4 supporting cast'.’ By haying them engage in a script that has them working outside their expected norms. l)al‘oe is comic reliel‘. the normally louche Owen Wilson is an intense. driyen type and (try at (im/ star Seu Jorge l'orgoes bloody action l'or musical whimsy.
Blanchett is quick to elttcidate on why she. like so many actors. is attracted to working with Anderson.
‘He brings a yery sophisticated humour to the story. and yet there's a melancholy at the core ol' all these l'unny situations.‘ she notes. '\\'cs has such enormous compassion towards all his characters. and he excayates them in a way that they all kind ol‘ haye a moment where you see inside themf
Huston appeared in The Royal 'Ii'm'n/mumy and Anderson wrote the role ol‘ Steye ’/.issou‘s wile lileanor l'or her. l‘ar l‘rom being a simple role reprisal. lileanor is a tree spirit. the antithesis ol litheline. the troubled matriarch in iii/1U Royal 'Ii'm'n/mums.
‘lileanor is a bit ol~ a sell—made mermaid] says lluston. ‘She rey‘eals part ol what I loy'e about Wes‘ characters: they always kind of bridge fantasy and reality. which makes them yery unpredictable.‘
The appeal lior actors also seems to be Anderson‘s innate ability to create a perfectly workable il‘ l‘antastic world within which his characters can operate. He may sketch them tightly and with detail dttring scripting bttt his world is so yery y'iyid that it is an irresistible challenge for any actor. Like the autumnal New York (‘ity that he explored in The Royal 'li'm'n/mums. or the leafy college campus ol- RIM/IIHHH'. lil'e 7- and the liy'es - on the ocean wayes is hyperreal btit wholly believable. (MR)
The Life Aquatic is the closing film of the Glasgow World Film Festival, UGC, Glasgow Thu 17 Feb, 9pm. Check out the festival
brochure or visit
mg...sz.mfesfivamgmfordetans. As the Cinemas of Glasgow get geared up for their first ever international film festival, Paul Dale provides a rundown of the very best films on offer this year.
hen it came. it came from nowhere. this study of a then colonial power is a humbling l.ast autumn‘s news that (ilasgow lesson in the march ot' time and motion. was to get its yery own lilm lestiyal ()n liriday ll l‘ebruary .Ioshua .\laston\
was l'ollowed by the unexpected: it actually Maria Full of Grace is certainly worth happened. Sceptics said it was madness to try to checking ottt. .\ naturalistic road moy ie about a compete with lidinburgh on a world stage. bttt l7-year—old ('olumbian drug mule coming into those lilm loying (ilasgow residents who were the [8. this is destined to be a cult drug lilm tired of mounting the morning train during the classic. ll' documentaries are more your thing. second hall of :\tlgtlsl could not be happier. on the same day there is a screening ol especially when it was announced that \\'es Tarnation. .lonathan (‘aouette's weird. mad and Anderson’s The Life Aquatic with Steve brilliant documentary about growing up with a Zissou was to close the liestiyal and that schi/ophrenic mother.
Michael Winterbottom‘s controy'ersial se.\ By Saturday you should ltaye lound your odyssey Nine Songs was finally to get a liestiyal legs. so you might be ready to tackle screening. ‘l.il'e.‘ as Bruce l'iorsy'th once so Palindromes. 'l'odd Solond/ new bewildering eloquently pttt it. ‘can be terribly tame. it you stream olidiseased urine on celluloid tsee panel). don‘t play the game with two.‘
Lasting eight days l‘rom \Vs‘tlnc‘Ll‘l} ()
February until Thursday l7 February. things get
off to a good start on the Thursday down at the Glasgow li‘ilm Theatre with a littingly respectl‘ul nod to the film at‘chiy‘ists‘ ol' old. Electric
Edwardians is a phenomenal collection (it actuality footage shot between l‘)()() and 1930
by documentarian duo Mitchell and Kenyon. To A Recently discovered by l'ilm historian Peter Worden. .\l&l\”s 800 films were shot in the
streets. waters and workplaces of Britain and
20 THE LIST 3—1“ Fet‘ 3335