
TSUNAMI RIP OFF? Re: Letters (513)

latr‘ horrrfrerf 1.0:. Irllltllzll the l(:ll‘;t fr’lli‘. l‘:f,,",Lllth{ll)Ir‘atLCfHI‘. Their website sa,s the arrrounts they list as ‘grvrng' to the DEC are next to nothing eg 10p for a donated (,étllllllljl: a fraction of their potential worth. It also says the, .‘erI only ssue payrr‘ent if your collection values a mrnrrnurn of 520 yet there rs not one single rtern on their list worth even close to 3‘1”).

The people that run these so called charity recycling schemes seem to make millions out of people's misguided generosity.

Why not just sell your old mohrle phone and give the rrroney straight to the DH)? Melanie Perkins


The organ/se/ of the scheme. a li't/k/l‘k—lXIsed company. rs a hona f/de recycling lac/lrt; rt has partnerships with, among others, the Lahot/r Party and the Red Cross. and rt has rarsed over 5‘ In) for char/tr In the last five years. When we asked spokesman Rohert Morton ahor/t the '5‘20 mrn/rnr/nr value', he rep/red: “We were not try/ng to he decept/ve. simply our word/ng is a hrt contusrng.’ The detailing ahot/t the value hav/ng to he over 5‘20 before payment rs released only relates to phones cartridges we collect. All monies raised through people send/rig items through our treepost bags are diverted straight to the fund. ' He will change the lt'tPIJSllP, rn response to \. our letter;


Re: Letters (512)

Strange you should mention this T-Shrrt fad. While

YOU Look Back in Anger Royal Lyceum, Edinburgh

2 THE LIST 34‘ Fet‘

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“nicerrtratrn': " . r.'.rr iatte re" ..‘, °a~ "a e 1.: 50 BEST THANKS

op tl‘e Iran‘sra atr- 'rrger‘rtlx arfr v" r', M an rynrlmt' r " T'urr‘msl 'tliv'. ‘M‘fflf \'

(I Dr’ (.rtr ( vi“ y" r ’y‘ ' 5w r‘ y t- t v’ ‘t‘ E‘ t“ '1 S x" M" r\‘

\(Tu1(Ty lll"}\;‘-f>rllffr(“- .lLIl" Afloat“. ‘. r'flt‘». b {Ni .‘~

..rr,-arrnr;,rr;re. tor, ,‘ .let trare'fu, mutt“. .r‘fm '. ..rtt‘ ' tr't l'artata taut ' 2“.

description. ()l‘rtlllhlll, thought Till‘IY '~.E roar satin...“ ,q-arrg, I.1kz-I'I‘rl“r"_ t \r am:

he .‘.'as a rnerrtlrer of staff, but Itea'r’l snows (twat

rt .‘Jasclear l1r:.'.'as fétllr"l tr. t're (itlltz'lti legal Vl'l‘. sore neaal 1n t'w concentrating on his our: prur «ass. I’. Is eas. to rrrnculr- we". in superhero outfits. t‘ut Stephanie Gibson

B". en‘arl

ll"\lllrl‘.rl was 3.1-2. "t" ' matters lie deep :n

conversation ‘.'.rth a lrtttnxul all rtther (i(}l‘r‘.trlllll)llttl a'.tenur:s know that doesn't help .'.’Illl have been exhausted.


lha‘a" get much t‘orr‘err. ‘at

‘.'.«here to get them hut ,ou Ine realrt‘, is that children

weren't hallucrnatrng. deprr.ed of contact '3.»th their

Alasyourcommentsring true? fathersarerrtorelrlxelg. tosuffer of thisfortnrgl‘t's"truer 7t 5'»:

Ilavrnr been at aller‘r tlll(lt: frorr‘ l()ll( term health, l_::;.'. and r‘art't hel 2 rnde:

rrryself, colleagues were emotional and psychological what sells more copies

regularly heard Iarrrentrng the problems. have trouble in Natalie Portrr‘an. or a hag of

toll put into their gruelling four school commit crimes. and chips? I know I.‘.’lll(;ll I'd

hour shifts. rather than choose: the chips of ct rinse?

Paul Harrie

take drugs. Derek Cameron

concentrating on their own

work. It's a hard Irfe navel Edinburgh Glasgow ga/rng indeed. Miriam M Pollokshrelds THE CASE AGAINST GM A FATHER Re: Rage! (511) RESPONDS While Alun Anderson is right to draw attention to the

Re: Dad’s Barmy Army (512) | read With disappointment the article by Ruth Hedges on the

uhrgurtous and rrreanrngless presence of the word 'natural'. particularly wrth regard to consumer products. thrs should not he confused wrth genuine arguments against GM foods or for carrrpargn of fathers to secure organic farming. recognition and rustrce. This As I know he rs fully aware. there rs a huger significant was a wasted opportunity to difference petween the artificial selectron of organrsrrrs '.‘.’llll inform your readers on the accurnulatrons of rriutatrons which are considered useful and situation experienced by over the introduction of foreign genetic rnaterral hy transgenesrs. a million men in the UK who This form of genetic manipulation of foodstuffs has many were preventt-zd from spendrng trme With their children at Chrrstrrras and battle against what amounts to state sanctioned kidnapping.

Should women who have decided they want to cut their partner out of their lives he allowed to cut the father out of their child’s Irfe when he has shown he rs tit and responsrhle and wants to play an active role in supporting. caring fOr and helping in the development of that child?

In Scotland there are over a quarter million cohabiting

families and following a hreak

potential implications. chief arrrongst them the ssue of corporate usurpation of food production as companies can and do appropriate the rrghts to GMOs.

Organic food IS produced to legally defrned standards and benefits not rust those eating it. but also the sustarnahrlrty of agriculture and the health and diversity of the surrounding countryside.

Rather than simply considering whether the food we eat is ‘genurnely nutrrtrous'. as Anderson suggests. we shOuld also be asking about the way rt has been produced and the rmpact this can have beyond Our plates.

Neil Bennet Bonnyrrgg


TWO BOTTLES OF BLANDY‘S ALVADA up these fathers \'.’lll have no : h . -.: .w- ,: 12.; " '. .- nghts with regards to their

Ken v Angela Amy

Music and drama tutor Retired Student

It was an excellent. I thought it was I thought it was utterly convincing extremely well acted. interesting - it was very performance totally a very good portrayal much of its time but rt is relevant to modern lite. It of the 50s. Only the relevant today. Jimmy was controversial in its happy ending was [the main character] was time but it was good to out of tune with the odious and vulnerable at see it again. rest of it. the same time.


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vy- R‘:‘-."'s ~ :n

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"r‘i‘l', ‘n‘rthrnorr l r'n R - s Ruth rredrlm 3c: Ra '* rv'

\f'w‘l'. "reatrv Dar 0 \ lll‘a J.

a S; r'. \‘nraa llrun“ rot. IN

I, .5\\-Ir .r 3 I.- is «ntxr



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