I Vain .11 '11"~.1111 R1111. 1 1111111 11111111 I: 1.111 11'1111111.

211111.1111111\111.11.\11\.11111111"~.1 111111.111111 111111'\ 811111.11‘11111'1111'1'ij. 1111'11' ' \1111 \111111'lll\ '.'.1'11111111' 11111 11) 11'1111111'11

I VEGAS! .11 l 211 \1'11 11.111- 1311-11

I Velvet .11 1111111111111». \1-11 11.111- 5

1.1111 1-111 11

1‘1‘11 I Wiggle .11 1,311 1111... a...” 1-1; 31, 1:111 \1111111111 \1.1'_"_'11'1\ \1.111 1111 m-Ul

1111111111111111111111111i1111'11 1112111111241 11111 .111111111111x '111'1111_1 “111111 .11111 .11111 1’11'.1\1'11[11.1_\ 11.1111\ 111.11 .111' .1 111111" 1111 1.111111..1 111111'111111111111;.'1'11:1'11111 .1 11111111" 11111.1 11111 1)111‘.11\l.111\ 1).1 1).111‘ .11111 \111111'111'11111111'111'111111111;1<1\11.11111 111111.1111111'.11111111.111111111'\.11111111111 11111111111'1111;1'11111'11111'11 1’1'11111 1’1)lll\1.1l 111111.111111111111'1'1.1i111yi1'1'11111' 11111111'ix’

Edinburgh Sundays

C111) I BootyLUSHous .11 \11-1liii.1.

11111111 5.1111.13111'1111'1'111111111g111.U .1111'1 \\'1'1'k1_\ \11111'111 .1811111111 $1111.11 111.111.1 111111111;'1111111111.111 1111111).11).111' 1.ll\1l. 8111111111111' 111.1111 .11111111‘1'.i\11111.11 p111'x1 \1111.1\1.1\1111\111j:11111<1k|1.11111111111. \11111.iii1111111k I Curios Sunday Joint .11 1111- 1111113311 ('11111, 311111 1.1111 1‘1'1'1'. \\1'1'111_1 1111'” .111 11.11 11.1111 I\.l 11111111 11111'1'1'111111'1'1'111 1).1\. lllll\lL‘l;lll\ .11111 111-1'11111111'1\ 1.111 3:1'1 111;:1'1111'1 .111111'11'.1l1' 111.1 i1'1.i\1'11 811111111 \1'\\lHll. ()111'11.111111'1‘11'1'111' 11111\11' 1111111} 11).1\ .11111 1111' .11‘1x1 111 111.11111 1111' p.11111'x .11111111'1'111 .11‘1’11\\ 1111' 111111211. I Tackno .11 113:11. 1111111 1.1111. {"115 1111'111111'i‘x .11111 1111' .111111'1111i'i.111'1_1 1111'xx1'111. 111 .1.111. .\l11111111_1..v\11'11 1'11.111;_'1'\ .11 '1'.i1'k1111.i\1111'_1 1111111' .11‘1'11xx 1111111 111 1111'11 111'11 11111111' .11 111:11111111 1111'1'11'1 x11 11111'1} ‘1‘1‘1'11111 \\'1'1111_\ .iii11111111.11111'1111x1'11 1'1.1\\i1'\. .\|\11111'\1 1111' 111111 \1‘\\ltlll .11 1111' 811'1'1'1 11111‘1111'1‘1} 1’111111’111'11111. I Taste .11 1111' 111111111 R1111111.

1111111 1.1111. (5111'1111‘1' 1131111111; L'H .1111'1‘ (1'11 lllt‘lll1‘1‘l\l. \\’1'1'111_1. 1111' 1‘.11111.11\ llllillllillh 811111111 1113:111 \1'\~.11111 1'11111111111'\111\1'11 1111 811111111 lll_L'1H\1111111‘ 1‘.11111.1|, 1‘l\111'l 1k 1’1'11‘1' \11111111 .1 11111;:1‘1'\\1\1' 1111\111 111111\1‘;11111gill'ngL' lll

The first birthday party for this quality night of beats

(guests have ranged from Xpress2 to FC Kahuna) and the residents are stepping to the fore. Steven Foulds (pictured) and Broken Channel unleash their dex, FX, synths and lap top fury as the Unit.

1111' 111.1111 11111111. \\11111' \1.111111 \.111'1111111' 111111\ 1111' 1111\1'11.'§_'.1_1 1'11111111111111111111} l'S 111111\1' 1:1'111\ 111111113411 1111' 11.1111

Edinburgh Mondays


I Clandestino .11 ('.111.111'l \‘1111.1111' 11111111 1.1111. {511.311. 11 .1.111..\'11.1111\11 1113:111111 11'1'111111.111111'11'1‘11’11 1111111 1).|\ 1..11.1\1121111111111y11l.11111\111111k.11\1.1111'1111. I Peek-a-Boo .11 1’11 \.1 \.1.

1111111 1.1111. [1111'1111'1' 13. 111.1111; (1.11111 \V1'1'k1'1. 11111111 111\1‘11111111\1‘111111.1111111111 11111 \1'1111111 1111111111111'111111111x111'11 111111 \11'1'k 111111. 111111 \111111'111 1'.1111111111';;11\ |11'\1 1111.111111'111111111.‘ 1).11.1|1'111: 8111.111. 1(11‘11111'1151111111111 5111;11'1.1111111\l1111..'\1\11 11'.11111'1113_' 111.1;11'1.111\ .11111 1111' .11'11\1\ 11.111111113: 111111111x1'1'1111111ii111'i‘111g111x

Edinburgh Tuesdays


I Carnival 2005.11 1111' ('.1\1'\ 1\' 1‘1'11. 11111' 1111 111'.1/111.111\111'1'111111111111111; 1‘\11‘.11.1j_'.111/.1.

I The Club Foot .11 111'1111 \ ( '1'11.11 11.111 11111111111 1.1111. H. 1 1111 1111\11'11 .111111111xx11.1[11'11 liiiik 1111x11'11111 111111x1' 11.111111|11'.\111111111111.11 81111111111'11111111 I'L‘f._'111.'ll' 1:111'xlx.

I Esperanza .11 1’11 .\'.1 \.1.

1111111 1.1111. (2 1'1. \\1'1'1111_1. \1'11 '1‘111'x11.i_\ 1111‘ 1’11 \.1 \.1.1\ 1|11'_\ 1.111111‘11 1111s 111'11 i‘1'gg.i1'. 111111 .11111 11.1111'1'11.111 \111'1'1.i| \111111111' \11g1111 111111.1111.

I Motherfunk .11 1111111'11'1111111.

111. {1111111 3.1111. 1'1‘1'1'. \‘1'1'1'1111. 1111111' 11'111111'1111111 1).l\ (111111.11111 1‘l'_\1‘l \[1111 1.11'1' .111111'1.i\\11' 11111111} .1\\1'11. 1111111'

41.111111; 1111\.11111 liiiik. 1 .11111, \11111 .11111\1111111111 1111111' 111 1111' 11.1111 i1111i11 111 \111'11111111.11111 1111'111lx 11‘1 111121111111111111.11111111111 k 11.1111 .1111111'111\

I Split .11 (".111.111'1 \1111.1ii1' 1111111 1.1111 111'1‘ \\1'1'k1\ 11111111.\11.1\\ 111111 \11.1111111 \k111.1111'11i111111111 111\ .11111 .i \lll.1111‘llll_‘_' 111 1111 1.111'1111'111111.111'111'\1\ 11111111.\ 11.1\\.111111111'.1k\ 111111'11111' 1111111111131111.1\\1'111.1k1'1.11.'11\1'i 1111' 111.1111111111111'11'11 111111'1 \11'1'k 13.1.1111 I Vibe .11 1 1'11 1111111 1.1111 :1 \\1'1'k11 (1.11 1112111111111 1.11111'\111111'1111111111111111' 111'1 1o. 1111' 11.11111111' \11111 \11111111\. 1111' \1111'1111' 11.1111 11111111' .11111 1111' \11111111;' \1111 [11111.1 \11 111'1111111‘1 11.11111.1

Edinburgh Wednesdays


I Disko Bloodbath .11 1 1:11

1.1111 t.‘ .‘ 11'11 \1.iii11111;' [11111111.1\111111111111'11‘x '111\111111'1'i .1111'111.111\1' 1111:111‘1'111'1111’ 1111\111 1'11'11111.1111111'.111111k.1i1111111 111111111111\1' 111111 .111' \111'.1111111;' 11111 1111 \111111'1111111' 111111'11'11111111111'1'.11 \11'111' \\ 1111 .111 1111111'\t'\\|1'11111111111.1111 .111’|.iii1'1()iil .1\11i1' 111111 1'1111'11.11111111'111

I Low Gravity .11 1111' | 1111111111’1111111 111 11111111 1.1111 1.111.? \111111‘lll\1 \\1'1'k1_\ \11111111 111111111'1'111 11.1111 11111111 111 \11'11111.l \111'1'1. 111111 11111\11111111111'.ii. 11111111111111):111111.1\1111111111'11111111 1111' 111'.11\ .11111 131111111 111111\1'11111\i1 1111 1111' 11'§_'111.1i 11111111 111111111111111111111111111 1'\1'i) \\1'11111'\11.1_1. 1.1111111 \111111‘ (1.111 \1.11'\1111 1)1111111 11111'1 111 [1111\111' 111\ 1111'.111111l1'1111’1111111'1111'\11111;'\11111 1’11'.111_1 11111 111' 1111111'11111 \\’i1'1'111.1§.'1'. 81111'1 8111111'.1-1'11\. \11'1'. 111-1 \\ii;'111. 1.11111 /.llllH|\1\l 1111 1111.1111111

I Spin Off .11 (3.111.111'1 \1111.lll1‘ 11111111111 1.1111 111121 \\1'1-k1_1 11111111 1111' 1|1'.111\|1111 1'1'\11l1'111\. .\11.111 1)111111.ii .11111 1).11.1. 111.1k1' 1111'11 111'11 111111111'1'k 11111111'.11('.111l11i .lllll\ 111111111111111111. 11111l\1‘. 11l\1'1l .11111 111111111'11 111'.1l\ 111111 1'1';:111.ii punts 1111111 111'1l\|‘lll .11111 1111' 1111\1'x111 liiiik 11111111111'lt'\1111'lll11.11111 I Tease Age .11 (‘111111 ( ‘11111

1111111 1.1111. 1'11'1'111'11111' 11 11111111. 1.1 .1111'1. \\41'1‘111_\. 31‘1' $.11

3‘1 '\ 3:111111 1's. 111'1'11

111 11111111

EDINBURGH pre-club venues

Bam Bou 66/67 South Bridge. 556 0200

Bar Union 253/258 Cowgate. 557 2780

Beluga 30a Chambers Street. 624 4545

The City Cafe Blair Street. 220 0125

Cuba Norte 192 Morrison Street. 221 0499


197 High Street, 220 5277

The Human Be-ln 2/8 West Crosscauseway. 662 8860

Iguana 41 Lothian Street. 220 4288 The Meadow Bar (Moo Bar) Buccleuch Street. 667 6907 i The Outhouse Broughton Street Lane. 557 6668 1: Oxygen 3—5 Infirmary Street, 557 9997 11 The Pond 22—24 Bath Road. 467 3825 13"! 0 Bar 5/11 Leith Street. 557 5830 3:: The Street

2 Picardy Place. 556 4272

The Wash

The Mound. 225 6193 Yo Below

66 Rose Street. 220 6040

club venues

Berlin 3 Oueensferry Street Lane. 467 7215. Selection of cool house nights. See listings for details.

The Bongo Club Moray House. 37 Holyrood Road. 558 7604. One of the coolest and most eclectic clubs in town. See listings for details.

Cavendish/Diva West Tollcross, 228 3252. Party nights and R818 all weekend for the after work set.

Cabaret Voltaire 36—38 Blair Street. 220 6176. Mixed bag from house to drum 8 bass. See listings for details.

CC Blooms 23—24 GreenSide Place. 556 9331. One of the City's most enduring gay clubs. With hi-NRG tracks every night of the week.

The Cellar Bar 1 Chambers Street. 467

2539. Cool beats from global sounds to Trouble's unique take on jazz. See listings for details. The Citrus Grindlay Street. 622 7086. Mainly studenty venue that goes for an indie vibe as well as a dash of punk. new wave and 805 classics. See listings for selected highlights. City: Edinburgh 1a Market Street. 226 9560. From student nights to big house and guest DJs. See listings for selected highlights. Club Pivo 2—6 Calton Road. 557 2925. A selection of the best Edinburgh DJs play every night. for free. The Commplex Commercial Street. Leith. 555 5622. Semi regular nights in this old church from lesbian club Velvet to techno and house. See listings for details. Ego Picardy Place. 478 7434. Home to some of the capital‘s best loved nights as well as a selection of big gay clubs. See listings for details. El Barrio 104 West Pon. 229

8805. Spanish fiesta every night of the week.

The Establishment 3 Semple Street. 229 7733. Chart and party night With plenty of drink on offer to wash it all down With.

Espionage 4 India Bu1|dings. Victoria Street. 477 7007. Five floors of varied chart and dancey action.

Gaia King Stables Road. 229 7986. MOre big party tunes and drunken danCing.

The Honeycomb 15—17 Niddry Street. 530 5540. Big nights and big guests from Manga to Audio Deluxe. See listings for details.

The Liquid Room 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. One of the top venues in town for guest DJs and live mUSIC. See listings for details.

Massa 36—39 Market Street. 226 4224. Glam house. party nights and hip hop on a Sunday With Chocolate Sundae.

Medina 45—47 Lothian Street. 225 6313. Laid back

vibes with cool hip hop

and other sounds. See

listings for details. Mood

Omni, Greenside Place.

550 1640. Chart and party tunes. not forgetting gay night Poly Super on Mondays. See listings for selected highlights. Opal Lounge 51 George Street, 226 2275. House and funky beats for a dressed up crowd. Opium 71 Cowgate. 225 8382. Rock. punk and metal. no messing. Po Na Na 43b Frederick Street. 226 2224. Student nights. funky beats and more. See listings for selected highlights. Potteer Bristo Square, 650 9195. Student heaven. RED Vodka Club 73 Cowgate. 225 1757. From house to reggae. See listings for details. Revolution 31 Lothian Road. 229 7670. Huge chart dance venue. Studio 24

Calton Road. 558 3758.

Down and dirty club nights. specialising in techno and goth. See listings for details.

The Subway Cowgate. 225 6766. Now more of a rock and cool indie night as well as some cheesier Club nights. See listings for selected highlights,

The Subway West End Lothian Road. 229 9197. Another one for the after office crowd.

The Venue Calton Road. 557 3073. Varied mash up club nights ranging from Optimo to techno heaven. See listings for details.

The Wee Red Bar Edinburgh College of Art. Lauriston Place. 229 1442. Student nights for the arty set. See listings for details.

Time 24a Frederick Street. 220 1226. Chart songs and plenty of booze all night long.

.I The Vaults

(enter Via Nicol Edwardsl. Niddry Street. 556 8642. Intimate new venue that draws together some of the coolest DJs in town. See listings for details.

1‘1 Why Not?

14 George Street. 624 8311. Hits from the 808 to last week.

42 THE LIST .4 ‘11 "