Scotland St School Museum Set: the classrooms ot \ostenoar at the Mackintosh-tlosrtrnetl Scotlaer Street School. and check out your tamrly's school photos from the archives. For $1.50 kids can even don period costume and enjoy a Victorran or 1E).1()s classroom experience. Free. 22:3 Scot/at id Street. 28 7 ear )0
Gallery of Modern Art GoMA‘s lroo Saturday Art Club gives thrurto-ton— year-olds the chance to get creative. and Roddy Buchanan's Clyde Tunnel film 'Gobstopper' rs great tor "holding your breath' competitions. Free. Rora/ Exchange Square, :29 rose
Swim for free with a Glasgow Kidz Card. Frve-to-t ltoarolds can apply for this tree leisure lihran card it they live rn Or go to school in Glasgow. As well as tree swrmmrng; at council leisure centres there are discounts on other actrvrties. plus offers at Solta‘ClOtl ShOps and venues. App/rcat/on forms from local lersr ire centres c 2/ to WWII/108. Or‘ download from the council's n inns/to at mwrcg/asgon.goi.ak.
Hillhead Children’s Garden With the Krbble Palace closed for reno\ atron Check out this more hands-on part or’ the Botanics next to the plan park. It's a safe space for tamrl; picnics and kids can plant seeds and Check on their progress. Until regular opening times are set up rn the spring check in advance wrth the Botanrt‘s \isrt0r centre on 0141 33-1 2-122. Free Botanc Gardens. 730 Great Hester-rt Road. Mugdock Country Park Great lOt woodland walks and nature trails. wrth a
64 THE LIST :0 Jana3 Ht 330:"
Gallery of Modern
Glasgow *3
couple of castles thrown in. You (tan also hire barbecues» own food. Free. Off the As 7. Bolivar/law Head. or Mr/ngawo, flz’io moo. rt/o Ross;
Royal Museum/Museum of Scotland From stuffed animals to the history of Scotland. there's enough here to occupy woo toddlers. grannies and everyone in hotwoen for hours on end. Free. Chambers Street. 2-17 .12 ’5). Museum of Childhood While parents reminisce ahout toys loxed and lost. kids got down to the serious husrness of play, wrth llllOl’LlCll‘JO fun on low tloors. Free. 42 High Strmt. 525)
.1 HQ.
Gorgie City Farm Pigs. cows. sheep and hens are rust some of the residents proudrng the sights. sounds and smells of a working farm. A plat area and sale complete your \rsrt. Free. :37 Gorge Road. 337.1203.
Swimming There are ten ES.'.lll‘ll‘rllltl pools in Etlllll‘tlltill. and thanks to a nov. lllllldll‘.{? set up last tear. children r‘t’ prrman school age are allo‘.'.'ed rntc all
of then‘ ilik‘f ot charge. FREQ. ‘~.i'r'voas
just take ,our
l. o/taes, Beecraigs County Park An admnturo plaj. area surtattro toddlers to teenagers. a deer ldll“ arm: great walks n‘ake this .'.o!? not?" t'w drrxe out of t mun. Free. \"ear‘Lin/«tryout. Lies? (5 8J~15 ‘6. Ke \. Ante."
I Jo Boss a"; Kw. Artte' out To Grasgot'. act: Eoctxxtlrr‘ sariocs .‘
113.111. 'relt'll’u'l‘b. \ L)”
Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to kids© Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.
Actmtres and Fun
Sunday Craft Club Sun 23 .Ian \\ Sun 3” .lan. llam lpm l'icc (ilasgrm \luscuins Rcsoui'cc (critic. Ill“ \\iiiklllc'.ttl Rikki. \ll\lllll. 3‘“ “5””. Drop-m ci‘alt cluh \\ ith .: dillci'cnt thcinc cach \xcck Siiitahlc tor .\ l2-)c.rr-o|dx Acting Up! Drama for Children and Young People 'l'liu 2U .Ian. Hm 2" Jan is 'l'hu 3 lch. o 3H .\'. 3llpm. Also Sat 32 Jan A Sat 2‘) Jan. I 2.3llpm. £5. (‘(‘.-\. 35H Sauchichall Strch 352 40”“. Drama uoi'kshop lcd h} actor and \\l'llL‘l' ('larc llcmphill and .r chancc to haxc tint and huild scll»cslccin. 'l'hiirsda} clit\\k'\ lot i: lN-)t'.il'»illtl\. Sallll'tltl} classcs loi‘ o ll-}c‘.ii'—rilils.
Hip Hop Dance Classes for Young People Sun 23 Jan ck Sun 3” Jan.
3 3pm. (-1. (’(‘A. 35” Saiichichall Strccl. 353 40M). Appaicnll} it's _\our ci\ ic dirt} to shakc _\our hoot}. so _\ou had hcttci' gct Icarirrng this liin dancc loi'm. Bring kncc pads it _\oii li.r\c thcm. Skillshops Sat 22 km. 3.30 4.30pm. {3 (4 it: i. 'l'i‘on 'l'hcatic. (i3 'l’rongatc. 553 ill)". Join in thcsc luns scssions [caching di’aina. \orcc and rnmctncnl to childicn and _\oung pcoplc. Agcs 5 7 hour I 2pm. lolloncd h_\ agcs .\' l3 hcluccn 3. it) 4.30pm.
CCA Kids Club: Gem Colour Magic Sun 33 Jan. noon 3pm. £3.
('( 'A. 35” Saiicliichall Sti‘ccl. 353 4000. ('i'calc coloui'l'ul drau ings iising pcns. acctatc and othcr matcrials and scc thcm proicclcd onto lhc walls.
Skillshops Mon 3-1 .lan ck .\lon 3| Jan. (Mt) .\'.3()pin. H it'll. 'l‘i‘on 'l‘hcatrc. (i3 'l‘roiigatc. 552 43o7. l-‘un drama. \oicc and mmcincrit scssions tor 3 l‘)—_\car- olils. Hooking C\\L‘llll'.ll.
Skillshops Sat 2‘) Jan. 2.30 4.3rlprn. L11 [3 it: l. 'l'ron 'l'hcatrc. o3 'l‘rongalc. 552 4307. Join ill thcsc llln scssions tcaching drama. \oicc and mmcmcnt to childrcn and _\oiing pcoplc. Agcs 5 7 hour I 2pm. l’olloucd h) agcs 8 l2 hcmccn 3.30 4.30pm.
CCA Kids Club: Shadow Puppets and Fairy Tales Sun 30 Jan.
noon 2pm. £3. (‘('A. 350 Sauchichall Strch 353 490i). ('i'catc shadrm puppcts and props inspii'cd h} lair) talcs.
Art Workshop for Teenagers Sun 3t) .Ian. I 4pm. l-‘rcc. (iallcr} ()l' .\lodci'n Ai‘t. ()iiccn Sli'ccl. 32‘) l‘)‘)(». lcai'n lots ol' nc\\ tcchniqucs. Booking L'\\L'Illlill.
The Snow Child Sat 33 Jan. 3pm. £4.50 (£5.5(ll. Scottish Mask ck l’uppct 'l‘hcatrc ('cntrc. C It) Balcai‘rcs .-\\'ClillL‘. Kch indalc. 330(1l85. l’a\la's l’uppcts pcrt'orin a magical adaptation (it a Riissian t‘olk talc about a childlcss couplc \\ ho hiiild a snou man and thcn ha\ c thcir' \\ ish comc into as it is ti‘anslorincd into a rcal child.
The Lion and Mouse, and other stories Sat 3‘) Jan. 3pm ck 3.45pm. [-1.50 r£.3.5(lr. Scottish Mask ck Puppet 'l‘hcatrc ('cnirc. .\' ltl Balcarrcs Axcnuc. Kcl\ indalc. 33‘) olh5. Kidglmc l’uppcts pi'cscnt a \aricd shim ol short storics including (irrlr/r'c/m'kx um/ Illt’ 'I'lrrci' Iii'ur'x. 'I’lir' [in and I/lr' (‘nm and 7711' Lion and r/rc .llorm'. 'l'hc 2pm show u ill hc pcrl'ormcd in linglish. lhc 3.45pm shim in l‘rcnch.
Diary of an Action Man 'l‘uc l l-‘ch. '7.l5pm. £3. RSAMI). llX) chl‘rcu Strcct. 332 5057'. Action stor} tor 7 l l- }car-olds Milli)“ ing thc adxcnturcs ot‘ li/ra and his sccrct comradc u ho arc
tr} mg to lind his tathcr. l)ircctor Jcnn} Scalc} “cm cs sign language and audio dcscription into thc pcrt'ormancc. making it lull} acccssihlc tor dual and \isuall} impaircd childrcn.
Tall Tales in the Tower sir 2" Jan. noon 1345pln l-icc lion l‘hcatic. (‘3 lrongatc. 55: 43h— lun llllL‘lacllM‘ storuclling scssions in thc lion's (lock
lth‘l tor .iL'L‘s 3 ‘
Actrwtres and Fun
Dance for Pre-Schoolers \rr .‘2 Jill. I” 30am A noon U rtlr. nicmhcis ot thc (iood \crghhour Schcmc Ll 5” \oith ltdinhuigh Arts (critic. l5a l’cnm \xcll (‘oiirt. 3l5 3l5l Shakc. stamp. slrdc. rump and lcap' lll 3llain l 3}cais. noon 3 o Big Art Wee Hands Sat .‘2 Jan. llain t\ l 30pm U» rHIl 5H. mcmhcis or thc tiood \cighhoui Schcinc (I 5H \orlh l-dinhuigh Arts ('cntrc. l5a l’cirinucll (hurt. 3l5 2l5l llaxc .r goat .r iangc ol \ isiial .iil mcdia including painting. sculptiiic. installation and digital photograpln \\orksliops in tlic morning arc tor 3 h )cais. thc .iltcinoon toi "0 wars Fruitmarket Family Workshop .\.ll 3.‘ Jan. 3 4pm £4 l'i‘uilrnaikct (Lillcr). .15 \lal‘kL‘I Sticcl. :25 :ihi \lllsl l lliil\.l_\ Hamilton dclncrs .r l.llllll_\ \torkshop riispircd h} thc c\liihinon ol l-,llcn (iallaghci's \sork Surlahlc tor kids .igcil
3 o and thcir guardian Hooking csscillial Penguin Awareness Day .sar 33 Jan. ‘lain hprn. Normal /oo priccs .rpph lidinhurgh /.oo. (‘orsrorplnnp Rom]. a 1.1 ‘H‘l. \ da} ol pcngiirn aclixrtics to highlight lhc /.oo's conscnation \Milk \\ rth thc \xaddlirig hirds Ill llic lurlkland islands Bruce and Bannockburn Sun 3* Jan. l3.45pin. l.45pin. 3 45pm ik 3-l5pm l'lt't‘ Muscum ol Scotland. llauthoindcn (hurt. (‘llallllk‘l‘s Sll't't‘l. 34‘ ‘1: l‘) l’li'palt‘ lot haltlc \silli Alha .-\d\cntuicrs. l 3H st} lcc' .\lcct our Scottish soldici .rnd lccl thc ucrght ol a cla}iiiorc. Izacli scssion lasts 3ll lllllltllcs.
First Impressions: Egyptian Art and Cubism Sat 3‘) Jan. I lain noon A
l 2.30pm. U» r Hi". mcmhci‘s ot tlic ( iood Ncighhoiir Schcmc U50. North Izdinhuigh Arts ('cnli‘c. l5a l’cnmucll (‘ouit. 3l5 3l5l. li\plorc hou tlic l'.g_\ptr.iii ticalmcnt ol pcrspccln c intlucnccd (‘iihrsm and ct'catc a ('iihist scll-porti.’iit l'irst workshop is lot 3 (\ )cai's and thc sccolld is lot 5 l3 )cars.
Medieval Crafts Sun 3n Jan.
l3.3ll 3.3llpin. l'rcc. .\liiscum ()1 Scotland. llauthoi'ndcn ('oui't. ('hamhci's Sticct. 3‘1" 43 l‘). l.carn lcalhci' \iorking. .rrrou tlctching and armour}. chain mail and corn stamping at this drop-in c\cnt
Tae a Mouse and A’ That Sat 32 Jan. l‘ri lprn ck 3pm. l‘rcc. Alirscum ot Scotland. (‘hainhcrs Strcct. 34" 4—133. .loin “cc Storics as thc} hring Rahlm' Burns and his pocins to lith \iith all thcir iisual tun and flair. (‘all to hook tickcts.
Diary of an Action Man Thu 3 is in 4 Nb. \Vcd |.l5pm; lllll lll.l5am & 7pm. i ll) (£4.50 £5.5(lr. 'l‘ra\ci'sc 'l‘hcatrc. (‘amhridgc Strcct. 3:3 l-IU-l. SL‘C (ilasgim.
Storytime for Under Fives 'l‘hii 2H Jan. Thu 37 Jan ck Thu 3 l‘ch. lll.l5 ltl.45ain. l’rcc. \\'cstcr' llailcs l.ihrai‘_\. l \Vcstsidc l’la/a. 53‘) 5693. (‘omc along and hcar _\our taxouritc storrcs and pla} v. ith puppets. li\cr"\onc u itli childrcn undcr 5 uclcomc.
Bookstart Rhymetime l'nril l-‘rr 25 Mar. lll.3ll ll.3llam. l‘rcc. Sightlnll Librar}. (i Sighthill Word. 52‘) 557i Nurscr) rh} incs. piippcts. music and an LlL‘lHllle tor ll 3 )car olds.
Outside the Cities
Telling Tales Sat 3‘) Jan. I lain.
£l -£l.5ll. Dundcc ch. la} Squarc. l)undcc. (H.382 323530. Mcinhcrs ot thc Dundee ch compan} tcll talcs old and ncu to kids ang 5 H.