A taste for solitude

Ruth Hedges tiptoes through the PHILOSOPHER’S GARDEN, an exhibition of photographs depicting Rousseau’s exploration of private wholeness and peace.

‘All the noble sentiments of my heart. all its most praiseworthy impulses I could give them free rein. in the midst of this solitary wood.’ Jean Jacques Rousseau

alking alone along a path. \iith no one about.

looking through trees. stepping o\et‘ \lUttL‘s.

thinking and Iixtening. l\ the figure lonely? Would the} feel happier. more sale and relaxed with another pet'xon to chum them along the way? .\'ot according to Jean Jacques Rousseau. the l-‘rench philoxopher uhoxe ideas haxe pi'ol‘oundl) influenced Scottish artist lan Hamilton I'inla).

Rouxxeau‘x last hook and the core ol‘(io.\1.-\‘.\ new e\hihition. I'lti' l’lti/imill/it’i".\' (run/cit. is called Rr'i'i'rit' (tilt/1e .Sii/i'tiiijr Hit/Aer. lt e\p|ore\ ideas central to the dilemma of being: the human quest for pri\ate “holenexx and peace. attd the sociahle instinct. The

latter need \ometimex then engendering feelings ol‘

alienation and distance from the ‘core' \ell‘. Rttllssctlll and Hamilton |"inla_\ are heliexerx in the need to create space for reconnecting \xith an essential \eIl‘. It is a Romantic notion in the broadest sense. but one \xhich \harex \trandx ol' (‘Iaxxicism and Bhuddixm. 'The taste for solitude and contemplation gren up in in} heart along \\llll the e\pan.\i\ e and tender feelings which are best able to nourish it. Noise and turmoil constrain and quench them. peace and quiet rex he and intensit'} them. I need tranquillit) if I atn to lo\e.~ lRttllsscitlll

Photographer Robin (iillanders. \\ ho took pictures of

Hatnilton l"ittl;i_\\ sculpture garden Little Sparta for an e\hihition in [998. has taken his philosophical lens and pointed it at Rousseau‘s gardens in lirmemille. Designed \xith idealistic thoughts in direct antithesis to the notion ot~ ordered gardens land minds). the rich

marquis Rene de (iiardin inherited the Hat arable and \u'amp land and emplo} ed the ideas ol' hroke. iohlexx Rotixseau. ()nce created. all \\ ere \telcome to the hilt]. unkempt. ratnhling gardens in line \iith the \ocial politics of. Hatnilton I'iiila} so that rexerie. \olitar) or othem ise. “its not the prexerx e ol~ lex at'ixtoct'ac}.

(iillanders spent about to e dam Iaxt )e‘tii' in the \till public gardens It'ottt dawn to Ittid—al'lernooit and eaclt photograph is a metaphor for the ten \\;tll\\ in li’i'i'r'rir'. ‘Walking through the garden at S o'clock in the morning \kith m} lilask ol col-lee and a packet ol tags I “as absolute!) with him there] he saw. ()n lll\ \olilat‘) path. (iillanders read Rousseau'x te\t. "I'hi'oughout the ten \x'alks. Rottxseau heginx h} making paranoid references to the l‘act that he\ all alone in the “mild. feeling that nohoth likes him and then he goes on to talk about the need for societ} and the need for \olitai‘iiiexx.' The photographs are not. though. He e\plain\ simpl} depictions of. the te\t. ‘l “US not tr}ing to illustrate the notion ol‘ \olitarinexx aitd \ociet} but to make a picture Much “as suggextne til it or \xhich would run parallel to tliat.‘

The exhibition. \xhich is part of" the Iintente ('oi'dial and was shoun at Beaulieu and Paris last _\eat‘. also includes new photograle of l.ittle Sparta and two inxtallationx ol Hamilton I-‘inla_\\. It comes in the }e;ii‘ of Hamilton Iiinlavx Silth hirthda} l‘or \xhich grand plans are afoot for a three-ha} summer e\hihition at Little Sparta. the lngleh} (killer) and ImerIieth House in Iidinhurgh.

Tread with. no“. .-\\ another old romantic might \a}.

The Philosopher’s Garden, Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, Thu 3 March-Sun 8 May

Visual Art



:2: Andy Warhol: Self- Portraits Substantial and revealing exhibition. l-‘rom a playful youth to a dark and paranOId older man, we see the many shades of Pop Art '5; self» crowned king. See rcwew. Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, until Mon 2 May

:It Suck on Science - Michael Fullerton Sentimental looking paintings. including a portrait of John Peel painted Just before he died. offset by rigorous sculpture and installation. CCA, Glasgow, until Sun 73 Mar.

2:: Simon Patterson While the original tube map goes on show at the DeSign Museum in London, Patterson's version. which reworks constellations of cultural and historical reference pOints. can be seen here. along with other significant old and new work (‘General Assembly: 1994', pictured). Fruitmarket Gallery. Edinburgh, Sat 26 Feb—Sun 7 May.

:2: Clean Hands, Pure Heart - Graham Fagen Sounds of Robert Burns boom down in rich, lyrical. reggae harmony in the darkened space. while leeks and pineapples glow under the spotlights. See review Tramway, Glasgow, until Sun 73 Mar.

:i: The Philosopher’s Garden Robin Gillanders unites the gardens of French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau and Scottish legend Ian Hamilton Finlay with his solitary lens. See preview. Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, Thu 3 Mar—Sun 5 May. Multi-story Last chance to see the senSitive portraits of the residents of the YMCA tower block in Springburn, Glasgow. who come from 15 different countries and are currently seeking asylum. See also www.multi-storyorg Street Level, Glasgow until Sat 5 Mar.

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