
I Cult at l’o \a \a ltlpnt ‘arn helore llpnr. L5 attet \Veelxl} l).l \lltlkl and lrtend\ dig tip the \et} hext tn lunk. dtuo. Rtkli. home. latu'lt tl;t\\le\ and part} |.ttll\ at thrx eool tldltL‘L'llHHt ttlthlt-ltp,

I Eclectic Boogaloo at \l.t\\a

5pm iain l'ree helore lllptn; L5 atter Weekl} Soul. Rtkll. liip hop. tunk. drxeo and lunlt} houxe

I Evol at the l.lt|tlltl Roorn

ltl. {llpnr iani L5 \Veekl} lalitihtitghK longext running indie ntglrt. “ith the uxual tttl\ ol the hext turrent and L'l.t\\lL’ alternalne. t'ttt\\H\L‘t ltllit‘\. it\ an iiixtttution altead} artd “Hit the r‘eeent addition ot the haek roont llltt\\ inanned h) the \enerahle (lion and llorr/otrtal on de\ and lapttrp\ \\ rtli an ‘;tti}thttig hut indre‘ reinrt l. the lutuie look\ like a |iapp_\ plaee tor all lllttlj.)\ l;\ol,

I Finsternis at the l’leaxanee ('ahai‘et Hat. ‘lpin lttltl. L' 4. IS l'eh. Montlil}. the lighter \ide ol goth lll \tieh a tlrnig trul_\ L‘\l\l‘~l \titlt a tll|\ ol dark anthreiit. rieo t'ldSSlL'dl and ethereal traekx. ('heek \\ \\ \\.llll\lt‘l'lll\ org.uk lor tlittt'e lllltl.

I Friday Funk at Mama. lllpin iatn. £5 (Ur. \Veeld). .\'e\\ tiiglit doun Maxxa pla_\itig pop. dixeo. Rtkll. lunk and lltttISL‘ \\lllt regular \peeial gtiextx. I Fridays in Session at ('aharet Voltaire. llldtlpni iant. U) (Ur. ll l‘eh. Monthly ‘lhe teaui hehnid the e\eellent l’l'ttgl'L‘SSItlll \tart tip llll\ more trttinrate night \\tlll the ue\\ look ('ah. htit \till attraeting \tltllt‘ ot the hexl naniex ill the litl\tltt'\\. l'renelr l).|/prodtreer l)a\ id (itietta take\ the top \pot l'or lltt\ launelt night \xitlr a little help troni Denney

I Frisco at llerlin liierhattx.

llprti 3am. £5. 4 l-‘eh. Rexideritx Martin Valentine and Ste\ e \Vanlexx tllSll otrt tlre elaxxie qtialit) ltUltSL‘.

I Henry’s Late Nights at llL‘ttt'} '\ .la// ('ellar. midnight 3am. £5. \\'eek|_\. 'l‘op t|tlttltl_\ iax/ arid l).l\ tronr llenr} \ .la// ('ellar. 'l he lilepliantx t4 l-ehi ltll\ tip .-\lro-heat. ja// \ka and Latin all urtder tlie eotitrol ol~ trumpeter 'l‘oh} Shippe). While [he Seieneex t l I l't‘lil do their ia/l—tunk hip hop thing the lolltm tttg \\ L‘L'lx.

I Manga at litittL'} eonih. \L‘\l date 35 l't‘li.

I Mocha Rocka! at Berlin Bierhatix. \e\l date 25 l'eli.

I Obscene at the Venue.

lt)..lt)ptri 3am. L'lll t'll. ll l‘eh. Monthl}. .\la\\i\e third hirlltda} tor the drum & haxx eltih ax the man hiirixelt' (ioldie guextx iii iiiaiti rooni \\lllt Skitin} nian atrd l).| l-lip iii the top floor hip hop ettiporitint. See prei'r't'rt'.

I Obsidian at Studio 34.

ltlfitlpni 3am. £5. ll l-'eh. .\'e\\ alt.roek night eliainpioning lexxer l\t1o\\ ii tr‘aelxx from )our t'axottrite handx ax \\ ell a\ a \\e;iltli ot' Ioeal roek talent. 'l'he_\ al\o lia\ e aiiotlrer lttl\\ttitt ‘to eneourage roek eluh goer\ to drexx tip and make a lilttttd} L‘i‘liUlil‘.

I Planet Earth at ('itrttx (‘ltth. ltl._‘\()pnr Sam. [5. Weekl}. .\lll\lL' t'ronr I970 through to NS") or. iii other \HH‘LlS. a health} doxe ot punk. ne\\

\xa\ e. ne\\ rotiiaritie and eleetro pop.

I Pop Fiction at ('it}: lidinhurgh. ltlfitlpm 3am. U». \\'eek|_\. ’l‘rend} Weird) and regular gtiextx titre Belt) l’ordi la_\ dou n the eoolext hleiid ot’ pop. t‘tiiilx. \oul. dixeo. Rtkli. hip hop and liouxe \\ ith a real \enxe ot' t'tin. :\tttl pleaxe note the) lrax e tttt\\ ed to a \pankirrg nexx \eittie _ltl\l tip the road from their old haunt. l’lent} ol drinkx proniox on otter an’ all.

I React at the Venue. ltlfitlpiii 3am. to (£5 nieitiherxr. l.\‘ l5eh. The raw teehtro night ix hack \\ ith xpeetal griext 'l'ohiax Luke t.-\K:\ ()Bl l.

I Roots at Berlin BlL‘t'll'dllS.

l lprii 3am. £5. 1 l l‘eh. Soult‘til hoth master (‘raig Siiiitlt t;\tidio l)eltt\e. lltish lilISltl and xpeeial gtie\t\ to he announced help Berlin eelehrate their third hirthda) as the} take lt\ hack to the roon of modern dairee lttlISlC.

38 THE LIST 34 ' Let‘

The Progression team set up a new venture with the

Fridays in Session at the new look Cab. David

Guetta, the man behind Guetta Blaster and Fuck Me, I’m Famous, brings his French charm and savoir faire to their launch party.

{PL-l /I' r' 1'

)‘ [It " (' t'l ( )‘\“"\" ff,!/, ,klt:p\>1 \)t,‘t.\\

3:1 Scratch at the Bongo ('ltih.

ll)..itlptti Rant. 9; I .i til I l. .l l'eh ottl}, Set'ateh m iltl_\ tollou up their \Vateed tSltirn \illager date \\ itli atiotlier‘ killer hip hop night ax the} pre\ent DJ Premier. the tttari heliind (iangxtarr and one ot the Itttt\l rexpeeted prodtieerx iii the huxinexx. I SLOSH at Stihtxa}. llpnr 3am. [I (U l. \Veeld). l’errier .-\\\ar‘d \Vintier llarr} .-\tti\\\ot‘tlt tll\ itex _\Ull to SH )SH e\er} l'i‘ida}. l:\peet more ot the mute tlltISlt‘ and ltni that'x rtiade Snatelt or popular. 'l'he \xeekeiid \tarted )e\terda}

keep on tr‘tieldii'.

I STET at the Bongo ('ltrh. llptii Rant. [5. ll l'eh. Well he hone\t. it\ a hard one to \tlltt tip \o \\e'll lime to let tliertt do the talking. ‘\\ith a purpoxettill} erratie aitti. a night at Stet \enttn‘e\ ohieeti\el_\ through \onie tieldx ot \tirging haw. lot‘e\t\ ot niiero xainpled \‘llk‘le and \\lttt't'\. e\eii drt\ trig through the ttiar'dilatid ot exktaltih arid grime." .loirred h) the magnitieent Kode ‘l

trntrtatit h} perdtih and grrniet and l)addte

(iL‘L‘ ltllli‘l‘k‘tl titll \Ptlhk'll \\ttt‘tll l‘t‘lll ll\L‘. I Sugarbeat at (aharet Voltaire. lll..i(ll‘ltt Fain. L“. J leh. Morithl}, 'I‘he l.eed\ hreakx night latitieliex a new era at the ("ah kicking ott~ with .Matt (‘ariror tl’ree\t) lerxr arid t'otinder‘x 'l’tni tk .le/ tl'tah Saintxr on de\ and l'.\. Smoke} & the Bandit and John Maeleatt clieta Bandr arid their all erieompaxxrng [m e ot lllllSlC. .‘t t [m llt H.

I Tokyo Blu at the Venue.

ltl..‘~ttpni Sam. ‘5. 4 l-eh. Monthl}. the to e llotrxe Smooth eonttnue a\ tire lolqo Blu l).l\ return \xrth their eight- pieee hartd tor \onte tunk). dheo. l.atm. (‘hieago and eleetro ttrtged lrou~e.

rt. (Atom

. r“: '.[ 1 i/t: 4.

I Tokyo Underground at the (‘ellat liar. ‘lpiii .iani. L31 helore midnight; £5 alter. ll l‘eh. .\lotit|il_\. .-\ ne\\ night lroxted h} the dtio helinid 'l'ok}ohltt \\tllt lt\e pereuwion troni l’epe Santanraria and a \eleettoii ol loeal gtlexh.

I The Trap at \Vee Red Hat. ltlfitlpm iant. (3. IS l'eh. Roek'n‘toll. northern \otrl. indie. eleetro and lll//_\ toot tapperx \xrtlr gttext l).l\ hour the he\l indie elulrx around the l’lx'.

I Trouble at the (‘ellar‘ liar.

‘lpni 3am. l-ree helore lllpni; L UN helore nitdnrght; LINN attei’. \Veekl} triot ll l-ehr. 'lhe lleat .la// liaxentent IS rehorn iii a \liglitl} ditterent torrnat ax the l rouhle gti_\\ hrrng then ran int'leeted danee \eleetron haek home. l'r‘exh ott then trottirrtatrori tor "liext ('luh Night at (itlle\ l’elerxon'x \Vorld \Vrde \lthlL‘ .\\\ard\ the} are pulled h} ( iat‘etli Sontnter\ ille t l 'ltragr't Hi\ er tolloued h_\ ()uantte t lh' l'ehr.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Ascension Goth Club at let not Roxt l'nrorr. Itldtlpnr 1am. ‘5. 5 l'eh, Montlil}. In ;t\\tk'l;tllttll \\tlll lalriihurgh l’nrxerxit} \ (ioth and Roek Soeret} eonrex thrx eheer} llll\ ot tip-to—date darknexx leattu'itig all the latexl goth. roek and llltlthll'lttl gr'eatx

I Audio at Berlin Bterhaux. .\'e\t date l‘) l'L‘l‘.

I Colours Live! at the Liquid Room. lthHpm 3am. £12. I: l-eh. \lotithl}. \‘alentnre’x \peeial unh lled Kandt taking o\ er the eltih tor the night. .v\nd

the lled lxandr trexx tn the \e\\ \rhex ot \.:le:ttrr:e\ lla} '

I Defected in the House .tl t‘ahatet \oltazte lH irtprrt iattt 1|”qu lel‘ \lontltl_\ ltl\ lahel tedettned t'te turth ltouxe eon‘tprlatron throughout the ‘ltlx are hael. \klll‘. then rte“ irronthlt nrgltt at the ('ah llugg}. llatttt} lertrtarit and l\rpp\ are the rexrdenh ot \ ltoite atrd the\ 're toured h} one ot the latexl \rgtrtttgx to lletettedk Ir‘\l\‘l \ndt llarrtel

I DEFinition meets Rogue State at the \enrre lt' ‘ttprrt zatrr L3 hetore

l lprtt. 1* alter * l eh lx’ettnrgoratitrg the lmal lrtp hop \eene lll l rttttroti'\ I‘ St} I/ arid lx’exal ltt‘\l \unt \\on plti\ regular hreakdante trexx Random \\pel\t\ \o\\ teatrrtttg up xxrth drtitn t\ l‘.t\\et\ lilat' l .lll\l Head .t\ Rogue \lalt‘ I Diggity at the l \tahltxlrtttent

lllpnt lant Lfit‘e‘r \\eekl\ lll lahtrlo/. llatr} il). i\)l\l‘ arid \l(' l lo\\ get down \\lllt then had \el\e\. pla_\ing \\iltl\t)le' RAH. ltrp hop atrd \treet \ortl I The Egg at \\ee Red Itar

llprrt 1am 11 SUN. i ith \\eekl\ Still the hext un\ ot indie. titlx garage. northern \oul. \ka. WK punk arid ne\\ uaxe triti'rt' lll\\‘l_\ to \tagger atroxx \ \\ ell lo\ed tn\tittttton that tt‘ltt\t‘\ to ehange

I Fever at I go llptrr iain tltl I LR to l.t\le ttlt'lttl‘t‘h helore ll lipnr. t..\ tot tttt'tltlit'H attett * l‘eh Monthlx llre tolk at laxte Il dinhutgh\ original .trrd longext running \xeekl} ga} lllt‘lltll\ nigliti launeh a next rttotitlll} \entute. taking met a Sattnda} rtiglit tot thme \\lio teall_\ do lt.t\ e to \\Htl\ on \loittla} la\te ttl.iltl\la_\\ l l\llt't tk PlltC and Martin \alentirie are on the ntaintlooi \\hile the \ l\tlHl and Kanpuxx take art an_\tlirng goex attitude III the ('oeteau lounge l’ie eltth patt_\ at the Street liotti Illpnt.

I Funkey Magic at lietlm literhaux Ilpnt iarn. L5. 5 hit l-ourtli hirtlida} part} a\ the l‘unke} Magie erext teatn tip \\tllt ('it}deep touridet l)uane tSan l>iegot tor tttote ol that deep houxe _\oti ergo e. a\ \\ ell ax l).l l.ein and reeent (‘laxxte \igntng l‘unlex lratixport

I Give it Some! at tlte Bongo ( ‘Iuh llprti iatii. U helore rnidniglit. Ur alter. l3 l‘eh. Monthl}. l‘llltlx. \oul. |a//. tare groo\ e arid nta}he a tin} hit ot reggae and (itlx heat throun lll lot good nieaxut‘e all L‘Htlllt‘\_\ ot Hllx’edh tl.i\e\eienee\t.

I Headspin at the lloiigo (‘luh \e\t date It» l'eh.

I Henry’s Late Nights at lleni} \ .la// ('ellar. Mtdrrrgltt *ant. Ur \Veelel}. l.t\e ran arid the ltUtISL' l).l\ take )Htl trito the \tee \niall hour» (‘laxxte ttiitk trotn l’aul Millx' l'unlxali/e15 l-ehr lollotr ed h_\ rip roaring .'\ll;tlllle Soul HISPII'L'tl \oealx trotn Madeliite l’ritehard ll: i't’l‘l.

I Jak-N at the Venue. ltl. illpnr *ant. L5 U». I: l-eh. 'l he l)i\er\e l'i'etrttenetex eolleetn e are haek lot more teeltno arid hard heatx \tith rexidenh l'uk \tit atrd Sekon/.

I Joy at the Venue llpttt *ant LS helore nrrdntght; Llll alter l3 l‘eh Montlil}. l'p-tr'ont. dirt} liouw gromex on the ntarn t'loor trotn .\lan tk Maggie lo} and Brett Ktng to \kttt'l\ )ou tip trito a lather. l’lllS 'liend} \Vend} arid Sall} l-K elieek} lltl\ ot \oul. llltilx arid ehart in the tltt\‘.tl\l.tlt\ \uite. Note that lo} I\ a eluh tor ga} people attd their triendx.

I Jungle Magik at the liquid Rtmltl. llprtt ittttt. L" helore midnight; tht alter. l‘) l'eh. Jungle Magilx are making the l.|t]llltl Room their rte“ hotne tor the lot'e\eeahle tuture. \klllt nev. monthl} datex kreking oll \ktlll elaxxie rungle traelu tront l).l l’iianta\}. l'l'x' .v\paehtr pertornirng h\ e on \tage tor the \er} tir\t ttrrte rn Seotland and ot totirxe l).l Kid. Mare lul’ and M(‘ HZ.

I Liquid Soul at l’o \a .\'a. ‘)pni iam. l't'ee helore llpnr; L5 alter \Veeltl}, (let down earl} tor llll\ UtlhlSletlll} eapaett} retro than and llllll\_\ houxe night. teattirrng l’o\ ottn Mark B on the deekx tuxnig L'l;t\\te arid hang tip-to-date tunk} home tor lltHNe Ill the lxnou.