Film mm—

l8 New hattlc Terrace. 0l 5] 44" 4""1 llIlHj (ll .5l 447 2060 and 44— 8450 (‘(. hooking. 0l3l 447 477] Rmtaurant liar lDl. Adult Standard £5 20. Superior £5.90. ('Incrna 5/4 £5.00 ((‘Incina i l‘riday £5.(I0I. lit-lore 0pm. Mon Hi Standard £4.00. Superior £4 ()0. (‘Incina 3/4 £4.90, (‘IIIIL'cxxionxK'lnldrcn: Standard £1 80. Superior £4.90. ('Incnia 3/4 £4.00. l’ullnian8: Alternoon £5 90. liycntng £9.90. Solax/Ru'lincrxz Altcrnoon: £0 ()0. lawniny £l l00. ('incnta 2 Sola8: .-\llcrnoon £0.00. liycning £700. Student8 lSllllril-lllll U00 IliL‘ltItlL‘8 a drink. l-ainily llL’le‘lS Ironi £3.40 pcr pcrxon.


TheAvIatorII2AI 7.35.

The Magic RoundaboutIl'I Ino, 3.Io. Meetthe FockersII2.-\I 8.35. TheMerchant otVenlceII’m 2.45. 5.10. Ocean’sTVvelveIIZM I50. 450. 7.50. Rayil5i 4.25.

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie II'I I225. 2.25.

Vera Drake I l2x\i 8.30.


The Magic Roundabout II'I Daily: I250.

Also inatincc Sat IE Sun: Meetthe Fockers I l2:\l Daily: 8.l5.

The Merchant of Venice I I’( I l Daily: 2.00. 4.50. Ocean’s TVvelve I I2.-\i Daily: 5.25. 8. l0.

Also tnatincc weekdays: Ray I I5I

Daily: 5.l5.

Also matinee \i'cckdayx: 2.20.

Shall We Dance? I I2AI

Daily: l.20. 3.40. 8.45.

Sideways I I5I

Daily: (r00.

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie II'I Daily: l2.20.

Also IllitlIlICL‘ Sat & Sun: Vera Drake I I2AI

Daily: 7.50.

Edinburgh Film Guild

at The l'illlilitflht‘. 88 l.otliian Road. (ll 3| 228 2088. I'ylcnihcrship £20. (iucst tickets per screening: £4.80. Please note that thch are no trailers or adx'crts and screenings start at (iprn precisely.


I Know Where I’m Going! Il'I (Ino. Paths of Glory (I’m (I00.


Gospel According to St Mathew I I5I (3.00. To Have and Have Not (I’m (Ino.

88 Lothian Road. 0l3l 228 2088. liar. Restaurant. llil. |l)|. Main owning screenings: £5.50 (£4.20 Sun 'l‘liu only I. [Early liycning screenings 4pm 7pm: £4.80 (£3.30 Sun r'l‘ltll only). Matincw: £3.70 (£2.20 Sun 'l‘hti only I; l’t'iday bargain matineex: £2.70 (£1.50I.


1.Vera DrakeII2.-\I 2.30. 8.30. TheMerchantotVenlceIl’GI 5.45. 2. Czech DreamII2.-\I 3.00. Turties GanFIyIISI (I30. 8.45.

3. Old BoyII8I 3.30. 8.I5_ Downh'omtheMountalnIt‘I IIno.


1. AVery Long Engagement I I5I 2.30. 5.30.

Phantom of the Opera II’UI 8.40.

2. Inheritance I I5I 3.30. (I.I5. 8.45. 3. Head On I (8) 2.00. 4.30. 8.30. Elias Chacour, prophete en son pays (PG) 7.00.

Secret Cinema (tbcI midnight.




66 THE LIST IT Feb—3 Mar QOL‘S

.fi'l/I’l/I‘(I(J.‘It). [Irirn'yII'IH‘ luv ' f ..

SAlUliDAY l‘.) i l l‘)

1. A Very Long Engagement I I5I 2. 3o.

5.30. 8.l5.

2. Bridging the Gap: Journeys II’( ii 3.00.

House of the Tiger King I I5I II. In.

Inheritance I I5I 8.45.

3. Head On I I8I 3. 3o. (Inn. 8, In,

SUNDAY 70 l l B

1. A Very Long Engagement I I5I 2.30.

8. l 5.

2. House of the Tiger King I I5I 3.30 Inheritance I I5I (I.I5. 8.45.

3. The Ballad of Ramblln’ Jack (l’( ii 3.00.

Head On I (M (Inn. 8.30.


1. A Very Long Engagement I I5I 2. 3o.

5.30. 8.!5. 2.InheritanceII5i 3.30. (I.I5. 8.45. 3. Head OnII8I 3.30. (Inn. 8.30.


1. A Very Long Engagement I I5I 2.3( .

5.30. 8.!5.

2. Inheritance I I5I 3.30. 8.45. TIntIn and I I l2.-\l (I30.

3. Head OnII8I 3.00. 8.30.


1. A Very Long Engagement I I5I 2.3 .

5.30. 8.I5.

2. TIan and I I l2.-\i 3.30. InheritanceII5I II.I0. 8.45.

3. Head OnII8I 3.00. (Inn. 8.30.


1. A Very tong Engagement I I5I 2,30.

5.30. 8.I5.

2.InheritanceII5I 3.30. 015. 8.45. 3. Head OnII8I 2.45. 5.20.

Bound for Glory II’( ii 8.00.


1.The Woodsman I I5I 2.30. 5.00. 7.00 0.00.

2. Vanity Fair I I’( it 3.00.

Head On I l8i 5.55. . 3. Koktebel I I5I _.. 15 I (M (IIII.

SATURDAY 2’6 FEB 1.Vanity FaIrII’(II 2.00.

TheWoodsmanII5I 5.00 “on, Iron,

2. The Motorcycle DiariesII5I 2,l5. Head OnII8I 5.55. 8.30.

3. 15 I l8I 3.30.

GGSeasonSII2.-\I IIIII. Koktebelil5i 8.]5.


Fascinating documentary about a prison writing group run by Vagina Monologues writer Eve Ensler in a maximum security unit. Glenn Close and Marisa Tomei drop by to read the prisoners’ writings back to them. if this is therapy I want some of it! Part of the Sheffield lnternation

al Documentary Festival.

1.Vanity FairII’III 2IIII TheWoodsmanII5I 500 2.Head0nII8I 300 \ :II 3. KoktebelII5I loo. 515 66 SeasonsII2\I 330 15II8I 8 (3

"(III ‘Illll

1. Vanity Fair (Parent 8. Baby Screening) Il’(iI l0 30am The Woodsman I I5I 2 30. 0‘00, 2. Head On I (M 3. Koktebel I I5I

500. '(I(I_ 3005.15 3 ill. (illl_ 815

1.TheWoodsmanII5I 2 30, 500, "00. 000

2. Head OnII8I (.15. 8 30 What I Want my Words to Do to You I I5I (r-ls.

3. Koktebel I I5I 3 3o. 8 .15

Swenkas I I2 \I IIII

1.TheWoodsmanII5I 2 =0. 500. "00. ()00,

2. What I Want my Words to Do to You II5I V00

HeadOnII8I 5 55. .8 30 3.SwenkasII2\I 330

KoktebelII5I III5_ 815

1.TheWoodsmanII5I 2 <0. 500. "on. ‘)_00

2.Head0nII8I loo. 8 3o LeadbellyII5I 5 .15

3. KoktebelII5I Mi 8.15

MN I IIllIIan Road. 0l ;l 22l l4“ 000 and ('(‘ hooking 08"l 22 44 HIV liar .\dtIlI £5 50 lwioic 4pm. £0 50 .IIII'I Student ().\l’ (‘lIIlIl £4

TheAvIatorI I2.\I 5 3o CloserII5I 3(0. 8.15 Ocean’s Melve I2 \I 2 30. RayII5I 520 SidewaysII5I 220. 520. 800 AVery Long EngagementII5I 240.

530. 8 :0


The AviatorI I2 \I l).IIl} 5.00.

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason

lug I“ hurt Criminal I.‘ \I

|i_I.I§\ ,‘IIII :18 II _‘II \lM‘ i.:lt’ l II I\ \.:l \l\II llI.:llll\'t‘ \II .\ \tzn llIN‘l‘I The Merchant of Venice It II

lo.‘ 10 Want

Ocean‘s Melve I .‘ \I

ll.tll\ .‘ *0. \ .‘0

\lw lat; I ll .\ \.II IIINI

\lxw ll‘..Illll\‘t‘ \II .\ \tIII ll ‘0.IIII Ocean’s Melve (Subtitled) I \I \tin .‘ ;(I

Inc 1"

Sideways I5

l).IIl\ ,‘ iii 5 II \(lii

\lMt l.llk' l ll .\ \.Il \lw (natintx' \II .\ \IIII ll 50.00 A Very Long Engagement I I 5I l).lll\ ‘l‘. \l\

\lxII l.Ii.- I ll .\ \.II I (III \|\II lll.Illll\'t' Sal .\ \(In ll

Odeon Wester HaIIes

\\.‘\l\IIlt‘ l’l.I/.i. l.‘ll \\t'\lI‘I ll.IIlI‘\ lx’IIaIl. \M‘xII'I ll.lll\‘\ 08 'l .‘.‘ l iIIII' llii ll \(lllll\ 2‘ (I0 Ilu-IIIII' ‘IIIII 1120: ('lIIlIlit‘II ( i \l' \ItIIlt'III

i i 80 |.IIIIIl\ lulwt fl‘ liaituiin Day loo 9 i 5” .lll \I‘.II\ l'II' IIIIIIn



III 15


\ll(i\\ \

The Aviator I I.‘ \I ' :II

Closer l‘I 8 .‘(I

In Good Company I M ii 8 (III

The Magic Roundabout II I I 30.

<40 5 lil

Meet the Fockers I I.‘ \I 100. .‘ Io. 33(I_ 150. II(I(I~ ‘1II.81(I Ocean’s MelveII.‘ \I I In. .‘ 30. lili 5 |\~ " |8V 8 l8

Racing StripesIl I I to. loo~

(i 3”

Ray I |5I '80

Shall we Dance? I I 8 )0

Son of the MaSkil’(ii I 5o. (no. (I III

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie (l i ll”. ifli. 550

Fi-I‘IIAI (III (“II II'II ..'.

The Aviator I I.‘ M

Hall} " *0


lll. Sal .\ \lHll lllll 8 <0

Hide and Seek I5I

lllll 8 ‘0

In Good Company I l’( 'II

l).lll} 2 30. 5.20. "-10

The Magic RoundaboutII I

hall} I 30. 310. 5.10

Meet the Fockers I I.‘ M

Hall} 210. 510.810

Million Dollar Baby I I.‘ \I

l).Ill} 8(III

Ocean’s Melve I I.‘ \I

Daily 2 i0. 5 l5. -\ l5

Racing Stripes II I

l).lll_\ I20. :zII. 5 so

RayI I5I

l‘ll \\t-Il "50

Shall We Dance? I I2 \.

l).lll_\ 220. 5 30. 820

Son of the Mask II’(iI

l);nl_\ I40. V50. (I(I(I Spanglish I I2 \I

Son .800

The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie Il'I

Hall} I I0. 320. 5.50 Scotsman Screening Room

St'Iilxnian Hotel. 20 \IIItlI liiidfgt'. (I22 29‘“) Lb 5” (HI L 53' IIIt‘ ((It'lxlaIl and tun (otth (llllllL‘l ultitli killlllllt'llkk'\ at 0pm:

<-' ‘(y :1;.

Arsenic and Old Lace (M ii 8 on.

.I ' ,‘1/ / » v r1

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest I8I 8 (iii