Accommodation to let
- "I, c get
VA. Fortune cookies
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or torrtatt your loml it
if)! the lltjllt ariwxeia to r‘erit‘rriq questions VISIII
tit liority
Accommodation wanted
I Reliable House Sitter x\\;t|l;ll\lt' (ililxgou. non \trtokct' \\ ill \xalk dog/teed petx r‘eler- eiice\ pro\ ided lotig or \ltot't term. 'l'el l’erim ()T‘Ht) 25o SOS
I Rooms available immediately. Required to \har‘e \\ ith one or other\. l‘ull} lurnixhed .& modern or group iatex. 'l'el: (llfil 553 Milli HMSS -l()7 4S4.
Flats for sale
I Shawlands one bed neu hiiild llat lor \ale. li\ed price. l)e\igner Kitchen lu\ur'_\ hathroom prixate parking near tiiglit lil'e. train \tation. .\l/ua}. phone (lHl 440 7273 li\ening\.
GLASGOW I To Let Knightswood,
(ilaxgou lull} lurrii\hed. cot— tage llat a\ailahle nou. 2 Bedroom\ no multiple occupan- c}. Bedding. crocker} \upplied. rnicr'oxxa\e/\\a\her'/l)t'} et/l'i‘idge ’l'ree/er. L45tlpcrn. lel: til-ll 5S" “.il‘) or‘ (l7.\'l2 45—1 4-1".
I 2 Double bed flat in neu .\nniexland de\elopinent. lin- mile to one room and hatliroorn. l’rnate parking. (iood amenitiex and ti'athpoi‘l linkx. L5tltlpctn. lel l)oug 0‘0“) (\54 «W5
I Mount Florida - bright, ‘l‘aciom. l\\o hedr‘oorii llat. (low to train \tation. lull} turnixhed. (it'll. LW5 prii [‘lth l‘lllS. lel: tllJl SS2 2“”. tl"".\'.\‘ StlJ l42. I Located in heart or \\'e\t lind. large lull} turnixhed flat [or rent. 'l'\\o dotrhle hed- room~. lounge. dining kitchen. \tud}. (K‘ll. L050 per riiontli. (“all (V'Slll 43" 5‘3.
I Glasgow West End, Keh inxide. ()ne hedrooin llat \\ itliiii li~ted propert). heautitul- |_\ prexented and a\ailahle no“. l’arking. (lardenx. L500 pcrii + \lL‘PUSll. 'l‘el: (ll-ll 334 4o44 v 0'04” 2 l S 483.
106 THE LIST 2.‘ ear—5 Cur “
Flats to let cont.
I Tantallon Road, Shawlands, large traditional 2/3 hed llat. l‘il‘. ideal location. a\ailahle iimnediatel}. L05” pcm. 'l'el: (V733 50‘ 232 l.loltl I Thornwood. Fully refurbished llal in out end. lounge. dollth bedroom. kitchen. hathrooiii \\ ith \hou er. (i(’ll. l)ouhle gla/ed. l‘ull) lur- lllSllL‘tl \\ ill] “(HKlL‘ll lloot‘x. Immaculate condition. L420 pcin. 'l‘el: 0702‘) 2S8 7m».
I West End furnished “at lll‘\l lloor clean and hright. l llt‘tll'oolll l Sitting Room Bathroom \iith hath and \houer' Dining Kitchen (}('ll .\'/S L4H) pcm eax) parking lllJl 33‘) 2103. I Merchant City superb lullyappointed l hedroom t‘lat. .-\ll arnenitiex. L495 pcrii + depmit. l’arking option. “MI 33‘) (row). I Four bedroom house in Kinning l’ark nut to Science .\ltle'llllt. It) tttllh lr‘ottl \uhua}. l’arking. douhle-gla/ing. cen— tral-heating. £695 pcm. 07830 700 909
Hyndland Studio Flat Bright li\ing room \xith our] kitchen. \hou er' r'oortt. \\'('. (}('ll. l\e ol \hared laundr). L35“ pcrn. which incl lltlL‘\ all hillx and council ta\.
O1 41 956 2830
EDINBURGH I Stockbridge 2 Bedroom
flat \\ ith open \ ieux. l’ar‘r'ou ck Ball colotrr‘x. \ti‘ipped t'loor‘s. \tud}. (ireat \hopx. Walk to cen- tre. l-trrniture negotiahle. Lhtltt pcm + hillx. \o l)SS. .‘\\ailahle no“. lel: (VtSlll ".‘(l ll2.
I Top floor immaculate douhle hed llat \\ ith panorrnaic
\ ie\\ x o\ er lidinhurgh. .\'e\\ car‘- petx and \xooden lloor\ through- out “till rteul} titted kitchen'dinei‘ including dixhuaxh- er. H“ and \\'.\l. l.arge douhle hedroom \\ ith titted \xardrohex. lncludex pou er \hou er. Seperate \Vt'. ('r(‘ll and l)(}. xhared gdn. ltimim walk to centre and ameni- ttc\. l‘ilht to \L'L‘ \\ill rent. L-Hill pcm plux depo~it tor a minimum ot~ h month leaxe. 'l'o \ ieu pleaxe call (iorxe 02932 U42 (13S
I Newington Studio flat, long. medium. xhort term let t'ull} equipped. 'l‘el: tl‘SRS 1‘3 (3‘6.
Leith, Edinburgh. Spaciotix 2 dhl hedroorii llat. Recentl} relurhrxhed. 2nd tlooi. lounge. kitchen. ltalltl‘oitlll/Sllii“ell (i( ‘l l. .-\\ailahle llll'lllSllL'tl l‘eh. L55” pcrn + depoxit + relei‘encex
Tel: 07833 670 370.
I Double room in got'geoth. ne\\ l} lirrnixhed. \pacioth llat nr .’\le\andra l’ar‘ade. all mod conx. (}(’ll. Suit }otirig pi'ol'exxional. '275 + hillx/depoxit. lel: (FViJ .586 526.
I Friendly flatmate want- ed to \har‘e gorgeoux cl_\de\ide apartment \\ ith one other. \Vould \tlll \ociahle )trttrrg pro» lexxional. L300 pcm + hillx + ("l‘. 'l'el: 07793 tll7 252.
I West End - Double room in large \l}li\h tlat \iith \itting room cK tie“ kitchen to \har'e \xith )otiiig pr‘olcxxiorial ternale. Non-\moker. L3 It) including ("ll Tel: 0777] 561 (ill).
I Double room available to let in cit} L‘L‘lltt‘c l'lat. \thllltl \uit n/x prolexxional male. all mod cortx. ideal tor under- ground/MS. L25” pcrn + ("l' + hillx. 'l’el: til-ll 42‘) 0250.
I Fantastic flat with doll- hle room a\ailahle tor ll/\. all mod conx .& hand} tor to\\ n. e\cellent ptrhlic tranxport linkx. L2llll pcrii + hillx. inclume ol ("l1 Tel: “7960 S38 300.
I Room available in .\lerchant ('it} flat. lull) lur- nixhed \\ ith douhle hed & mir- rored titted \uirdr’ohex. (m n plil line it required. all mod conx. L-ltltl pent. includex (“11 Tel: (ll-1| 552 (LS-to.
I Double room in ga} lriendl} llat \hare. neul} decorated. l‘tlll} titted kitchen. lounge. 2 hathroomx. po\\ er shou er. douhle gla/ed. (3(‘ll. 5 minute\ h} under- ground. cit} or \Vext litid. L255 pcm + hills. Tel: 079“) (i l 7 598.
I Room in fabulous \ch lind pad. \hare \\ ith 3 other\. \xooden lloot‘x throughout. (}(‘ll. no \tudentx. L250 pcin + hillx & ("11 Tel: 07714 US] 993.
,' renting;froh1..g."
Flatshare cont.
I Langside. Suit profes- sional, hedrooiii lll \lll.tll llat. Shared modern kitchen \\llll trrdge li'ee/er. \kaxhrng machine. llllcltt\\.t\c. halhrooiii \Hlll \ltim er. central heating. good tranxport l!lll\\. L25“ including ("If lel: (ll-ll h“ 2050,
I Flatmate to share a got'geotrx lll\lll'_\ llat on Roiiilield. cloxe to Jordan lllll \tatioit iii a quret area \\llll 2 tltllll‘lt' l‘L‘tlt'oolth t\ 2 hath t'ootll\. \haring \\ ith a cat. all mod com. cahle l\' .\ prnate parking. L ‘25 pcrri. \hai‘e ol hillx. lel: (VSlo “I 483.
I Flatmate wanted to draw with | other. Single. ll'L‘Slll} tlccitl'alt‘tl llNllll. treat underground & cit} centre. l’t'elerx n/x prolexxional \xho clL‘allS «K llle‘S l)e\pel'ale llouxeuile. Shamelexx .\ l;,l<. L2H” pciii. including l‘lllS. e\cluding ("l t\ plil. 'l'cl: (l7SHl 433 350
I Third person to \har‘e mm 2 other\. in large. corriloi't ahle l'lat. oll B}er\ Road, ()un dotihle hedroorn. all mod conx. ('ahle. ("l included. hillx \hai‘ed. L2"~1 pciii + L'llllt depmit. lel: “HI 5“) SW1) te\ening\r.
I West End Broomhill, douhle room in rirce. 2-perxon l'lat. lull} l'urnixhed. all mod conx. (i(’ll. \uit prolexxronal l'ernale. L29” pcm + hillx. 'l’el: llq-‘Jill Hill 305.
I Professional female flatmate \xanted lor‘ gorgeoux hig traditional \Vext land l'lat. all mod conx. LSHH pcin + \hat‘e ot hillx and ("l‘. 'l‘el: 0'958 (r35 335.
I Double large room 111 West lind llat. Shared lounge. kitchen \xith 2 other\. all corri- moditiex included. near \hop\ 6; local tr';iii\por'tatioti. L32” pctri. including hlllS & ("ll 'l‘el: 07-763 92‘) SH),
I West End double tooth in ouner occupied llat. looking litt' triendl}. conxider‘ate perxon o\er 25. L25” pciii + tlcpoxil + hillx. lel: 07725 030 372.
I West End. Large room to let in \unn} flat at St (ieot'ge'x eroxx, (ilaxgou, Sharing mm 2 protexxionalx. 4 minute\ lrom underground. l5
Flatshare cont.
lllllltllc‘\ \\.ilk to centre ot toun. (it ill. all mod \i‘ll\ L2ht' p. iii lcl H“ '5‘) MN W5 attei 5 p iii I Southside room in ttrll\ ltlllll\ll‘c'\l tlat \\|lll (it "II. t loxe to ()rrceih park. train \lalli‘ll .\ ll‘\.ll .tlltc'lllllc‘S L25“ p. in o l‘lll\ lcl Ill ll l“ ‘H5 ' or
ii‘ ‘ox ix] o|_‘
I Sunny West End llat lx’ooiii a\arlahlc to \ltate \\ ith ,‘ other poxt graduate \tiidcritx, lH lllll\ lroiirl rii\er\i1_\. otl llurnhartoii lx’oad \ \ pic lctrcd L22tlpcrri i hill\ lel
ttl ll ‘1‘ l.“tt
I Shawlands - Double room in liiendl} tlat L it)“ [\lll. including ('l .\ l‘lll\ lel MK?» tH-t MS
I Large room, Southside, to draw \kllll l other Superh cit_\ centre \\e\t
l rid .icct-\\ Shared kitchen. hathroom looking tor n \ pro lt‘\\ lciriale L225. e\chrd ing l‘lll\ lel HWI" ISS till I Huge room in hig ltotrxc \\llll hig garden. near Shettlexton. \lltl ‘tlx n \. tun prolt'\\ \\oriiari lcl U ’ 'hh S2l Ni“. .\llei 2-1 .lariirar_\
I Luxury West End llat l'l.lllll;llt‘ named lot 2 hedioom llat l)otrh|e hediooiii .\ all rriod cort\ l’iiilt'\\iirii;il \\.iiited Short term talc [‘tl\\|l\lt' liec lined \treet \kllll good parking L ‘2“ pciii +- lllll\ lcl’ it"xiii tHl 2|l or H|~ll Votroim
I City Centre. Luxury, llll'lll\llt'tl doiihle room u lllllll \taiin. lriendl} llal l'iee park trig. li'ee plil callx. electric \houer'x. (i( 'll. ctc. La5 pu r l(t\\ tlk‘PltSll. Ilk'l: “RU—bl 2 l2
5 V
I Dennistoun/ Whitehill Street. lain} going peixon required to \hare large. modern. teneriieiit llat. (i( ‘ll. \aiided lloiit'\ throughout. llt'\\ hath room S \llHU-t'l. 2” mn \kalk lroni toun L illtl pciii. including lllll\ + tlt‘pi)\ll [lt‘l ‘llll 55l 0—7); ii| (liq-33 ‘)ll(i ‘)l5
I Room to Let - Sintlaii l’t'olexxrotial lerriale \eekx \arrie to draw \[tac Huh 2 dotrhle hedroorned conteriipo r‘ai'_\ appar'tment. l.R/’l)l<«"ou.n hathrooin/Kl'l /( i( 'l M )( i'Slx'Y Llhtt all Ill. 'lel1ll7"ti.\ “‘l‘t U22.
I Large double room to let lll lincl} 2-hed lltlllSL' \kllll prr\ate garden» 2 lllllltllc\ ualk lrorn Kingx Burldrng» \\a\hiiig machine. lrrdge. tree/er Surt [)I'chSSlHllill ll/\ lerrrale L2H“ pm + depoxit. ("l + lllllS. 'lel: lll .5l (rh- Will-7,
I East Parkside, Edinburgh. Single tootri to rent in \liared llat in l:a\t l’arerde inear the ('oiiiiiiornwaltli pooli. Rent IS L252 pm ie\cl ("l' + hillo. Room and Hal .tl'L' taxtelull} decorated and hill} lurnixhed \\ ith great \ ieu ol Arthur's \eat. .-\\ailahle until the end ol June \t. ith the option ol contract reneual. 'l‘el: (PSI-1620795.