
Events are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Dance events are listed after theatre. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.


I THE ARCHES 25‘:\t'}2}|t'511111.505 “)23. [\‘H‘. WA] The Arches Artists’ Forum l-ri IS l't-h. (rpm. l'rcc. Open in all ttl'llSIS lrnrn

'l‘hc lrhll tlant‘c \t'lhttlltin rctttrnx tn St'ntlantl ax part nl ll\ Illth anniwrxar}


‘) l'nncrxit} .-\\t'nuc. ‘31)5522 [\\'(‘. WA]

The Tempest l'nnl Sat It) l'L'l‘. 7.3tlpm. {H 19.21» A untth pinxical and \ ISULll pcrtnrinant'c nl Shakcxpcarc'x lSlttlltl talc nl thc USUFPCtl l’rnxpcrn and llIS hcautilul tlaughtcr

I X FACTOR DANCE COMPANY 'l‘hu 2-1 Sat 2h l‘ch tnnt l’l'l l. Spin. {14) (£51. A tlHL‘fSL' tlnuhlc hill nt t‘nntcmpnrar} «lance l'rnm thc lathnhurgh»

' .ittpin tSat that 2 :‘lt‘tltt {1H L2“ l‘hc RUSSIat] Statc Ballot nl Sthcria gncx hcatl tn ht‘atl \\ 1th the (human Ballet «we Rt‘}al (‘nnt‘t‘rt llall 1. a\ hnth gnntt‘amm prcxcnt thc 'lt'haiknuk} t‘lawtt‘ ll )nn'rt‘ tnrn hctuccn lllk‘ txxn. hcatl tnr thc King'x

Me and My Girl the 22 Sat 2n l-t-h

" 3Her tSat that 2 ‘Hpntt {l3 {in l’rcparc tn tln thc lainhcth \Vallt ax llll\ pnpular mnxigal. ahnut a t'nt‘kitc} unit- hn} \\hn thxt'nwrx hc'x lllL' ncu liarl nl llL'rL'lUt’tl. t‘t‘lttLN [U lllt‘ Klitg-\

Jesus Christ Superstar \It‘ll 2S

l‘t‘h Sat I: \lat’ “.Sltpin t\\'ctl tk Sat mat 2.3Hpmi {IN (2" lint Rit'c &

2] Sat 2n Mb 1 ltlprn LIN l‘ht‘ pnpnlar t)tangc-xpnnxntctl 'l’la_\. Pro X l’int‘ \L'l'lL‘\ t’t‘xtarh \tith llrut‘t' \Initnn‘x 'l-ng‘ llcxt knnun a~ a \tantl up t‘ntncthan. \lnrtnn\ pla} t‘t‘nticx nn an arguing; t‘nttplc \xhn arc tlhtuthctl h) an unt'q‘ct‘tctl \ t\llt‘l lath tit‘kt't int‘lntltw a pic and a drink lll tht‘ pitt‘t‘. .llltl (lranjxt‘ t'tixtnntcrx appl} int 2 lnr l titkt‘tx nn \Vt‘tlnt‘xtltu thinngh lllt‘ll nctnnrk

A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: Casanova's Limp \lnn 2h l’ch Sat 5 Hat 1 ltlprn L l” St't‘nntl lll tht‘ \pring 'l‘la}. PIC t\ I’ll”. run IS SR I’Iant\ ( immuta'x limp. it] “high txtn unmt-n tt'ntl tn pla}hn_x nn

Andre“ l.ln)tl \Vchhcr\ pnpnlat rnt‘k lll\ tlcathhctl mnxit'al tlt'Plx'llllf.‘ thc laxt \mcn tla_\\ in

lllt‘ hlc nt Jt'\ll\ nl \a/art'th

hilSL‘tl t‘nmpan). lcaturing I'm (mm h} Alan (ircig and Stephen l’t‘lt‘tilltn'x lun'mm', Scc rcucu.

all thxt'iphncx. llllS lnruin nllcrx the chance tn nctunr'k. air \ to“ x and \harc t'l't’allu' ltlL'llS.

No Kidding 8: Ongoing l'l‘l lh‘ l-‘ch Titlpnr. LS 161, Rnh} \Vnrth [X‘l'ltH'lllS .la} alas“ in\ \u Knit/mu \\ ith a \t‘nrc lrnin turntahlt' mamtrn Philip Jack. l-nllmwtl h} tlant'c iinprnxixcrx Rick \nthnt- and Jnxair |.nng_'n in (mun/nu. Beckett 2: The Basement Tapes ‘l'hu 2-1 l-ch Sat l‘) Mar tnnt Sum.

71 illprn, W HS t. The Art‘ltt‘x 'l‘ht‘atrc (human) pcrlnrrnx tun nl' Bccla'tt'x \hnrt pla'u Ill tht' rarcl} \ccn hawrncnt \pat't'. llnth Krupp'x Lax! Ill/W and Rllt'All/H Itlt‘nrpnt‘atc t‘L‘t‘Urthtl matcrial. lllt‘ lnrincr lnt‘uxing nn Krapp ax hc llSIL‘llS It) caxxcllt‘x nl' himwll lruttl 4i) )L'arx cat‘lict'. uhilc thc latlct' lt‘atttt‘L‘x Ka} (iallic ttx a lnncl} nltl unman \tuck Ill hcr int-king; chair.


\th Stu-ct. SS“ ltlltl 1H, \\(‘. \\,\| Happy Families \M-d 2 Sat S \lar "31min 1951 l‘tinit} l‘hcatic plt‘St'lll\ [lll\ t'nmctl} lintn lllt' \HIICI nt linmzt ('I\ and S/mb'rx. “high [\tllllS an .rllct'tinnatv and appealing; pnrtrait nl an nrthnarx lannl_\ \trngghng \\ tth (hangc and lllt' gt‘ncratinn gap

I ORAN MOR ‘35 (ircat \\c\tt'rn Rnatl. 35" n2tNi.

A Play, a Pie 8. a Pint: Fog .\lnn


297 Bath Strcct. 240 llll. Ill. \\'('. \\‘.-\| "3| Sleeping Beauty Thu 17 Sat It) l-ch.


thin-t (‘Imta xx" lulu [\Vt'. \\'.I\| Denise Nolan: The Magic of the Judy Garland Sat 2!» l-t-h “pm 1" SH 1U) 5th llt'inxc \lllfJS .lutl} '\ llll\ Including: ()ll'l Illr‘ Rum/um. Hir' Int/1m Sung and Sun [mm [\t u.


l2] Rt‘llllt‘ltl Sll't‘t'l. H2 lH-lh Ill. “1 '. \\'.-\l

Colin Fry and Tony Stockwell Sun 27 Ml». 7,3(lpni. H5. .'\n cwnrng: nt p\'\k‘lllk' unnlnunit'atinn uith |’\"\ l'axnuritt' lltt‘tllttlllx.


I l‘) (lnrhalx Strcct. 42‘) 0022. ll’. H. Ti. \\'('. \VAI

Cleo, Camping, Emmanuelle and Dick l'ntil Sat 2h l‘ch tnnt Sun/Mun). 7.30pm (Sat mat l‘) l-'ch (ml) .ipnrt.

{l4 1U UH. 'l‘crr} Jnhnxnn‘x t‘nrncd} gctx up clnxc and \cr} pt‘l‘\t)tlttl \\ ith the great British traditinn nl’ ('urrt ()n . . llllth.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream t'ntil Sat 1‘) l‘ch. 7.30pm. £5 (£31. ll.\'l) Acting and l’crl‘nrrnant‘c \ltltlt‘tll\ put nn Sliakcxpcarc‘x fantastic rnrnp in thc \HititlS.

Death of a Salesman Tue 22 Sat 26 l‘ch. 7.30pm (Sat Inat 3pm). £8 (£3 £6). The Iatc Arthur Miller's landmark \Vtil’k ahnut a salesman \th aspired tn the .-\mcrican Drcam ix pL'l'ltll'lllL‘tl h} .\'l.(' 'l‘hcatrc (‘ntnpan_\‘.


US Ingram Strt'ct. 552 US”, ll’. \\'('. \\':\. \\'.-\.-\|

No Man’s Land Mon 2! Sat Zn l-t-h Titlpm. L") 1U HSUL Stratht'lytlt- 'l'hcatrc (lrnnp pt‘t’lnl'mx Ullt' nl llarnltl l’intcrx rnnxt rarc and tlarltl} t'nnnt‘ play lcaturing a t'nnlht‘t ht‘tuccn tun \xntlltl he pnctx.

Wuthering Heights Wed 2% lit-h. HS 2pm. £3.50 W250). ’l'hc Rathn 'l‘hcatrc (lrnup pit-with IlllS reading nl liinil) Brnntc'x L‘lilSSlL‘ nnwl. atlaptt-tl lni thc \tagc h) Bruce l)n\\nic.

m m Stephen Greenhorn’s contemporary Scottish classic makes a welcome return with this tour by

Borderline. The tale of two Motherwell scamps pursued by gangsters on

an implausible surfing holiday in the Highlands, it’s both a breezy

comedy and a state of the nation play.

I Tour/mg.


2 Sauchichall Street. 353 Still”, ll’. ll. \\'(‘. WA]

Sleeping Beauty .‘\inn 2% l-t-h. 7.l5prn. {Ill {28‘ ()nc nl tun PI'UtllICIIUIIS til (llt‘lttttktn \k} ‘\ l‘illlL'l

I CLYDE AUDITORIUM l-innicxtnn Qua}. ()S7t) (Ht) 400”. ll’. ll. \\'(‘. \\'.-\I

Riverdance Mun 28 l't‘h Sat 5 Mar. Spin tSat mat 2.30pm). £27.50 £32.50.

Theatre Guide

Thursday 17 Friday 18 Saturday 19 Sunday 20 Monday 21 Tuesday 22 Wednesday 23 it Arches See Rock 8. Pop JNo Kidding/Artists Foruml l 3 V I See Rock a Pop I . CitiZEIIS ~"~"~ l‘J'iin/‘VWV Ce; l»'t'C}St."""(?' (SM; 31.1 "1,“ fan" x 1 ' Luz" 4., . " Gilmorehill i The Tempest J The Tempest l The Tempest I i King's b v. "t; Eieaat, Scented Beam, SW: "3; Bean. 2", ,y r; '3, gr an. '1' g I," 2 _. _..2 ,.. 2 ___ .,._ A..- ,2_, . _. I T Oran Nor ' l l Fog t Fog ! Fog Ramshorn w ~‘ 1 -. ~ -. v '. ~ Tramway Rarmund Hoghe Raimund Hoghe 80‘? {132* SCI S‘C’L‘ «LY. ATM") .'.' 5”” gig? 59‘: >1", .' '1 T",.'.' 'l‘ “"":' ° . 11' .d'l‘: i: “0".” ' _ «'1' .r: 2“ anton I | Meet the Curve Found. 1 Perfect I I : ChlII’CII OW ACT Fest :0. A". “~38? .a FOSIIVCI Theatre Jesus CMSt l Jesus Christ 1 Jesus Christ l i Peter Pan 1 Peter Pan m King's QM ~ 305mg; 3.3: ext: 53,1,” PIIYIIOIISG Rmme I Flle 1 Rivefdance l Riverdance J Riverdance J Rwerdanoe -——‘~ J'- A *-_-,2____-22-2-2-2L___,_2_-,- _.V.__ -_2___ _ .,_--_____2_2 ________ _ _ _ - - --_.__.-V.. -2 _ » r 74 3 ': yrlr f" .37} Giff) "Ii ' 3 r "v ‘v 'r {. Egg: ’4 :v ’) r r ( ,1: Inverse I I I'm a Fool to Want I'm a Fool to I'm a Foot to Want 7 Lareigne l Lareigne A

98 THE LIST 17 Fob—3 Mar 2005