I Saw You cont.

V I Saw YOU \Velcnme In lzdiribur'gh. bilinl/a' Read} Inr' \1\ llllillllh n1 Ihe purexl Salarriarica lllcSI} le 'l'he niil} dillereiice: \nrr}. inI nn kalimnlxn here. baby 1000 I\rmelela mmu' dein Nagnre.

1 7513/40

V I Saw You in )Iilll'

hnr'r'nu ed kill and wrinkled snckx iii Ihe .-\\\embl) Rnnms nn new _\L‘£ll"\ e\ e. Ynu are Ihe eulexl lilllll‘lllilL‘ISI/Sllllphccpcl' in l’IIrIick. \Vh} did )nu rim Ima} \n earl} 1’? 1'/5 1 3/41

VI Saw You in Ihe huge queue III Ihe pnxi nllice nn Brrinxuick Rnad nri Sal ')Ih Januar}. (iirl nn phniie Ihnughl bu} \\ iIh dark hair and \III)\\ - linal'd—IHIC jackel “ax 1n\el_\ Imd pr'nbabl} \Iill ix. [7513/42 0 I Saw You in Ihe l-ilmhnuw I'cllll'11\ queue hum-11' l-niirl Kim. 4 .lIIrIIiIIr). 6.10pm. Ynu: dark hair. lniig cnaI. beaulil‘ul \mile; me: Iall. blue l-leccc iackel. I‘ed \cal‘l. l gnI Ihe lirxl reIurn Iickel and _\nIi gnI Ihe \eennd. Ynu \III next In me in Ihe cinema. | \\;I\ Inn \h} In axk )nu l‘nr II cnll'ee \\ hen Ihe lilm lin- ixhed. l’leaxe gel in Inuch il' _\nu \Nnuld like In Iiicel linl‘ a cnl'lcc. Serendipin [/5 l 3/43

0 I Saw You Alixnn. l-‘I'I 24m 1)ec nn Ihe l 1.52 lidinburgh In (‘arlixle Irain. We eriin) ed Ialking p1ea\e gel in lnuch i1 )IIII \\nIIld like In IIIlk \nme mnre. SIe\ e. 1'/5 1 3/44

V I Saw You l-‘nxlerx area. Ihe mnund NYIi. 1n l'r'nnI n1 big screen. YnII: \IhIIe cnIII. pierced Iniigue and chin. me in kill. Wnuld ln\ e [0 call) nil “hill we \lIII'lL‘Il. 17513/45

V I Saw You Sam being I‘ab nn Ihe 2nd. llnpel‘lrll)‘ 1 San Ynu nn Ihe 3rd. 4Ih. 5th . . . Inr all )ear Inn. Ynu‘re II \Iar il‘ )nu can Ill'i\ e Z-l [/5 l 5/46

V I Saw YOU Belinda lnnking lnx'ely nn Ihe 2nd Januar}. Please make Il\ gnnd plltltllligx and SIIII’IL'I'S ne\I \xeek. .\l_\ lIIVnIIriIe ix rau hamburgers. l'/5 1 3/47

V I Saw You (inr‘genux ('anadian guy. nn m} bII\ nn Ihe \ia} In \mi‘k. \Vnuld line In rIieeI _\'nu nexl lime )nu cIIIeh m} e_\‘e. 1'/513/48

V I Saw You .-\lIIn . . . glued In '1in (fear highlighls . . . happ§ IIL‘\\ year" [7513/49

V I Saw You III l-‘ex er nn

l 101 December. .\1e: black \hil'l and shnI'I red hair. Ynu said \\ e had meI beI'nr‘e. did nnI even get )Olll‘ name; “nuld like chance In learn il. PS gnnd pic nn 'l‘axle \xebxile. [7513/50

0 I Saw You in Ihe .\'e\\ Tnxxn Bar. (‘hrixlmas l{\ e. Me: Welsh and in a High} shirI. Ynu: Senls. inI 56 nnI lidinburgh. and sn cheek). We had II biz/are I‘nur-ua) cnnxersaIinn. II IlirI and a laugh. Shnnk hands III Ihe end nI' iI all. Yeah. 1 kilo“ _\nu're \xilh mmenne. buI gel in Inuch il' )nu can. [7513/51

V I Saw You mimming badly III in} g) In. You are \er) til. 1 find Ihe I'aeI IhIII _\'nu ean'I swim very sexy l'd ln\‘e In Ieaeh _\'nu Ihe breasIsIrnke. [7513/52

V I Saw You m the Pear Tree nn 2nd Januar}. \Inman \IiIh dark hair. Me: tall man ()ur

e} es meI. ('IIn u e .’ 1'/513/53 VI Saw You Nikki and Rachel l.. \\ hen \xill \\ e meet IIgIIiIi'.’ 1.0\ e I'rnm Ihe

peIrIa iper. [/5 1 3/54

V I aw You 'l‘ra\ Bar manager. M} neu )I‘III' I'exnlulinn is In dn _\nIi and we him I'riendl) _\nu reall} are. Shall \I e \Iill'l rinu \n 1 can mm e nnln \Inppilig \mnking'.’ [7513/55

V I Saw You llaiiie haired darling. lnnking \e\} ax iri Ihe l)nr'ic. Ynur milkxhake bring all Ihe bnp In Ihe _\IIi'd. .-\1I'ie. Line In ill\\;1}\ Mimi. [7513/56 V I Saw You and l cnuldn'l beliex e il. Ynu are Ihe “01111111 1 “Hill In \pend Ihe rexl n1 in} me Mill. 1 lme )nu. Sam \ .\ \ 1'/513/57

0 I Saw You lla\eii-hail'ed \ir'eri. \\ iIli _\nui' .\'e\\ Ynik Iuang. drau iiig me In Ihe Village. \Vnrk IhIiI lll\cll bah}? l’eace 001. Dr l)0ll. [/5 l 3/5IS '0 I Saw You in l’ear 'I‘I'ee. Ynu hair} mniike} man. III II gnnd \\II_\. We \hared II \mile. Ynu drank blackeurraril but I 1nrgixe_xnu. .\lIIke m) .\'e\x Year. [7513/59

VI Saw You in) Inxel} BeIh. 1.nnking like Ihe nne Inr me in Ihe (‘ily (‘III‘I~ Ihe day bean back In unrk. l.n\e _\II. in) ra\eii haired dnll (’helle \ \ \ 1'/5 1 3/60

VI Saw You \e\_\ pixie— eared l-rench bn} III Medina. 'l‘ue 21\I Dee. \Vnuld ln\ e In gel In kiinu _\nu. .\leeI l'nr II beer wine Iime'.’ l'/5 1 3/61

V I Saw You all )‘nu era/y Iilll sIIII'I‘. I'll be seeing )‘nu all ‘l'aee In liaee‘ and remember: llnnk il' )‘00 like it" (ilIL‘xx \th'.’ I75 I 3/62

V I Saw You l.nu l.nri \an’k- irig 'Ihe SIreeI‘ like II \L‘IISUIIL‘Il pr'nl \Vnr‘k iI girl' Bx [7513/63 VI Saw You 1)}1an .\1 in lilll nn Sunday nighl. Was Inn \h} In \a) IIn)Ihing inI ware II genius. limina. Marianne. Dan and Chris. [7513/64

V I Saw You \x'nrking in Ihe Pear Tree \\ iIh )‘Iilll' \e.\_\ LI\,\ and then I realised I \IIIsn'I drunk when 1 San Ynur I“ in . RIIIII‘ baby Raaar'll [7513/65 V I Saw You nearing II \heepxkiri cnIII in Ihe hair) pair? Keep smiling I'rnm Ihe blue Kenluekiari. [7513/66

V I Saw You \Ir'ip) haI. lighI blue sleeVex nn ynur jumper. all rugged and SL‘\)' in Ihe Basemenl Bar. llUgIIILIIIII}. [7513/67

V I Saw You and mm _\nu IIre amII/ing. \mriIlerlIrl and Ihe \xnman 1 “am In spend Ihe rexI nI‘ in} life wilh. [7513/68

V I Saw You se\_\ muxcaleer. (ilad In ha\ e )nu back. Ma} “e haxe man} mnre ad\enIuI‘e\ IngeIher. (Bing. X 1'/513/69

V I Saw YOU Traxerse Thealre Bar. 22/12/04 -— 6pmish. Ynu \\ ere I'air and gnrgenux blnke in nn xmnking. \\ iIh dark friend. 1 \\;I\ in bnnlh and admiring I‘rnm III‘ar. (ieI in Inueh. [7513/70

lI’lIIIIlI.‘ seeks male

‘5‘“ VERY BUBBLY person \in11 (iS()ll. dark bi'nuri hair. brimn e) ex. ()Iiile curx} inI \lim. ln\e\ riighlx nuI pubbing Ik clubbing. ax \\ e11 ax eIIIing nIII. alxn 1n\e cnx) IIIglIIS in \\l1ll11 anIle nI' \\ ine. ('all me nn 0906 756 3557 I& enter 51288395

W 23YR OLD female, likes IIII ecleelic range III muxic & I'unn} llllih. \\'1.'1‘.\l II dnxxn In eIII'Ih male \\illl \imilar inIerexlx Inr lun I& l'i'ieiidxhip. ('all me nn 09067 510 145 Ik L‘lllcl' 4035309

In GLASGOW brunette single girl. 3ll\. 53. blue e} e\. slim/medium build. bIIxicIIll) \eeking reall} nice gri}. (all me mi 0906 750 3557 IN enIer 18915225

W BLUE eyed female, blnnde hair. 33. 5'6". gnnd lig- ure & IIIIracIixe \\iIh (}S()11. eninyx pubx. dining nIII Ik mnre. \\'l.'l’.\l male Inr happ} Iimex. laughx & rnmance. ('all me nn 0906 756 3557 (& enIer 18925225

W SLIM, 5'2, blonde who rum nun business I& likes danc- ing. Ihe IheIIIre IQ gning In Ihe pub. \VIII'M \nmenne inIelligenI I‘nr' I'Im. liriendship IQ plhxllilc i'elaIinnxhip (‘all me mi 091 )6 756 3557 & enIer I 102099

“3’ FUN loving, genuine female. 37. enpper' blnnde hair. very \nciable. gnnd cnmmuiii- eIIInr‘ & lixIener'. Seeks like minded male. l'nr' ll'lCIldSlilP. ma_xbe mnre. (all me mi 0906 7563557 I& enIer 12117228

5" MEDIUM BUILD, 5'4, short hair. blue eyex. linjn) \ gning nuI l'nr mealx. ha\ ing quiel nighrx in. gning In Ihe cin- ema. \\'1.'I‘.\l wmenne l‘ni‘ II bil nl‘ehaIling ck II biI nl enmpan}. (‘all me nn 0906 756 3557 Ik enIer 1097699

"4‘ 44 YEAR OLD, single, 52". \han brnun hair I& hazel eyex. big build. I‘riendl}. quieI. buI enme mu m} \hell nnce _\nu get In knnu me. linjn) gning nn \HilkS. In Ihe pub nr quiel nighl\ in \\ ith a anIle nI' u ine nr a l)\'\'l). ('all me nri 0906 756 3557 It enIer 1127699

‘3” JANET 5'3, dark, slim In medium build. hnbbie\ include Iraxelling. reading. Iligl‘lh iii/nIII. pubx 1i\e muxic. 1 live nn the Snth \ide nI' (ilaxgnu. Call me nn 0906 756 3557 ck enIer 18148425

Classified Personal


CLYDEBANK BLONDE 2“. 5H l‘lllc I'}k'\. \l1111.l\‘1\lll IIIIeIe\l\. \eeking male. 20 3.5 lnr pnwible rela lllllhllll‘ ('all me nri 0‘" 16 "56 355" I\ enIer 3221142

KATHY 44, dark curly hair. l‘I‘IMII e}e\. 5'4. greaI per \nnalil_\. ln}al. alxxap eiiin_\ .i laugh. \\ l.'l'.\l \nmenne \\l1i\l\ a laugh \nrrienne \\llU1\ ln}al I\ caririg.('a11 me nn 091 16 "56 355" I\ enIer 18155425

BLONDE, blue eyes, Inerage build. IiIiiIe nice lnnk mg inr' \6 been Inldi. l1l\L'\ \pendmg Iime \er11 wii I\ gning nIiI p.Ii'I_\irig, ("all me nn 091 16 ‘5“ 555—. I\ clllcl 1223364

34 YEAR OLD FEMALE, blnnde hair I\ blue e_\e\. l1l\c\p11l‘\.clIll‘\ I\ l1.I\ mg II gnnd lime. ('Illl me nn 0906 "S6 355" .\ I-niI-i 1091 16w

JEAN 52, 5', brown hair. l‘I'IMII c}L‘\. c11|ii_\\ I‘lllc ma. IheaIi‘e I\ gning nIII Ini mealx. reading. I\ \peridirig lime mm m} grandchildren ('all me nri 0906 "56 355“ Ik enIer 13506423

GLASGOW, 26, 5'10, lair hair. blue e_\e\. IiiiiIe lllll. \ingle mnlher n1 3. \er_\ (ES( )11. like gning In pub» cinema Ik quiIe nighlx in. ('all me nn 1191 16 75(3 555-" I\ enIer 13276421

BUBBLY, outgoing female, _\nIiIig lnnkiiig 35. 4'10.pelile \I/e (i. like\ )Iiga. dancing. \IiclIIlI\lllj_' Ik meeI irig neu penple. (‘Iill me nri 0906 756 3557 Ik enIer 18629425

" MICHELLE 25, tall \\llll II medium build. blnnde high lighled hair Ik blue e)e\. llkL'\ cinema. gning Inr \xalkx I\ \III} lllgill.l.l)0l\1|1glIl1'\llllllIII‘ male. (all me nn 0906 "56 3557 I& enIer 3264142

BLONDE HAIR WITH lll(illl.1(ill'l'S. blue e}e\. 5'8". mediIIrii-large build. like ha\- irig IIIn. gning In muxic _‘_‘lf._‘\. I‘nnIball. gning nIII In Ihe pIib (& gelling drunk. .v\1\\a_\\ up Inr' a laugh. quile II iiice lr'IerIdl} genuine PL‘IMHI. ('II11 me nn (l')(l(i 750 5557 I\ eriler I 121699

BUBBLY PERSONALI- TY 5'3, lnrig brnun curl} hair. medium build. ln\ e In hax e luri. gn nIII & happ} in general. (’all me (Ill 0906 756 355" I\ enIer 18153425

WOULD PREFER COMPANY, 5- )eal' nld. \khn eninp \pendirig Iime \\1lll Iami— l). cnnking. reading. \Ialkmg dngx. Ira\el. had 4 break\ Ima} Ihix )I‘Iir. unuld be nice In ha\e II cnriipaninri rie\I lime? (‘all me nn 0906 756 3557 Ik enIer l llll(i')‘)

‘- NORMA 44, 5'9, slim, blnnde. \xnrk a\ a \alex manag- er. I had man} dill'ererii hnh. biex. l eliln} \kalchilig l'nnlball. leriin} gning Inr ualkx & l err-in} pla)ing gnlI. ('all me mi 0906 756 5557 ck enIer 18161425

HI THERE! Sylvia, 5‘4 hlIIIILlc \\ ill] blue e} L‘\. \I/e lb. 46. rin children. like\ cnnkmg. \Ialking. \uimming. cinema. DUI“. club\ ck linlida} \. ('all me nn 0906 756 355" I& enIer


SCOTTISH 34yr old iiIIIlI'.I.IIi1§ Ifiuul lnnk:ii:'. cll|i\_\\ \\.lll\111j.'.\1‘i‘1l\.lllI‘.IllI‘ I\ I‘nnkiiig lnnkirig In: IIIII I\ l111111i\1i\11\lI‘lllIilI'lr'\l1IilI‘\HIIII‘ IIIIIIIII} lIlllI‘ \‘Illll (all lllI' nII ll‘Nl/I 55h 355 5 .\ .‘IIII'i 18928225

HEAVILY BUILT, 5'10, .I\cIa:'e li‘iIlJllj.’ iiialI' lunkmx' lnr IllI'111IIlI'll1IIlI‘llli'\\ \nI 1.Il1\ 111}'.L'I‘111‘.'r‘11lli‘1lllI‘.ll\,Il1111lI mg. _‘.'I‘lll‘.‘ lI‘lllI'IlllI‘lll.1.I1ll Ihe 11\11.Il llllllL'\ (all me nii 0‘106 “50 3‘5" I\ erIII'i l 156‘“)

BROWN HAIR & EYES, (15I\IllI'illllllll‘llllIl llllI‘II‘\1\ 111Il11IlI‘lllillilll‘llu'\_t‘illllI‘ in lheprib. l1\c|1111\iI I\ Ir.I\I'llm:' \l\l1111lHIIllI‘111IIll\I'1lII‘l.I1‘|I'\ (all me nii 0‘th “6 3‘5 I\ r-nlci Ill‘15li‘l‘l

PROFESSIONAL Glasgow male, 5 In. \‘Illll riIediIIrII biiild I\ \llrI11 binmi hair. lH\c\Il11\lIIf.‘_11.i\I'lllll"I\ Inx} 111_‘.'lll\ 111. \\I IV .111 linii e\I I\ geriirmc l.lIl\ (all me nri 0006 “<6 ' ‘c'mm 1151150

GLASGOW guy, 6'1 With |cl lilaIk hall I\ l‘IiI\\11 e_\e\ lnnkiiij.‘ Inr IIIIIII‘.\\.11|11 I\ I‘IrdIllx leriiale ( all me nii nun/1'56 455'" I\ cum VIII/11‘

WORKING MAN WITH ll :5 kk'.l1\ Hlll. Iiniii ( ila\gn\\, \\l l\l iIInic rIIaIIire leinale lni lllll llll'ic\. lllcllIl\lll[\ I\ 1‘H\\1l\lc relalinii \hip (all me niI 0906 "56 35" I\ eriler 1113699

QUITE MUSCULAR 21 YEAR ()1 1).!» lalail. hair. Ilar'k e)e\. like\ gning llii\‘.llll_‘.'. H111liic'lllI'111.I\.1‘Illi\ I\ I llll‘\. liaxlcall} liI lia\c a laugh I\ a gnnd lime \\l l.\llc111.llcll‘ \llIIlI'1l11\ \kllll. Ini l1111.l11I'llIl \lin I\‘ l‘II\\1l‘l} Iiinre (all Inc 6.1 0906 “56 I55" I\ win Mail-126

GOOD LOOKING pro- fessional *8 II-ai nIII male. lllIII\\ :«5 5ll. lHlIIll} Illlllcil I\ limk} |11Il1\1Il11Ill.l1l\c\ I|11|I'l lllf_'l11\111I\ I IIibeiIg. \HIIII' lllllc\ npera Seeking \llllllIII minded Iemale In make me \lllllc. (‘all me niI 091 16 556 355" I\ eIIIer 18625425

PETER 5'10, slim/medium build. bliie e}e\. lilimn ha”. 42. ca\_\ gning. ()ll.\(‘ lnnkmg Inr \Hlllciillclhlllc\1 ieliable (all me nii 091 16 “56 3557 I\ eiiler 18166425

JOSH 38, 5'8, fair hair. IiIiiIe rIice lnnkirig. I like li\h mg. c_\cllll_‘_' IK gnmg nii '.'-Illl.\ ('Iill me nn 0906 "56 3555 I\ enIer 18152425

MALE 28, 5'6, well biiill \‘.11l1 \llllll human hair I\ bubbl} Pc1\iI11IIlll_\ l.nnl.irig lnr lllllI\111II}l‘clllHl'c. (all me nii 0906 "56 355" IK eiIIeI 1025848

5'1 1, dark brown l1.ill. \lllll iIIediImi build. ~14_\r'\ nld l.ike gning In pIib\. clubx. Imer ma. \Iiiimg Ik dmmg nIII. pla). mg pnnl. gnll IK \\\1111111111f.'. (‘all me «In 11W") 550 355- A; enIer 1164 346