Events are listed by city, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Listings are compiled by Morag Bruce.


Activities And Fun

Sunday Craft Club Still 9 Jan & Sun lo Jan. 11am 1pm. l'ree. (ilaxgow .‘ylnxeums Resource (‘enlre. 200 thx1head Road. Nitxhill. 27o 9.100. 1)rop Ill erall eluh with a ditlerent theme each week. Suitahle lor S 12 year oldx. Acting Up! Drama for Children and Young People Sat 3 Jan 6; Sat £5.

l 3_ tllpm. £5. ('( 'A. 350Sauehieha|1 Street. 352 4900. Drama workshop led by actor and w riter ('lare Hemphill lor o I I year oldx. the ehanee to hay e lun and htiild sell—esteem.

Acting Up! Drama for Children and Young People Wed l2 & Wed It).

0.30 S30pm. £5. ('('x\. 350 Sauehiehall Street. 352 4000. As ahoy e. hut l'or ages 12 IS yearx.

Y()Ulll 1111 A1111

lrn-Bru Christmas and New Year Carnival l'ntil Sun In Jan. lllllLN \ary. £15 £17 (£0 £121;aeeompanyingadults £2.50 £3, S1:('('. l‘inmexton Quay. 2433 3000. It wouldn't he ('hristmax without laurope'x biggest indoor ltmlatr - e\peet ex en more 1111‘111\;lllt1 rltlt'\ to get your adrenalin pumping.

Hip Hop Dance Classes for Young People Sun 1) Jan A; Sun lo Jan.

2 3pm. £4. (‘(’x\. 350Sauehieha|1 Street. 352 4000. l'reak out with your lloorwork. get raw klh with your routine\ and get In a lankle with your tree/ex. hrin}: knee pads 11' you hay e them. Apparently it's your en ie duty to shake your hootyf

CCA Kids Club: Winter Wonderland Stilt ‘) Jan. noon 2pm. £3. ('(‘.'\. 350 Sauehiehall Street. 352 4900, A \ isual art workshop inspired by the work ot '1‘ord Boontje and ll‘oxty winters. CCA Kids Club: Magical Journey Through Animation Sun lo Jan. noon 2pm. £3. ('('.-\. 350 Sauehiehall Street. 352 4900. l’roduee a moying lliek hook hased on Simon l'aithtull'x digital tray e1 sketches. tor ages 0+.


Deadline for Foundation courses: 21 January, Performance and Production

courses: 4 February.







Summer: a concept you may remember from last year. Difficult to imagine its return, of course, but if you’re a young person interested in taking part in the Scottish Youth Theatre’s Summer Festival, then you’d better get your skates on as the deadline for applications is fast approaching.

The Summer Festival aims to introduce young people aged 12-25 to the inner workings of theatre and production through a range of practical courses. The team will be roaming all over Scotland for six weeks auditioning young hopefuls in preparation for places on the courses which

run in the school holidays.

The foundation courses, which last two weeks, are being held in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Moffat and Portree. These courses are designed to give participants a skills base and a taste of what they could experience if they got involved in a full production. The audition process is designed to be as painless as possible, taking the shape of a drama workshop. The chosen actors will devise their own piece for final performance.

The next step up is the five week Performance and Production course, held in Glasgow. This project is for people aged 16-21 who might be thinking about a career in theatre. The theme is Hans Christian Andersen to celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birth, so at the end of the course those taking part will perform The Snow Queen, The Ugly Duckling and The Little Match Girl. The audition is more formal; participants are expected to perform a prepared piece and song, and then take part in a

drama workshop.

And finally, there’s an advanced Musical Theatre Course based at the King's Theatre in Edinburgh for those aged 16—25. Participants will have just two weeks to work with music theatre professionals to stage a new piece of musical theatre for a paying audience.

Scottish Youth Theatre Chief Executive Mary McCluskey says those taking part should expect to work jolly hard but have a blast doing so: ‘Our Summer Festival is a great leveller. Young people come from all over Scotland to work together on the courses, and they have to work hard. They meet kindred spirits and so they make life-long friends, and that’s just as important as the theatre skills they gain.‘ (Morag Bruce)

I Down/cad an application form at www.scotti' or call 0 7 4 7


Theatre & Dance

Faeries 111111 Sat S Jan. 7 30pm £5 tLoi, (iilmorehi11( i 1 2. ‘l l'nnerxity .v\\enue. 331' 5522 The true \tory ot 1'.1\lt‘ and 1-raneex. the enterprising lairy photographeh who eaptured the world'\ imagination. I\ adapted hy Pietel with a sprinkling; ot dl'lhllt‘ heenee Set to a new store. l'iu'ru‘x il1111\ to enehant and intrigue audteneex o1 all age\

E 11 l a. . Activities And Fun Tiny Music Makers Sat 5' .Ian. 10. 3i1dlll. 11.15am & 1.30pm. £40.21". memherx ot' the (iood Neighbour Scheme £1.50. North [idinhurgh Am ('entre. 15a l’ennywe11('ourt. 315 2151. .-\ tun \t'\\|l‘ll o1 mime making intolying games. puppets. rhymes and moyeinent to mime 10.30am: 0 12 months. 11.15am: l 3 year\. 1.30pm: 3 5 years. ('hildren llllhl he aeeompanied hy a parent or earer. 3D Glass Painting Sat 8 Jan. 11am 12.511plll.£(tl£4l;lllL‘llliK'l‘\01 the (iood Neighhour Seheme £1.50. North lidinhurgh :\l’l\ ('entre. 15a Penny well ('outt. 315 2151. Be lllSPll‘L'tl and ereate your own three-dimenxional glass painted picture to take home in this ereatiye workshop led by :tfllSI Janet 1)a\ey. Suitahle l'or llgex t)+. Scottish Traditional Games Sun 0 Jan. 12.45pm. 1.45pm a; 2.45pm. l‘ree. Mtixeum ()l' Seotland. (‘hamherx Street. 247 421‘). The ehanee to try out gtllllt‘x o1 old. who needs eomputer gamex‘.’ Saturday Art Club - Stormy Seas Sat 15 Jan. 10am noon & 1.30 3.30pm. £40. for hloek. Dean (iallery. 7.3 Behind Road. 024 (i272. Ages 57 L& 8-11.:\ tour-week eourse with artist Andrew Maeken/ie to create maritime painting and draw ings inspired hy the paintings of Alfred Wallis in the exhibition ()m of I’lut'e. ('all to book a plaee. Art Studio: Casting with Clay and Plaster Sat 15 Jan. 1.30 4.30pm. £40. for hloek. Weston Hawthornden Lecture 'l'heatre. National (iallery. The Mound. (:24 (i560. Start ol‘ a new tour week block o1 workxhops eo—ordinated by artist Juliana (‘apes t'or kidx aged 1 l 15. ('all to book a plaee. Freestyle and Beginners Breakdance Sat 15 Jan. 1 Iain 12.30pm (‘62; 1.30 3pm. £4 l£2); members ot the (iood Neighbour Scheme £1.50. North lidinhurgh Ans ('entre. 15a Penny well (‘ourt. 315 2151. 11~ you're into hip hop,

.4 ' Tae a Mouse an’ all tha'

we. fist: irate if“ i t. i~ v. _ 40‘. ~" “1* ’3. L"? "d ’3 ~ ‘I .' L {113' 3" If}: -' v; 4. 11,. o _. . 3: \f‘~- a ( ‘i' .Q. w’i‘r.‘ = 4 _.~.' _i r u. . I tar“ f ‘, 1‘ 2"». J .307 L fgf'r '- J ' "' 2s. .f",'~€_'\j «9‘ 3?" "- . fish _ i. “Ax. .z :, 1.". j ._ UL - '. , - 1 ~ . K 5k." :1 ‘i " E Y‘ I; 3"

treextyle and hreakdanee. join llll\ tun elaxx aimed at building eontidenee and make the most ot your talents 1 1am

11 year oldx. 1 30pm l2yrv Books for Babies Sat 15 Jan. I 1.1111 & 1pm. l‘ree North 1‘t111111lll'y11.-\11\(‘t‘llll't‘. 15a l’enny well ('otirt. 315 2151 .-\3;e\ up to 3. Stories. son};\ and rhymes to intrtxluee the \ery wee ones to book First Impressions: Egyptian Art Sat 15 Jan. 11am & 1pm, £0 l£4l. memheix ol the (iood Nt‘lgllllktlll‘ Seheme £1 50 North lidmhurgh -\rt\ (t‘llll't'. 15a Penny well ('outt. 315 2151 look at lieyptian art and create a \ton picture on papy rll\. 1'Il'\l workxhop IS lot 3 o years and the \eeond 1\ lot 7 12 years Covenanters Sun In Jan. 12 45pm. 1.45pm & 2.45pm. l'ree. \ltixeum ( it Seotland. (‘hainheix Street. 247 421‘1 (io haek in time with a laxeinatine weaponry (it'lllttlhll'ulltHl. watch the \pal'k\ tly'

Theatre & Dance

Tae a Mouse and A’ That Sat 15 Jan. liri 1pm it 3pm, 1‘ree .‘yluxeum ( )l Seotland. ('hamherx Street. 247 4422. Join Wee Sloriex as they hone Rahhie Burns and his poems to lite with all their llNlltll inn and Hair. lSee pietute eaptiom


Storytime for under Fives 'l'hu o Jan. Thu 13 Jan & Thu 20 Jan.

111.15 1114531111. tree. \Vexlt't llzlllex Library. 1 Wextxide l’la/a. 52‘) 5(i‘l3. ('ome along and hear your ltholll'llt‘ stories and play with puppets. liyeiyone with Children under 5 weleonle. Bookstart Rhymetime Hi 7 Jan in 25 Mar. 10.30 11.30am. liree. Sighthill 1.ihrary. (i Sighthill Wynd. 52‘) 5571. Nursery rhymes. puppets. muxie and art aetiy'itiex lot' 0 3 year oldx.


National Gallery Art Cart Sun 10 Jan. 2 4pm. National (iallery o1 Seotland. 'l'he Mound. 624 (i200. The Art (‘art will he loaded with a \ariety ol att lllulelitlS and ideas to L'Xplore the Collections through ltin eral'ty aetiyiliex. 1"or ages 3 12.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the most Burns-like of us all? Andy Cannon of celebrated theatre company Wee Stories takes you on his one-man tour of the life and poems of Robbie Burns with tales of love, haggis and assignations. I Museum Of Scotland. Edinburgh, Sat 75 Jan.

6—20 Jan 200’) THE LIST 85