I Jam Session Sanitth Dim 'x,
()7 7| Nllhxtltllc Rluttl. 423 “Ht-i7. 8.30pm. l'rcc ii()\lL'(i h} lntlcpcntlcncc. I Live Music \ld‘huillx. ~10 High Street. 552 2| 35.011111. l'rcc. Nu“ hilllti\ night. mlh line-up to be confirmed.
I Live Music \illL‘SHl‘lL‘}\. 42 Jamaica Street. 243 85%|. 9pm. l-rcc. 'l‘hrcc illt'iti liilll(l\ l1) he L'tllliirlllt'ti.
I Full Moon Open Mic liniitici‘iiluli‘x. Nitltlr} Slrcct. 556 3254. h’pin. l'rcc. Open mic tor anyinc from pnclx In htltltlx l1) \(lil) siltgcrx. and llll\ months tlutc u ill he their annual ;l\\;lrtl\ \him. I'll” hack-lint- lguitsir. huxx illllp\. (ll'lllll\. llllL‘\ L'lt'l prm itlcd. 1t )nu \Hllli [(l hunk :1 \Itil gull l't'il/ tin l)77(i(i I75 74‘).
I The Dyad 'l‘hc Left Bank. 37 (iulht'ic Slim-t. 225 8(175.
9.30pm |2.3ll;inl. New :nunl-gtu‘tlc nith lm' Wilkic Hullxc\ ncu mant- gtn‘tlc l.clt Bunk hur it\ the |));itl. ztkzt ('hrix Rtlxx. Benjamin Schuyler. l’uul chnc. l)n\c R1)\\ and NlL‘ and lint Mtiiil‘t‘ luxc L‘lL‘Cll‘nniL‘x will] innin'ntnc lll\ll'lllllclll£ll grmn'cx.
I Your Scarecrow, Cat Kills 6 and Sucioperro King Tut's Wall With llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 527‘). 8.30pm. [4.50. Local huntl triple hill. including the \(miL‘ \lcdgchutnincr til~ ('ul Kill\ (1.
I Fool Circle Nit-c'n'Slcu/y. 42l Sauchichaill Street. 333 W137. 9pm. £3. llltlit‘ rock.
I Repeat to Fade, the lnjuns, 1,2,3 and the Fours and the Last Band Hall”). 301) (‘lytlc Sll‘ccl. ()870 ()07 (NW). 8pm. [4.
I Figure 5 l‘unhousc. Barfly. 2()() (‘I'thc Sll‘L‘L‘l. 0870 907 (WW). I lpm. More niotl action.
I The Vitals, Sliced Bread and Freefall 'l'hc (illlhtllht‘. l5 l'nitm Street. 248 (1(1()(\. 7.30pm. £4 tuqunL‘cl. £5 ltltml‘l. ()\'L‘l'- l4\ \il()\\'. Rock and indie line-up.
I Moment of My Explosion SlL‘l'Ct), KL‘lVilthztllgh .511111. 570 5(HS. 8pm.
I Rod Stewart Tribute Bourbon Street. IUX (icttrgc Slrcct. 552 (ll-1|. 7pm. £5 l£l5.5() with dinner). 'l‘rihutc [0 Rod the Mud.
I Big Licks MucSoi'lcys. 42 Jamaica Sll‘t‘cl. 248 3531. 9pm. i'lL‘L'. Rock.
I No Bob Rocket Samuel l)()\\"\, (i7 7| Nithxtlallc Road-123 0107. 8.3011111. lircc.
I Frank O’Hagan 'l'hc Scntiu.
I I2 I l4 Sinckucll Strcct. .552 8681. 0pm. l-‘i'cc. (‘mcrx oi" Dylan. the Band. (lt‘t‘tit‘lk‘t‘.
Saturday 8
I Multiplies, Flying Matchstick Men and Ursula Minor King 'l‘ut‘s With With llut. 27211 St Vincent Street. 22' 527‘). 8.30pm. £5. SCL‘ prcyicw litil' clcctro-punk instruincntnlixtx Multiplicx. l’unhcr cclccticn alntl clcctmnicu from the \upport huntlx.
I Hondo MacLean, Hiding with Girls, Cry for Silence and Hollywood Ending But'll}. 2(11) (‘lytlc Street. 0870 007 090‘). 7pm. £5. l’ost-lmrtlcorc hand from Walt-x. named utter an 80.x cartoon character.
I Yuitie, the Jackals and The Ronelles Nicc'ii'Slcul}. 421 Suuchichull Strcct. 333 W137. 0pm. £3. lilcctt'o punk l‘rnm Yul-tic.
I The Night of the Damned The Stilllldhillls. 47 H}th Park Street. 22l 4650. ltlpm. Members and guests. A lino-up ot‘ mctul hands.
I Free Candy Collective Liquid Lounge. 04 cht Regent Street. 353 (1333. (1.30pm. l-‘rcc. Return of the weekly eclectic thUtlslic sstiUn.
. Kong le‘ixcl'x l4 \iltildlltl SIIL'L‘I. 22l (F720 0pm. l‘rcc. Rock pint-1x
I Abba Tribute Bourhon Slrct'l. lll.\' (icorgc Strut-t. 552M141 "pin L5
it l 5.50 uith tllnncri
I Thunderstruck Stunticl Dim 'x. ()7 7] \llil\(itliL' R1l;ttl.423lllll—
H. 3llpni. five.
I Open Stage 'l'lic Hull H.111 loll \Viimllttntlx Road. 352 09W», -1 Nplll. Hm:
I Open Mic Brunxu ick (’t'llal‘x. 2 3" Suuchlchtill Strccl. 33| |X2lt 4pm. l'rcc. \VL‘CH} \C\\l(lll.
I Jamie Barnes 8. Cochise Mttt‘Stirlt‘}\. ~12 Jillllillt'u Street. 245’ 35M. hpln. l'rcc. Blues it‘xltlcnt‘}.
I Live Music .\l;1t‘Siil'lc_\\. ~12 .itlllltllt'il Strcct. 248 35M. ‘lpln. l’l‘cc lo he k‘lllllll'lllt‘ti.
I Horse (‘)l|L'L'll.\ Hull. (‘lL'l‘lx Sll‘L‘L'l. (1(13 2(ll‘). Spin. U5. l.o};ill_\ patroniwtl \ingcr/wngutilt-1' who w ill no tlouht he crooning to a lull hutGC ;l\ llll\ I\ an cu‘luxiw pt'l'llll'lllllllt‘t' (ll no“ \tingx pcrlorlnt'tl \llllpl} \xith \UlL'L' and piano.
Music critic Doug Johnstone names the bands that will be making his nipples pucker in 2005 2004 was a bumper year for British rock, but 2005 is shaping up as the year the Yanks fight back. The start of the year is dominated by underground American rock trying to break overground. Low, . . . Trail of Dead. Mercury Rev and Bright Eyes all release fantastic new albums (two simultaneously in the case of REM pals Bright Eyes) in January. and all four acts will be playing Scottish live shows before the spring. On a more metal tip Queens of the Stoneage will be punting their massive new album, Lullabies to Para/yse. in March and touring to boot. while those more keen on car-crash. poodle-hair. LA- glam rock excess can check out a reformed Motley Crue at the SECC in June it they dare. A more sedate experience can be had with altcountry veterans American Music Club when they play King Tut's in February while the band responsible for the best album of 2004. Wilco. embark on a mini-UK tour in March. In terms of local fare. noiseniks Dead Fly Buchowski will be looking to make a splash. having signed to Beggar's Banquet and releasing their debut album in the Spring, while Sons and Daughters look set to deliver on 2004's promise with their first full length album later in the year.
0870 903 3441.
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Sat 19th 122159?qu Garage (92)
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~ magma 29m MARCH ,, 1 0141353 8000 0870 903 3444
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0870 903 3444
Edinburgh The Venue Sunday 10th April
am 903 344415..»
Edinburgh Usher Hall tilled Bill Anril box attics: 111312211 1155
Aberdeen Music Hall Thurs ml April box office: 01224 641122 Glasgow Academy Fri Bill llmil 0an 903 3444
i/ f/Q ,g' .933", THE LIST 75