Fearless Franka

Kaleem Aftab creeps up on FRANKA POTENTE. Germany’s all action, all auteur Uber babe.

ranka l’ntente‘x ('\' ix ax imprexxi\e ax her kiek—axx. all—aetinn ph_\xit|ue. ’I'he (ierman l'irxt xprinted intn the puhlie ennxeinuxnexx \\ hen xhe ran and ran for then hn) friend 'l’nm 'I‘\\_\ker and xinee then xhe’x turned up in all xnrtx nl' tme\peeted plaeex. lla\ing linllnxx ed lx’iui l.(’/(l lx’riir \\ ith a xtarring turn in the eult (ierman hnrrnr .Iiiirrniiir. xhe xueeexxlull} made the jump Statexide appearing in ’I'ed I)emme’x laxt lietinn l'ilm. li/nu'. 'I‘ndd Snlnnd/x .Sriii'rril/i/te. and \xax the highlight of I)ntrg I.imanix 'I'lri' [iii/trite li/i'nlifr.

'I‘he annre\ie lil‘ext}le iii a Iltill}\\irirtl damxel did nnt xttit the fill—)ear-nld. She hated the training and dieting required l‘nr '/'/ii' lint/rm- lilt'll/lfl and nttl) appeared in the \CtIIICI heeauxe her enrttraet xaid xn. 'I‘he deeixinn tn hnlt l‘rnm IInIl}\\nnd left the \aeuum that Diane Kruger \\ax happ_\ tn lill. l’ntente'x return 10 I‘illl‘UDL‘ ll;t\ \CL‘Il I’L‘IL‘I' (ireena\\a_\ tttILIL‘tI [H lIlL‘ lel of auteurx enarnnured h_\ her eharmx. She'x alxn heen pnpping tip in an eeleetie mi\ nl‘ (iertttatt lilmx and grill} indelk'ndent fare. \nnethelexx. it \\;1x a xurprixe


tn .xee her xitting in a I.nndnn hntel dixeuxxing her

rnle in (lee/i. a xehlnek hnrrnr under the guidanee nl'

lirxt time Britixh filmmaker ('hrix Smith.

I’ntente pla}x Rate. a puhlieixt \\hn gnex nut \xith the intentinn nl xereuing (ienrge ('lnnne} and endx tip running the gauntlet in the l.nndnn l‘ndergrnund. She \xax attraeted tn the rnle heeattxe. ax xhe putx it: ‘I'm a hig fan nf hnrrnr mn\iex. It makex me angr} \\ hen I \xateh hnrrnt' and xee eharaeterx reaet in a \\a_\ that I find implauxihle. In order for xnmething xurreal to happen. _\nu need a enntraxt pnint. xnmething real that _\nu ean identif} \xith. Kate ix the perxnn \\hn takex the audienee through the film and leadx them h_\

the hand. I'nr the lirxt 35 minutex the audienee dnex nnt knn\\ \xhere the lilm ix gning and then we hit them n\ er the head.‘

When _\nu need a girl tn kiek axx nr ehange the enlnur nl her hair. I’ntente makex .\Iilla .lnxnx ieh look like a mnuxe. Yet it'x nnt the inner \\’nnder \\'nman that makex her xtand head and xhnulderx ahnx e her ili\ the eeleetie l‘ttlL‘\. [IlL‘ ;t\\k\\;tl'tI gait ttlltI her xaxx_\ attitude.

‘I al\\a_\x appreeiate making with direetnrx \thn write their n\\n xtul't'.‘ xhe e\plainx \\ith a peeuliar .-\meriean tIl‘;t\\l. She dexerihex the lel til dexirahle attrihutex nl' a direetnr like a xehnnlgirl making a \\ixh lixt for her perleet hn} l'riend: 'lt ean he xnmehnth \thn hax \\nrked l-nr _\eat‘x nr a dehtltante. \Vhat ix important ix tn meet and talk a little hit and xee if _\nu truxt eaeh nther. Snmetimex xnmehnd} \xhn haxn‘t \xnrked lnr )L‘dl’x and _\earx in the huxinexx hax a l'rexher apprnaeh. In get thrnugh a xi\ \\eek xlrnnt. _\nu need a direetnr that ean alleet peane and hax a Int nl energy.

'I‘he dexire IIUI It) he ettlttl} lilttxx or direeted h} ingeninux auteurx xurel} makex I’ntente the nnl} aetnr dixappninted that their ne\t film ix ‘nnl.\” heing direeted h_\ Stephen Snderhergh. ‘.\I_\ ne\t film ix (lie. the hixtnrieal epie nn ('he (iue\ara. I gnt the prnleet l'rnm 'I‘errenee \Ialiek hut unfnrtunatel} he had tn drnp nut. Stephen Snderhergh eame in. hut tn he hnnext \xith _\nu. Stephen Snderhergh dnex a lnt nl lilmx xn )nu‘re mueh tnnre likel_\ tn unrk \xith Snderhergh than \laliek. hut I'm delinitel_\ nnt er} ing ahnttt it.' I’nlente ix ittxt \\a_\ Inn hard linr Ieat'x.


Creep is on general release from Fri 28 Jan. See review, page 46.



:Ii Sideways Alexander Flew/oil Payne's .x‘t—jurnless, perfectly formed paean to some of the key works of til/Os l J8 irtcler)(artrlr->rtt cinema. See inten/iee." and renew. General release.

:2: A Very Long Engagement Audrey Tautou and .Jean Pit ire Jeunet are back together for the first time Since Artie/re for this inventive tale of love lost and found in the killing fields; of World War I. See feature and revrew Selected release.

=1: Bay This eminently fascinating Ray Charles biopic boasts a career best performances from Jamie Foxx. a cert for the Best Actor Oscar. See interview and revrew. Genera/ release.

221 2046 Wong Kai wart; haunting. low budget scr fi follow up to In the Mood for love. Selected release.

:2: Team America Go marronettes go! General re/ease. =1: The Battle of Algiers Gillo Pontecorvo’s brilliant abject lesson in llO‘f'.’ to run a terrorist cell. Film/rouse. Edinburgh /7i 1e 25 and Ill/ed 26 Jan only).

=1: Annie Hall Woody Allen at his best. CC/l, Glasgow lThu 2/ and Sat 29 only).

:3: Before Sunset One of the best films of last year. Linklater's dreamy new wavy sequel to Before Sunrise. Cameo. Edinburgh. (Sat 22 Jan only)

:2: Margaret Tait Programme 2: Islands More poetic short films from this Orcadian Goddess filmmaker. GFI'. Glasgow /Wed 26 Jan only). Fi/mhouse, Edinburgh (Sun 30 Jan only}.

:3: Night and Fog Alain Resnais' poetic yet vivid 1955 depiction of the Holocaust gets a re-release on DVD. Anchor Bay UK.

>E< Zatoichi: Collector’s Edition Gorgeous metal box special edition of Takeshi's samurai flick. Artificial Eye.