4 The more I look. the dit'lerenee l can see. ll l'L'L'ls stilt. _\es, but it also teels solt alter a laeial.
there are slight areas ot' pigmentation in my skirt that concern (‘arol. and she recommends that I have more
treatments to sort this otit. ()r a lull skin eonsultation with one ot' l.asereare's experts. A eourse ot six. at the bargain rate ot' £245. is not that appealing. I‘m not entirer eonvineed. but a client book that lior‘eed l.aset‘eare into these shitty (iordon Street premises tells tne they must be doing something right.
‘We ltad outgrovvn our eurrent premises in Southern (ieneral
llospital.~ explains l’aul .lones ol‘
l.asereare ('linies/skzn. "l‘he deeision to move and rebrand trom l.asereare (‘linies to skzn was
partly to relileet the range ot'
customers coming through our
doors. and also the wider range ol‘
skirt rejuvenation treatments we now otter. 'l‘hese include laser hair removal. l'aeial red veins. tattoo removal. skirt peels. and skin tillers including eollagett and ot‘ eourse. miert)dermahrasitinf
Like many new trends iii the UK. yott only need to look aeross the Atlantic to see where it’s eome trom. and hovv it's going to grow.
.lones adds: "l‘he growing demand l'or non-surgical treatments vvithin the UK resetnhles the USA vvhere skin tillers sueh as liotox are the number one treatment elosely t‘ollovved hy inierodertnahrasion. The UK tends to be several years behind the USA when it eomes to trends sueh as this. bill now more people are heeoming avvare ot'just hovv at't'ordahle skin laser and skin
rejuvenation treatments are. A lot ot' people novv see these kinds of
treatments as a liliestyle aeeessory.‘
So. like piekittg up a nevv l'roek tor a night ottt. it seems there are no limits now on vvhat you can shop for in your lunch hour.
Don’t fancy getting your face scrubbed with aluminium oxide crystals? There are product
alternatives to everythi
ng from Botox to
microdermabrasion. Here’s our pick of the best.
lmedeen Expression Line Control E‘r'f-i, tron:
l‘i()()lfv_ /\ HMV nutty,- .H (,‘(llllilltflllttlll lllt; t;Xt‘.t‘tl’]
Irrttzrtotzrt Little-tn. this smut"
works lt)(1()llllltll tht: ‘,:tt't‘
()t ‘rnirnrrf gittmrtr; ll‘t‘
contraction (ll t.ir,..il tllllih
into impression litttzs' fut.
Ingredient (lorttrgt X as mm
help tttttttrnm: tltt: litterinit, m" :lr " :'
muscle (Z()tlltil(iil(l'l‘i ilfititl *'
l(}[)(}lll|V(f l£l(;l{tl tfxt warm inf
llt() new raritit; .itst; anti“
ztttt>yt;(:r(2ttrn_ {ltl£1‘, ("with
(itl(l a night (ll(?£llll
Pout Plump t‘fti. Pout. Marx/my Ntt;l‘.()lf;. l lt'llltl't]!l
()ontaint; Mtixr t It). .‘.’l‘..<1." rt,- (Illtfttlltitff; the prottztr‘ start: is in the lips. llltlhlllt) lite-tit hi!» -.'
tumor and smoother,
Restores tho (i()liitt]tfll tilttl
Aveda Tourmaline Charged Radiance
J,vr\v l‘,-
[1 ii i_,cvv ,ry
Lancome Resurface Peel
Prescriptives PX Dermapolish System
t t"' r"l'
>( 000
L’Oreal Wrinkle De- Crease Intensive Corrective Anti- Creasing Serum \ ' 2 o .
Sisley Sisleya Elixir Skin-Renewing and Restructuring Intensive
Program\ ' r . t' r' " " i' l " i l i' :t t t" .l l ‘tl ' t ' ‘tlt l fifi"-x»_0 \. \‘ i.‘ J". ' \‘3“~'.. \. \\ / I/ "r t 'l it.‘ t l : lit/J” ‘) I. r /‘ " tlu’ ' ll' trillld. ' l ; 'i'l 'lnl‘i ll ‘ti .‘fr'litrt l1t'tl vll"l . "it' t ,w ltl'rla
Spend, spend, spend
I Spring is coming - honestly. If you’re looking for something different to wear out on the streets check out these T-shirts by up and coming Edinburgh design label, lfLooksCouidKill. Its funky numbers show off digital
110 THE LIST 1 .' Feb 3 Mar 300:3
artwork of capital landmarks such as the Dumbie Dykes stairway. Run by ECA graduates Julie Firkins and Colin Hewitt, the finn’s T-shirts can be found at Odd Ball Mall, 28 Lochrin Buildings, 0131 229 6611 and AKA, 9 West Port, 07855 741769. I Fancy a celebrity makeover? Head along to Frasers. Glasgow before 26 February or Jenners. Edinburgh from 5-12 March and let Lancome's team give you a BAFl'A-winning smile. Lancome was the official
beauty supplier tor the Orange British Academy Film Awards in 2005 for the fifth year, and has once again brought its expertise to the high street. Call to make a booking: Frasers 014 1 221 3880: Jenners 0131 225 2442.
I If you’re getting married and you’re not sure what to wear on the big day, fear not. Your wedding fairy godmother may have arrived in the shape of TV company La Belle Allee, and its new show ‘Dress of Your Dreams’. Shooting in Scotland soon, the show
needs brides who are willing to be made over and guided through the challenges of wedding dress shopping by top fashion stylist Kelly Cooper Barr. If you’re interested in being on the show and getting expert help with your wedding dress shopping then call Caroline on 0141 287 9668 or 07930 227 449.
I For that super slick haircut that you've always wanted. check out the newly opened Charlie Miller salon at Harvey Nichols. Headed by top stylist
Cat Wilson. it will be based on the second floor, offering the full range of cuts and colours starting from £35 tor ladies and $281 for gents. Opening hours are Sam—5.30pm, apart from Thursday (10am—630pm) and Saturday (8.30ame4.30pm). Call 0131 524 8356 for bookings.