Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.
AC11'/111es {1111.1 Fun
Sunday Craft Club 8111111111111 \1111 1 1 1111. 11.1111 111111 1'11'1' (1111133111 \11111'111111 l<('\1111111'(21'11111‘. 21111\\111111111'.111 1(111111. \11111111. 2511911111 1)11111111111111111111111111.1 111111'11'111 1111‘1111'1'.1111 111'1'11 \1111.1l1|1'1111
1‘5 1.2 )1'111 11111\
Acting Up! Drama for Children and Young People'll111 * 1111.11 111 x 11111111 1.5 \1111511115 .\ $.11 12. 11.1111 1211111 U (‘1' \. 15” \.11111111'11.11| \111'1'1. 1521101111 1)1.1111.111.11111111115111'11111 .11'1111 111111111111'1 ('11111'111'1111111111 11111111111 1'111111'11111'1111
l2 lb11'.1111111\.\.1111111.11\I11111 11 _11'.11> 111111 111111111111; 1'111'1111.11
Hip Hop Dance Classes for Young People 811111111'111\ S1111 111-111.2 111111 1.1 (‘1' \. 1511\4111'1111‘111111 8111'1'1. 152 4111111 \11111111'11111 11\_1111111'1111 111111 111111.1111'111111 1111111}.
Saturday Art Club 8.11 5 1'1'111\ 8111 I: 1111. 111.1111 111111. I 11'1' (111111'1‘1 11I \111111‘1'11 \11.()111'1'118111‘1'1. 22‘) 1111111 111111111 111'1111111'11111 1'11111111'1111331'11 i 111 111111111; 111 111111111111111111 111111 111111111131. 1'111111;_'1'. 11'111|111111'111111111;111111g111111'1.
CCA Kids Club: Terrestrial Thrills $111 5 1‘1'11. 111 11 11111111. 1.1;11111‘1‘1111 1:11 11'1'1‘.
('( ‘.\. 1511811111'1111'111111 811’1'1‘1. 352401111. .\ 1111111111111111111111111'111111 11111111‘11'11111111111 1'11'1111‘ 11;:111111 11111111-11'1‘1'1‘11 111111111 111111;:1‘s. [111'1111'1'\ .11111 1111111-\.
Skillshops $111 5 1111 2.311 -1. 11111111. .\1111 \1111121'1‘11.11..ill 351111111. L" 131 1121. 111111 1111'1111'1‘.11.151'1‘1111g1111'. 552 112(17. .111111 111 1|11'x1‘ 111111 \1‘1111111111‘111'1111112‘ 1111111111. 11111'1' 111111 1111111'1111'111 1111'1111111'1'111111111111111; 131111111”. .\f_‘1‘\ .5 fl 1111111 1 2pm. 11111111101111} 111:1‘1 N 12111‘1111'1'11 2.111 111111111. \111111111) \1‘\\I1111\ 1111‘ \1111111111' 1111 113:1‘\ 5 1".
CCA Kids Club: What-you-ma-call-it! $111 I2 1111 11) 1151111111. 1‘; [1111'1'1111 3:11 111‘1‘.(‘('.4\. .1511811111'1111‘111111 811'1'1'1. .152 101111. 111x1111‘1‘11 111 \111‘11111‘1 1'11111‘1'11111‘1 1111111 811111 1111 81'11'111'1‘ 11111 1111111 .11 111111 111‘ 111111 1111111111111111111' 111111111111111111.
Children’s Classic Concerts - Drummed Up! 8111 5 1111 111111 1k 311111. U15” 1151. 11111111 ('11111‘1‘1'1 111111. 2 811111'1111'111111 811'1‘1‘1. .153 3111111. (‘111‘1111111111'1 111‘11 [111'11‘1111 .1111111111‘11‘ 11111111111111; 1111111 \111311'1111111. (’111'111111‘1111 11111111111 1101111111 [111111 8111181111 11111111. 11111111 1111111 1)1'11111 \111111‘1'1 1'111'11111 111111 1111111'. 111111;: 111111111111 111111111111‘1111111111111 1117
The Witch, the Wizard and Little Red Riding Hood 5111 5 1111. 211111. H.511 11.1.5111. 8111111111 \11111. 11 l’11j1j11'1 ‘1‘111‘1111‘1‘ ('1‘1111‘1‘. S 111 111111‘111'1‘1‘1 .\11‘11111‘. K1‘11111111111‘. 3.11) (1185. 111111111; 111'11111 11111111111 11'1111111‘ 11111‘ 1111.11111‘ 111‘11 111111111: 11111111111111'\1111111 11111 (111111111 81111111. 111111 111111111 111111111111 1111‘ “um g1‘11 111 1111‘ 11111. (‘111111‘ 111111 11111111111 1111.11 1111j1111‘111,
Noddy 1‘11 1 1 S1111 1.1 1"1‘11. 111/S111 451111111 18111 111111 111311111111; Sal/S1111 1211111111.
1111 1111.51111-11111111 111‘111'11 £311 [112. Sli(‘(‘. 1’1111111'x11111Q1111}.(18‘1111111411111). 1111‘ 111‘1‘1111111'11111111‘11'1 1'11111111'11'1 1111111 11111111 11111111 g111‘1 1111‘ 111111 1111 1111 111111111. Journey to the Centre of the Earth 8111 12 1111 211111. [-1.5111135111. 8111111111 M11111 1k 1’1111111‘1 '1'111'11111' ('1'11111‘. 1\' 111 111111'111'1'1‘1 .>\11‘11111'. K1'11111111111'. 53‘) (1185. :\:_'1‘\ 5+. .-\11.1j111‘11 1111111 J11l1‘1 \'1‘1'111"1 11'1-1'1 11111111. 11111‘ 111'11111'1111'1 \1111'11 1’1'111'1111 111 111111‘ 1111111 111111111 111111 1111‘ 1111111 111111 11111 1111'1111‘1‘ 111111 1111 1111‘1111111111113; 111‘1'111111111111‘1‘. 11111:: 11111111. 11111111111 111111 11 11111' 11111111 111111'1111‘1. 1111‘ 111111 11 111'1111g111 111 1111'.
Tall Tales in the Tower $111 12 1111. 11111111 12.451‘111. 1511‘1‘. 111111 '1‘l11‘1111‘1‘. 113 '1'1‘1111111111'. 552 4211“. 151111. 11111‘1'111'1111‘ 11111111411111: 11'11111111 111 1111‘ 1111111 (111111 111111'1 1111‘ 11::1'1 3 5.
Dance Kids \11511'11. 111.1111. 11.111.
12 ;11111111\ 1 11111111 H1121. 1111'111111'11111 1111' (1111111 \1'151111111111 \1111‘1111'11 511 \111111 1.1111111111j_'11 \1'111’1'11111'. 15.1 1’1'11111 11.11 ('111111. ‘15 2151 (11'1111111 111111'1.11111\111l11\ 1111 .11111111111.11111111.111111. 111111'. 11111111.11111 11'.111 111.1111.11111 11.1111 1 ~1112111. 12 11111111 .11111 1 11111111 ‘1 1111'.11\
Drama Kids \11 5 1111 111 i1111111 .\
11 :11.1111 L—l1L21.1111‘111111'111111111-1111111 \1‘1u111111111 \1'111'1111'11 511 \1111111.1111111111;_'11 .\11~(‘1‘11111'. 15.1 1’1'11111111'111111111. ‘15
2151 .\11111111111111111'111111111111.1111.1. 1111111111111;.1111111111111.111111'11111' \1111.1l111' 1111.1;k‘x 1 (1
Walk on the Wildside $.11 5 1 .11.
‘1.1111 (111111 15 1.11111111111211/1111.('1111111111111111' 11111111. 114111211 111111.1111'1'111'1 11111111111' 1‘111'11111111'\1'1'1111111111 11111111 111 1111'11 .11111111111' 1'111'11111111'111111111111u11 1111'111111.1111_1 11111 11111111' 1111'1111. (1111' 11111111111; 1'\\1'1111.11
National Gallery Art Cart .\1111 (1 1111.
2 411111. 1-1'1‘1'. \.1111111.11(1.1l|1'1'1 111 811111.11111. 1111' \111111111. 112-1 (121111 1111' \1'1('.11’1 11111111‘ 11111111'11111111.11.11'11'11 111 1111 111.111'11.11\ .11111 1111'1111111'11111111'1111'1’11111‘1'111111111111111g1111111 1111111 111'1111111‘1 1111 121's 1 l2
Magical Mayhem 1111- .\ l~1~l1. 111.1111 1:11-1- .\111'111 1.11111111113311.\1'1\(‘1'11111'. 15.1 1’1'11111111'11 (111111. .‘115 2151. .-\3_‘1'1 21‘ ('1'1‘111111‘ 1111111'\ 111111 .\1.11;.'.111'1 81111111111111; 11111'111‘1111132'.1111g111g1111111111'11111111'. Dinosaurs Alive! 1'11 1 l 1'1‘11 S1111 .\ .\1.11. 11111111 511111; 8111111111111 511111;1111'
11111111 81111115113 H1. 11111.11 \11111'11111. 2 ('1111111111‘1'1 811'1'1‘1. 21".121‘11-14122. 11111111 11111111 111111111111 1111111111'111111 1.11111\1'11]11'\ 111111 111111'11‘1 111 111111111; 11111111. (‘111111‘ 1111'1' 111 1111'1' 111111111111111111'. 111111111}:'1’R1'1.11111'1.
Big Art Wee Hands $111 12 1111. 111.311111111k 1.311p111.141121;1111'111111‘1'x111 1111‘ (1111111 \1‘13411111111181'111‘1111‘ 11.511. \111'111 1'11111111111‘32‘11 .-\11\ (111111: 1511 1’1‘11111111'11 (1111113152151.111111'11g11111111‘1111g1‘111 111111111111 1111‘11111 111111111111; [11111111111 11'111j111111'. 11111111111111111111111111311111
111111111g1'11l1111. \V111‘111111111x 111 1111' 111111111113; 111'1‘
1111' 3 (1 11‘111'1. 1111'11111‘1'11111111 1111 2+ 11'111\. Pinhole Photography 8111 12 1111. 11131111111. 14 1121 1111'111111'1'1111 1111' (1111111 \1‘1g111111111‘ 81'111'1111‘ 11.511. \111‘111 1.111111111132111 .-\1‘1\ (‘1'1111'12 1511 1’1'11111111‘11 ('111111. .115 2151. .-\;:1'\ 7+. ('11‘1111‘ 111111111111 1'111111'111 11111111111 111111111 1111\ 111111 11'11111 111111 111|111111 111111'111111341‘1 1111111111'111‘1111111.
Love Tales and Tokens 8111 12 111-11 111 1111 1 131111111 111111. 1"1'1‘1‘. N11111111111 (111111‘11 11IS1'1111111111: (‘11111‘ 1".11111'11111111(‘1'1111'121111‘ .\111111111.(12-1 1121111. 1'11111111'1‘1111‘\}111111111 111111 111111111 11111'1111111\|1111} 1111111‘111111x1‘ 11'11111111111'11'11 11I 111‘1111111‘1 1111‘1'1'1111‘ 11 11111‘ 111k1‘11 1111' 1111111‘11111‘ 1111'1'1111. 81111111111' 1111' ;1:_‘L‘\ 5+.
Love Birds and Other Creatures $111 12 Mon 141"1‘11111111811111.2.l5 3.45pm. .-\|111S1111 13 1111‘ 15 1"1'11111111 M11111.
2.15 4.1511111. £1.51). .\'11111111111 (1.1111'1'1 11I 811111111111: ('11111‘ 11111111111011 ('1‘1111'1‘. 1111' .\111111111. (124 (121111. ('1‘1‘1111‘ 111111 111'1'1111111' 11 11111111111111' 11111117 51111111111‘ 1111' 11:;1'1 5 3. 111111 1111M 111'111'1'1111111111111'11 111 1111 11111111, “1111111111111 1111 81111111) 111111 '1'111‘111111 1111‘ I111 113:1'1 .\'+.
Family Workshop: The Healthy Heart S1111 l.‘~ 1'1'11. 1111111 211111. 14. 1.111111111111('111111‘. 211 (111111111111 11111111 81111111. .1311 211(111. 5111‘1111 11 1111111111111 111 1111‘ 1'111111'\ 11111'111'11 11111111111: 1'111111111111'14111111111 111111111' 1111' \‘1111'1111111'\ D11}. 1111111111‘11 111 11 111113.11- 11'111111111 1111111111; 1111‘1111'1111111g111111 11111111; 111111111111: 1‘111‘1111111.
Doodles Half Term Art Club 1111'
15 1511 11\' 1'1‘11. 11111111 11111111. 145. 1)11111111'\ (‘1‘1‘1111111‘ “111111111111. 2‘) .\l111'1'1111111111 ('11‘11‘1‘111. 22‘) 139‘). 1.1111111 1111111'1'1-1'1‘11111'11 11111. 111111 111111'1'1‘111 111'1111111‘1 1‘11‘1‘1 11111 1111' 11::1‘1 '+. 1111'111111'1 1111 111.111'111111 111111 I‘L‘l'I'LNlIIIIL‘nlx
Mid-term Holiday Workshop: Abstract Art 1111' 15 1111 11111111 411111. 1215 1121”). “can (111111‘1'). “.5 111'11111'11 R111111. 112-1 (12'2. (‘1111111'111'1 111111 11111111 11111111111 11‘111‘11111111‘11 11111111'1'11 111 1111‘ 1111111 111 111‘11 \11'1111111111. 111111 1111111 .'\1111r1‘11 \111111‘11/11‘. 81111111111‘ 1111‘ 11g1'~ X 12. ('1111 .\11111 111
011111 11111111 111111111.
DISNEY LIVE! WINNIE THE POOH Edinburgh Playhouse, Tue 8—Sun 13 Feb
Honey is renowned for its rejuvenating properties, and if Winnie the Pooh is anything to go by, we should all be getting our paws sticky. Ninety years after AA Milne first turned his young son’s favourite bear into a literary hero, Pooh looks better than ever. Star of the big and small screen, book shelf and toy box, Pooh’s popularity has reached new heights since joining the good ship Disney. And now, he’s about to conquer the theatrical stage.
Disney Live! Winnie the Pooh is an all-singing, all-dancing spectacular, which receives its UK premiere in Edinburgh this fortnight. Recreating the Hundred Acre Wood and all its charming inhabitants, the show has provoked squeals of delight across Europe and Australia. What is it about Pooh that makes generations of children fall at his chubby little feet? ‘Winnie the Pooh is a great example of how to walk gently through life and be happy,‘ suggests the show’s director, Lisa Skubovius. ‘He's extremely loveable and approachable and just says what he thinks.’
Skubovius and her team have had their work cut out recreating the storybook magic on screen. But the result has had children joining in in full voice. ‘The show is incredibly interactive throughout,’ says Skubovius. ‘The narrator calls on the audience to help drive the story, to shout out advice to Pooh, and sing along with him and his friends.’ As you would expect from Disney, high production values are par for the course, with falling snow, high-flying Piglets and exciting projection screens.
As far as Skubovius is concerned, they’re not just telling a story, they’re helping to build the audience of the future: ‘One of our main aims is to create a really memorable experience for children who are probably going to see a show for the first time, to help them love the theatre and be excited about returning throughout their lives.’ (Kelly Apter)
Mid-term Holiday Workshop: Self- portraits \\'1‘11 111 1'1'11. 11111111 ~1p111. 115 111111. 1)1'1111(111111'1'_\. “.1 111'1111111 Road. (124 (12"2. 1'.\|11111‘1‘ 1111' 1111111'1'1 11I \1'1111111'11‘1111 111111111111 1111' 1111111 111 .-\11111 \\'111‘1111|. .\ 1111\1'11 1111‘11111 11111111111111 111111 1111111 .11111111111('11111'1. 51111111111'1111'11g1'1 N 12. (.1111 \11111 111
‘111111 1111111111111111111.
Mid-term Holiday Workshop: Wood Carving 11111 l" 1111. 11111111 411111 115 111111. l)1‘1111(111111‘1‘.\.-5 111'11111‘11111111111124 11222. ('.11'11‘ 11111111 1'1'111'1 11'111j11111'1‘1 111111 1111111111111111' .\11'\111111'1‘ 111111 \1‘11111 R1111. $1111.11111‘ 111111;:1‘1 N 12. ('1111 .\11111 111
911111 1111111111111111111.
Theatre 81 Dance Diary of an Action Man 11111 3 1k 111 4 1111 11111 11511111; 111 111151111111 "11111. 1111
114.511 (5.5111. '1‘1'1111'111‘ ’1'111'1111'1‘. (‘11111111111g_'1'
511'1‘1‘1. 14114. .-\1‘ll1111 \1111‘} 1111' a 1 1- 11211411111 1111111111111: 1111'111111'1111111‘1111 11/1'11 111111 1111 11'1'1'1'1 1'111111‘11111'. 111111.11'1‘ 1r1111g 111 111111 1111 1.11111'1. 1)111‘1‘1111'J1'11111 81'1111‘1 111'1111‘1 111.111 11111111111141 111111 111111111-111‘11‘1111111111 1111111111‘ 111‘1‘111111111111'1'. 1111111111; 11 111111 111‘1'1‘1111111‘ I111 111‘111111111 1111111111-11111111111'11 1'11111111‘11.
Disney Live: Winnie the Pooh on Stage \V1‘11‘) 1111 1'11 1 i .\1111 111111 \111111'1111'1. \V1'11 S111 511111. 111 Sun 211111 18.11/51!” 111111 11111111. {15.511 1.19.511. 1’1111111111\1'. 11\ 22 (11'1'1'11x1111' 1’1111'1'. 111711 (11111424. .111111\\'1111111'1111‘ 1’1111111111111111 1111 I1'11'11111 111111111 11111 11111'11 111111'1111111‘ 11111'111'11 111111 11111141111111 1111111111'1.
Storytime for Under Fives 11111 i 1111. 11111 1111'1'11 11 11111 1“ 1'1'11. 111 15 1114511111. I1‘1‘1' \11'111'1'1111111‘11.1111111}. 1 \V1‘11x1111‘ 111/11. 52‘) 51101. (‘111111'111111111111111111-111111111 111111111'111' 1111r11'1111111 {11111 111111 [1111111111. 1'.11'1'_111111' 111111 1'1111111'1'11 1111111'1‘ 5 111'11'111111‘ Bookstart Rhymetime 111111 in 35 Mar. 11111) 1131111111. 1'11'1‘.S1:_'11111111 1.111r11r}. (1 S1gl1111111 “11111. 52‘) 5571. Nurxcr} r1111111‘1. [1111111111. 11111111‘ 111111 1111 111'1111111'1 Mr 1) .‘1- )1‘111-1111lx.
Storytelling with David Campbell $111 12 1'1'11. 1111111 124 11.21; 1111'111111'11111 1111‘ (1111111 \1‘11411111111r 81'111'1111' 1.1511. \‘111111 1:11111hurg11 A111 (mm: 1511 1’1'11111111‘11 (111111. 2115 2151. 1)111111 ('1111111111‘11 11'111 11111-1 111111111‘1111111'. 11111111111'1'. 1111111 111111 11111'. 1'1111‘1111111111g 1'111111r1‘n 111111111111111. 81111111111' I11r11g1'1 5+.
'24 " 11:1. 53$", THE LIST 65