
LEAVE To REMAIN The Arches, Glasgow. 28-29 Jan

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01.12: ‘:r::t.’,' ;i' ’t '2’.’ ‘41-"

(H's/At" Mt ‘4'»: I " " "' n‘tbr with? ' i": (:t‘w ilfl‘n'f’fl“ «:"l°'r:" .7" ’lm“, j)‘:l.'l .'»'.’,.' .’ .‘r " ‘7 {/7 ’tf’ "INC" 5)"; .ll .‘itjtri‘: f',” ’l " 'tw‘ "it; a .‘t Inujnrwl" "~ ‘tflrl'vl'. flu/'17 ,1: I ‘rl‘l‘rl ’l 't,l (it/trutq, 'M‘ .vctiw it .tggit! HT «i‘..i:i'r‘

'i‘:i:l“:l'. 'li .‘w‘ J'tty'"llj ." (um/jug“ .9 ii 1,‘ %ri‘.",i turwrt r " t {1", Hanna l‘wzitrtr l/mk', ;it tho l‘flnr'llrl‘u i- ;‘ infiryw. ‘,(:‘,"r‘ll‘:'l mum." 'llt,|il’lll‘z’] ttw- mitt liiiimitw 'ét’ , tlxiit "‘rtl‘t, flux,-

'f5’lll“: ’il Tllf: '.'l ltll‘lzli‘. ll Tl“: [ilih ill‘.‘ lm‘wl uh ":(li / :ihhm' agin- Argurttirwihnit/1' girul / tijhh. t ' lUllll'lttl .Jilitlt Hob-HULi 'll‘ thou ;,f.i, ‘Jlll‘i' wt thu'w .w: Tlllh"... tut Hull, thir, «lll: .ir’tlmll, .ort, ‘u'lll. I. llu: ’flll’ ’j|l|_ T.lll.‘ .‘ma f'l >ll‘ vl‘n- Amt (tl‘ tillli'lll‘,’ l)th tho: llfl' litlf» kept ttzllirtg hm Slit: .‘ulf. lltlll .‘ititithm. lhw, .‘.’()lll’l HUI lltflll:‘.l: hm lttl llllltl: ()l llllll ll">lllll‘; “.ltt,‘ hzitl tilt ()jll,’ ‘.'.’llll ()llltiléll‘; lltf’dfillltt} uht: ‘.‘.'£lf; lr'mt .i mmtttr‘, ‘.‘.’lt(:lt: :;h<: hzitl hum llttl‘lt lit:l(>it:.' [)t-éstiiihihg llltt[ltflltllllhtllhtrélii 'tittllltfll‘litnetl‘,

«Inna/hing] Hlflltflil saw; it}; ‘kihti >l “intuitive. .‘ihtl kihtl mt Ullllifili'. Ar; it f;lt()‘.‘.’ I£l(.l\llllt] not“ )llTS ml ptmplt: lwttg IN H N play out their emotional minuet in an omen-drenched

E s symbolic narrative. Suspended somewhere between

(llfilfliltltrtl. lllfilhl'tftl ht, lizll‘, Gilliam}; . Tron, Glas ow, -16 Feb, then to r n . . . g 3 U I g Davnd Rudkin’s Afore Night Come and Lorca's Blood

Brand and Kitlhit. l (ltih’t rlr>iil>t hit;

demeriptmn Intriguing to mix, the least. The worst thing a footballer can do is score a hat trick Wedding there is a brooding kind of poetry in the play's

tMeg Watson, on his debut. After that, every performance he puts in is language and imagery, which contrives to create both likely to be viewed with disappointment, regardless of empathy and suspense in audiences who couldn‘t, on its quality. David Harrower might well have had pause the face of it, be further removed from the lives of the to reflect this over the last few years, for the play which characters. made his name at the Edinburgh Fringe of 1995 was It is in the nature of our ill-resourced theatre that followed by such distinguished pieces as Kill the Old, such successes as this are never revived for local Torture their Young and Dark Earth over the last audiences, so TAG is to be admired for its vision in decade, as well as a number of successful adaptations. bringing us a play which has been performed all over But inevitably, whenever this subsequent work is the world, but seldom returned to Scotland since 1995. discussed by theatre people, it is compared to Knives With Guy Hollands directing, and a cast that includes in Hens, and found wanting in some way. If this is an the excellent John Kazek there‘s much to recommend injustice, it nevertheless speaks volumes for the this piece beyond the text itself. The latter will no doubt sensational nature of his first play. have tales to tell his mates, for Kazek has just made his

Set in a place made remote from Scotland’s debut in Hollywood. Having just completed filming

contemporary urban world by both history and Batman Begins alongside Michael Caine, Christian distance, Knives in Hens tells the story of a passion Bale, Morgan Freeman and Liam Neeson, this actor that develops between a young married woman and an looks like reaping the rewards that years of fine work alienated local miller. In an atmosphere of intense on our stages has merited. This promises to be a pretty repression and stultifying moral expectation, the pair enthralling night out all round. (Steve Cramer)

\M‘Hlx IN l‘lw‘ttt‘xlx‘l SS GRAVEL The Arches, Glasgow. 21-22 Jan

All‘ltlfll the ‘.'..ll. hexer't‘. and general political cock-tips Hi the llt?‘.'.’f$ these (laps. isn't it retieshihg .llH semetlt SLllISlVlllg} to hear about gt gmgtt old-fashioned hank mhltenk‘ The little gum: who cheat the authorities and huitutgt: to get {1.2;}, .‘.ith nmmmtith .tit‘gtihtt: et ri‘ohm .‘ Good luck I(‘ wit. Rtfllltx Biggsf This; kind of t‘rimihal hem kaht'shiitpihg tom‘s: the ham; 0t Glasghc.’ .7(tlt‘t7(tl‘.‘, Vox Moths first instalment 0t Your vellum; l‘lx‘gtess :; tout; set to culminate L't a sp.trklg.. polished tum: piece entitled How. to Stem Dtgt'he'ui.

‘The whole idea was engmall; .ttxmt being able to pull of the iert'ect hast and the glamour and. attraction nae tee! towards t ms kind at crime," says co-directcr Jamie NICHOLSON. 'Het‘ettilh the shes. 1:: geihg to t:h;tl.<-2hg».:- people to thmk about when (“we might be gtt‘eeptahie .thd the certain t:hg‘:r;t;tt~::-is' "ease/V‘s and ldIlOltJlO tor stmling.’ 'Grgtxei' tells the true stem. 3‘ Set/.1" Afloat“ :tigtvi‘omt miners who plot to pocket .1 .tuan‘artci unl‘tle .trmer 3."."8‘4‘2'? sane-til; ’70.}. “The othei shot-.5 in the sews are, set in mum were high teei‘ but ti'tere :5: the running theme of sunettlance. the sert of km {V'Otr‘iV‘USthtf t»:- ‘hi‘ot 3g; that constantlt keeping Ctl‘. exe on people] saxs Nae/else". 79%: .'.:l: {38 at“ after sltcx. discusslon Seems like a goon chance to 5338*". the t‘azr. (i'Kt'C‘l‘iSi lurking .mthtri


Let's Ol‘t‘ ilk“. pull 11 Oil. Meg \ltitiSQfl

:.¢.:, 2/ ’. THE LIST 85