most minutely observed nuances of human behaviour, which makes the dynamics of Kathy and her closest friends Ruth and Tommy compelling.

lshiguro creates genuine fascination with the relationships that are forged by the fountain, holding the reader in an exquisite tension between rich, alluring human psychology and chilling Brave New World manipulations. Brilliant. (Ruth Hedges)


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lMark Earhart/15v»:


JOE QUEENAN Queenan Country Picador" 0..

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Marina Lewycka A

Slim? Hridrrr,

lr'fr'fierl, Ir: lrrr'1‘1"'.1";\. (tettut ate", we? r". l’eterlrnrnrul" at, rut e515,? t .l'arrovarr .'Y‘rr1l'}r,1"t myfer'r will; 2‘, a lruff,'r.,utr-,tt1e other a [)1'11r1. 1’. .‘.'r

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Bryan /"1rw"f,. '1 Hem/1 I/‘l‘f' '2 a? {1 ll) «Culture hrxt’rr .' artrl theurjht lrlfr.l’,l';'I/; expluratIxr cf the '111'r1r1'l curvlrtlurv. err,“,'rr1«;rr 1' r1t,i,e‘,',.'rr. .'.':‘.lr extra THU/ll! £11 t/l.‘:ll’,rrrr;r.,’j Strivl‘ 5: ‘j',"rrr.';.'1':r Joanne Harris .1 ‘7”."2/11 f“ [HAP/Jr rl‘ ",'j!v4 'gll’l'f ’,.r’,frf;‘, ;,lfri1‘>l"'lWWW/107’; 7' “r {1' I'll/1’ .8 ’,"';1'l' 7W} Hallie "mg/rel ’Vl.',r.'1”l‘) {riff 3.17111 Pablo Tusset W; Ben? 7/1"“: W a: Carl Ifr’if/{NJ'I T0 (1 (,"/",.'21‘Irl /171-.1f;<;}'1rl lrlE)IlfIIl’ 921’ ,"h’t", Ill/1’). ‘3 ’,’fl:’,":.’lrf,;17,l’,’trfj5 ant: ner', '.r;:1r',r:rr‘f,ltor ‘r1et'rtr'1at/mta

‘;L' {me/x, uraiirlfntmr Tf‘u’j’, 'Y‘éi, "51 ."i w":r‘::r.r1r;’: crawler. 051' ally/W;

Roger Gros How to MW at ,‘zwrro (5(’Ir'YIIJ/h'r)g far/find I U)" of 1.3 new: water." a castes. Lu. '10:; fl‘ah/ rzar: ‘f'lf; Skrilf, 3:? t‘afi’} II) if: (/5001!) Vzr'izrtfj',’ Here", non V, 1"::t The ,aakpct Car/ten BOOKS