
Sword of Doom « l3» Kiliatlii “kalllitlii. Japan. I()()(ll 'I.tlxtl.\.t \akatlal. 'Ilthlllo \lllllIlL' I I‘litiiit I<_\utioxuku ix .i xaitiutai \tithont uitiipaxxioti oi xttuplcx \\ IlL'll hu kilIx .ni oppoiiciit III a IL'llglllj; IIIdIkIl. Iiu ix [llll\llk'(l h} lIic htolhut oI IIlL' iiiati hu kilIctI \\Ilt‘L'\.llIL'\IIIIII.IIL':.1IIICI\III“IL'L'IIL'IIIIL“. .niiI hiiiliIx up to a final xhoutloun 'I hix tiltti ix llltlL'll lot itx hit'alhlaknig photogtaph} and light \kk'llk'\ Part of \\IItI Japan xcaxoti ll/lll/lrlllu, [iliii/iiiiz'lt

T-Rex 3Dtl iiIiiutl I.uiiii;iiil.l S. I‘Nhi ~1lliitiii \tiia/itig looking I\I.~\.\ IIIHHL' about a l.tlIlCl .niiI ilaughlt't lll iIaiigci Itotti .i \ it toux tat'tmotoiix iliiioxatn (it'cat Itiii

l/Ii (ll/t.


Name Joaquin Raphael Phoenix.

Born 28 October 1974, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Background Born to Children of God missionaries. Joaquin was the middle child in a brood of five. Taking his cue from older sibling River, he changed his name to Leaf. Encouraged by his hippyish parents to develop his artistic side he again followed his brother’s example. His family settled in UK when Joaquin was six years old. where his parents eventually found an agent who was willing to represent all five children. Commercials for non-meat. non- dairy and non-junk food products followed (the kids were all raised as strict vegans). Despite small roles in Parenthood and My Own Private Idaho it was in Van Sant's 1995 small town media satire To Die For that Phoenix first got noticed. Since then he has turned in excellent performances in Gladiator, The Yards. It '3 All About Love. Buffalo Soldiers and The Village.

What’s he up to now? He is the best thing in new (rubbish) firefighter flick Ladder 49 but. more interestingly, in his next film Walk The Line he will be playing the country music legend Johnny Cash.

What he says about fame ‘Fame; I couldn't have it in my life. I love that I can sit on the lawn in Central Park and I'm just one of the millions. I don't want to lose that. I'm trying to figure out the perfect strategy.‘

Interesting fact Joaquin was at the Viper Room (an LA nightclub partly owned by Johnny Depp) on 31 October 1993 when his brother River collapsed from a drug overdose and later died. It was he who made the call to 91 1. which was rebroadcast the world over.

I Ladder 49 is out now on general release.

58 IHE LISI ‘—‘ *0" "

:2: Tarnation ' 15» tJHIIIIaII‘iall (..ti'LlICII‘t‘.

I S. 3tll1i\\iiiiii I)t‘.ittt.i \ltklllllt'llitll} loIIim ttig lhc ua} iii uhith Jonathan ('aoucttc \Ik'tlI\ xx ith hix inothut'x \gIll/HI‘IIIL'IIM I’at‘t oI (ilaxgou \\otlti I lIlll I'cleaI (r/iiwgim I ii'nt I/ti iliii (km '4, Team America i IF» .... i II'C_\ I’alkL't. I'S. SHIN» \oitcx ot 'Itc} I’aikct. \latt \toiic. Ktixtuti \ltllct. \itllIIIk’C l..l\i.lI\IIL'. I)at.iit \oi'tix ‘l\itiiti l'.tl Itoiti I‘Clll}! .iti Ititcttialtottal i<L'\kIIL"\I-\IL' Pk'.l\CI\CL'PIII:_' Il'IkC. thc \louiil Ruxhitioiu Ittlxt'tl gatlgcklttxllt IlL'lttL'x til Ii ii'l'.‘ \liji iii i; air a uu-tIoti't-iIo-hod} 'kl‘IIIII\ nixingt'in} xtiuail that ath thc \lll'lL'lII I .\ .ltlllllllhlldllltlhx Il.t\\kl\ll totcigti polit it'x ,-\tt_\ RL'I‘UI‘IIL'JII \xilh a xcttxc ol Iiuiiiotit uouIiI Iiatu thix. lhoxu \HIIIItlll niight \xt-II low ll (iL'IIllh (it'itt m/ It i'i (IN

Ten i I.‘ \i .....i \hhax Kiaioxtattii. Itait. 3H”: i ‘l-litnii \\ hat \\L' haw IICIL' aic lctt \L'Cllcx of .i I‘L'dllllllll uncut \xoitian Ill Ichiaii din iiig \.ll'ltttlx pcoph‘ ttoiii onc Plilkk' to .tllltlIlCl Iii cat‘h lllxl.lll\'L‘ lhcn Ull1\cl\.tllt|llx I‘L‘UtlllL‘ iiitci'togatiw or Utlllk'xxlitllaI. \\ ith IIIL' \xoiiian xittiultaiiuouxI} It'aiiiing .ihoul. .llltI [Ctlt'ltlllg UIIIUI\. .txpt't‘h HI IIIC Kiaioxtanii liIiiix philoxoph} \HIIlttlll tit-gating l'L'.lI Iilc. aiiiI \Illk'k'h II III xuuh .i \x.i_\ that lhutu‘x iio llllL'IIL'\'lll.lI Inci‘at't'h}. itixl .i lllllllI‘L‘l oi piohlciiix cauh ol iix plixxL'\\ hut that itlIlL‘l\ can help tix to xolw I‘Hl aII thc \L'II\C ot .ippatciit at'xthctn~ niloiinalil}. It It ix a t'ciiiai'kahl} lull) .it‘hiuwd \kitIIx l'l/III/IHHH. lat/iIt/iiiIg/i.

13 Going on 30 l I3.-\i... itiaix \Viinnck. I'S_ :IIII-ll .IL‘IIIIIIL'I' (iainct. \laik Rtillalo. .\l.itl I'laitihall. .liitI} (nu-t. ‘Vtiiiti .IL'lllld i(iai‘ticri ix lllll.t\‘llIttll\I) lt'atixloi'ittt'tl ll’ttlll hut |3»_\cai'-o|il xclt iii 105" to a Iiiin II} nig itiotlctii tla} laxhion i'cpoi'ici. :\ltci ti‘iIIing 'I:\ci‘_\hoil) \Vaiig (‘hutig tonight" xIIL‘ xltitlx IlL‘l' k'IlIIllIlUHtI x\\ CL‘lIIL'ttl‘l lRllllilIiil on a croutch tIaiiuct‘Ioot'. Ix hu xliIl part of ItL‘l' llIL‘ .’ .-\lltl I)itcx .IL‘ltlltl IlkL‘ lIlC L‘itItI- licattcd. calculating. anihilioux pcrxoii xlit"x hm‘oinc .' So Iat' xo liiu hilt (Ear) 'I‘atlpolc \Vniick’x Iightncighl xlicc ol girl} \\iin lullilnicnt ix bright and ht'axh cnough to inakc )ou xtixpctitl _\oui' tIixthicl'. And it‘x got a cotixtaiill} aniuxnig .\'l Ix xountIti'ack to boot. Sli'r (‘i'iiliin ('iiii'mii. lat/ili/iiiru/i.

3D Mania flitting l‘S. 2(lll3i Stuart I’aitkni. Iilx ii'a.|.\l:\.\ 3|) animation hcll. I-oi' lll;l\ttCIll\l\ atiil (Ulllplllk‘l' t'citilct' gcckx oiil}. “lan I’llt'tl/N'. (ilihfiiili.

Titanic 4 l2) ... lJatnL-x ('atticron. I‘S. I‘M?) l.coitat'tlo l)i(’aprio. Kalc \Viiixlct. Bill} lanc. I‘Ninin. ('aincroti lackIL-x thc xlot'} ol' thc tlooincd occaii Iiiici‘ through a touching Io\ c xtoi'} that ixn't o\ cmhcliticd It} thc a\\cxoitiu xpccial cll'cclx. Ridi girl Roxc (\Vnixlcti ix unhappll} cngagul to arrogant ('al (Zane) hut laIIx IUI‘ lhii'tI-claxx paxxcngct Jack il)i('api‘ioi. |.o\ c hloxxonix ax thc xhip hitx an tcchcrg in thc .\'ot'th Atlantic. In all itx on-xct'ccn glor). Illdlllt' LIUC\ IIILIL'L'tI look III\L‘ thc lllU\l L'\pcltxl\c lilnt cwr iiiatlc. come} ing both the xcalc ol lIlC tllxttxlcl‘ gtlltl lIlL' I‘L‘Cllltg Ul' L‘Itttlxlt'oplloltltl ax thc \\atcr i'ixcx. I’art ol’(ilaxgo\\ \Vorld I'lIlll l‘-£'\ll\ill. (.(li(il\)('llfl'(’\'i Sll't't’l. (iliiwon. (i/tiwini.

Tomorrow’s Weather l l 2.-\ I IJL'I'I} Siuht'. I’olatitl. IINIFI Jci'r} Stuhr. .\la|gor/ala [Mac/kit“ xka. 95min. I’olixh coined} ahout Stuhi'. \xho ahatitlonx hix lattitl} to Iixc iii a inonaxtt'}. thcti hcailx hack altcr I" )cat'x. I’ai‘t ot(ilaxgo\\ World I‘iIni I-L‘xtiuil. (’(i(' Ri'llll'i'li Sll'i'i'l. (i/itxg'uii. (Mutiny

:3: Tropical Maladyi I5i I:\Pl(lltllp0llg \Vccraxcthakul. 'I'Iiailanili I-t'anccit icrinan} Ital}. IIIIIJI Baiilop l.oiiinot. Saktla Kacnhuadcu, I Ih'nini. 'I‘Itc xtor) ot a i'oniaiicc but“ cucn a ontIict and a Citllltll‘_\ ho} in 'I'hailand. Ihix nio\ lL' alxo lll\0I\L‘\ a Thai t'olk Icgcnd ot a xhanian \\ ith xhapc- xhil'ting JI‘IIIlICx InclutICx narration to hpr iintlcrxtantlnig of That lttIkIttl‘C. I’art ot (ilaxgim World I-‘iltti I-‘cxtnal. (i/tixgiiii I'll/II I./I(.(IH'('. (i/il\g’illt.

=2: Turtles Can Fly . is coo. Iliahitian ( lIIt‘I‘JkII. Itan Iraq. It N ‘4'» \oiatt I I‘l.tIlllli. \\.i/ I am ‘I—llllll \uc tt'xit‘xx. [\tgc 4h (1... x4. I 1‘": [in t.."( (i...\ \n '. III/uranixi li.":':"t.ii;l: $312046i12\i.... i\\i~ng l\.tl \\.n. Iotig Kong. It'll-11 ( iong I i. /h.itig /i_\i. \laggiu (‘hctnig Ioit_\ I cung Il‘litnit \\itll:_"\ .‘H-J/i ix hot .i xliaightloixxattl xctiticl Iii II: .'l':i Ilium." till ll'.( . tlIlItittlg'Il ll \lik'x tuiin IIIk' caihct liliii‘x itiaiit iiiaIt' thatatlct. lht' \\lllL'l .llIlI gut koIiIctI IIII‘I‘dIIkI (hon iI cutigi It'x no“ thc I.lIC I‘Ihllx .iiiiI lIIk' Iattct hax tutuitictl lo IIoiig Ixoitg. \xht‘it' ht" IL'tltlx .t IlL‘tIttlIhIk Illt'\l}IL' \IIII ILIlllIlL'kI It} hix iiicitioticx ol \u I l /IlL'll i(‘hctiiigi ('ultziig thchii \IIIIL'IL'IlI liiiiu tiaiiiux. thc llIlll iixcx .ni cxtciixiw \oigu owi to hind iix to ( ~hou ‘x Clllt‘llitlldl ptcdnantcntx l iixiittiiixiiigI} loi \\otig .iii iiitptcxxiwI) actual and gotgconx looking xpulat‘lc Iii’iiil'iutixi, It/iii/iiiigl: Umm Kulthum - A Voice Like Egypt l I’( i I l \liuhal ( ioItIiiian. I g_\ pt I S. liltltii \oncx ol \ itgiiita I).itiit'|xoti. ( )tti Koultouni. ()iiiai Shatil (\“iiiiii \ tlik‘lllllt‘llldl}. iiat‘iatutl It) \haril. about I.g_\pli.iii xitigct l lllllllll Kiilthuiii. \\Ilit ix a xiiigiiig It'gcntl iii thc .\tah \xoiltl Ihix llIlll ino\'.x hut IllL‘ xtoi} thtough nttcn It‘\\\. Inc pcrtoi‘nianucx .intl lIlL' I:g_\pti.iti pithhp'x l‘L‘dL'llitll to Itct. ll/HI/IUHH. lit/III/‘lll g/i Untold Scandal l lix'i ... il t-t- lt- _\oiig. South Kotca. Illllil I cc .\li xiik. .It-oit I)o _\coti. Iiac tong-inn. I3~Illllll \ KHIL'JII lakc on thc laiiioux iioxul l( \ Int/mm Ihiiigi-it int \ xct in .ll'l\ltk'l'.lll( th uctitiii} I'x'oica. toting mil .Ittr\\ttll .iiiiix to xt'tlitu' llllltlt‘L‘lll Sohrok. hut hix .tllL'llllHll ix xooti lakcti It} lad} Sook. .i culilialu (..llIlHIlk' xinuc hcr liuxhantl‘x \iCdlII I’ai't ol (‘ilaxgim \Vttl’ltl I'IIlll I'Cxll\.tl. (1 il. (r/ingiiit. Vanity Fair 1 I’( it ... i.\lna \ait. I 'K/I IS, Sill I4 I RL'L‘xL‘ \\ llIlL'l'xpi iitit. Rolllilla (iatai. Jonathan Rh} \-.\lk"\L‘I\. Rh) x Ilaiix. (iahricl Ihi'nc. I-lllllllll. \Vith hct' toiiguc lii‘iiil} Iotlgcd iii hut chuck. \Iiiiiumit ll'i ill/iii: tIii‘cctoi‘ \air xccnix llllL‘lll on adapting not on|_\ 'I‘Iiat‘kui‘) 'x xuhxlaittial iiowI. hut lIlL' popular laxhioii itiaga/nic ax \wll. \\ ith plot ilctailx and cIiai'at‘tcrixatiiin xaciiliccil iii know of \\ Iiat appcai' to Iw chcnu} aura ItthlIttll \IlUUl\ fllltl C\CII IlltII} \KitittI-xl) IL' iiiiixtual iitiiiihci'x. 'I'Iic l'C\llIl ix haiiIl) Itiin drama. but it'x gciitl) xatii'ical anil arguahl} i'cprcxciitx thc xpirit ol 'I'hackt'r} 'x inixuhicxoux attilutlc to Iiiin xocict} thtcr that Ktihi'ick'x at'guahl} owrxxtought li’iiiri lam/on. [)4IIIIIIIIUII. lat/iii/iiirg/i. Vera Drake 1 13m .... i.\likc lugh. I'K.2lI(l-1i Inicltla Slauiitoii. Richard (irahaiii. Iitlthc .\larxaii. :\llllu KC;l\L'lIL'}. l25tiiiii. It'l'tl l)ml\¢' xccx I.le_'Il l'L'llll'll \\ till a tragic-coiiiic drama that hoaxlx hoth thc uat'iii alluctioii ol [.1’l' l\ Sun! and lIlL' xharp ct'iiclt} ol .VuAvtl. Sct iii plixl<\\;tl' Britain l I‘lSlI/I I.oiidotii and locuxiiig on lhc titular good Itttlc \\ ilc. lllUlIlL‘l' and xcct'ct hackxtrccl ahot‘tioiiixt iStauntoiii. li'ni I)riik¢' hcnclitx li'oiii compelling tiat'i'aliw lltltl \L‘L'x lIlL' giltttI-Ilcttl'lL'tI ll lltll\L' protagonixl \llI‘_|C(lL‘tI to iiixliltitiotialixcd \ lL'llllllxttllnll. Si'Ii'i li'i/ I'i'li'ilu'. A Very Long Engagementi ISi .... lJcati-I’ict't'c qunct. I‘t'aiiu‘. ZINIJi .'\ll\II'L'} 'Iautou. (iaxpat'tl l'llicl. .Icaii-I’icrrc Bcckct'. I)oiiitiiiquc BL‘llL’lllL’ItI. I.“Jllllll. Romantic in} xtct‘} lroiti the actoi'ltlircctiit lcattt \\ Ito titatlc .-lm¢'/ii Sc! around World War | and haqu on lhc litt\ cl h} Suhaxticn Japrtxol. thix tullx thu xtor} ol .\l.tlIlIItIL' i'Iautou i. a )ouiig orphaned pttIIH-xtlllL‘l‘L‘l' \\ Iio ilcciilux to turn dclcctiw aiitI uncarth lIlL’ talc HI» IIL'I' littllL‘C Ill lllL‘ I‘llllIL‘llCIti\ ill thc Soitnnc. Rulcntlcxxl} lll\L'llll\L‘. grill} hut i‘athcr \MtlltIL'l'lllI t'oiiiaiitic drama. Sr/u It'i/ I'¢'/¢’tl\¢’. Visions of Europe i 12.-\i l \‘ai-iiiux. \arioux ilil'i. lell-li I.‘~‘litiiti, A \L'l'lL'x ot xhoi't lilttix tt'oiti tIn‘cutoi‘x and actorx on thcn‘ pci‘ccption ol’ thc Izuropcan l'tiioii ax ll L'\[‘;II1LI\ act‘oxx Izutopc. 'I‘hcxc lllti\ IL’\ cclchratc thc L‘\P&tll\lttll of thc lzuropcan uottiinutnt} through thch tllllL‘fL‘lll \ icu x. Part of (ilaxgoxx \Vorld I-‘iliti Ii'xtixtil. (ti-l. (i/uwoii. Vote for Henryk! il’( ii i.-\tidrcax I)i‘uxcn. (icrttiait). lellli "litiiti. .-\ LIUL‘UltlL'lllul‘} about lilL' ahxurd and taxcitiatiiig iiaturc ol a political caitipaign fought iii (icrniaii) 'x


xt‘atxulx pot‘uiatctl Iainlxtatx' touiix .llIxI

\ tIIagcx IIctiix k \\ ltllllldllll ix the (III ~x tattthtlalc tot lhc Iiiiiitlcxtag. .intt Iiax to \Ik'JI \\ ith a tIixilluxtoiit‘tI xix ictx \x' txigc (\I (i...x;i 1.2": [iii ..."i /:.i':l.'~.ixi l..'.':“.i'\'l: Warsawi i.‘ \ iltaziix- i i.‘.'.\'\\ «M intma. \gizicx/ka ( nix him xk.i, I t;k.ixi' l iazii. k:

(i...\\'i ".'

.Il'lltlll I tghl thatatlt'ix' Iixcx othixionalh nituixtxt on ont‘ \oItI nigh: Ill \\.iix.i\x |‘.itt ol (ilaxgou \\otltl I lIlll I cxtixa'. (( t (Wig-up. We Don‘t Live Here Anymore i 1"» '_Ii‘IllI ('iniati. I \. .‘llttli \laik Ix‘ullalo. latita Ilt'tii. \aoiin \\.illx IHIiitin \ gtiiit intt' ol lt‘.tIll_\ .ix loin tItiitxxiiiiicthing liicntIx Iiu. tight and than with tuith othci. \auxitig Il.l\\‘\ iii lhcti \il‘IIIk‘\II\ li\t'x.i \tlat‘talioii ol [\xo xhoil \lt‘llL'\ I\_\ \iitIit‘ Iltiltiix I’att oI (ilaxgim \\otI\I I III”

I cxli\.iI (iitixgim lifii: lisi i.'.'ri White Noise i l‘ ... it minim \.i\. (Killatla I I\ I \. :INIV \lit‘I Ixcatoii. (‘haiiilia \\\'\l. Ilt‘hoiah I\.n.i

l iigt'i. Ian \lt\ciu' ‘I ‘itnit I\ \IIlk'\It‘I (icollicx /i;{,'itl:-; .‘iti I. 3.. .' \.i\'x lug xt ict‘ii


tlt'hitl ix .i l‘.ll.tll|tllll.ll IIIlIIIt'I .lI‘t‘llI loitathait 'i\t'.lll‘lll..lIII.II1\\IIH\C \\II\' \ntia l\\k'\ll \onlattx Illlll lioiti lit-total IIIk‘ gtaw thiough I \ I’ iI Ik'xlllllllx \l‘hk‘ I’hctioiiit‘iiai \t.ii_\ Iwaiix (ii iii Iiii' ll ii i.xi

White Skin (La Peau Blanche) IN ll).llllL‘I Ix’oh} .('.iii.itl.i, .‘llllli \i.ll\ l’attiicl. \lattaiitit' I'atlt'} \‘Iintii lx’oiiiaiitn lIlllIIt'l iii \khit’h \Ill\lk'lll Illicit} iI’atiiit'l \II\Ilixk'\ tctI haiiutl \toiiicn llllllI Ilk' iiit'clx ( ''. .i _\oinig ittuxniaii Iiiit .iII ix not null lll lhc it'Ialionxlntt. and I hit-ii} 'x iootiiniatt' ix lhc liixl to lll‘IIxx' him ht' ix \Il.tllj_'lltf_' l’ait ol (‘ilaxgo\\ \\otItI I III” It-xtnal (ilitxgim li/iit [in (HM. (i/iixgim, li/iiil'iitiiu I iliii/iiiigli Without a Paddle i l: \ i ..

iSlt-wii litil|.l S. jtlllti \l.iiihc\\ I lII.lI\I. Sclh (ilL‘L‘Il. IIllll chnolilx ‘l‘liiiin \\\IuI ICCII knock oll ol I)! hit lit/iii xtattiiig lhc he“ iItIcictI .iiitI lit-u ililciiiiglx llllldlk'lllk'll i.lIl.lI\l. Ru} iiolilx Ill.tIxL‘\ .iii .ipitt'aiaiit t- .ix. lCtIllCL'k. \i'/i'i It i/ It /( t1\l

Woman with Red Hairi |.\ii |.ilxiiiiti Ktitiiaxhii‘o. Japan. I‘V‘li .liiiiko \li}.ix|iit.i. Rciiii Ixhihaxhi. \ko " innit \ in} xtt-iioux Illlu‘IlIllIkk'l' tx pickctl up It} .i llltlk ho Ullhll'llt‘llttll \xoi'kct. and thc} t'tiihatk oil a xc\ti.iI odd) xxc} I hix tIccpI} nillucitlial .itiil t‘cxpu‘tul .Iapaiicxc ga} liltii ix xaiiI to haw'I\L‘(I .i tittiiiiig point lot xo t'aIIctI .Iapancxc 'pnik' IIIllllll.lI\t'l\ I’att ol \\ iItI Japan \L'.l\ttll. ll/HI/IUIIH. [iliii/intuit

The Women II I.... it IL'Ulfg't' (‘tikoL IS. I‘) Wt .Ioaii ('iau loiil. \ottii.i Shuai'ci I “Hint, \\t'.i|lh_\ \l.n_\ II.tlllC\ tShcatCI ix tniauatc that hut hiixhaiiil ix

hax iiig .iii .illaii \\ ith xhopgnl (‘i}xi.i| i('i'a\\lortli. lint uhcn S}l\ ta I-oulci lRll\\L'III .llltl Ittllllt I’iillL'l lI’it\.iItl «leuiu'l \xhat hc'x up to thc} .ii'taiigc lot \l.ii'_\ to hcat thc goxxip, So hcgiiix thix \Mtlltlt‘l'llll. ititllliI.i}L'l‘CtI. (Iaxxlt’ (at light ol .i Illtt\ IC I’oxxihl} thc gt'catcxt hitch xIap cht Ann-truth L'lllCllld nut product-ll hax got itxclll a brand iicu print IIooiah‘ It/lii/tuiiu. [Al/HIM! g/i

>i= The Woodsman i lfii «\n-olt- KaxxL'II. I'S. lellJi KCHII Haunt. K}t.i St-ilguit k. .\lox I)cl. h"nnn I’at-tlophilt- \\.i|tct iliat‘oni t‘cttit'iix lo Iiix IltilllL' ltt\\ll .nitI tt‘iL'x to adapt to Iilc oiitxitlc pi'ixoii, .\ltct' it'tnttiiiig lo hix oItI ioh iii thc luiiihcr Il.ltIC. IIL' int-ctx anolhct lt'agilc ItlllL'l' tSt-tlguiuk I, (Lin hc icxixt hix tIL‘\ll'L‘\ atitI lcad a normal IllL' Rm IC\\L'(I llL'\I ixxuc. I’ai‘t ol (ilaxgou \Voilil l‘lIlll l'C\ll\.lI, (i/itwriit Il/nt l/It illi‘i, (r/ilxg'rll'.

3i: The Yes Men I: \i iI)ati (Illitiaii. Sarah I’I'IL‘C. I'S. IINI‘i Nllntni Satirical tlik‘tllltcttlal'} .iItotlt .igil plop PIH\HL'.IIClll\ lllc \t’x \lL‘lt. \VL' IHIIH‘J. IIIL'III .ix IIIL'_\ ll‘.t\CI IIIL' \kttl'ltl iitipci'xoiiatiiig nit-inlth ot thc \\oi‘ItI Italic Ui‘ganixalion. Itax ing built a \tchxitc that u ax inixtakcti lot lhc \\ 'Ill‘x 'Iltc} uxc lllCll‘ poxitioit to pIa} ptankx on huxnicxx L‘\L‘L‘ltll\cx IIlL' \Mirltl incl. RU IL'\|.L'tI IlL'\l ixxtic I’art ol (ilaxgou “ot'ltl I‘lIIll I'uxlnal (( hxl. (r/uwim.

Zhoorek l IZAi 1R} x/aiiI Br} kai. I’olantli Katar/yia I'igura. Natalia R}hiuka. "lliiiin, 'I'untlcr I’olixh drama about a lllHlIlL‘r and hut tuo daughtcrx and thc xcarch tor a

Ill} xtcriotixl} iiiixxing Iathcr. 'I'hc Illlll hax UlltIL'r\_\ taittlahl} hccn coiiipatul to l)('(ll' frank/i; Part of (ilaxgim \Vorld I'IIlll I‘L’xll\.tl. ('(‘pl (r/(lxg'rilr