Around Town


Name Jonathan Pugh Profession livent protect marlager/lighting

How long have you been in the job? Full time ‘Nllll l’ishei Productions tor the last six months and freelance for about eight years before that.

What is the most enjoyable aspect of your work? l’eoples' reactions when they walk into one of your events 7 the Wow factor. It's; like they're trying to catch flies With their months?

What would you change? Sitting behind a desk. I love to get my hands dirty playing \Nlllt gadgets and gi/mos not paperwork.

What is the most interesting or unusual job you’ve ever worked on? The M W Awards. It was fantastic to see such a huge J()l) come to Edint'nirgh a Job of a lifetime for local (:iew.

Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met? You meet a lot ol famous people but don't get much chance to talk to them. My favourite people would he (Sayin l'liiSlllth -r he was a masswe childhood hero of mine and John Carter. Great DJ and a really top bloke. What would be your dream event to work on? The opening party tor a Playboy space station.

What is the best thing about the Edinburgh Festival? It‘s got to be the atmosphere. There is no other place in the world to be at that time of year. Oh yeah. being able to party 24/7 and the influx of women is fantastic too. What would you do in Edinburgh/Glasgow on your ideal day off? Being woken up by Keira Knightley at the door asking to borrow a cup Ol sugar! Hmmmmmmm. Climbing at Ratho. shopping in Merchant City. watching Scotland beat England for the Calcutta Cup: dinner with friends. and to top oft the day it has to be SNATCH, my favourite club in the whole world. I do love my cheese.

30 THE LIST .4 ' ".' 2'

Tuesday 8

Politscs Edinburgh Stop the War Coalition Hpeii Hour. 13" \loininexide Road. 171“

‘lii‘ H it! ‘l ;“pm I pdate nieetin:


* Edinburgh Lecture: The Future of Scotland’s Filmmakers \.ipiei

l iii‘.t'i\it}. ( 'i.ii;_'loel.h.iit (Iiiniiux. 33‘S ll“ " lgl‘llt l iiie\ei\ed \L'.tl\ .iie tiee. pie hooked L; l iliiiinakei and \xiitei \l.iik (‘oiixinx lt'dtiS a panel ilehate on the ke} thallengex l.l\ in: Stotlandk poliex and llllltlttdlxk'h. \lldllt‘tl h} l’iot loan Stringer. l‘lllkll‘dl and \ite thaneelloi. \.t]‘|\'l l iii\ei\it} See llllll\l

From the Celestial Sphere to the Big Bang l<o}.il ()hxeixatoi} \ l\lli'l ('eiiue. lllat ktoitl llill. hm .\ iii-l

{ti S illpni L3 ILIi ()li\i.i .lohnxon l.ll\\'\ .i ioiiine} tliioiigli the \L'lllllllk'\ to e\ploie oiii lllltlt'Hldtlillll‘.‘ ot the

The Funnell Lecture Tour l\’it}.ll Highland ( "entie. llthlt\lttll. H5 (CHM

Winn 9. I3 SH l’ippa l tiiinell. golden giil ot the liiitidi t't|llt'\lll.tll \kk'llk'. gi\e\ lltl\ leeluie


Salsa Classes lhe ligliilioiiw. *3 H llie Shore. leith. “l ‘) lei " Spin.

.S ‘lpiii tk ‘) lllpin Li rte-1i. learn to \.tl\.l and ineiengiie iii tliexe tun eldSSk'S llie lll\l elaxx |\ loi lieginiieix. the \eeoiid toi |e\e| 3 heginneix and the third toi iiiipioxeix

The Bongo Social Swing Club 'I lie liiittt'o ( illll‘. \lolti} lliill\\'. V. llHl}tiiiitl Road. HEW-1" lit» H71. ‘lpin. L1 per el.l\\ U) lot l‘tllll 1‘3; per elaxx [5 lot l\i)llll le.iiii \mng daiieiiig \\llll lll\llt|\‘lttl\ hour the auai‘d “inning l'l_\llj3‘lll daiiee eonipan}. l'he lirxt hour I\ toi l‘k'leltllt'IS. the \eeond lor iinpioxerx and at ‘Ipni the tuioiiiig \‘lltlS .iiid \oeial daiieing heginx No need to hung a partner.

Wednesday 9


What is the Purpose of a University? t )peii Door. ~13!) .\loriiiiig\ide Road. ll" 07*“. Ill. illani. l'iee. l’iotexxor l.tlltl\;t_\ l’alerwn lrom ladiiihiirgli l'iii\ei\it_\ '\ department ol L‘klllt'illll‘ll tilttl \oeiel_\. le.lil\ llk‘



The Jitterbug Club lago. ll l’ieartl} l’laee. 55“ IVI. Spin i\ 0pm. [51th. learn \\\Itlj_'. ittterhug and hoogie uoogie. Spin ahxolute hegiiiiiei'x. ‘lpiii llllpltHCI'S. l‘or more into: \\u\\.hiiogienightxnet.

Jitterbug Dance Classes kirk ()'|'ield |’.iri\h (’hureh. lirouii Street. Plt‘dMlllt'k'. llfi‘Nlll 3 l Shh.

.\' ill It) iltpin. [5. (iet )oiii hohh} web on and get read} to learn llll\ tun daiiee. \lTStillllC heginiierx \xeleome.

Thursday 10

Activities & Events An Evening of Clairvoyance lll'tkllt‘S ('low‘. lllg‘lt SllCL‘l. llfi“ l .1 33h (il3.

lllpni L5. ('laii\o_\anee iiiglil \xith guext lllL‘tlltllth.


Edinburgh Stop the War Coalition (iilinei‘toii (’oinniunit} ('eiilre. -1 Drum SII'L‘L‘I. NH 333.; a "pm. See IlllL' N.


Devon Islands . . . Journeys on the Wild Side ( ieorge Square 'l'heatre. l'nneixit} ot Izdinhiirgh. (ieoi‘ge Square. (fit) ‘ll‘lS. “. iltpin. it.1 i. -\retie tra\eller and photographer .Iohii Dunn gnex an lllllSll'dlCtl leeture .ihoiit ltl\ \l\l expeditionx on the eaxlern hall ot (Linada‘x l)e\on lxland. .i elavie high .\retie \\llthl‘llC\\. .\ l{o_\.il Seotnxh (ieographieal Soeiel} leetiii'e.

* Simon Richardson: Over the Hillls and Far Away l).i\ itl lliiine leettiie lheatie \_ ( ieoige Stiuaie. 33‘ "WW \l‘lll 1* l\’l\\l\\‘ll. one ot SeotlanilK llli'\l prolitie e lnnl‘eix. tonie\ to tall. .ihoiit lll\ tiixt lXtSSlt‘ll. \xl'lll\ll \\ inter e linil‘ing. and iron he hax applied \kilh learnt in the llighlanth to \xoild \l.l\\ lug mountain ioiite\ in \l.t\l\.t. the}.i and ('anada llxlxt'lS in adxaiite tioni llM‘ \llt‘[‘\ HI Hlt lltL' ilHUl \t't‘ lllllhl

Actiwties $1 livents

Winter Observing Evenings kn»in ()l‘St'lMtlHl} \ l\llHl (‘entie. lilatktoid ||.||_ (ihS slot ' s lip”. itsn

‘13 iHi. taini|_\ tieket L" See I ll ‘1


Activism and the Atlantic: Raising Consciousness, Resisting Ideas Rimlll ( i I \tldllt Ieignxon liiiildiiig. l'iii\ei\il} ol l-diiihiiigli. hilt Illllll Ipin \llltl\ \l.i} liinpxon. l'nneixil} ot I'dinliiiigh. lt'ittl\ lltt' tll\t‘tl\\liilt.

Activities & Events

Scottish Motorcycle Show l\’o_\.il Highland ('eiitie. liiglixloii. {W (i3llll ‘lain Spin. {Ii L3H t Uri 'l lt|\ _\e.ii\ Settllhll \ltilol‘k'}ele Shim l\ illltllllk'l aetion paeked l\\o da) e\ent \kllll lllllllt'lttlh ttllltlellHHS lor \ l\llHt\. .\niong\t \tandx li'oin \oine ol llie top inaiiiitaetiirerx in lllHlHl'l‘lGCS. there are In e \llllll \llH\\ \. .\ ti‘eine hike lllttl\ and top noteli eelehi‘itiex.

The Chinese Connection l<o_\al liotalue ( i;ii'tleii\ t'lei‘l‘aee (Kile). Rinal Hotaiiie (itll‘tlL'lh. linei'leith Ron. 553 "l7l. Ill.|5ani. U». .loiii the guide\ tor a \\a||\ through the ('Iiinexe lllll\ltlt‘ and hear \loriex axxoeiated \\ ith llll\ eolleetion ot plaiitx hour the other \ide ol the \\orld. Hooking e\\elilt;tl. Clairvoyant Gathering lll'tttlILN (‘lt)\t‘. lllg‘lt Sll‘t't‘l. lllSllh Sfi3 ~75”. \oon 7pm. l'ree. :\ \xeekend ol (lilll'\H_\;lllk‘L‘. tllL‘tllllllhlllP. tarot. |i\}e|ioinetr_\. PillllHSll'}. in} ehiex. tea leal. rune and er} \tal hall reading and aura photograph}.

An Evening in the Other World Sali\hur_\ ('eiitre. 3 Salixhiir} Road. (“)7 SUN. 7.30 Villpiii.[hit-1i.(‘eltietalex h_\ eandlelight and hoiilire.


The Modern Self-Portrait: Before and After Warhol National (ialler_\ ol Seotlaiid: llauthoiiiden |.eeture 'l'heatre. ’l'he Mound. (i3-l (iShtl. ‘lain 5:15pm. L'I5 (L llli. .\ \tiid} da_\ looking at the nap in \xhieh the traditional genre ol \ell portraiture llttS heen retinented during the modern period. With \Varhol ;t\ a point ol i'eterenee. guext \peakei‘x loolw haekuarth to the earlier [Tll;t\t'\ ot a\anl garde and toruard to more eonteinporar} praetieex.

Activities & Events

Scottish Motorcycle Show Ro};il Highland ('eiiti'e. liiglixtoii. 335 (Coo. Wain 5pm. L’l‘ £30 iUii. See Sat 13. Clairvoyant Gathering lil'UtltLN (time. High Street. tllfluri s“: ‘51). Noon 7pm. l'ree. See Sat l3.

Save Money

see page 6 for details


Scotland v Wales \t.;:-.~.\:ieit: Stadium. lx';\ei\tl.:let :e\ee:" HS W'iléi‘ I‘L‘; lptn l’att or the S'\ \.:::ot‘\ 3"“; t at; tlie\ tlol‘etfez 231.;11T3ie 2. llie \xoinenk learn take oi: (ltez' \\ei\h

eoiinteii‘aitx .it l‘i‘n:

Tuesday 15

Atftixities S l \.t*t‘.t>;

Kikass Beer Brainstorm Union \il“\'lll\lll‘.' \~.'en\\_ IS lineileitli I\'|].l\\-_th‘tl~ ‘>“ltltl‘l3 ti :tllxili [ti ‘f\

_\\‘.H\ old l .in\ ‘. \itllln‘ll .t\ .i

niaiketinz‘ :‘eniii\ \otii lIll\\li‘tl eonie up \\llll lxle.t\ toi .i l.tiint h e\ent to \l‘dtlxlt‘ up the iin.i-.'e ot \oliii1teeiin-' llt'e beer. I \lllll .lllill l)\ l'l.t\ t‘\ .ilt‘ \tiietl} limited and llttl\l lie iiie hooked


Edinburgh Stop the War Coalition lilk'tton lllt‘lt St howl. ( iilineiton lx'oatl. (ifiioiii) lo ii loliiii See lue- \

\/V( )l ksl it ll it; Salsa Classes llie l lt'ltlltiltln' 1‘ at “W \llt‘lk'. l t'lllt. \\ i ‘lllt‘ ' \lllti

.\ "I‘ltl .\ " lltpin 9‘ it See liie S The Bongo Social Swing Club Ill.- liongotliih \loiax lli'll\\‘. V llHl_\tHHil Rinitl. ll “’1. l "i ll '1

“pm !,'1Pk'l\l.l\\ 9.!» toi l‘i'lll i! zliei

x'l.t\\ 9.“ ll” l'illlll \t't' lllt' -\

Wednesday 1 6

/\(:ti\/ities ("x l vents

Kikass Beer Brainstorm Union \tl\t'lll\lll;' \i'eiit}. IS lii\ei|eitli [It‘ll‘lk'efilljllr' '_“lllll‘l_‘ ti Klllriri \eit- lue li

la ks

The State of Scotland’s Prisons ()l‘en Door-13H\loiniiii'xide Road. ll ' ‘l—‘SH lll illdlll llt‘t‘ Rlltl \l.l\( ii\‘..ilt. ll.\l depot} \lllk'l iiixliettoi ot [lllmtllx

lead\ the ill\\ll\\ltitl

Baltic Odyssey l\’tt).tl \ll|‘~t'tlltl l.eetuie 'l heatie. 3 ( 'h.iiiihei \ Street. 3.17 -l3l‘) 3 l‘riiii to t L ii \nii ( ilenn l;tl\C\ lo the war on .i ioiiiiie} lioiii l)eninaik tol \lHllld \ la the \l.iiid lxlandx.

The Poetry Association of Scotland: Liz Lochhead \tttll|\l| l’oeti\ l.ihi.ii_\. S ( 'iit htoii\ ( 'Ime. ('anoirgale. ii" 3Si'fi Winn t, i it.‘i l.t/ l.tielllleail Ie.iil\ llHlll Haw/rip: VIM/l


The Da Vinci Cod llie ( "anon! ( i.ill. 3 i3 ( linongate. (itiS Him Spin t_‘

iL'l i. l.i\e lt‘.’ttllll_1_‘\til original titlioii. an entertaining e\eiiiiig ol tonxpiiat} lheoiie\ in tlie eoiiipain ol 1 diiiliuiz'li\ moxt L‘MllL'l'lt’ \lioken ‘.‘.Hlil group \\lllt'l\l Illoe

The Jitterbug Club lt‘o. I l l’itaitlx l’laee. i“ liql Spin t\ ‘lpiii l‘ 4! 4i SL'L' \\ed ‘)

Jitterbug Dance Classes kiil. ()‘I'ield l’.‘tl|\ll ('liiiieh. Brown Street. l’leaxanee. “70H” .3 l < <0“

3. ill I”. illpllt. t.g \t't' \\t'tl ‘)

Thursday 1 7

Activities 8‘ Events

Midnight Mass-ive llie Bongo ( ’Iiih. \lttttt} llothe. r. lliil_\toiitl Rnail. it"Slh not US-l ‘lpiii 9,3. Ill

admnee L5. on door Help Shtei Mara and Sixlei Ruth\t' llllltl\ to their lilin at llll\ midnight \l.t\\ i‘.e. \kllll a gun and I)! ()iidiiial .\id\l iKinz' .-\dorai pla_\ing .i heaxenl} lltl\ ot eleetro. pop. danee .tlltl l”\ l. \iiien'


The Italian Labyrinth: A Guided Tour llaliaii (‘ultiiral liNittite. H3 .\'ieol\on Street. (MS 33 *3 (rpm l‘lt'k‘ lieppe Se\ergniiii. a ettllllllllhl toi (‘I’I'I'll Ir (/1 //(l \i It! and lHltttL'l eot't'e\[mtitleltt lot HI! /.t IIIIII/I//\/. t.ill~.\ ahout eontenipoiai} Italian lite