
Space Station 30 It”) I'lom .\1_\erx. (‘aIIada/l 'S. 3.00%) 47mm Narrated b} 'lom ('ruixe. thIx big xcreen IMAX prexentation followx real axtronautx mto llie big blue llllprL'\\l\L'. but not ax awexome ax It xhould ha\ e been [MAX “It um. (i/mguu Spanglish i 12A) 00. «faint-x l. Hrookx. lb. 3005) Adam handler. lea Leoni. l’a/ Vega l ilfmm See rex Iew. page 47, and prulilc. page fill (it'lft’l‘tl/ I't'lt'tlu’ The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie tl') O. IStephen llIIIeIIhtIIg. IX. 3004) Voicex ol Alec Baldwin and Scarlett Johanxxon 37mm ('harmlexx Nickelodeon channel xpmoff cartoon feature llltIHL'. xtIItahIc for under li\ ex onl} (it'nt'm/ It’lt'UH‘.

Swenkas I IZAI tJeppe Ronda. l)eIIIIIark. 3001) 73mm. 'l‘hix lilm followx the dad} lI\ex of the Swenkax. a xmall group ol lulu men working III pthlraparllicltl South Alrica. lzach weekend. thexe men lca\ e helund their grim} merallx and drexx to imprexx Ill their hext xuitx ax part of the” weekly faxhion xhow w here Inone} or xoillclllncx lI\cxtock are on ollct ax pI‘I/cx. (i/meun I'i/m Hint/Ir. (i/meun; I'I/m/quu', him/Hugh.

T-Rex 3D tl') tlirett l.eonard. l'S. l‘NH) 40min. Ania/mg looking [MAX mo\rc about a father and daughter In danger from a \ icIoux carrmoroux dmoxaur. (ireat fun. Ill/IX VIIIt'lU/‘t'. (i/itwtm.

Team America I I5) .00. I'l're) Parker. ['5. 3004) Vortex ()l 'l‘re} l’arkcr. Matt Stone. Kr‘ixten Miller. Maurice l.aMaI‘che. l)aran Norrix. ()b'mm. l'ar lrom being an International Rexcue-xt}|c lk'acekccplnil force. the Motmt Ruthore- haxed gadget-laxlic herocx ol It'll/ll JiIIlt‘I‘It u are a w e-don't-do-bod) ~countx inxurgenc} xquad that apex the current ['8 adminixtratiou'x haw erh foreign polIcIex. An) Republican with a xenxe of humour would hate thix'. thoxe without might well line it. (ieniux. Sv/t't‘lt't/ I'('/('(l\t'. Thunderbirds ll’(i) O (Johnathan l‘rakex. l'S/l'K. 3004) Brady ('orbet. lieu

"This poetic road mo ['9 from t

"Beautifu/Iy 30 [Mad nd shot"

lit " SJ

:‘xWS alum: «not .5 In

F “‘1’”...

.. i _ .' " I emulation ol the fin [arms him lemval 200i WINNER .


Moscow Film Festival 2003

Derek Malmlin. Démli Malcolm. EV HE TIMES

Kingxlc}. Bill l’a\lot1. Sophia M}lex. Ron ('ook 02mm International chcue Ix III need ol rexcue .\ot from xome terrorixt cell with .thC\\ to the Saudi mrxxIlc xurplux. but from mediocre r\lllL‘flc.lli producerx Reall} rubhixh |I\e action \eeroII of the belmed puppet ad\enttirc xeriex \o wonder (it-Ir} .-\Iiderxon wantx nothing to do with It It ./ lit/lllllllIL'h. [Lt/III/itueh

Tintin and lll2.-\) I.-\lltlcl\ lngxl‘rt) t)xtergaard. Denmark. 300‘) ~4mm ,-\ rare IIInght Into the life ol [in 'I III creator llergc who had become Increaxmgl} Iecluxne In hIx Iatch )earx 'l‘hIx lootage. taken III l‘l‘l before hIx death III l‘lbi. Ie\ea|x how Hergc drew on lIIx own troubled paxl. ax w ell ax conflich and teIIonIIx III the 20th centur}. to decorate the Inc of hIx IcoIIIc adxenture character lI/m/Iouu. him/Hugh

Titanic I ll) .0. IJamex ('aIIieroII. [8. WW") Leonardo l)I('aprIo. Kate melet. Bill) Kane. I‘Hmm. ('ameron tacklex the xtor} of the doomed ocean him through a touching |o\ e xtor_\ that Ixn't oxerwhelmed h} the aw exome xpecial cllectx, Rlcll glt'l Roxet\\’II1x|ct) Ix unhapprl} engaged to arrogant ('al I/auei hut fallx for thII'd-claxx paxxenger Jack II)I('aprIo), l.o\ c bloxxomx ax the xhip hItx an Iceberg III the North Atlantic. In all Itx on-xcreeu glor}. Iimnu doex Indeed look like the moxt e\peIIxI\ e film c\ er made. com c) mg both the xcale ol the deaxter and the feeling of clauxtrophohia ax the water rixex. Sh’l' ('t'nluri ('Int'mu. lit/III/HII‘L’II.

To Have and Have Notil’ti) COO. illoward llawkx. [8. INS) Humphre} Bogart. Lauren Bacall. Walter Brennan. lloag) ('armIchael. I00min. Bogart and llacall worked ltigctlict' for the lirxl lime in llawkx' lleIIIingwa} adaptation. xet m the (’arihhean during World War II. where Bogart'x lixliiiig boat owner ix drawn into the conflict h} hix (real life) It)\ e for Bacall. lit/III/mrg/i I’I/m (iuI/tl. lit/Inlmre/i. Turtles Can Fly 1 l5) 0... Iliahman (ihobadi. Iran/Iraq. 200-1) Soran librahim. :‘oa/ Latif. 07mm. The lirxt feature film to

l I

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emerge from Iraq xmce the fall of Saddam lluxxem. the angurxhcd [ain't \ (in: l-.'\ Ix xet m a refugee camp on the Iraqi-ltukixh border. qut before the l S lli\.t\lt‘ll III the xprmg of 2001 It \I\Idl} hut huIIiarIel) Immerxex the \ Iew er III the Iughtmarixh realIlIex of dail} e\Ixtence III thix makethft communrt}. which Ix xItuated amqu a forbidding natural landxcapc rum-mm; lat/III/Iti/g/I

Nelve Angry Men It’t il 00.. IS}tlrit'_\ l.umet. l S. 105“) llenr} l'onda. lee J (‘oblx l-.d liegle}. Jack Klugman tlimm (me man xtandx out agamxt hix fellow iurorx' onIIewhat preludiced new of the murder caxe the} are tr_xmg l‘he battle Ix coIixIxtentl} tenxe and chat} ax l-onda xtrugglex to conxirice the other I I that the accuxed Ix Innocent until piox en guilt) (i/tixeuu l'l/III Ilit'trtrt', (i/mgim

Untold Scandal t IS) .0. I|.ec .lL' )oIIg. South Korea. 300R) lee \ilwlllx. Jeon l)t)-}L'\)ti. liae Yongitm. ll-lmm .-\ Korean take on the famoux no\el I.“ l.ltll\i’N\ [hi/Iet'u'uuw xet In arIxtocratIc lXth centur) Korea. Young cad Jowon aImx to xeduce Innocent Solrok. hut hIx attention Ix xoou taken b} lad} Sook. a ('atholrc woman who hax been celibate xmce her huxhaud‘x death. l’aI‘t ol (ilaxgow \Vorld l'IlIII l'cxtnal (i/tngim I't/m Hft'tlll't‘. (i/tHuuu.

Vanity Fair 1 l’(i) .0. IMIra .\'air. l'K/l'S. 200.1) Reexe Witherxpoon. Romola (iarai. Jonathan Rh}x-Me_\erx. Rh)x llanx. (iabriel B}rnc. l-l0mm. With her tongue firml} lodged in her cheek. .llonumn lli'tli/I'ne director Nair xeemx Intent on adapting not onl} 'l’hacker} 'x xubxtantial nmel. but the popular faxhion maga/Ine ax w ell. with plot detailx and characterixatIon xacriliced In faxour of what appear to he Regenc} —era faxhion xhootx and men Boll)wood-xt_\ le mtIxIcal Iiumherx. 'l'he rexult Ix hardl} high drama. but It‘x gentl} xatirical and arguabl) reprexeutx the xpirit of 'l‘hacker} ‘x mixchievoux attitude to high xociet} better that Kubrick'x arguabl} merwrought Bur/“V lam/nu. (il'tHl't'IlU/L (iluigmi: l-‘I/m/muw. lat/III/iureli.

Vera Drake ( IZA) COO. IMIke Leigh. l'K. 2004) lrnelda Staunton. Richard (iraham. liddie Marxan. Anna Kern ene}. IZSmin. I'm: [Mike xeex Leigh return with a tragic-comic drama that boaxtx both the warm affection of Lili’ i\ Sure! and the xharp cruelt} of .thkt’tl. Set In ptixl-war Britain (1950/! London) and focuxing on the titular good little w ife. mother and secret hackxtreet abortionixt lStaunton). \i'ru Drake benefitx from compelling narrative that xeex the good-hearted if nane protagonixt xubjeeted to inxtitutionalixed Victimixation. St’ll‘t'lt’t/ I‘t'lt'uw.

A Very Long Engagement l 15) I... (Jean-Pierre Jeunet. France. 2004) Audre} 'l'autou. (iaxpard l'lliel. Jean-Pierre Becker. Dominique Bettenfeld. l3-1min. Romantic myxter)‘ from the actor/director learn who made Amelie. Set around World War I and baxed on the novel b} Sebaxtien Japrixot. thIx tellx the xtor) of Mathilde l'l'autou). a young orphaned polio-xufferer who decidex to turn detecti\ e and unearth the fate of her fiance in the battlefieldx of the Somme. Relentlexxl} imentiie. gritt} but rather wonderful romantic drama. St’lt’t‘lt’d I't'ft’uw.

3C Wall (Milt) (11%).... (Simone Bitton. France. 200-1) l00min. See rexiew. page 50. (i/uxgtm I‘i/m Tlll’tlll‘t‘. (i/uwmi. Warsaw t IZA) (Darile (iajew xki. Poland) .-\gniex/ka (irochokaa. Lukax/ (iarlicki. 1 10min. liight characterx' li\'Cx occaxionall} interxect on one cold night in Warxaw. Part of (ilaxgow World Film l‘extival. ('(hxi. (i/tlxgmi.

A Way of Life t l5) 0. tAmma .-\xante. L'K. 2004) Stephanie lamex. ()li\er Haden. 90min. SC\'ClilCCli-}Citr-t)ld xingle mother Leigh Anne IJamex) and her friendx face a xeemingl} hopelexx economic future in their xouth Walex town. and their rexentmentx. f‘artrationx and prejudicex xpill out into a tragic quarrel with a Mleim neighbour (Haden). whoxe own daughter hax xtarted xeeing Leigh Anne‘x brother. Dexpite Jamex‘ powerful central performance. w riter/drrector Axante'x debut hax a xmall xcreen Vixual xenxibility. while the dialogue aw kwardl} xpellx out ‘ixxuex‘

and motoationx (ifiaxgun III": [in am; (I-l't;\L'lli\

What I Want My Words to Do to You I 15) IludIth kal/ Madeleine

(ia\m (iar') Stinxliine. l S. 200‘) [we l'nxler. (ilenn (‘loxe. Roxie l’erex. MaIIxa li‘lllCl “’mm l‘lhlt‘l. writh of the coutrmerxial and criticall} acclaimed Ill: liter/It: Homo/went \. orgaIIIxex a writer‘x workxhop mxide a womeu‘x maumum xecurit} prixori m \merica to empower and mxpire the Inmatex lhe rexult Ix a documentars collection of eIIIotIoIIal and gIIppIIig material that Ix exeuttiall} pclli‘llllt‘tl onxtage l‘} lli)ll_\ wood .it‘trexxcx mcludmg ('loxc. Raw and li‘lllt‘l Part of Sheffield International liocuuientars l'extnal on [our li/Nl/li'ltu. 1am.thin White Noise 1 IS) .0. t( icollltW Say (anada l'K lb. 3005) Michael Keaton. ('haIidIa \Vexf. Deborah Kata l‘IigeI. Ian McNeIce ‘me 'l‘\' director (icolfte) II/Iprrie [he \i'I'It't Saex hig xcreen dehut Ix a paraIIoIiIIaI thIIlleI about Jonathan ilx'eatoII)_ .I marI w hoxe w Ife .-\Ima t\\cxt) contactx hIm from hexond the gra\ e through l'Vl’ titlectromc Voice Phenomena) Scat} heanx .M'lt't ml It‘lnm The Wild Thornberrys It) 00. I('ath_\ MalkaxiauHJeIf Mctirath. [8. 300.3) Voicex ol I‘Im Curr}. I )IIII Redgiaxc. Rupert l:\erett 35mm like the popular clllltllc‘li.\ 'l‘V ctlt‘lmill. lllL‘ liiU\lt' lUllUWx the adwuturex of _\ourig l‘.ll/.l lhomheii} who'x heen granted the power to talk to the animalx a hand} trick when )our parentx are wildlife documentai} lilIIimakeIx 'I‘hIx time the) ‘Ie III .'\ll'lL‘;l where a team of hI tech poacherx haxe lheIr e\Il e}e on a herd of 1000 elephantx ll} combining a nail hItmg xtoI) wIth a xatIre of lamil} foihlcx. the film Ix conxtantl} engaging and not a little rewarding. Sm ('t'nrurx (‘Im'mtr lat/Inlmrgli.

>l< The Wizard of Oz tl’(i) ooooo I\'rctor l‘lemmg. l'S. WW) Jud). (iarland. l‘rank Morgan. Ra} liolgcr. liert l.ahr. Jack Hale}. Margaret Hamilton. ‘loto l02mm. Mixerahlc l)oroth_\ runx aw a} lrom home but Ix xoon whixked up Into a IIIagIcaI land where her ad\euturex teach her that happinexx Ix to he found III her own back yard. (‘Iaxxic xtuff Indeed. Itixt chocklul of great xongx. characterixatitIII and IIIeIIIorahl} garIxh dexign. l’erhapx marginall} Iexx eriitwable for the curmudgeonl} element rooting for the Wicked \Vllcll til? the “ext though. (i/rligtm I'll/II I/It’tlfl‘t'. (ilthg’UH.

>i< The Woodsman t IS) 0... (Nicole Kaxxell. ['53. 2004) Kenn Bacon. K) ra Sedgwick. Mox l)ef. 37mm See feature. page lb’. and renew. page 4*). l‘i/m/quw. lit/Inlmreli.

>i< The Yes Men 1 13A) .00. (Dan ()lIman/Sarah l’rrce/(‘hrrx Smith. [8. 2003) And} Bilchbaum. Mike Bonanno. lem. See internew. page Jo. and renew. page 5 l. ('(i(. Rt'n/n'u .S'fl't't'l. (i/uwim, (i/uwtm'; Ster ('t'nturi‘ (tire/nu. Edinburgh.

Yu-Gi-Oh! the Movie: Pyramid of Light Il’(i) O lllatxuki 'l‘xup. Japan. 200-1) Varioux. 89mm. Yugr and liix magical alter ego ‘the l’haroali‘ tIxe power trading cardx to light the forcex of exil. all in the name of capitalixm and clex er marketing land the will to become the bext duellixt In the world). lixcreable Hume xpm ofl of a popular Japanexe comic book and telcnxion xerIex. ll )ou thought Pokemon wax thte watt till )ou xee thix pile of pot). Sl'll'elt’d I't'/('(l\('.

Zhoorek l IZA) tR}x/ard lir)lxkr. Poland) Katarqna l-‘Igura. Natalia R_\bicka. 70min. Tender l’olixh drama about a mother and her two daughterx and the xearch for a myxterionl} mixxing father. The film hax underx}tandabl} been compared to Dear Frankie. Part of (ilaxgow World l'ilrn l‘KCSIIHIl. (Ii-i. (i/tlsgrm.