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' Why Africa
How to . . Where the have a -~ ; IS doing a di ital stock '- roaring lis ener
; exchange trade went next PAGE 100 PAGE 101 PAGE 103
\ )nii \xaiiilei' tlti\\ll the llllel \tieet iii \eaigli nt elieaii and liiiilex [ii'ntltiel\. _\nii iiia_\ \Hlllt‘lllllt‘\ tlllt‘\llilll lin\\ retailers eaii [it‘mitle enntlx .it \llell lnxi. iiiitex ll Illille‘\ )nti \xniitlei‘ \xlielhei \niiieniie. \lilllt'\\llt‘lt‘ |\ l‘t‘lllfi‘ e\plnitetl ni‘ ill the iiiatei’ialx l|\t'tl .iie \eie\\ lllf.‘ tip the eiixii‘niiiiieiit. .i\\ with iiiaii_\ nl these ethieal tlt‘el\|tlll\ \\e liltllu‘ iii niii‘ e\ei‘_\tla} li\e\. the .tll\\\t‘l\ aie nlteii .int lilat l. and \xhite; the} are a matter nl tleei’ee lt'x iiiitlniilitetlh true that in ni'tlei in keep ltllt't‘\ .l\ lnxi. .l\ pnxxihle llitllllllitt'llll't‘l'\ and suppliers \\lll lnnk tn eiii \‘tilllt‘l\ at e\ei‘) pnsxihle ttii‘ii. .\ln\t nl niii' elnthiiie l\ llti\‘. |ll.ltlt‘ iii the lllll'tl \xni‘lil \xhei'e \iaee\ ai'e ln\\ aiiil lll.llt‘ll;tl\ .iie eheapei'. 'l‘hat tlnexii't i'eall} iiiattei. lt‘x pnntl t|i.it lliexe llillltilh are getting \\til'l\ iii the elnlial eeniiniii}. .l\ ltillj.‘ .i\ \\Hl'l\L'l'\ are getting: i'e;i\niiahle “aye l';tlt‘\. .itteiilalile willing eniitlitiniix and are l|\lllf_‘ iiiatei'ial\ that ilnii‘t tlaiiiape the em ii‘niiiiieiit. 'l‘hei‘e are plenty nl lin_\entt\ eiirieiilh lieiiiz,‘ tnttletl agaitixt hi3;
L‘ttlllpilllle\ \iieh ;i\ :\tlltlil\. l)niiiia Kai‘aii and l.e\i\ \n
\xhei'e eaii )nii \lltili \\lllltilll tlaiiiagiiig )niir \xallet ni'
_\ntii' eniixeieiiee'.’
'l'liei'e'x iin \lillltl~tilll iiiaini‘ hiin \ti‘eet eliaiii that _\nii
eaii. haiiil nii heart. \a} ix a
ll'L‘lllL‘lltlUll\ eniiipaii}. .-\l|
llil\L‘ lllL‘ll' plll‘xtW Ltlltl
iiiiiiiixex and thnxe that are 0
ti‘}ing tn eleaii tip their aet
\littllltl he eneniii‘aeetl. ll&.\l. lni' e\aiii[ile. ix \ieiietl HP in the
(‘lean ('lnthe\ (‘aiiipaigii \xhieh (ltiL‘\ iiiipl} ll ix ti_\iii}: tn
iiiipi'me il\ \xni‘kiiie pi‘aetieex. lt tltlk‘\ iint tnleiaie \‘lllltllt'll
o \xiii'kiiig in its l'aetnriex and it it l’iiitls an}. it liiiaiieialh
eniiipeiixatm their litllllllLN lni' In“ nl L'ttl'lllllj.‘\ lt litlt‘lx\ llll\
O n a tip in Bangladesh \xith a training: \eheiiie lni' )tilllljJ peniile tn
ghe them ttllL‘l‘li;lli\L‘\ tn l'iill-tiiiie eiiipln} iiieiit.
. . . It s a step iii the right tlii'eetinti hilt there \ \llll \\lill't in he S I I I I klliliL‘ 1h 'l‘l‘illhliitlltililtlL'. a iinii-emei'iiiiieiital iii';_';iiii\.itinii enlleetiiig iiil'ni‘iiiatinti nii large eniiipaiiie . lt'litill\ that
liaetni‘iex iii Baiiglatlexh tlnii't allnxt ti‘atle lllllt‘ll\. f_'l\ e tlieii
Tony Cook, chief executive of getethicaleom, looks behind eiiipln} mum in. pi.) iiit- Minimum \aiia. .\ .m the scenes at big brand stores and sees that cheap needn’t unl‘clit‘wl‘l.‘ Wu“ cit—'l” With a” “N”-
.. . i ‘ l ‘ "'x ‘wi‘x ";"‘\. '. k'il; '_"H i. always mean nasty. Additional material: Rachael Street M “m "l m“ l k In?" I “I “I” H“ M “ H ‘ ' “l
\xhieh t)\\ll\ 'l‘npShnp. 'l‘anan. l)ni'nth} l’L‘I'lxllh aiitl ltiii'tnii. litix a gnntl i‘eptitatinii and a \\ ell thniighlniit enile nl entitliiet, FAIR TRADE FACTS But e\eii ll]l\ tlHL‘\ tint guarantee a pl'tllilt‘lll'll‘et' [ii‘niliietinii line. tl\ .\'n Sweat \\llli BritainK (ieiiei'al l'iiinii (Alli. i‘eeeiitl) l'niiiitl \ueatxhnpx tilk‘l'ullllf: iii lzaxt l,tllltltill.
For more information on shopping ethically and finding fair trade retailers. check out
www.getethical.com. www.newconsumer.org and www.transnationale.org. “(mama mL. (NB “M WI.) implbwd h} l,\l.k.mlm-\ (“my To read the social and environmental policies mentioned in this piece, check out the l'c\ptin\e and u illingnex\ in \\iit'l\ \\ till it in lllll)l'()\L' . . . . etintlllitinx. IndIVldual web it www. . www. ' . . www.‘ . . . - .
S esl hm com’ arcad'agrou‘) co Uk’ "(63 co UK) In en ltii'thei' up the ethieal ltltltl ehaiii him e\ er. I\ that and then go to the ‘about' section of each. hehemnth nl' hiitlget lil-e\t_\le \hnpping. lKlz.-\. It has \ti'iet
\lillltlitl’tl\ \\ hieh entitle all \\t)l'l\L‘I‘\ tn a eniitt‘aet. iiiiiiiiiitiiii D THE LIST 99